Do you need a fightstick to be good at fighting games?
Do you need a fightstick to be good at fighting games?
not necessarily but it’s much much much easier. dualshocks and xbox weren’t made for fighting games
no, if anything fightsticks are going to the wayside. moving the stick around just takes too long
hitbox is the future if they aren't banned
Back when the FGC had soul
Nah you can play with keyboard, pad or cheatbox just fine
No because the only reason why there are not more people playing with controllers is because they don't make good fightpads in general.
I don't know why it is so GODDAMN fucking hard to make a crosspad that is not abyssmally terrible for motion inputs, but Sony, Nintendo AND Microsoft gave consistently been making dogshit tier crosspads for over 10 years now. Shit, even a Super Nintendo controller is aeons better than the modern dogshit controllers we get.
Sony, stop making crosses that have no corners you pieces of shits. It was excusable on PS1, but now we're at the fucking PLAYSTATION 4 and you keep reusing the same shit design.
Microsoft, You're the exact opposite with your cross that can't tell the difference betwedn a front and a corner input. Reduce the fucking sensitivity, this isn't an analog stick you pussies
Nintendo, I guess the switch pro controller has a nice cross, but it sucks having to pay an additional 100 bucks to get the good controller. Furthermore you had it right with the SNES cross. Just do it again it's not rocket science goddamnit!
aris is great
actually no it doesn't unless you play street fighter, and even then you can still pull it off if you're not playing Juri
there have been multiple EVO champions who play on console controllers, and some fightans like the NRS ones are almost exclusively played with controllers
what this user says is 100% right, digital button inputs rule them all
t. controller player who uses d-pad since SF3S
Those are tekken players, not smash players
Can't fool me aris. Anyone can smell that stinky sweat from a mile away.
that guy looks like fat Shia LaBeouf
look at that gormless stoner
doing a QCF on a dpad is fucking cancer and you know it.
Punk is the best SF player in the world and uses a stock PS4 pad
Whatever man the Ds4 has had the best fighting game D-pad, interior sunken in to use the all directions method, exterior thick and has a well made level of pressure
nah m8 i use a fucking trackpad and i get massive salt from fightstick babbies
based faceblind autist
Will buying a hitbox make me good?
Yes. They're actually fucking broken.
Based retard.
The execution requirement for slapping some buttons in order is just so much easier and more consistent than twirling a stick. Like for example total newfags can korean backdash in Tekken nearly as well as people who have been playing for decades
The current debate is that they're busted for charge characters because of how super fast it is to change from left-to-right / down-to-up by comparison to flipping sides on a stick or sliding your thumb across a dpad
I dont think the most important commonality in the photo has anything to do with the controller type they are using.
Aris is just an ogre.
Hitbox is the future
How's /keyboard/ here?
imagine the smell
hitbox chads rise up
Why did soeone edit in demon eyes on the foreigners?