Yea Forumslancer: The Return Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

It's time to go broventuring in SPACE. Again.

>What is this?
It's a multiplayer mod for the game Freelancer, a space fight/combat game.

>Where can I download it?!5YBjBC7Y!W8HC8kAMXfKEngsZZZ5qpBiWiXVlvhVWEtiD0uV6ja8
This contains the whole game with the Brolancer mod already installed. Just download and extract it. Connect to the server "Yea Forumslancer - Unofficial".

>How do I make it work in widescreen?

>How about windowed?
Create a shortcut for the .exe, right click and go to properties, and put "-windowed" without quotation marks at the end of Target.

For more info, check out the wiki. Forumslancer_Wiki

There's also a steam group, but it's dead:

Attached: freelancer.jpg (1506x1500, 690K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hope this shit is still up when I get back.

I'm stuck at my GFs house but this better still be here when I get back.

Let's hope it actually survives for a while


based af


keepin it alive

Any good way to make cash early on that does not involve hunting wrecks?

Post your shipfu

It's not the best, but I like its design.

Attached: Cv_fighter.png (800x347, 273K)

Is this mod actaully good or is it just a bunch of stupid added bullshit with Yea Forums humor inspired names?

also the Yea Forums humor is from like 10 years ago

Can't find anything outside Yea Forums or reddit so Im guessing the mod is Yea Forums shit.

To add to that, you kind of have to go out of your way to find it.

I like it


Attached: ForwardCannons.webm (1600x900, 2.35M)

>multiplayer mod
wait, didn't this game literally ship with a server for multiplayer? what does the mod do exactly?

It's a ''multiplayer mod'' as in it only works in multiplayer


It works in singleplayer, but it was made and balanced around multiplayer.

Attached: TheLonelyJourney.webm (1600x900, 2.73M)

How many players are there?

Pasta, are you going to join?
There's a few, but I (OP) am taking a short break from it right now.

>Pasta, are you going to join?
I've got to work, sorry.

Attached: wormhole2.webm (800x450, 1.09M)

Oh, that's too bad.
Do you think you could at least put out a notification on the steam group?

you're welcome to post a comment there, but I don't think anyone will check.

Lets stay alive a bit longer.

what a game, it's never been topped

last bump of the night

Where were you guys yesterday
I cant play today its monday in australia

I just realised in vanilla you can explore the whole game as soon as you get to Bretonia
I always assumed it was locked off, but nope you can go all the way to the Unknown systems

Have a bump
I wish Yea Forums wasnt so zoomer