Be "pro" smash player

>be "pro" smash player
>get paid money to compete
>get double 3-stocked by non-sponsored player on Bowser
>muh MU
this is why smash brothers is a fucking joke in the fgc community

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Other urls found in this thread:

>professional gaming

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Link me bro.

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Smash after melee sucks

The game plays the same over and over again

fucking kek, what a bitch
I play G&W in elite smash but I don't blame the fact that whoever I'm matched with doesn't tell me in advance if I ever lose, so scaling that to a tournament setting, what kind of bitchshit is that excuse?

all " pros " are jokes

>professional player

E sports are trash

>inkling losing to bowser
what? how?

He didn't know the match up.

Meanwhile, Tekken chads are forced to learn every single match up.

Doesn't the game have like 70 characters? That's how you know the game isn't designed to be competitive but to be a party game. No one will learn 70+ matchups.

>fighting games aren´t about skill but about knowing a matchup based on an artificial metagame
It´s a 20IQ genre, which is why is the only one in which blacks kinda off compete

Tekken people need to know frame data for every matchup and that shit doesn't even exist in smash, honestly they need to stop complaining

So glad i dipped out of smash when ultimate released. Game is the most overhyped, overshilled game on the entire planet that makes brawl look like a flawless masterpiece.
Cosmos is also a stupid monkey nigger that needs to be gassed ASAP

>There was nothing I could do
>woooooooooooow thanks sakurai

Y'all dumb as fuck if you don't think a character like Bowser benefits from people not knowing how to play against him. Ultimate has 70+ characters and if you think a top player is gonna put time into learning the Bowser matchup (played by less than 1% of players) then you don't understand how competitive play works.

Tekken has too many characters. No one will learn 80+ moves of over 40 characters. Even people that play Tekken for years don't know half the match up knowledge.

Ultimate may have 70+ characters, but fuck you

Because inkling has to get close eventually and this game is all about understanding cheese options and frametraps. Notice how much better he did with Corrin, though he went full retard at the end there for no reason. For something similar, watch Wizzrobe's matches against Tweek then follow up vs that MiiFighter. Cheese is fucking strong in Ultimate. You have to be prepared.

But tekken 7 has less characters compared to smash ult and has been out for like 4 years

Seething at someone more successful than you'll ever be

>a fucking joke in the fgc community
a joke within a joke, sounds sophisticated.

>He didn't know the match up.
So? Fucking For Glory assholes learn the match up, both player and character, between stocks. You can't be called a pro if you can't learn the match up while you're playing.

> t. seething white cuck

>it's not fair, the punk who beat the pro didn't pick a top tier

Show me an example of someone actively trying to learn the... BOWSER matchup. Literally niche ass character that is only really viable because of shock value. Leon is great but even he knows Bowser is high tier at best.

How the fuck can you call yourself a pro, when you have literally all the characters and tools at your disposal to learn the fucking game in and out. Git fucking gud.

>competitive Smash

This is so gay.

Why did he keep picking inkling?

>70+ characters
>6 of them are unique

OK retard.

Competitive smash is fun to watch

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Game's been out less than a year fuckwit. Melee has been out for 18 years and people still consider losing to aMSa due to a lack of matchup knowledge for Yoshi so stop giving "pros" some sort of godly standard of knowing everything. They're prone to lack of knowledge as much as casual gamers are.

tiers are meaningless

No they don't. They lose to setplay/jank and then don't get the rematch... on players far less capable than either of these two. He adjusted well by switching to Corrin but then couldn't do it.

I mean, you're not wrong, but no one actually bothers learning matchups.
Rangchu's whole career in Tekken is 60% matchup unfamiliarity, 30% footsies and 10% Panda's slouch making her immune to hellsweep.

fpbp, anyone who plays videogames competitively is an embarrassment

Doesn't almost every character play the same in smash and there is even a difference between direct clones and semi clones?

>don't know how to play against 6 type of matchup instead of 70

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No one said it wasn't fair, Cosmos places in top 8 constantly, losing to a Bowser once doesn't change anything in the long run.

>being a pro means never losing ever
Fucking stupid, take a lap

I want to fuck this gnome.

Have sex

I won't ask you to have sex. Just shower and put on some deodorant as a first step into the right direction.

And being prone to lack of knowledge does not fucking excuse your loss you pussy. I'm not giving them god status but if you call yourself a fucking pro, then act like it and don't throw shitty johns like "I didnt know the mu, woulda won otherwise tho lol!" It doesn't matter if its Melee or Ultimate, gut fucking gud.

its a relatively new game and there are over 50 characters

For the record, cucks are still higher in the social ladder than niggers.

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>Reading comprehension

Keep sucking cosmos dick, its the closest to sex you'll ever get.

The funniest shit I've read all day, keep coping, cuck lmao

Wtf I thought Cosmos was white?

Just saw the name cosmo and smash bros and came in to say remember when that tranny btfo everyone on Yea Forums?? Ohnonono how will we ever recover Yea Forumsros. Good times.

In a game with 70+ characters, there are going to be a few where you just have no fucking clue on what to do.



source dammit

Smash 4 hype is so fake, just like brawl and wiiu hype

but it is an explanation

None of the characters play that differently

Jesus that was painful to watch.
>Play lightweight ranged character
>Get in the face of a fatty character
>No attempts to gimp him off-stage

>Implying melee doesn't suck as well.
Smash is a series for casuals, even Sakurai admitted that. Smelee is just as bad as any other smash game.

Play Duck Hunt and Lucina and tell me they aren't completely fucking different.

this is what happens when your a metaslave in any online game

>thinking inkling is ranged because of grenade

But that's him being accountable for his loss. He's not saying the matchup was impossible, he's saying he didn't know the matchup.

>been in since Melee
>plays the same since Brawl/4 (especially 4)
>been 6 months since the game came out, years if we count 4's Bowser being very similar to Ultimate's
>has countless ways to learn the ins and outs of the character
It all comes down to skill. And he got outplayed.

Assuming everything you are saying is even true, that doesn't mean he didn't know the matchup. He could have practiced Bowser. He didn't. He has a much better record than the Bowser. He got his ass whipped though, damn.

Yeah Marth, Lucina, Roy, Chrom and Ike play amazingly different. Smash 4 has great variety in character gameplay and is totally not just a party game.

What did I not "comprehend"? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, maybe try taking your own dick out of your mouth for a second?

I doubt you own deoderant

They do you brainlet. If you try to play any of those similarly you'll get your shit kicked in by any halfway competent player. Visual similarity doesn't equal gameplay similarity

>ITT basedboys arguing over a children's video games match-ups while Stacey is matching up with Chad next door and you're rising the child.

Picking a lower tier character and facing a higher tier character is generally an easier fight contrary to belief. You see higher tiers more often, therefore you know how to deal with them better.

In this case, Bowser is not only the heaviest in the game, but he also easily outranges Inkling and kills much quicker. Inkling can rack up a lot of damage, but killing him is another story.

I'm not saying he wasn't outplayed. If he had bothered to learn the matchup he may have done better. Also Bowser is definitely not similar to his Brawl incarnation and his most important tools from 4 were removed. Plus I think the guy in the OP is an Inkling main.

Fucking kek. The state of smashfags. Fucking Ken and Ryu in SFV have more differences than all those five combined.

Marth and Lucina do play very differently despite having identical animations. It's why Marth's so much better than Lucina in 4 and the reverse is true in Ultimate.

>in since Melee
>6 months since Ultimate
>similar to Smash 4 version/previous games (like most of the cast)

>Assuming everything you are saying is even true
. . .

Indeed, it is quite dubious whether Bowser has been a character in the franchise since Melee.

Have shower, seething insmels


What? Literally how brain are you? He had zero experience with the match up. Of course he could lose

Stacey doesn’t deserve my cock anyway.

>his most important tools from 4 were removed
Which were?


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>how brain are you
Is that some newfangled nigger nu-babble?

Learn english, african ape nigger.

The joke
Your head

That would be true for a casual, but when you are a pro, that's not an excuse, that's litierally your job.

To be fair ultimate is trash, it's a complete mess of unga bunga toss a coin see who wins gameplay, because sakurai thought people found smash 4 too defensive, and the solution was have no combo game and instead turn your brain off and mash safe on shield attacks (which is most of them).

Literally anyone can win, it's like being a pro player at coin toss.

Pro Gamers are a fucking joke; fighting games, speedrunning, you fucking name it. As soon as the environment isn't sterile and by-the-numbers like the hundred times they did it before, they fucking collapse and start dolling out the excuses.

If they're so identical, why does nobody play Marth? Hell, why even bother choosing one in particular in the first place?

After the transition he realized he just wanted to be a black man all along.

Friend, do you even know what a matchup is? It's on a character-by-character basis. Knowing Bowser is not knowing the Bowser vs Inkling matchup.

High level Bowser play in 4 was centered entirely around his guaranteed followups out of up throw.

Or rather I should say, everything is his fault for not knowing how Bowser works. How does one not know the basics of the character at the very least? Or why did he not play footsies with a character with faster speed and a neutral special that can slow opponents?

>Literally anyone can win, it's like being a pro player at coin toss.

Then why do top players consistently win over everyone else? This argument has never held up.

The foiling is making me think this is a yugioh card?

No one is claiming it's not his fault.

Why can niggers or human shaped animals of african descent, like I like to call them, only repeat phrases instead of writing coherent sentences of their own idea?

Okay, break down how you play EACH of those, and I'll give you examples of the contrary. Remember, they have to play the same!


Leffen actually whined in his stream about the last Ultimate patch that Ultimate is trash because it has too many viable characters.
Who could have predicted that a party game that uses huge roster as a selling point would resort in making everybody's favorite characters as playable as possible instead of giving pros 5 characters that are objectively the best?

>follow-up out of up-throw
That's it? That's like saying Diddy changed because hoo ha is gone. Unless the character really is one-dimensional trash because of a single throw combo that centralizes them.

Good job user you got the reference

its literally a yugioh card dont get your hopes up

You mean it is a party game working as intended?

Can't call yourself a "pro" at a game you ban half the content of.

>no combo game
It's so funny seeing retards act like they know shit about the game, then immediately discredit themselves by saying this

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>Then why do top players consistently win over everyone else?

Is this a joke? Zero was a consistent top player because smash 4 was a consistent game. Ultimate is constantly win by everyone. Ahh yes, PkChris, one of the most known s- who

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>Leffen has an opinion
And literally no one cares

>actually thinking ultimate has a combo game
Play a fighting game.

Funny thing is, Leffen bashed the 3.0.0 for not nerfing the top tiers before he complained this patch that they nerfed the top tiers. He also quit Ultimate to focus on Melee before getting his shit kicked in by Wizzrobe, who's playing both Melee and Ultimate.


>Leffen actually whined in his stream about the last Ultimate patch that Ultimate is trash because it has too many viable characters.

God, what a shitshow. Little wonder why the developers and publishers of Smash want to keep these autists at arm's length.

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Normal players will use their favorites anyway.
It just hurts competitive players. They hate variety in anything, even outside of video games.

No, it is. If you have an inkling of an idea of how each character functions, then you can make an inference about how they'll do with each other outside of sheer skill.

Are you unirionically saying those characters don't play similar at all like for example Olimar compared to Mario? They're still similar like a Falcon and Ganondorf and not unique characters but Smashfucks are so fucked in the head they think those play totally original because some properties were changed.

Imagine a smashfag being faced with a characters like Venom, Yoshimitsu or Voldo and their brain just melting because a character is completely different from the entire roster.

>smash 4 was a consistent game.
Good joke

>Ultimate is constantly win by everyone
MKLeo and Tweek are still leagues above the other players in terms of major tournament wins. Learn English please.

Is that why Smashfags like Melee? Because they only have to learn 3 characters?

Yoshimitsu is just Voldo with a fetish for Japan.

Haha, inkling, like the funny and cute character from splatoon

Why do people listen to that clown?

I don't mean the cucked Yoshimitsu in SC. I mean the original Tekken one.

He was considered pretty one-dimensional and considered a worse Donkey Kong. His kit is much more well rounded in Ultimate. For instance he's now got way better landing options and his fall speed has completely changed his game. He's also got more amour on his moves so if you try to treat him like Smash 4 Bowser you're gonna get fucked. If you treat him like Brawl Bowser then you may as well forfeit.


Confirmation bias

>Good joke
Facts retard. Zero won most smash 4 tournaments, if smash 4 wasn't a consistent game then how did zero win most of the time?
>MKLeo and Tweek are still leagues above the other players in terms of major tournament wins.
C O N S I S T EN C Y retard. You should learn english yourself since you seem to understand what basic words mean. Your game is trash, cope.

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kys seething meleesmelly

When does Smash n Splash start today?

what's the point of this thread? of course you lose if you don't know the match-up, that's not just a Smash thing.
Samsora and Nairo have also lost to Bowser recently. he's a good character who's easy to be unprepared for since he isn't commonly played at a high level, and heavies will destroy you quickly when you're unprepared.

>nothing I could do
You could put some fucking effort into your job you cocksucking faggot. Literally no excuse for not knowing the basics of every matchup with your mains.

Already on. Rivals of Aether right now. Melee in an hour or two, not sure.

kek tweek literally got BTFO yesterday

Ultimate's combo game is pathetic even when compared to Smash 4's. What little "combos" exist only work at extremely low percentages. They made hitstun almost non existent because Sakurai thought that hitstun wasn't fun and then also increased the knockback. Falcon in particular is straight up unusable now because you can just airdodge out of half of his combo strings if you're fast enough.

Then learn the fucking matchups dumbass

As a Bowser main, this is by far the best he's ever been. Fire breath nets 30+ percent consistently, smash attacks and tilts have light armor, allowing for some cheeky trades, fall speed is much greater, side-b is faster, up-b on shield works like a charm still, and even with all this he still is only mid-tier, but god, he's fun to play.

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Jesus fucking christ I can't even watch this due to the "commentary"

>bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh

Tekken is actually a fighting game and has no reason to be discussed in a Smash thread.

Not reading the replies. It's hilarious people even consider learning 12 moves a fucking "match up"

Literal babbys

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>I want the same person to win over and over again!

user, this has got to be the most retarded argument about fighting games that I have ever heard. This is coming from someone who hates smash.

Go back to Tr4sh, while you are at it.

>broken characters are good!
>nerfing top tiers is bad!
Seethe retard, Smash 4 ia dead and so is Zero's career

And Zero had a career low at Civil War? You don't know shit about Smash, deal with it.

who are you even talking to?
nobody said they're going to refuse to learn match-ups, that makes no sense

I've been laughing at this thread actually. This website is terrible and hilarious.

Smash 4 was literally just down grab over and over again. There were very little enjoyable combos because there was to much hit stun.

Cloud could spam uairs into uairs. ZSS and Meta Knight did uair in to Uspecial in order to kill from 40%.

>Zero had a career low

That doesn't say much. Zero always chokes whenever he doesn't have a stable of broken characters to carry him through, even moreso than the usual Smash pro. He started losing even at Smash 4 once Nintendo got around to patching his babies and he refused to switch to Bayonetta out of wounded pride and butthurt.


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>There was nothing I could do I didnt know the match up

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I don't know why you people are pretending that losing to something you'r unfamiliar with is anything new. Happens in every game. Matchup inexperience is one of the few benefits of lower tier characters

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>Falcon plays like Ganondorf
I'm not even a smashfag and you just lost all of your credibility

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And yet he still managed to be the top ranked player well after his mains got nerfed... your point?

are you going to act like they don't have the same movelist lol

are you going to say mario and luigi are radically different?

Here's my quick and easy guide to being good at ultimate

>B button
>B button
>B button

>match up whining
what kind of knowledge do you even need for Smash matchups?
>character has projectile
>maybe has spike
>that one attack hits real hard and should be avoided or shielded
>maybe they have a counter
I wish characters where more varied/unique so that knowledge was even more important

Its obvious that a decent amount of Yea Forums doesn't know shit about fighting games and that includes knowing n9tthing about smash either. And before you type it no it doesn't matter if you hate fighting games since you fucks are the ones most likely to bring them up anyway. Atleast know what your hating. Tldr:stick to skyrim

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Yeah, it’s funny to remember that EVO was won by a guy running Haggar/Hulk on point

>he doesn't know

This is getting sad

He didn't even say that. He said they are similar unlike completely original characters in a fighting game made with effort.

Check out these retards

>Smash is the only fighting game with characters based off other characters

You're spiraling, user.

unironically yes. they have completely different combos, followups, grabs, kill setups, offstage play, recovery options, grounded and aerial speeds, jump heights... just because they're from the same game and wear matching denim doesn't mean a goddamn thing lmao

They do have similar move sets, which is bullshit, but in the newest one they made strides to differentiate the two. If you think one of the slowest characters in the game plays the same way as one of the fastest you are delusional.

he literally did retard

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is right. there's not a single hard thing in smash to learn or master.

>that fucking easy mode combo at the beginning
based bowser
one trick ponies deserve this

Yeah, but he was a nigger
Those never work

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Ken and Ryu, the original clones have more differences in SFV than Ganondorf and Falcon. Smash is just the laziest fighting game ever put together.

The funny part is that in my experience Corrin is a really good counter for bowser. If you side B in his general direction he's pinned. If you hit him with a lance at all he's tippered, and then all your moves have huge hitboxes to keep him away.

>cyber """"atheletes""""

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No it isn't. Every combo charater from 4 except Bayonetta lul) has a more varied, but harder to execute, combo game. ZSS gets a fuckton of setups off of U-air, Stun Gun, and even Usmash, but none of these are as easy as Dthrow, leading you to believe it's worse. Mario still gets tons from Uair, Uthrow, and Dtilt, but just because Dthrow and Utilt are worse doesn;t mean he isn't still one of the characters with the freest combo games

>Tekken know every match up

>Isn't making thousands sweeping tournaments
What's your excuse?

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Weak bait desu

I don't understand why everyone isn't giving the Bowser credit. He played well.

It's not about me. It's about a top 8 player using a garbage excuse.
It doesn't take long to study match-ups or to learn frames in this.

I'm not a competitive smash player. I could easily be if I want because I'm a high level Tekken player.

Literally not even trying.

Correct, (You) aren't even trying

Is Tekken the highest skill fighting game right now?

attempting to pretend you know what you're talking about only gets you called a retard which then causes a rebuttal from you of "this is why no one takes smashfags seriously LOL" while ignoring anyone that tries to inform you of how things actually work in this game you don't know anything about but you decided to join the thread and be a retard anyway for those sweet replies
fuck off

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You can obviously see he's admitting he messed up. I don't get the big deal about admitting you were wrong when you die to a tarp in a single player game. I don't get the weird complex that anons have against comp games . It's gay as shit and comes off as autistic

>this is why smash brothers is a fucking joke in the fgc community

If he's whining about it sure. But not knowing a matchup in a game with 70 characters is a fair explanation for why you failed. It's not an excuse, it's "here's where I fucked up and what I have to learn".

Really accurate since (You) are not even trying.

They saw a Smash thread and spammed easy bait for (You)s, its not that hard to understand.

*crack* *sssssiiippppp* git gud

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>and that shit doesn't even exist in smash
what do you mean by this

>n-n-no you!!!
Rent free

>Greasy smelee player on the spectrum manages to beat tweek
Does not showering really give you that much of an advantage?

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Again, no one said it wasn't fair, especially not Cosmos.

They are more different than, say, Dan and Akuma.

>nothing I could do
Could've known the match-up

>r-rent.. free l-ike me in the cuckshed of my mother's boyfriend

So does Bowser's armored walk just obliterate inklings gun?

Smash, particularly smash ultimate, doesn't really have the depth for players to be totally consistent.
There aren't really many combos that are guaranteed. Most of what people call combos are strings, frametraps, tech-chasing and covering options. Also the movement is gimped compared to other smash games. You don't really have much advanced movement options but the players like to act like it's there, when it's really not. Wavedash isn't really useful and dashdancing can't be cancelling out of quickly except by a few moves. The players keep trying to push it as a competitive fighting game, but there is so little depth.

>smash 4 was consistent
absolutely not
melee and ultimate are 100% more consistent than smash 4 was.

who, oh that Mexican faggot who is only where he is because he tierwhored and plays lame in every game he plays and when he gets called out he spergs. that and his sob story
>ohhhh miiii depreeeesiooooon gimme monee pleeese
top players win because they've learned something to exploit in the game that leads to victory. that's what happened with bayo in 4 people realized you could 0 to death with her and everyone played her because why would you play anyone else when she can kill you off the top from 0%? the difference between good players and top players is not always mutually exclusive. there are top players who are legitimately good like M2K, MVD etc etc. then there are the top players who are no better than your average joe but play a character with something that's overpowered or broken and pretend that its skill. why do you think zero dropped shiek after the nerf? she wasn't top tier anymore. why do you think he picked up cloud for his pocket? because cloud was really good. the only reason he didn't drop diddy is because people would see him for how bad he really was.

The smash community is full of nigger wannabes.

>inkling hits bowser 17-20 times gets him to 123%
>bowser hits inkling twice, gets him to 96%, inkling dies

rage mechanics in video games are absolutely retarded

Smash is still full of younger western players who aren't used to researching their opponents before the match and reviewing matchup footage for how their next bracket will likely playout the night of day1.

Shoulda learned the MU

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Why are tr4.5h players so soulless compared to melee chads?

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It's not rage mechanics, it's that Bowser hits like a truck on average and Inkling is a lighter character.

Think 3S Hugo smacking Akuma with SA1 and then a single mixup.

>get in heavy character's face with lightweight
>make absolutely no attempt to stop him from attacking

>still hating zero in 2019 eventhough the next highest diddy upair spammer is 20 places below him

Why didn't he blink?

This, but in every matchup every time I lose

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Is this a Narcissa joke? I can't even tell anymore.

life as a heavy. Your match starts and you can not play the game until you are at 60%

is he actually on the spectrum or is that just a meme?

Of all the jank shit in Smash to complain about, you complain about the traditional STR vs DEX matchup playing out in one of the ways it should?

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He's a "pro" smash player.

that's some goddamn bullshit. His superior speed should be able to avoid those hits

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>*Enters the chat*

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why does he have the stupid combs in his hair?

>don't know the matchup
not excuse, it's your fault for not learning EVERYTHING about the game you
re a "pro" in

>I DON'T SUCK! It was something else that made me suck!

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Come on bruh, i dont like Smash nor fighitng games and i can still see whats going on
>Every time Inkling lands a hit it becomes a combo for about 30%. He effectively only hit browser 4 times from neutral position.
>Every time Brower hits, its a single massive hit. He hit the inkling 5 times for that first kill

That's just how weight classes operate in fighting games that have them.

Get fucked shitter

When Virtua Fighter 6 comes out it will be dethroned.

take a shower

>”Why can’t I face the same 7 people every tournament with my unpatched autism fighter?”


Yea Forums told me inkling was broken.

This is the type of guy that doesnt rematch just because I neutral Bd his ass into oblivion with Donkey Kong ;^)

>Unkempt hair
>Oily unwashed face; most certainly eats pizza every day
>Hasn't shaven in over 3 weeks at least
Smelee stinkies please stop coming to ultimate tournaments. Most of you left on your own accord but don't make us start having to stop you at the door with stink bouncers.

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>listening to Yea Forums

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This. I play smash regularly as an amateur and even then there aren’t any characters at this point i haven’t faced at least a few times.

In other words the ultimate truth is:

"Pro"players are cancer in every single game.


Inkling is broken she's just a new fighter and the game actually has several broken characters.

>muh tourney results
Already outperforming cloud and bayo when they first debuted in sm4sh.

except at this level those hits as bowser are much harder to use due to worse frame data and bowsers large size allowing easier counterhits

Its top tier but just has trouble killing. Going up against the biggest koopa on the block that hits for 25% while you die at 80 just requires you to not fuck up

>why does he have the stupid combs in his hair?
its just something black people do. not even being racist.

for some reason they just feel the need to always have their afro maintained so they stick a comb in their hair so that it will always be at the ready.

so why not put the comb in their pocket or something you might ask? well, they see it as a fashion statement.

>browsing twitter
>browsing that THING's twitter

more like abandonned game with no patches.
Utltimate meta will change all the time unti all the DLC are out, and those so called "pro" were just used of playing 20 years old dead games with no need to change any habits.

honest question, why are fighting games filled with black players while every other genre has barely any?

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how do you deal with the swordies?
t. pleb g&w main

Is she dead guys?

you realize that zero dominated while 4 was actively being patched. Give the dude his credit. There were hundreds of sheiks, diddies, clouds, etc. yet he stood at the top alone until he quit

I think the characters and gameplay are cool.

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>player calls himself a professional gamer
>only uses a single character and has no idea how to use another

Imagine calling yourself a world renowned chef and all you can make is sushi

It was all engineered so you would ask this specific question at this specific moment.

Not him or even a G&W main but i've fucked with him before in casual matches. Just play the spacing game with Bair against swordies.

That MiiBrawler match was pure kino.

if his issue was matchup knowledge why would he switch to another character would he'd have even less knowledge about against bowser? It's not like he is saying inkling is bad against bowser.

racism in team games keeps them out

Didnt watch the tournament yesterday, did Leffen whine on twitter like always or no?

Because they’re competitive, like sports

Black people are all about mindgames. I remember the first time I went to the city one was following me around at 3 AM making loud as fuck owl hooting noises because it was funny (it was)

They were primarily a console only genre.

>That shield break at the end

Kek what a bitch, raped harder than Kevin Nash in the summer of 92

>competitive Smash

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>picks INKling
>doesn't even attempt to INK the enemy
>doesn't throw grenades
this is just a shitter who thinks he can win everything by permastunning enemies with roller

Why? Because Wizzrobe adapted and blew him the fuck out by the end? I think it just shows how stupid new-Smash can be when silly setplay forces the other player to either play conservatively or significantly cleaner.

heavychads pissing on flowchart tier-virgins

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what is your issue with? you dont like players making adjustments to win?

>Ultimate Losers
Sounds about right

you know goddamn well he did

Inkling isn't bad but was severely overrated when the game first released.
People were focused so much on frame data and % output that they didn't realize Inkling's two major issues. The first being the Small Squid Limbs, and the second being the Ink recharge mechanic.

>trying to jab Bowser

Can you not read? Adjustments are great; they are a good thing. Forcing a player to have to very carefully outplay jank is not kino. Suicide up B stuff is boring and lame.

>fighting game community community
ur so smrt

Why are they having a major at a fucking waterpark?

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so's mango

wizzrobes fault he fell for it so much, it was a good set

Dude if you watch the set it is so clear that Cosmos is actually just a bad player. There is no reason he shouldnt have at least adapted throughout the set

It´s the same shit as with Pros and items.
As soon as you turn them on they don´t know how to play the game anymore.
A character in the tournament that isn´t in top tier? OH NO WHAT SHOULD I DO?

its been 5 years and youre only just now asking this question?

Okay? So what's the problem here?

Why not? When you are done playing smash then you can hit up the water rides and go for a swim.

stinkling player sucked ass but you're definitely lying to yourself if you don't think bowser is cheesy as fuck

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Every Smash player needs to take a bath before they are allowed to play.

>competitive smash post melee

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I used to ride the lazy rivers and whenever a splash was coming up, go underwater and grab some girl butts

Yeah, just two minutes in I can see some fatal unfamiliarity with Bowser. At the end of the first match for example Bowser does a up tilt and whiffs, Inkling goes in assuming it's unsafe with how close they are, instead gets a f-tilt to the face.

Talk to people who play MOBAs, like League, regularly. No professionally, just regularly and casually.

the first 2 matches just prove cosmos is retarded

They require 0 teamwork. We all know nigs can't integrate.


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they're encouraging contact between smash players and running water

people get cheesed in mobas all the time. well maybe not league because every character does slightly different variations of the same shit. Getting brooded, huskarred, meepo'd, etc. is a rite of passage in dota

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Did smash players really shit in the swimming pool and tried to rape a child afterwards at one of their tournaments?

That's a legit excuse for every single fighting game

>>As soon as you turn them on they don´t know how to play the game anymore.
They generally know how to use them better than you.

the nig is still used to smash4 where they grab at everything in that
should have neutral b but no he went in for a grab

i fucking relooked at the footage and he did go for grab
holy shit these fuckers do not adapt

fuck old huskar, glad he's dumpster tier now

what the fuck is this?

Inner city arcade culture. Competitive fighting games were born in Chinatown Fair, competitive Melee was born in suburban New Jersey garages. It's hard for either to shake how hard their roots have definde their scenes, competitive Smash still barely exists in Japan for example because there's no foundation for it.

That is a piss weak excu... you know let me see this.
>watches video

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Just play online with randoms for a few hours and you're bound to meet someone playing bowser at least on a comparable level as Leon.
If you're getting your ass handed or at least have to struggle, it should tell you that you suck at the matchup and should try improving on it

Bitch you knew what you were doing.


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They have learned from stinky day.
Never forget

At Smash N Splash here's what melee's top 8 looks like : Yoshi - Captain Falcon - Fox(2) - Falco - Puff - Sheik - Marth. If you look at the top 10 players there's also a Pikachu and there was a Peach right before he retired. Ice climbers, luigi and samus are also in top 20. Melee's cast is more diverse and unique than a lot of other games

I read it in a /fgg/ thread some time ago.
It happened years ago.
There was also a recent one where a smash player shat himself during the match, and played all the way through.

Attached: rape smash.png (928x821, 359K)

He gets tilted pretty fast and does a bunch of dumb shit. Unsafe pressure on shield after the opponent has shown that they'll punish it (and how they will do so), raw roller on shield, and mashing an option near the blast zone instead of just DIing. All of that would have fucked him against other characters.

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It's just a be bitch excuse to look for a pity party on twitter

holy fucking hell lmao. where can I read about this guy who shit his pants that sounds fucking hilarious. is there a twitch clip I can watch where they say he shit himself oh my god.

You know this was debunked, right? That dude wasn't even at the tournament.

really? fuck i wish it was real, thatd be the chaddest shit

It literally never happened


oh my fucking god jesus Christ. im so glad I left that community fucking hell,.

The guy even deleted the tweet. Prove me wrong

Concrete Evidence you've provided.

nice try smashkid

Why does competitive gaming make Yea Forums seethe so hard?

Anyone posting something other than these 4 replies should be banned from Yea Forums permanently.

Lmao perfect timing

By their own nature, they can't accept the concept of loosing.

As a commentator said, it's great to have something to do for people who go 0-2 in pools (as in, pools of the bracket variety). It was probably inspired by the premise of Colossalcon, which is actually running the same weekend this year. It's hot as balls this time of year and once you get some of the big draws of a con out of the way, there's not much to do besides stand around chatting or have a group outing to Appleebees. Might as well have a water park instead of group meets under the blazing sun in some courtyard.

Is this the SnS thread?

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make one

no u