What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It's edgy bait for Game Theory

It started off cool then tried to hard with its AI learning shit and convoluted family shit.

I feel like a brainlet for not understanding just what the fuck is going on. It started off neat but then it turned into nonsensical cryptic shit

trannies using this as a platform
>Care is Paul
>therefore Paul is trans

I don't blame you, it's really fucking cryptic and trying way too hard to have a serious plot but just comes off as funny and laughably tryhard

Stop watching Petscop

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You can hear me 'fore you see me i got
Inna trunk

Dragged on too long

*puts a huge ass censorblock on important information*

when he started talking

Him talking was the best part. It fell off a cliff when the videos got silent

>take a neat concept
>drag it out for too long
>it gets convoluted as shit
>original neat concepts stop being the focus
>too many elements at play for the story to be interesting anymore
>gets comedically dark and edgy
Where have I heard that before?

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Explain to me the story now.

My life

Ben was petscop done right, where the creator knew when shit was getting too fucked to continue so he stopped while he was ahead.

After about ten videos of mostly nothing I'd really just rather play it as an actual game.
A mock playstation game with all the crusty textures and wobbly vertices, but good music and great sound design, and all you do is collect weird animals with clever puzzles and collect little gem things.
Make it fleshed out and I'd buy it, the spooky cryptic stuff is boring compared to the actual game part.

Agree with your message, but not the image.


Now you have to keep up with a big infodump to even understand what's going on, and it's hard to sympathize with the players anymore without Paul talking (I know it's not Paul anymore, but it's still boring without voice)

And then you read up with all that stuff and it just seems to be turning into a 'I MADE THIS GAME TO PUNISH YOU' thing. I hope that's not all it is.

The Sign was a nice one though

It's fucking boring.and with some editing could probably be shortened to half of its running time.

>Now you have to keep up with a big infodump to even understand what's going on

I honestly don't even care about all this shit anymore and just want it to end already.
It's gone off the road, flew off a cliff and now tries to make a mystery out of whether it will hit the ocean floor or the bottom of a canyon.

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I'm not sure if I understand this new prescription, Doc

the whole concept of super meta entangled web file digging code decoding alternate reality games is getting very played out and frankly fucking annoying. i know this isn't a real video game but this shit is permeating into every type of media now be it movie, TV, video games, magazines, fucking whatever. it's harmless and i don't have to pay attention to it but the repeated success of this type of gay overly self interested 2deep4u shit in every market is starting to piss me off. why can't people just make good stories and games instead of bogging it down with this same tired gimmick. doki doki shiterature club and notfundertale are to blame.

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Still felt like the Newmaker stuff was the original big twist that got figured out too soon and so the guy had to make up bullshit on the spot.

main character looks like a walking glans.

Here's a brief summary of what I'm pretty sure the plot is.
>guy does some bad shit
>other guy in the family makes a game and the proper authorities use the game as pseudo-therapy for the first guy
>said game is also intended to use hypnosis-like techniques to lead the guy to a grave site, though the way the game is set up it's entirely possible to figure out the puzzles with enough detective work
>the main puzzles use "Gens", which are demo recordings of player inputs that can be played in reverse for some puzzles
>if you leave the game idle long enough, it assumes the first guy left the room and/or flew off the handle and gives you a warning to call the authorities and not turn off the system to make sure the demo recordings are kept
>paul, a semi-distant relative to this family (probably a cousin) winds up with the game years later
>paul starts recording a youtube letsplay of the series because he watches Saint and has good taste
>Paul is freaked the fuck out when he realizes how much weird shit from his childhood it explains
>also there might be time travel involved
That's as far as I can figure out.

What is petscop even about now?
I liked it when it was some weird game with a dark undertone, then it started being about some ghost girl or some family or some shit and I massively lost interested because it seemed like it was becoming another "SPOOPY GHOSTIN THE GAME" deviant-art tier creepypasta.

Basically, when the AI you could ask questions to showed up, it started becoming shit.

So far there's not really any substantial evidence to there being a ghost in the game, thank fucking god. The "AI" just seems like a bunch of set programmed responses that can get fucked with.

So, I was able to wrap my head around the DEMO shit, but the weird rotating circle mechanic in 17 I don't understand.
Is it just going through all the demos? When one of them gets selected does it give the person selecting it control, or is it just playing out a sequence?

It looks like it's just a convoluted method of selecting the demo for the sake of it being harder to figure out the puzzle.

Remember that NES Godzilla creepypasta? Yeah.

That one at least was entertaining to look at.

The channel got fucking ruined when he started with the furfag shit

But he started that with his DHMIS series and that episode was good?

you're right, it all started to go to shit with the HTMAW and jack torrance stuff.

Still doesn't excuse the fucking "cat daddy" shit.

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Holy shit


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