E3 PC Gaming show

Here's your host for the PC Gaming Show bro, sponsored by Epic Games™, alongside Sean "Day9" Plott

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Other urls found in this thread:


Cool she is actually involved in the PC game community along with Day9

>Her again
I see all the thirsty incels talking about how much they wanted to cum inside her didn't chase her off.

>I like to eat men
what did she mean by this?

it probably turns her on

she cute

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Damn she cute

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>it’s not a tranny

PC Gaming Show's shit anyway. Just a big fucking ad by Epic this time while it was previously AMD or Intel, with some shitty talk from developers from games that were either already announced or too shit to get on the actual press conferences, with some shitty jokes in between.

is that alisia rae

>get me Daisy Ridley!
>but who's actually funny and attractive to look at

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Day9 is a over the hill retard who’s current gf will leave him over a complete cuck fest, Sean will then acquire 28 more cats

He sure does like to go on some weird rants on his stream.

such as?


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Awful wardrobe. It's like she took the worst parts of the 80s and wore them. Best 80s was voluminous straight hair with a flick and exposing cropped t-shirts.

don't forget about me guys

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Mostly high-horse "I am the greatest streamer of all time! BTW you can't disagree because I only allow subscriber only chat! Worship me!" type shit. Also trying to make conversation about shit he has a rudimentary understanding of like mathematics.

I have a fetish for English women. The accents really get me going. Explain why. I'm Irish

ugly knees

>cute hosts are Epic exclusive now
They can't keep getting away with this

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oh no look at the top of his head

>that man water joke
That was legit the funniest part of the whole PC Gaming conference.
Even she didn't realize how she said it that made everyone laugh.

Sean also firmly believes that gamergate is still going on in 2019 and that tb was evil

Boner killer.

you're fucking retarded, you fuckin' paddy lol

She is cringy as fuck

Take a single step off your wasteland of an island and I'll gut you, you worthless mick cunt

>man water
Fuck I meant Man Eater.

All she has to do is point out that doc is a old frat tech dude to who cheated on his wife with a fat e thot

She looks a bit like a knock-off Sigourney Weaver

Who is this literal amerimutt and why do white “”””women”””” still burn the coal


Unironically the only thing i'm looking forward to. The devs/publishers this year are complete trash. Also Samsung will be there this year to shill their monitors as if anybody cares. At least Epic can maybe announce something worse a damn.


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made my benis laff

what happen to firefox? She was cute that one year she hosted


5 points were added to your social credit



Does it matter who hosts the show when revolver is gonna steal it? Their games suck ass but their shows are always amusing, also e3 influences are going to be total cringe again this year

She looks like a goblin.

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Lovely milf. Reminds me of my first grade teacher used to not wear a bra and we sometimes saw inside her shirt, not in a weird way she was a bohemian style woman.

Race traitor
Retarded Angloid cunts

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How do I get a gf

Sad she went trans

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So like a cheap Czech hooker?


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>Race traitor
Patriotism is retarded. I don't care one bit about Ireland. I care about myself.

They know that most vidya players are thirsty, whiteknight bitches who pedestalize women. So average broad on vidya = legions of losers watching. It's been the formula since Jessica Robot on ign.

god my dick but also laughing


He's the perfect example of a reddit armchair expert.
Lots of "factual" information due to spending too much time reading banal opinions on a variety of topics they've seen on the front page of whatever kosher news source/information source they spend time on.
But despite all this theoretical knowledge, they have no practical, hand on experience in these topics and continue to spend the vast majority of their time in front of a computer screen.

>he doesn't care about the suffering of his own people over the course of many long centuries
>he doesn't care that even today his people are looked down on and mocked by half the people in the world for not being "white" enough, and condemned for allegedly having white privilege by the other half

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Not my problem. Doesn't effect me financially so don't care.

i want her mutt babies

>PC gaming
still that a thing?

We'd best be hearing some audible boos from the audience every time exclusivity is mentioned

Also Plott making jokes about Epic because he's completely willing to shit on presenters given his Battle Royale jokes last year

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would HEEM the head off ye if I saw ye in the street

Any nudes?

Day9 is only good when he's talking about StarCraft, and even then he tends to push it too far sometimes.

She looks like that aunt that always smelled like wine and wanted to practice adult kisses on you.

Day9 saved the Two Point Hospital presentation

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This is the definition of the thousand cock stare.

omfg she's so cute

I think its the buttons of her shirt?

You are too emotional.

ugly jew

He's pretty good at MTG too

Imagine actually being excited for this. Nothing but a bunch of DLC and games in development hell. PC is my main platform and I'd trust Microsoft of even fucking Sony to announce more interesting PC games.

where do I find aunts like this?

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I'd practice adult kisses with Frankie any day.

i would fuck her jewish ass

Hey now last year's show wasn't bad
>Two Point Hospital
It's only bad now in retrospect since Satisfactory and Maneater because EGS exclusives

How do I obtain a neck as thick as his

It will be really bad this year, sponsored by Epic. Not so much because of the EGS shilling, but they're probably not going to shut the fuck up about new Fortnite content, taking up a chunk of time that could have been for new games.
This will probably be the worst year.

incel detected

go hate on women somewhere else

>At least Epic can maybe announce something worse a damn.

A new season of Fortnite? Because that's all they develop now

More like the PC Mutt Show, sponsored by Ching Chong Wing Wong

>pretending to be a tough guy on an anynomous website
99% chance of being a stuttering manlet irl

I thought Valve owned a majority share of Day9's soul. Is he hosting the Epic conference now?

You don't care about your people, either. If you really did, you'd take equal parts pride for the good and shame for the bad. But I bet as soon as bad points about your people come up, you wash your hands, saying "I wasn't alive then!" lmao. You're an opportunistic dickhead.

no you wouldn't

I guarantee even Nintendo will announce something more interesting that's also coming to PC than this shitshow will.

Day9's hosted the PC Gamer show since it started. Them getting a new sponsor doesn't change that (though it really fucking does put reasonable doubt on anything PC Gamer puts out in terms of editorial content)

Good: 80s hair.
Bad: late 90s skirt and shitty 2000s top.

they should get tasteless to host

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>shame for the bad.
Like fucking what? The people of Ireland, as a whole, have never been evil
>inb4 but muh RA bombings
They were entirely in the right and never intentionally harmed civilians- unlike the br*tish military and unionist terror groups, who specifically went after civilians

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She's adorable and was the only good thing about that shit show.

>Tastosis as E3 presser hosts

Pretty sure within 5 minutes they'd go on some unrelated 15 minute tangent and forget about the conference

>PC Gaming Show, sponsored by Epic Games™
Is it really? Yikes.

Literally designed for big black cock.

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are (((they))) putting mutts in position of power?


Nina > Frankie

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>Not choosing Mags

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The holy trinity of E3 waifus
Aisha, Nina and Frankie

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>Frankie is pure and innoc-

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Based. I love Day9. My favourite was when he asked Phil what he was doing at a PC gaming show.

just b urself lol


He does go off some weird tangents about how happy he is and how great everything is pretty often.
What makes it even weirder is that I once heard him say that social media makes him depressed because of people posting that they are doing well.

I guess he's really living the american dream.

Every time I see his face I am reminded of this dog.

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The duck is returning too, right? RIGHT?!

Unfortunately there will be no more Drake's Cakes

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The Devolver shtick was only funny the first time for its subversiveness. It wasn't funny last year and it probably won't be this year.

How are they owning him? Because he plays Dota 2 with purge sometimes?
I don't think he's been relevant for their tournaments since that TI.

wtf I hate riccardo cocciante now

>these posts stay up and the replies are deleted
>racism is allowed on Yea Forums as long as it's against Irish people

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I don't care what people say I like Day9, also he's a pretty good storyteller

I want Aisha to destroy me

isn't she a lesbian now?


She cute

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>the trilogy completes this year

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Is Frankie confirmed to be there or no?
We already lost the duck.

Frankie is confirmed

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you know what always without fails trips me out about make up? the eyes.
Everything else about make up has a pretty clear goal and obvious application so I don't get too worked up about it, like mascara for making the skin appear smoother. However whenever I see a women with/without lashes or anything else it's like looking at a completely different human sometimes, it freaks me out.
Granted this girl seems to be far better than others, it's just I get thrown off by it every time.

What about the chesty breath of the wild woman?

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What is a Day9 and an Aisha?


trying too hard

she needs to straighten her hair.


the silicone bimbo?

nice aluminum foil lmao

you have her full name want to creep

I can't find some ass or tits picks/videos of Frankie...
I want to fap...

Frankie Ward

Adorable. Odd skirt color, but she looks like a qt autist

I would throatfuck her so hard It would actually get her pregnant


When are they going to stop fucking forcing women in to gaming shows? We know she doesn't fucking play vidya, so why are you having her present it? Honestly sick of this. Why can't we just have some geek guys just talking about videogames? I don't care if they are black or brown or blue or whatever, at least they play videogames.

I mostly find his life lesson rants weird.

How would that work?

>We know she doesn't fucking play vidya
But she does

Fake tits

Got evidence? Or angry femcel?

Her old videos at IGN

What's wrong with Frankie?
She's about the only part of the PC Gaming Show that has any energy and makes it entertaining.

under the water


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too fake

Maybe it's the hair, but she looks like prime Geena Davis

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>tfw your comedy routine is so terrible you have to juice and bully people into laughing

It's the hair and only the hair you faceblind mongo.

>blue star of david
>thousands of likes
>no blue mark of the beast
>hundreds of likes

>le quirky digital only show xD
Steam isn't any better. EGS would have never even been attempted if Valve were boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam.
Why does Valve get a pass for getting rid of choice by getting rid of physical copies, giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC, making it so going through some console wannabe platform like Steam is the only legal way to play new games on PC, making games more expensive since paying for a download license is over priced, etc?

And there he is. Say hello to our designated Epic shill and pray his supervisors deem his job decent or else his family will get arrested.

could just be a tight bra somewhere between "pushup" and "sports". it's hilarious that THIS questionable case gets called out, meanwhile fully nude pics of obvious implant tits often have people arguing that they're real.

my body is ready

No she quite literally got implants. She was flat as a board a couple years ago and I'm pretty sure she posted about it publicly too.

Maybe, but she doens't look like she has big milkers here youtube.com/watch?v=0OFEwMX0Dwc

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Because they provide a good service for something people want (digital distribution)
EGS was and is still a pain in the ass to use.

>Why does Valve get a pass for getting rid of choice by getting rid of physical copies
I didn't know Valve held a gun to the heads of all major gaming companies and required them to stop selling physical. The transition from physical to download was always an inevitability in all forms of media
>making games more expensive
I don't pay more than $45 for my new PC games which launch on Steam

Another for comparison

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Frankie's body is ready for me.

>dances into ur heart

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>dumb meme music choice that covers the audience reaction, which is practically the best part

nah him and tb were best bros going back to brood war days

>making games more expensive when they literally offered publishers less revenue cuts compared to physical distribution
>games stayed the same price
>EGS claims 18% share means game will become cheaper
>games stay the same price
>(but now ypi sometimes actually pay more because Epic Games wont cover processing fees)

Rope yourself.

This is her in a 2015(ish) Nintendo Direct.
The very next year at E3 she was rocking those milkers.

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This white people dancing is making my penis soft.

I get the same vibe and it's hot

Yeah. Maybe they'll announce a new Fortnite dance along side the updated roadmap

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The best part is people laughing at her awkward joke which is what makes Frankie start laughing when she continues talking.

giv pusy bros ;_;

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>not thinking this isn't best girl

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exact same tit size and pushup bra in this photo, just worse pose and lighting.
skinnier, slouching, no or minimal bra and loose fitted clothing unlike the other pics. chick literally just gained weight and started wearing pushup bras and tight clothes.

The girl is cute. :)

This is from 2013. They weren't even that small

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this. much better face.

You're seeing things. Compare this to

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>tfw Epic told Re-logic that they weren't allowed a spot because they told them off for being greedy assholes

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this and how does day9 manage to be the so obnoxious while his brother tasteless is so laid-back?

Is it a nigger?

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>Missed every single May feature

Boy they definitely didn't put out that roadmap publicly to try and make people stop criticizing them for their shitty store

She’s pretty skinny and stacked here; some extra weight or Spironolactone could easily explain it.

dude come on use your fucking eyes she barely gained any weight, they're fake as fuck


>newell enters stage
>"Hello, I'm Gabe Newell, President of Valve Corporation and inventor of Steam. I'm here today to announce part 3 of one of Valve's popular series"
Yea Forums, which one do you want to be announced?


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Doesn't he have a masters or more in mathematics?

They didn't do a single one? Damn, that doesn't sound good.

2019.... I am forgotten...

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TF3. They could actualy shake things up a bit

She's cute, but 1980's Rick James called...

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>Ricochet 3. We have decided to skip the second game.

thats the vibe im getting too

PC Gaming show has only ever been dull as fuck

That was

Last year was ok

>never gave a fuck about TF
>love L4D, could use some drop-in, casual-style multiplayer
>barely give a fuck about HL and its announcement would ruin Yea Forums to a degree of severity comparable to Gamergate
>don't give a fuck about CS
>I have my doubts how much they could improve upon Portal, but could be intredasting
>lmao, simply lmao


yeah, I felt stupid putting dota, but i'm sure some faggots on this board still play that shit.


No thanks, I'll tune in to a real PC show instead.

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look at this dude haha

>Tf3 just being tf2 with the stupid shit from the last few years removed and engine improvements could be cool
I just can't see them ditching the art style and characters for baiscally the same game again
>L4d3 would just be 2 with a few gimmicks and the workshop kneecapped for lootboxes instead
>HL3 Who actually cares
>Cs, so just the same game again. who cares?
>Portal 3 could be good if it focused on a new character as chell arc has been finished twice now
>DOTA. Dota gets so many massive updates that basically might as well be a new game already

hoping for portal 3 by deafault

Wonder what manner of trash they're gonna feature, and wondering if there will be any more pinnacle cringe like last year with Andrew WK

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the what?

portal 3 would need a 4 player party mode.

It's definitely gonna be all about DOOM Eternal, given the giant ass billboards they're putting up for E3

Dota will not be getting any massive update before Ti.


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Already confirmed Starfield and TES6 won't be there, so I'd wager
>a bunch of irrelevant garbage
>maybe promises to improve 76

Only a degree, I think. His final year project/thesis's title is also publicly available on the university's website. I honestly kinda like him as a streamer.

The international
Its been 2 years, and day9 has been streaming dota since so most old posts about ti7 have been buried with day 9 stream highlight threads, but look around enough and you either find fuck day9 or day9 apologists threads from ti7

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>Already confirmed Starfield and TES6 won't be there

Anyone with a half-functioning brain already knew those two weren't gonna be there (and I'm doubting that even Starfield will be at the next E3)

>We'd best be hearing some audible boos from the audience every time exclusivity is mentioned
since EPIC is sponsoring it you know they are going to plant people so that doesnt happen

7.22 is big enough for a few months and the first time dota feels good in a year desu
but you right dota usaully only gets 1-2 massive patch(s) right now since the seasons
instead of the old 3 big patches a year guaranteed

She knew exactly what she said. She cracked up and said "behave yourselves" mid sentence to the crowd. She loves it.

But why did people dislike him? From PC gaming show alone, I find him quite entertaining. That Two Point Hospital save was just great.

>Anyone with a half-functioning brain already knew those two weren't gonna be there
Well, yes, the teasers were obviously thrown together at the last minute to try to preemptively damage control 76's announcement.
>and I'm doubting that even Starfield will be at the next E3
Why? It's been in development for years.

>tfw American and have a fetish for Welsh, Scottish, and Irish accents, in that order

I've love to move there but I know it would be just like America only a million times worse.

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>tasteless is so laid-back?
Because Tasteless has Artosis to fall back on.

people don't hate him
it was just at ti7 he just couldn't stop himself
cringy forced "dota" jokes
every single draft asking the same questions like "why is this hero good" to Ad nauseam like the main stream was a newbie stream or something
I didn't mind him until we got to short film contest point and there was just this awful trying to hard drama short film about undying zombies or something like that
And day9 was like "wow that is so heartbreaking" and kept talking about it for a min straight while his 3 panel members just stayed quiet the whole time
talking about his 3k pubs while everyone is there for pro games
his panel members almost stayed quiet every-time he brought them up so it was just a 3 or so mins of him babbling to himself and he did several times
that kind of shit
valve replaced him halfway(expect the final day where day9 announced artifact YIKES)with someone who didn't even play dota and casted csgo instead, and it was a massive improvement
pic related

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She reminds me of the chick from Weird Science.

Bring back the duck, you fucks.

wait, he finally got a gf? who?

try to deepthroat small chinese cock

tasteless had the looks

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day9 is a massive narcissist and he plays off like he's friendly in front of the camera but is apparently a two faced negroid behind the scenes

Frankie is so obnoxious. Where are my girls Smix and Freya at? Please come back to CSGO.

im going need a little proof, user. I mean I can believe it, but that's a massive accusation

a podcast from people who dabbled in the scene in some form or another. will not be able to find the exact episode and won't bother because they're numbered and not named

I can see day9 being egotistical just from hearing his "life" speeches but until i hear people who actually met the man i can't really be too confidant on that

I was actually really impressed with how well day9 handled the mic failure last year. Didn't stumble or anything, just laughed and quickly solved the problem. I've seen so many E3 conferences where a single thing goes wrong and the guy on stage freezes up and can't think of anything to say.

That said, I'm betting this year's PC show will be endless Epic shilling so I'm not exactly looking forward to it.

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good for you

I kept telling people 80s hair was insanely fucking sexy and yet, its hated on.

um alright?

only faggots hate it

It depends on the hair and the woman.

PC Gamer is choking on Epic sponsorship. They suck that Epic dick.

Because you're literally the only person that likes it.

It looks dirty.

They did fine last year. Specially given how little they have to show.

I like it, but not many girls can pull it off


Day9 has true charisma not some shit trained by PowerPoint presentations.
He still sold his soul though.


Wish more lesbians were as fun as her.

Last year was fine, and Sega showing off some ports was neat, which got me into Yakuza after so long. Epic being involved isa good damn reason to stay the fuck away however.

Yes Frankie is a woman.

Good games, SEGA saved the show last year with VC4, Yakuza 0/K1, Shenmue and Two Point Hospital
they won't be there this year so eh.. it will be shit just like the previous ones


both l4d and portal would be fine.

the only thing worth watching is how navi does.


>Not .gif or .webm

I want Khazar milkers too, user

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I just want a new Arkane game. I pray that Bethesda hasn't ruined their studios yet.


Why would you want a silicone bimbo? The other cutie is at least natural.

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>I pray that Bethesda hasn't ruined their studios yet.

We already know that Arkane was looking for networking specialists at one of their studios. Get ready for that forced multiplayer bullshit


Because she looks boring
The other chick looks like a freak in bed

idgaf even if them tits were fake

which they're probably not

I like curly hair so she cute.

>Dishonored 2 was lackluster
>nu-Prey was lackluster
>DOTO was downright disappointing
>Dishonored franchise is officially on hiatus, Arkane is working on multiplayer shit
I want to believe, but I don't.

The departure of Colantonio and them hiring network engineers makes me very nervous but I'm not willing to write them off yet. They're the only big budget western studio I like, I can't just give up on them.

Dishonored 2 was fantastic in everything except performance and writing.
Prey was everything Bioshock should have been.

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I'd argue the writing and performance were so bad, especially the on-launch optimization, that it's worth mentioning.
But I hated three of the games levels, Dustopia, No-powers-level Part 2, and Spooky Museum, which probably greatly contributed to how "eh" I feel about it.
nu-Prey was in a weird space in terms of difficulty, where if you didn't cheese everything and craft the fuck out of neuromods it was more frustrating than anything else, but once you know what you're doing you blaze through everything and end up just checking off boxes as you infinitely backtrack. Shame we'll probably never get a Prey 2, though; I'm definitely interested in the LOOOORE, even if Mooncrash spoiled part of it for me.

Day9 was at his best during the Wings of Liberty days
All downhill since then


>it's worth mentioning.
Certainly, it's very much worth mentioning, they really drag the game down. But saying it was "lackluster" is casually dismissing some of the best level design of the past 20 years.
I really enjoyed the Dust District, what didn't you like about it? I could see the museum level dragging though I mostly enjoyed it.

Prey's difficulty is definitely uneven, but it was still easily my favorite game of 2017 and that was a good fucking year for games. I didn't end up playing Mooncrash because I liked playing Prey slowly and the idea of a timed roguelite thing didn't sound appealing at all.

The Dust District felt like several hallways, in terms of level design. I didn't care for it. Didn't help the gimmick was simultaneously stupidly overpowered in favor of the player, as well as ruining what sights there were to be seen. It slowed down exploration too much, which is funny because Dust District is one of the shortest levels, even if you don't solve Jindosh's Riddle.
And yeah, Mooncrash was bretty shit.

I want to see Frankie undress on stage!

Not just her tits, she has a ton of makeup on.

>pc gaming show any E3

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Why isn't Yames hosting? He could shill his own game too.

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Where has this girl gone?

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James is too busy building his first person shooter game. Saddens me deeply that he disapeared almost completely from the internet after Gaben kicked him out.

If she was the spokesperson for Nintendo, they would win every console generation.
Thematically speaking, they can milk their customers.

My queen

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have they confirmed if Aisha is coming back to the Ubisoft conference this year. I miss her

>watching pc gaming show
why would you watch that junk?

I dunno, the duck was pretty entertaining last year

>he doesn't watch it for the cringe
this year it will be pretty interesting with all the epic bullshit

Although it won't be on the PC gaming show, GamePass coming to PC is really nice

can you please fuck off to reddit holy shit

And devolver went on to release a good game after another. Gods bless them.

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Artifact, they skip the sequel and go straight for the third game.

Gato Roboto is pretty shit.

I want to fuck her face.

For the same reason as watching E3 at all? Memes, because no actual games are announced at E3. Best E3 had in last years was trailer for xcom 2 WOTC, and that was at the pc gaming show btw.

Name one (1) good game that devolver released?


god you're a faggot

Ruiner 2 fucking when?

lol, nigger think if he calls it some other way it'll stop being "cringe" or something like that.

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shadow warrior

This was gonna be the first e3 I actually watched and I was really excited for the pc show before epic fucking snatched it up.

So is the thing in OP's pic a dude or a chick?

Mods are angloids who are still salty we BTFO'd them in the troubles.

both of these are shit

kys yourself kill yourself my man
tiananman square winnie the pooh massacre ching chong bing bong etc etc

Attached: 1557595050618.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

your opinion is invalid, much like you

business mommy gib milkies!

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Day9 is such an uncharismatic terrible host.

your fucking dick is invalid, faggot

That's not what your father said when he called me daddy last night.


cuckposting should be a bannable offense

back to /gif/ you inadequate white fag


Based lesbian godess

>CS 1

Not sure why you listed Counter-Strike there.

I want Nina to tear my throat out and have passionate sex with me as I choke to death on my own blood

>a fat e thot

best e3 girl

Attached: hyperscan slut gaming.jpg (480x360, 26K)

An obese, electronically manifested harlot, sire.

You're all going to bow down once bloodborne gets announced.

Post picks bro.


ummmm sweetie this isn't an epic shill thread

this is the sluts of e3 thread

glory days of old e3

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RIP Booth Babes
Sure they were tacky, but they were fun.

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How long until someone posts the one from EAs conference from last year

fortnite money means lots of burgers

if they're getting paid who gives a fuck
rather have eye candy than dykes and soilents advertising their pixel shits at me

Those are fake btw.

I can't stop looking at the Cacodemon's gaping vagina.

>tf3 would be the final nail in blizzards coffin and they would be just a legacy company with a mobile game and a fan server to a old mmo

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I'm not saying that they were somehow being victimized or some retarded shit like that. Just that it is transparently a "we are targetting teenage boys" marketing move. Nothing wrong with that, but it is tacky.

>singles 2
Wasn't singles that rip off of the Sims that had nudity in it? That got a sequel?

>sponsored by Epic

you fucking what

>but it is tacky.
all advertising treats people like cattle
virtue signaling or tits it's all the same
you either go all in or just be boring and garner no attention

I love you user

singles 2 came out 2005 and got an expansion

lel when german devs made shit mature games

You forgot the most important option

i feel sorry for any gamer that was too young to experience E3 of pre 2012 when it was all about games and bitches.... now it is shit prude corporate virtue signaling with onions fucks all over

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TF3 would skyroket and demolish any current mp game
L4D3 would be great fucking awesome even though it wasn't as popular still one of the better zombie survival shooters
HL3 mostly story and immersion
CS GO still active no need to update or release anything on top of it currently
Portal 3 would be great but again nothing that shakes up anything
DOTA is being updated and international coming up

TF3 and L4D for me

this was truly the best E3, Duke came himself with two sluts. he also brought it a grill and everyone had food outside thanks to gathering of developers........how much gaming has fallen

Attached: e3 slut2.jpg (1024x768, 129K)

ting ting ahem

she looks like a dark souls preset face

Based, that is by far the most important show, it should also act as Sony's de facto show.


I had no idea she has penis!


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What does Epic Games have to do with PC Gaming?

who the fuck asked you and who the fuck cares you 12 year old Yea Forumsrgin

I don't see any hoverhand.
He's going full Chad and has her in his whole hand and arm around her.

I can smell the crazy coming off this one through the internet

Remember when a tranny fooled a vast majority of Yea Forums?

they are the boss mane now, it's Epic PC Gaming Show

this is true

Attached: goober.png (1788x285, 34K)

she got a titjob fucking imbeciles

God I wish she would eat me.

>when she joked about being a man-eater last E3 when talking about the shark game

my based vore princess

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I mean they were a pretty PC-centric developer for a long time before they started shitting on the PC last gen.
Fuck their exclusivity bullshit though.

Yeah can't wait for Epic to announce a bunch of games for piratebay

Mirin' those forearms..

Who is lump

>And devolver went on to release a good game after another
Where's my Metal Wolf Chaos you fucks?

You say that like every other decent looking female host didn't experience the same. Do you not remember the Nintendo threads with that busty looking chick?

>busty looking
u wot

would berry and marry

No she's mine.

Reminder that no E3 will ever come close to the glory that was 2010 again.

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>[dramatic music intensifies]

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she's not white

Her dancing is.


Is she a back-up Daisy Ridley clone that Disney didn't need?

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Look at her, bowing to the phallic object.

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Sounds comfy.

I like to pretend girlwood has a big penis hidden in her pants. Made the Ubisoft conferences slightly more bearable.

is watching the pc gaming show gonna put me in an inescapable timeloop

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My dad works for the PC Show and I can confirm that she's back.

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she was shit last year.

She's cute. I wonder it too.

haha me like boob, me see boob make think good industry trade show

It's about that ass cheek hanging out the bottom of the short shorts, bro.

>childless 30+ yo lesbian

yah, no

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She could be straight and cock starved and you wouldn't be any closer to having sex with her, so why does it matter? Still hot.

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you have some low standards dude

Haha so epic! I like when she shouted the thing I recognize.

And you have shit taste.

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Its because you know that she's a stronk feminist bitch that wasted most of her years sleeping around until she hit the wall. Then convinced herself that she was a lez all a long so she wouldn't have admit to herself that she made any poor decisions in her life. That just kills my boner. Also, she's not that hot.

There's very few real lesbians. Most are emotional damage fuckups.

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Cool can't wait, she's pretty as fuck

>Also, she's not that hot.
Compared to the nose in your picture, she's stunning.

she looks like that goblina meme


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She looks Polish, is she Polish?


>t. seething chestlet

Wow, trash taste.

Is that a hard on?

Its not like it has any utility anyway.

>that fucking duck
E3 is such a shitty event but I can’t help but watch it.

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lol the cope.

>PC gaming
which is sponsored by EPIC
so you know what to expect this time

How kino will the cringe be? Will we have a Ubisoft-tier dance sequence except it's all little zoomers doing Fortnite dances?

what does this chick actually do besides host the pc gaming show and blacked?

she eats men

yes I already mentioned blacked

The only thing I don't like about day9 is his cat fetish. Holy fuck that shit gets annoying.... I mean, I like stuff too. But when I stream I focus on the stream. FUcking pet your fucking cats after your fucking show man

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more time spent petting cats is more time for someone to sub to your channel

That is the ugliest skirt I’ve ever seen

White womenswear can’t pull of curly hair


>no qt curly hair gf
why live?

Why is the PC gaming show always so bad?

because only weirdos like pc

Last year's was fine. This year will be a shitshow thanks to the fuckers at Epic though.

based peasant
>b-but muh 60fps with drops!

hyuk hyuk, reminds me of my pubs

very cute froggo, thanks for sharing this webm !

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white chocolate huh? hehe

TF3 would actually be a huge thing to get it back to relevancy. LFD 3 would be nice too.

Was just gonna say she reminds me of Daisy Ridley Rey.

Nu- Doom
Wolfenstein gurls
Fallout 76 shit

what else can they announce? The mobile game? New Arkane game?






TF3, honest answer. I think they could wrap up the HL story in a book or something and be done with it

no tits.

Vanilla sex, you just know she will not have sex until marriage.

You know, say what you want about the Konami E3 2010 press conference, but it is by far the funnest and most interesting press conference I have ever seen, start to finish. They've got Mexican wrestlers that were actually going to fight the announcer.


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Half Life 3 obviously with Source 2 SDK Imagine the mod possiblities.

Looks like Tony Montana's sister

Because you're a faggot

Seeing a thot in shiny, tacky clothing should turn you on

This girl is adorable. She better be in E3 2019

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LITERALLY can not wait for PC Gaming Show, it's going to be Epic!

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>accidentally click on uPlay
>computer slows to a crawl
>"do you want to implement 2FA authentification" even though I said no a thousand times
>starts updating shit, slows the computer even more
>immediately close it the second it's done
Jesus Christ, and shills wonder why people stick with Steam. uPlay is one of the oldest of these meme storefronts, how can it still be this shitty?

Frankie "Man Eater" Ward

Attached: cimg0244.jpg (4000x3000, 3.25M)

Aisha "Black Charlize" Tyler was is too edgy for the post-2013 industry.

What kind of a potato do you play on? lol


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If anyone's the most qualified to do Ubisoft E3 2019 it's her. I want to hear her cuss every 2 minutes.

Attached: aisha.png (800x441, 311K)

It's something I use for uni, so it's a potato laptop. Steam and BattleNet are the only two launchers not to give it problems. The real question is why the fuck does Origin and uPlay hog so much processing.

I'll never forget laughing at all the poor thirsty faggots who got a hard on for this one "chick" until it was revealed like 2 minutes later that she was a he

Which E3 was that?

>has a female voice and shoulders
>still trying to force this >he meme
Stay seething and jealous tranny

i think that was the game awards with the celeste music

Was talking about the short haired tranny from last year


better her than literally any other ubisoft tier gamer girl

>I like to pretend girlwood has a big penis hidden in her pants
if only we could be so lucky

machine doesn't cast he's a host.

I just want her to stand next to Ives again and imagine her dominating him

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It's an old meme that new people come in and don't get, just like all the tasteless stories about him jerking off randomly when there are people around

I remember that, always have to be wary of the blue/pink hair meme on trannies. That shit is almost always accurate

It was a white haired one this time.

dunno, I think he's cute

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>that neck

I can already see the threads for me when epic advertising happens.

Hopefully we're gonna have some based devs making jabs at epic.

Won't Microsoft do it? They went hard on Epic in that announcement with Steam.

it's not too bad right?

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not surprised, she really has that "looks like she fucks black guys" look

Microsoft haven't cared about pc gamers for years, but has always pretended to for good boy points. They might but probably wont because it could backfire hard, considering microsoft having plenty of skeletons in the closet themselves.