Please vent to Dr. Pikachu about your online smash interactions.
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Please vent to Dr. Pikachu about your online smash interactions.
Do not feel ashamed; this is entirely anonymous.
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That’s a pichu
that's pichu you retard
I've completely quit ultimate a month in due to the garbage controls and never turning back.
Do elaborate on the garbage controls you speak of
he can't beat ganondorf
I get unreasonably angry whenever the game pits me against an anime swordsman, even if I win.
It's gotten to the point where I started hating on Link and grouping him with Cloud/Fire Emblem mains even though he's my favourite first party nintendo character.
I don't understand why I get shit for using Olimar sometimes but people who play characters that are 100% just as faggoty like Snake and the Belmonts get a free pass.
Seriously, the Belmonts are probably the worst character in the entire game, literally everyone fucking hates them besides the people who use them. But for some reason they get to be "based" because they are big buff cool anime dudes.
And another thing about this fucking community, bitching about a character doesn't always automatically mean someone is booty blasted because they can't beat the character and suck at the game. I can only remember fighting a Belmont once in recent memory and I won, thank fucking christ the character is pretty unpopular because if even 10% of the matches you had to play were against a Belmont it would be fucking terrible. Those characters should never be allowed to be more viable than they are now.
Fucking retard you can't do anything right
I don't know why, but I always assume people playing anime swordsmen are ultra-tryhard pathetic embarrassing weeaboo scum who wear naruto headbands and never bathe. It's just the impression I get and I can't make it stop. It makes me hate playing against them, regardless of winning or losing. It stinks that there are so many of them now.
>garbage controls
You're just shit
I was bored & wanted to test Mac buffs so I got him to Elite pretty weak.
Man do people suck at fighting this character.
Fighting good Macs is scary
The only swordsmen I tolerate are meta knight/toon link/ganondorf
Ganondorf's actually really fun to play against
I have no friends to play with.
I try to make arena threads to play with Yea Forums but nobody cares
I only really hate Lucina, Roy, and Chrom. Pretty annoying to deal with using Ridley
Any Ice Climbers chads here? I've got the fundamentals down and I'm really high into Elite Smash but I cannot for the life of me reliably desync. Feels bad man.
Make one now and I will play
Ultimate online is a war crime in both poor netcode and horrible design choices.
It is pretty scary but play some Mac yourself and it can get pretty scary if the opponent so much as decides to play the matchup decently. Even when I got a lot of mileage off of people messing up with their Out of Shield options at the corner, Mac's not the safest and I had to use everything I had at my disposal: Tilts, Jab 1/2 pressure, rolls to get past their shields or projectiles which I practically never do but is a pretty good option with Mac, Down Angled Forward Smash to eat that shield up.
I fucking miss the first week of stager builder and its threads that was the most invested i had been in ultimate since its release
>Want to practice with Yea Forums and /vg/
>Grorious Nippon ping makes it impossible
T. Mynar
I'd play if it was a doubles arena.
>characters that immediately make you let out a "let's get this over with" sigh
Based and redpilled
>tfw you made a sonic kill themself
feels good
I’ve been stuck in low GSP. Last night I was playing against a Shulk player and all he did was nair and counter. I was captain falcon so I couldn’t really do anything.
Dash and bait
Smash ultimate has objectively worse controls than melee without even taking input lag into consideration dumb niggers.
>ground to air momentum
>dash animation can be canceled into another dash
>fast fallers sink like fucking bricks which can lead to high apm
>dash animation can be canceled with shield which makes dealing with projectiles much easier
>no matter how fucking fast you're running if you jump all of your momentum stops and you jump like you were standing still
>dashing can only be interupted within like 5 frames so dashing on the ground is a full commitment
>your dash animation needs to fucking end for you to shield which makes fighting against projectiles the most infuriating thing imaginable, especially online
Stopped reading right there
i only like mario
is the only character with freeform combos, juggles and combo into spike for crazy comeback potential, plus fun shenanigans with cape and fludd
closest thins is falco, but is too fucking slow on the ground for my taste
kinda sad that in a roster with more than 70 characters i only like one
What about Dr. Mario?
not even close
garbage recovery that completely stunts your offstage potential and trading combos for more powerful individual attacks is not worth it
pills are amazing though
>sonicniggers that spam spindash into homing attack over and over
i can win against them but holy shit this infuriates me to no end
I get tilted like a mother fucker when I get matched up against some super safe/fast/strong top tier as Ridley. Fighting Palutena is antifun. I wish I was better with him but feel I don't know something on the fundamental level. Also feel like I jump too much. Hopefully he's not ignored by the balance team.
>play someone
>starts to tea bag at the match
>has an entire play style built around their specific latency and lag
>can perfectly combo in it while all my shit is fucked due to game running at a fucked up pace.
>can't even DI
>player keeps teabaging and waits for things to get really bad to do his combos
>can't even get mad due to the amount of dedication to waste one life
I feel like I wasted my money on the lan adapter if nobody else uses it and usb 3.0 is still locked.
Could the online be improved with a patch?
I play in handheld mode more often than not, and it's never really made much difference.
I fucking hate this. I can kinda deal with playing against nothing but Ganondorfs and Young Links and the shit gsp system but when I loose a match due to someone else's lag.
This game's fun but it tries really hard to get me to stop playing and go play Splatoon instead.
>Play an uncommon character
>Find a ditto match
>We both crouch spam to honor one another for having good taste
>They don't rematch
Honestly I feel you, Mario is my main and I realized I wanted to have another combo character as a secondary. I really wanted to play Luigi but that character is so ass and difficult to play at a consistent level. Falcon was my old main but again hes too ass. I've looked at others but they always had some problem that keep me from wanting to play them.
That was until I saw a clip of Larry's Falco dicking this DK. I played him and fell in love. Hes one of the most fun characters I've ever played in this game. You can literally combo into dair from his upair strings. Unique grab combos. And his combo starters are fucking bonkers, you can get a shit ton of damage from landing an uptilt or fast fall nair.
His neutral is bad but it's not as bad as I initially thought. Laser is one of the best projectiles in the game. Ya Falco is slow as shit but he forces you to approach by using laser so his speed is all of a sudden not the biggest issue. His laser is incredibly hard to deal with it and most characters can't do much about it. Not to mention his reflector is the best in the game. Safe as fuck, comes out fast and you can alter the timing of when you want to shoot projectiles back. So its hard as fuck to camp him with ranged projectiles. The enemy pretty much always has to approach Falco which is great for him.
Overall what I'm saying is to give Falco an honest try, even if he is a bit slow. One of the most stylish and fun characters in this game just like Mario. You need to practice his combos and get used to playing patient in neutral. Also give Falcon and Shiek tries, they also have pretty fun combo games.
>Uses mario or luigi
>Always lag
>Person wins, leaves after one match
>Fight the same person later, I win, but then THEY want to rematch so THEY can leave with a win
>only character with freeform combos
Joker, Peach/Daisy, Pikachu, Pichu, Young Link (as much as I hate it), Roy, Chrom, Corrin, Shiek, and Bowser Jr. (even if they are nonexistant in comp play), Inkling, ESPECIALLY Ryu and Ken, anYoshi don't exist?
I wish this "characters have no combos!" meme would end, the top players playing characters like Olimar and Palutena aren't representative of the whole (though Joker is run by MKLeo and Inkling by Cosmos, so that's not really an excuse anyways)
I hate you can't switch characters between matches, that's like I ask.
For Glory made everything simple and consistent i dont get why theyd scrap it
GSP makes people back out too
>Play an uncommon character
>Find a ditto match with default vs dark variant
>Have intense high speed matches that are close every time
>Game starts lagging incredibly on the third match letting me snag a cheap win
>Leave after and end up finding out that the lag was my fault
I'm still upset
I try and avoid any of those types because I always get lag from them
Give Captain Falcon a shot. Lots of juggles and combos, plus stupid shit to pull off when you want, like falcon punch, uptilt, his upB grab
i often forget both Pit and Dark Pit exist because absolutely no one fucking plays them
I think it’s bullshit that I have to get banned for an hour everytime my iPhone hotspot can’t keep up while in quickplay. It’s impossible to get any other source of internet where I live and I shouldn’t be punished and put in time-out for things I can’t control.
Both got castrated
Why is there a range nerf when fire emblem characters keep it and then some.
Same faggots will complain about shulk even though he takes skill and suffers online.
GSP (at least *visible* GSP) was a huge mistake.
>affects how people play the game
>every match has something on the line
>still matches you with players with drastically different numbers
>most people in high ranking are still shit anyway: gaming the rules to win, staying with worse players to gain GSP, d/c’ing if they are going to lose, or simply being a spammer that most players can’t deal with
And the biggest sin of all:
>completely removes the ability to switch characters
At least if GSP was just a universal number instead of per-character I could switch and counterpick. There may be a few characters im worse at than others, but typically if someone’s decent at the game, they’ll be that good on a technical level with many fighters. I may just have a bad matchup (Rosa v Ness) and want to switch for a fair game, or test another fighter against a playstyle
Pac-Man main here. I went to a local smash monthly last night. I barely beat a Dedede, got stomped by a Snake, and then 2-0d by an Inkling. I felt like shit the rest of the of the night afterwards.
I hadn't played the game in a while, and I feel like I should just stop going to locals, because I just can't compete. I should go for the social interaction, but I don't even know anyone there.
I forgot to add that Elite Smash is neat in concept but shit if you want anything besides 1v1. I never play my mains in QP because I prefer teams and that never happens in Elite.
Coop is the only redeemable Quickplay mode because afaik GSP doesn’t exist and people are way more likely to have fun.
>play Shoto online
>combo into tatsu
>do hadoken facing away from opponent instead
A) most people at a tourney aren’t going to be very socially adept
B) I’m quite good at the game but will never go to a local because of the extreme tryhard attitude most have.
>For Glory was good meme
No it wasn't, at all. It was only good on the principle you could switch between matches. The ruleset was universally hated by comp players, the connection was no better, and people were frustrated by the lack of customization. This is why I'd be hard pressed to say I like For Glory more, because it was too damn limiting and had a shitty way of setting up battles
>Pacfag gets bodied when he doesn't have online latency and lag to take advantage of
You were probably unfun to fight.
Don't feel too down, especially if it was your first visit. No one is good at the game their first go around, and the online environment is very different from the competitive scene. Just keep going at it, it'll get better.
Oh deary me.
>complaining about air momentum and dash animation changes
Heavies would like a shot at being viable. Also, the new dash system is great and completely negates the need for wavedashing
Dude the new auto face mechanic sucks. Merged into the smash system it always fucks up inputs and such, since you have much more freedom of movement than in SF and sides/positioning change more frequently. It’s even more jarring when the match is suddenly 1v1 and the lock turns on. It needs to be removed but won’t. I’ve seen so few Ryus and Kens and I think this is partially why
>tfw permastuck at sub-3mil gsp
It honestly hurts having a direct measure of how bad I am at video games
>hazards off in quickplay is still random
Why is it so hard to add a toggle for us to pick which stages we want to play on, battlefield/omega only is boring. I want tournament legal stages as well.
It wasnt my first time there, but I hadn't played the game in about 3 months beforehand.
Also, I have no idea how to fight snake. It was like going up against a wall of explosions.
Which kind of negates the point of the system doesnt it? They designed it without objective “1st place” rankings so that players wouldn’t feel bad, but this weird system does it anyway because you can gauge how high you are on the scale to elite
I thought I’d finally get into a smash game but I dropped it not even a week into playing it
You don't want to get to 4 mil anyways you'll just get stuck with nonstop pichu mai- oh wait
Sounds like you need to give it time. Or have someone to play with.
Or maybe you’re the kind of person that can’t handle something of a competitive nature?
>let's get this over with
>Pro Ryu and Ken mains
>they're fine, if not begrudgingly, with the auto face
>ones on Yea Forums
I wonder why this pace is much more vocal about it than the people who take this much more seriously. I haven;t seen a single pro like Venom or Ronin complain about autoface
Nah I play fighting games too. Mostly tekken and undernight. I had fun while I played it but I just don’t really feel motivated to play I much
Fair enough. As I said, it’s probably way easier to get into if you have a friend to consistently play online coop with
Because the “pros” aren’t playing online with latency+buffering completely shitting on what you intend to do
So it's the ONLINE's fault? Just join the numerous others telling Sakurai to fix it.
It’s a mix of both. The buffering could be reigned in a bit, but the latency issues are mostly out of Sakurai’s hands. In building and testing the game mostly locally, Ryu’s inputs falling victim to online issues was probably an oversight. With the mobility of smash, by the time the game registers your command input a player is more likely to be on the opposite side of you than in a traditional fighter
>objectively worse than melee
Some people actually think that way user
I can't even get teams outside of elite anymore. It almost always leads to three player match or a four person free for all with every shit rule you can imagine. I swear the game ignores your prefered rules and seems hellbent on forcing you to play the way it wants you to.
I don't main sonic but I fucking love playing him just because of how much of a piece of shit he is, there is never a game where the opponent isn't furiously teabagging by the end of the match
>your dash animation needs to fucking end for you to shield which makes fighting against projectiles the most infuriating thing imaginable, especially online
literally wrong you fucking retard, shield out of dash is like frame2
thanks for telling us you're a shitter and your opinions are worthless
>3 player match
This shit is unforgivable. It places so much priority on getting players to battle quicker that instead of waiting an extra minute to find a 4th person, it forces everyone to play the Worst option (NO ONE wants to play 3 for all) for 5 minutes then try again
Nobody hates Belmont because they are so pathetic offstage and lacks good "get off me" tools
>fast fallers sink like fucking bricks which can lead to high apm
It also sounds like it leads to fast fallers being combo food and unable to do anything.
Post yfw you notice your opponent never techs anything
You do abuse it, right?
I can't pick a main, it's kinda pathetic.
>Tierwhore bitching about belmonts they can easily beat
I feel you with the Belmonts, but I don't think the Luigi/Mario in the vid you linked is particularly good. If he had just used Mario's fireballs he would have had way more openings.
>Was damned to never reach Elite Smash week 1 by fire emblem faggotry spam versus me
>Lost all will to bother, but kept playing anyway
>Not even my friends who were hyped about this bother anymore
>Nintendo Switch as a whole was a wasted purchase, but now I paid for online I'm not using too.
Christ. The shit cherry on top is that I think a roommate threw out my gamecube controllers the night before I got the fucking game. They've been missing for months..
>I don't understand why I get shit for using Olimar
Because your disjointed smashes are fast as fuck and kill at 50%
>Play Shoto
>Everyone else can cancel base attacks into specials with ease
>Doesn't work online for me at all
Had to drop the character.
looks like we can all agree with the bullshit momentum loss at least
Why do King K. Rools teabag so much? Seriously, i've noticed they do it way more often than any other character, sometimes for no reason at all
I'm just sick of the matchmaking not having basic functions for enjoyability.
>can't select characters between games, meaning once you find someone fun to play against you're stuck playing the same matchup over and over and over and over and over
>no way to communicate with the other player through tags anymore, so you can't even say "gg" or "2/3" or anything to try to manage a set
>still wind up getting put into 2 minute Smash Ball games/retarded ruleset games people set up to cater to a certain character they play
Sometimes it feels like they wanted to deliberately make the online matchmaking as shitty as possible by excluding basic things that were present in 4gloryhole like character select or communication.
>Lobbies take forever and you lose your spot in line if you wanna change music or your character
>Bigger lobbies create more lag, the game even warns you
Smash 4 was just better online and was free
But then slow characters would be fucked even more