Sony dabbing on E3

>Sony dabbing on E3
>literally zero hype or talk about it

It really shows who is the GOD of this industry.

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Imagine being this much of a subservient cocktard just because mommy bought you this brand instead of the other.

[Brand I consume] is better than [Brand you consume]

I don't feel hyped about E3 because I genuinely don't feel hyped about western games anymore, but that also means I don't feel hyped about sonys poor nintendo direct ripoffs.

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yeah bro remember those (the absolute) state of play(station)?

those things so bad the second one didnt even get a sticky?


Wait what, they created their own event and still called it E3? How?

Nevermind, I'm retarded

After last year I'm glad. That conference was up it's own ass. Sony is full of themselves and smelling their own farts

AEW is better than WWE

the absolute state of play

NXT is better than both WWE and AEW

It's E Cubed dummy

NXT already lost all soul it once had

>Sony lost E3 2017 to Nintendo
>Sony lost E3 2018 to Microsoft

>Sony is so butthurt they dont even show up 2019

Fixed it for you faggot OP

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They just realize they don’t get attention if they don’t steal the spotlight and hog the ball

what ever happened to TNA

absolutely based tripfag post

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sony not being at e3 is a good thing desu

4 the gaymers

I mean you are right but you are also a name fag so I find it annoying to agree with you.

>e3 is significant and important, and sony always wins it baybeh!
>w-well e3 doesn't matter and has n-never been important!

nxt IS wwe though and it's only better than Raw and Smackdown

They're still around under (new) new management. They're not bad now.

>>literally zero hype or talk about it
People are more than hyped about it.

>Sony lost E3 2017 to Nintendo
>[citation needed]

This is objectively true.

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>70% of people said Nintendo won

>The absolute majority of categories won by game critics were won by Nintendo

In other words Nintendo won in perspective of the press and by popularity.

>>Sony lost E3 2017 to Nintendo
>>Sony lost E3 2018 to Microsoft
Lol what delusion

>or talk about it
says the salty snoycuck making nonstop threads about it

Why do you keep posting you ugly fuck?

Kill yourself tripfag.

>linking cucktaku
as if being a tripfagging console-warrior wasn't bad enough already roflmao

Mediocre as ever.

Sentient yam, jesus christ

I thought they weren't going to be at E3 this year?

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See here
Literally Sources on the Internet.
Sony didnt win anything since 2016.
They announced a bunch of games in 2016 and than they showed the same games in 2017 and 2018 lmao

Nintendo literally delivered one of the best conferences 2017.
Microsoft did a pretty good conference 2018:
It was literally 2 hours nothing but games.
No talk about sports, no talk about television just games, games games.

Sony had what 2018? A guy playing some japanese instrument LMAO

What is there to get hyped about for E3 exactly, or with snoy? The only thing I could possibly be interested in would be a dragons dogma 2 announcement but that seems pretty unlikely, dmc5 wasn't that long ago. Only reason I think it could possibly happen is Itsuno saying he wants to do it, Capcom letting him decide between dmc5 and DD2 and that Netflix show.

>game critics

>i would be interested in a Dragons Dogma 2 announcment.

Wow imagine being excited over a sequel for a medicore game.
A sequel from fucking Crapcom.

Thank god they dont cater to you boy

Why don't people realize it's literally irrelevant?
Sony's would-be E3 presentation already came out and keeps comin'. The Monster Hunter Iceborne trailer/footage, CoD Trailer, FF7 trailer, Death Stranding Trailer, and many others would be in their E3 presentation but were released individually instead before then.

The stuff you want to see you'll still see regardless. Don't know why watching it all within 2 hours at a specific day is anything special. We'll also still get the PS5 reveal presentation later this year.

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>Include game critics and popular vote
>user cannot cope and starts cherry picking

L M A O.

>70% of kotaku readers and the gaming press

>like flawed but fun game
>wanting sequel that improves on everything from original
>"lmao what a loser"
I forgot snoys only like different flavours of "3rd person OTS movie games".

Oh well have even more polls

>65% says Nintendo won

>50% Nintendo followed by 15% Sony

In other words
>Everybody and the gaming press said Nintendo won 2017 and poor user still has problems to cope with the situation

t. doesn’t actually watch Impact

WWF was better than WWE

Based as fuck
Fucking cockroachs, now that they won't be there the e3 will be worth watching again


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NXT is WWE you dumbfuck.

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They're gearing up for PS5 so they don't have anything noteworthy to show right now. It's up to Xbox to show all of the newest multiplats which will promptly be bought on platforms besides Xbox/Windows Store

>Yea Forums doesn't look all that hyped for E3
>Guess nobody on the planet is hyped about this

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Explain when you say Sony won't be at E3


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probably the only good thing i've ever seen you post. Based job

>This falseflagging Xnigger is at it again

No one won E3 but capcom. Nintendo only ever shows smash shit, sony movies and xbox multiplats you'll buy on other platforms.

>The Monster Hunter Iceborne trailer/footage, CoD Trailer, FF7 trailer, Death Stranding Trailer, and many others would be in their E3 presentation but were released individually instead before then.
Companies have been doing that for years, newfag

whats this? will there be a sony steam??


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Those specific ones I mentioned also were on Sony conferences for years now.
If Sony had an E3 conference those companies would at best only release a very vague tweet about it before E3.

>We'll also still get the PS5 reveal presentation later this year.
That's next year dummy.

>no ape escape 4
sony's dead, mate