what's the hardest pokemon game and why is it USUM?
What's the hardest pokemon game and why is it USUM?
It's the hardest because Chicken-chan is so sexy.
That thing fucked me
If you get trumbeak the fight is pretty easy. But if you get castform you are fucked.
Because Ultra Necrozma exists. Biggest pokemon difficulty spike since Ghetsis in BW1.
All of his attacks on my first try fighting him one shot alot of my Pokemon. Only way I beat him was by spamming X.Sp Def on my Golurk, then spammed Iron Defence, with a couple full restores in between buffing.
Then finally, after all the buffing, I just beat him to death with Shadow Punch.
I seriously hope all of you are the same person because US/UM is actually for babies. Battle Frontier in Emerald is the closest thing to challenging sp pokemon
Turn off EXP Share and put Battle style on Set.
Stupid fucking hoenn babby
Really makes no difference, game is a handholding simulator and over before you start doing anything you actually want.
>constant 'cutscenes' of the player getting praised for doing literally nothing
>abundant cash always
>forces you down specific paths so you're never out-leveled or need to pay attention
>trainer battles are one or two pathetically low level pokmeon with bad movesets every time
>showers you in items
>extremely easy to cheese totems
>finale is just mid level legendaries and a few underleveled teams handled by the same dumb AI
>end game is literally a time wasting mini-game to roll for legendaries
>everyone memeing up the Lurantis fight
>had trumbeak
>easy battle
Do people just willingly not use pokemon that have type effective moves or something?
No pokemon campaign is at all hard, it's designed to be completed by actual children. Battle frontiers/zone/train whatever the fuck they called it is the only 'endgame' content for autistic nerds they bother with and Frontier was probably the most fleshed out.
I love Serena!
BF is the same difficulty as almost all battle facilities in the series but with a few added ones that rely on hidden stats or non-battle stuff.
We're mostly discussing the single player story. None are really difficult but the top 3 are probably USUM, BW2, and Platinum, not in any specific order. And no the Miltank is not hard just use a female Pokemon.
The only thing I had remotely any difficultly with in USUM was Giovanni, and that was only because I built my team like a retard and his mewtwo had moves that were SE against all my Pokemon. I got hyped up for the trial battles because everyone said they were super difficult but they were not even remotely.
Please post Pokémon threads on
They aren't for the most part, they're just improved over the extremely lackluster SM ones. For example, they replaced the electric trial with Togedemaru. In SM, the Totem Vikavolt had only physical moves despite being entirely special attack oriented and having Charjabug support that specifically boosts ally special attack. In USUM Togedemaru has a +2 boost instead of +1 and useful supports.
Unfortunately due to stuff like the Refresh exp bonus and easy fodder trainers fucking everywhere, the player is usually overleveled for everything except Ultra Necrozma, which is strangely jacked in level compared to anything else at that point.
the entire game is so belittling, you're essentially participating in Boy scouts for pokemon and then in the last moments of the game theres some digimon around for you to capture
Then have everyone else post games released. Before 2000 on /vr/
>lurantis literally has panties and is CONSTANTLY flashing them at you due to her high skirt
I accept
its hard to keep playing with how boring it is
That bug is pretty cute
I'm jealous
>click curse/poison
>win at every totem battle forever
Oh man this is fucking brutal how am i going to ever win
I didn't found USUM that difficult apart from the Episode Delta leaders.
>having any kind of trouble in modern pokemon
Here is the hardest boss.
>Bug pokemon that relies on Sunny Day to use its physical Solar beam
>oh wait it's actually just grass type
>and it's slow as fuck
>and it doesn't have Chlorophyll to compensate for its shitty speed
Only thing hard about colosseum was the shitty catch rates.
that's why you use the dupe glitch to have infinite masterballs
multiple battles meant to stomp the under prepared
Gen 1 and 2 had the first gym leaders and those unexpected rival encounters plus Whitney. and I don't remember what else the other games had except Gen 6 had nothing of the like
It made me pretty hard when I hacked in the belly-showing Luran top at the beginning so I could look at Chicken's midriff.
the only difficult fight in usum is ultra necrozma
>10 levels higher than the fight immediately before it
>highest bst in the game
every single person fucking toxic stalled that fucker unless they knew about it before hand and if you didn't you're a fucking liar
if this ain't the damn truth
Pokémon is gay and for little kids
The only exception is Generation 1
I wouldn't know. The game was too shit to keep playing.