XIV - Bringers of Shadow

All ERPing, circlejerking, attention whoring and anything else not directly related to gameplay goes in /xivg/

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Other urls found in this thread:



Anyone got the shadowniggers pic? I didn't save it.

here's one

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>Yes, I do plan on maining a Viera Gunbreaker, or Bunbreaker as I prefer to call it.
>Hm? What clan? Rava, of course!

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I need an alt and MCH and SMN are the only ones I haven't played, are either of them fun and not shit? In addition does SMN still coast off SCH's levels? I'd rather level it independently if possible

Otherwise I'm going back to my BLM/BRD

These threads need to start being pruned again
>other thread isn't even past 300 posts, let's make a new one!
>race circle jerking
>no discussion about the LL info anymore
>cross thread replies
>b-but we aren't a general!

So are you all happy about the changes/tweaks to your favorite jobs, Yea Forums?

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considering mch is pretty much getting completely reworked no one knows if they are gonna be fun


Prune WoW circle jerks and Smash faggotry then backseat-kun.

Where's that other thread you're talking about?

how do i into DRK
>blood for blood doesn't hurt you anymore
>really fast jump
>heavy thrust is gone and the damage buff is part of disembowel instead of piercing debuff
it feels good

>dragon sight wasn't removed
there is no god

Thank you kindly

why is dragoon affected by battle litany but bard isnt by battle voice

I meant now but I realized they're a clunky mess so I'll wait for SB (why are there two fucking expansions abbreviated SB) to make one, especially since I'm not interested in new jobs anyway. Any opinion on SMNs?

How can we being passively agressive with dumb team mates?

>Oh BLM, you're doing a great job being an ice mage
>DRG, tanking again the floor? Good job champ
>RDM, well, that's the 7th raise in a row, congrats buddy :)
>WAR you're dps is pretty high you champ, a shame that we all died, good aggro on healer tho
>BLM knows that staying in aoe grants buff
>SCH your dps is so high that even the tank has died, good one

Any more helpful tips for retards?

Learn English first, then find something better to do than roleplay as a 30 year old woman

The only mistake I see is the one on the 5th row, any more mispelings?

what's wrong with that
so BRD and DRG can keep playing together like god intended
Don't do this

Being in the first line, and misspelling since you asked. If you're an actual ESL I'm curious, what's your first language?
I realize the irony of this sounding passive aggressive but that's not my intention

>any more mispelings?

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>rava gunbreaker
absolute chad-tier

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Spanish bud

>tfw this game is no longer made for us
>tanking removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
>class identity removed

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you've posted this in every single thread

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Ah, your use of infinitives made me suspect German a bit. Either way don't be passive aggressive unless you want people to just perform worse


AST cards losing their uniqueness really hurts me.

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>ast cards losing their uselessness really hurts me

Is there a way to see overall job representation in savage fights this tier? I've tried looking through FFLogs but I'm either blind, dumb, or both and can't quite tell how to see this.
I can see how many parses were logged per job, but that doesn't quite give the info I'm looking for and it's just looking through the past 2 weeks from what I can tell.

>Not muscular max-height blonde blue-eyed veena

10% crit/dh/haste cards would be far more interesting than 6% damage cards with random colored pins to collect

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Read the OP

all factually worse than pure damage

Cringe and niggerpilled

here's your healer, bro

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fucking shit fuck i fucked up

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Which is why you remove the pure damage card you braindead piece of shit fucking retarded niggerspawn faggot

he cute

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Mmph! Bring me more midlanders, I do decree that just the one shall not suffice!

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Until mods permaban everyone who currently frequents /xivg/ then we're staying here, homecuck

>mfw activating Hissatsu (Secret move) Kaiten, then using my Midare Setsugekka then Tsubame-Gaeshi activates and I can activate KAESHI : Setsugekka again and then deliver my Hissatsu (Secret move) : Senei for a total 3650 potency

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based hypocrite retard that posts in offtopic erp threads trying to backseat moderate a thread that actually talks about videogames

>having such a meltdown over logic
there is nothing fun or interesting in your shitty, bad buffs, so cope and accept it

Funnily enough the most iconic "dps tank" that is WAR actually has the best concept of tank/dps stance.
>single target skill that absorbs hp and gives 20% dmg reduction for a short duration; turns to hard-hitting single target dmg skill
>aoe that generates aggro and also absorbs hp for each enemy hit, runs into hard-hitting aoe skill
>tank stance gives you max hp boost & 20% better heals
>dps stance gives you small dmg increase

>lmao 20% dmg reduction trait
>Inner Beast and Steel Cyclone are gone at higher lvl, basically making you a Fell Cleave machine
>tank stance literally only generates aggro
>new chaos aoe skill is just Steel Cyclone with more effects added
I am keeping my fingers crossed for WAR.

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>these retards again
Unlike the majority of Yea Forums which is waifu trash and twitter screenshots, THIS IS A VIDEO GAME THREAD. Go cry to the mods to clean up /xivg/ if you want us gone because the general's autism made game discussion impossible, even by general standards it's garbage and they try to bully anyone talking about the game out of the thread so they can continue attention whoring, but go continue to complain about TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES ON Yea Forums WITH NO ULTERIOR MOTIVE

This is a general PSA by the way


Interesting and unique but weak buffs will always be better than boring generic powerful ones


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mfw my onions delivery arrives

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Shouldn't a Hank Hill cosplay be MNK

It's okay WAR players will go into full meltdown whinestorm mode when Shadowbringers comes out until they get a full overhaul in the 1st patch to have the best everything.



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Tank is the boomer role.

There's no mistake in the first sentence.

Good point, it should have been Bill Dozer as the tank for sure.

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>How can we being
I assume you inferred sentence to be the first greentext which is partially my fault

>Open /xivg/
>300 posts
>literally every post aside from the OP is ERP'ing

Yeah that's a yikes from me.

I feel like I am one of the few that actually cares about IB & SC. Most warbabbies just care about being top dps.

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>get a mouse with 2 buttons on the side for my thumb
>healing becomes mind numbingly easy
I used to respect healers who were good but 90% of the difficulty comes in actually targeting the person you want to heal. Set one of the buttons to F2 and one to cycle through party members after that. Boom, you can clear anything

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Is it because
>it's a Larry and Goldenfatfuck episode

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Most of the community does this crap, shit game

>tfw play DPS(healer) and DPS(tank)
>both classes that i play got completely ruined

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Same here.

>tanking removed
No you'll still tank nigger
>stances removed
Only DPS stance has been removed.

>he doenst use MO-macros
healing in this game unironically is the easiest thing to do.

Aye it's sad since WAR was the only stance in both dungeons and raid that could actually use it's tank stance for mitigation and healing. However, it's not all bad: Equilibrium can now be used a heal without the need for a stance, Thrill of Battle gained the 20% increase healing buff that Defiance used to give (though it's duration was nerfed to 10s from 20s) and Nascent Flash should generate Bloodbath levels of HP recovery. The changes to tanks was largely a buff to PLD, though it received some nerfs as well to compensate (Cover costing oath gauge and no longer reducing damage by 20%)

Overall Warrior seems to have recovered it's self sustain (or rather can now more often use it) while still being largely the same from SB, just with new "big dick" versions of decimate and fell cleave.

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Nigga........ just set up some or macros........................

Give me the rundown on this MO.

Is there a way to set two focus targets

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Just google it or learn how to macro, my dude.

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Then you wouldn't be focusing would you

meant for

>do alliance roulette
>always labyrinth

>attacks with weeb names

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>he can't focus on two things at once
lmao have sex (with two people at the same time)


I can live with it as long as the new stuff they added outweighs the stuff they removed. That spinning axe aoe combo move sure looked funny.

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you can't use MO macros in this game
you actually need to move in fights, this game is not WoW

You did beat ucob.. Right Yea Forums?

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yes i actually play the game

if you ever waste GCD on healing
kill yourself


No, I don't raid.


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no i actually play the game (erp)

you cant be serious

I'm swapping from AST to PLD because of how underwhelming Astro looks

>not doing both

this is the best timeline

I played 1.0 starting city Gridania, so he and Yda hold a special place in my heart. I did as he asked.

Why did they even give us a choice?

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>Worst part of WAR is doing lv50 content and having to play off-tank because you don't get access to your job's primary mechanic.
>Now with Shadowbringers, you have to turn your gauge off for ALL content as off-tank and in higher-leveled encounters with tank swaps
Thanks, Yoshida.

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The difficulty (and fun) comes from carrying retards and adapting to how shit they are. If someone isn't topped 100% of the time there is a high chance they'll just fucking die.

If you're playing with good players then it's really boring.

What'll be your jobs bros?

Main: DRK

Sub: DRG

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Your gauge is on all the time now, dum-dum.

DRK all you have to do is 3 Unleashes and you'll hold aggro whole fight.

>MNK is the last class I need to level to 70
>currently at 68
>don't want to keep running Doma Castle
>don't want to keep running HoH
>1 day left from the free 7 days
It's all so tiring

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bard. always and forever

All forum outlets:


JP: Theorycrafting is fun, it will be interesting to see these new changes and how we can adapt to brand new playstyles, I'm excited to finally play Shadowbringers!

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with the west?


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Why did they even add Au-Ra in HW when they aren't even in HW at all except like Kugiri?

NIN good choice for my first try at melee DPS?


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ninja and samurai

Yikes, retard

yeah mostly, i can't stand larry's shitty le epic fake wacky voice he does and tate being an absolute sperg

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>how do i into DRK
Use Abyssal Drain, Quietus, and TBN to become fucking invincible in AoE pulls

Sub I haven't decided yet.

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Play Classic WoW.

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>keep rewatching the trailer and job action trailer
send help



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spoiled from devs listening to their every demand



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maybe tanking isnt something you should do if you cant read user

This brainlet isn't even good at the game he's spent most of his life playing, and it's made him a lobotomised monkey when it comes to playing anything else.

i want a whole paragraph in the same vein as madara uchiha

You know, I used to feel bad about the sch changes, then I looked over at AST and suddenly felt so much better. Lol

GNB, WHM and SMN probably. Might take a look at new MCH too.

literally the same as you, I assume you started as a DRG too and move to DRK

>26 more days until WE FALL

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>We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be, so we adjusted all 3 Healers to be more balanced while keeping their original characteristics alive

I'm a double legend.

>realize we'll get a 2B dress
>fuck yes
>also realize literally everyone, their mother, and their trannies are going to wear it


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so basically 5.0 raid mechanics are going to hit harder confirmed

>"tanks should tank and healers should heal"
>tanks all have ridiculous potencies and DPS rotations
>healers are stuck mashing Glare/Malefic/Broil until they fall asleep

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He's right. Nobody can actually refute him.

Another shitty translation, the first and second halves are referencing completely different issues. This is the same thing that happens in these threads where people think less DPS abilities = healers use them less. They just wanted to simplify scholar.

Main: DRK


if they're smart they won't add it, and it's square we're talking about so

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Based, listen healers I'm the dps for a reason you just heal me and I'll take care of you ok

>this is the expansion where Yoshida has to actually put effort in after Stormblood was boring and dull as shit
We're going home bros

literally whole raid around 2b, there's no way they wouldn't

Started as WAR, switched to DRK when HW came out. DRG was my second lvl 50 back in 2.0 and I've always enjoyed its gameplay/look

SCH will still be populated by brainlets just like WHM.

>He's still this much of a delusional retard that think they'll add 2b's dress

Okay, now they have to make encounter design that actually makes people heal.

Right now you can get away with 3-5% of your GCDs being heals and the rest being DPS over the majority of most encounters and still have everyone living. This is not acceptable.

Make me heal so I can use a more comprehensive healing toolkit. Do it.

Main: PLD, lightchads ww@
Sub: No idea, but GNB, WHM, SAM, MNK and BLM look good

I'm just hoping we get some OG Nier love in the raids because there's no way Atomata has enough content in characters, bosses, or outfits to justify 3 full 24 mans

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Are they fucking removing story locked expansion? I can't be bothered to do 100+ hours of story just to get to the endgame.

I have a speculation, that because taro is designing the 24 mans, they're trying to make the savage raids more intense to compensate

You heal a ton numbskull, it's just with ogcds

Then don't play the game senpai

Give Kaine outfit please

Odds are that taro refused to collab unless he could have his stuff added for players to wear



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Literally looks like it belongs on reddit.

>AST, WAR, RDM, and NIN at 70

What class should I level next for SHB?

Wonder how he is going to achieve that when healers can still pump the whole team back to full from 1 HP in 2 GCDs.
Especially with every class getting even stronger healing GCDs.

Buy a skip :^)

imagine if they applied the new tank philosophy to healer

your only mode of healing other players would be by damaging enemies

Why do you want to reach endgame so fast? What's the hurry?

>it's unisex

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You're fucking retarded. Yoshida is a lazy hack that refused ported gear from MHW devs.

Why wouldn't they? If they don't put it in raids, it'll be in mogstation 100%

Im sure there would be, if anything each job might have a different outfit
Maybe even dome drakengard shit

So easier DPS checks then? Sounds good to me.

>he plays as a lalafell

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Western culture encourages people to speak their minds more. It's why Japanese companies will often hire one to be the "Loud American", in order to have an employee that is willing to tell their boss how retarded they are.

That and the West currently has a huge problem with outrage culture.

Yes, I know that, in fact I was implying that. That's half of the issue. OGCD heals are really fucking strong.

Enemies still don't hit hard enough to make you GCD heal more than 5% of the time. This is a real issue if you're expecting healers to be healing more often.


take your adderall and have sex my man

Okay then stop prefacing those kinds of posts with stuff like "actually makes people heal"

>Please try to look at the changes as us trying to balance Scholar as a Healer and not just trying to lower the DPS output of a Scholar.
He's asking too much from the healcucks.

I'm convinced they're all mentally ill, also obligatory

Are WARs actually known for being massive babies over changes? What makes them so entitled to thinking they deserve better than others?

Reminder that SCH is a DPS and Lily is the healer.

Who /hrothchad/ here?

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The game really doesn't make people heal if they're barely ever hardcasting heals. This is an absolute failure in encounter design.

Gonna focus on DRK and SMN, with DRG and AST being secondary

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Tanks have only one stance now, and all it does is increase aggro generation with no damage loss. Extra defense and hp are just getting baked in as traits.

You're a fucking retard for not understanding that nier is fucking in house compared to capcom

>They don't understand that having content locked behind story keeps new people away
Retards. This is the reason why this game will die way earlier than XI.

>this guy is contributing to the delay of a proper drk rework until 6.0

are you going to just sit there and let that happen user

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I can't wait to enjoy your bitch tears when your tranny outfit doesn't get added.

Worst race Square has ever created. How the hell is anybody supposed to take them seriously when they're like 3 feet tall?

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...what does moving in fights have to do with mouse over macros, which by the way you CAN use in this game...

Main: SCH

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Not really, you're still healing

It's not that they're a midget race, WoW Dwarves and [male] Gnomes are fine, lalas are pedobait and the rest are pretty much roleplaying as children


>he plays as a lalafell

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No fucking idea what I want to main or sub.

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Main: BLM
Sub: BRD or MCH if MCH gets unfucked

>the absolute state of sched mains

Main: NIN
Sub: Fisher

only the freshest of weeb sushi

>Healers never has LB on shortcut.
>DPS (99%) Never use DPS when needed.
>Play as a tank when LB only is used in like 2 times in ARR/HS/SB

Fucking miserable people, how the fuck you get in to level 70 without knowing that you have a skill called LIMIT FUCKING BREAK.

>We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be
I'll believe it when I see it. As it is, unless they really ramp up the damage in raids or move away from hyper-scripted fights, healers are still going to have 50%+ downtime.

This was more fun than Final Omega but O12S was still really good, especially the music.

>Tfw healer and I run around spamming the LB so it makes the noise non-stop until someone uses it
Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced

By far the most aggravating is people failing to fucking universal mechanics. I don't give a fuck that this is your first time in a boss, stack on the marked target and get three people in the demon circle you fucks.

>tranny outfit

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>tfw nobody uses LB3 even though it's full and at 3% I just use it on either healer or tank so I can get a cool screenshot

youtuber and twitch personalities should all neck themselves honestly

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This thread reminded me I need to add a "tranny" filter


have sex

But we just got a DRK rework and its pretty nice. What else needs to be "reworked"? DA spam was the shittiest thing ever.

>no muscle slider
>no toned body
how does it feel knowing even midlander princesses can be more muscular

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How autistic am I for unbinding WASD movement? I only move by holding M1 and M2 down, and side middle mouse makes me run backwards

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Do MSQ and Alliance roulette retard

Healing design in XIV is based on two assumptions:
1. The healer is an idiot who does not know how to heal efficiently
2. The party are all idiots who are constantly making mistakes and taking unnecessary damage that needs to be healed

In case it wasn't obvious by now: XIV is not designed for the 6% of players who clear hardcore raids or the even smaller fraction of those who hyperfocus on optimization. Healing is not designed with under the assumption that everyone plays perfectly and plans out their entire GCD script for the full length of a 10 minute fight because they know exactly what the boss will be doing at every individual second.

What is the best scenario here?

>healers now need to heal more due to higher damage
>your tank dies to autos in leveling dungeon runs

>damage is almost the same
>all the good healers quit out of boredom and swap to DPS/tank

So what's the general consensus on Stormblood? Storywise HW is the popular one, but what about the content? Did SB do that one better than HW?

I'm so sorry.

Hey man, hold up. I'm a healer main and I hate the fact that, as a healer, I'm supposed to spend more time DPSing than healing. I think that's fucking retarded, if I wanted to spend all of my time DPSing I would have rolled a DPS.

You realize these low-effort shitposts is why I said that

above is what should happen, below is what will happen

What do you use WASD and your number keys for then?

Idk but I wanna cum on that cat

i still have ASD bound to movement but i use the same M1+2 for forwards movement. i have the entire qwerty row bound to skills

why is it always the red mage who dies multiple times during fights?

I love both of them story and content wise

First one is the best scenario, unironically.
Most healers will eventually adapt.
imo there needs to be far more roomwide damage, throw out small dots on everyone that work like a Baby's first Almagest that force healers to use their aoe heal not just once, but twice.

The MSQ for most of Stormblood was pretty bad. The best part was the Azim Steppes, and the writer for that part is now the main writer for ShB, so that's nice.

Does the second video have game sounds at 1% or something? I feel like I can hear them in my soul.

Story: HW
Dungeons: HW
8-man: HW
24 man: SB
Trials: HW

Gotta say SB was pretty fucking shit overall

Are you seriously pushing this meme? Shes been a lead writer since 3.1, including all of Stormblood. She didn't write just the Azim Steppe.
Oda is more than likely still a lead writer right alongside her too.

cringey au ra roleplayer detected

this goes for any class that is percieved as easy, but they think playing the easy class is a replacement for having to actually pay attention to fights

>8-man: HW

>let's give each healer a single attack and a single dot

ultimates have been the only redeeming factor

trials and 8 man raids were worse in stormblood, 24 man was better, dungeons about equal, potd had a better lifespan than hoh, stormblood relic was worse because of eureka, but diadem as a whole was probably worse than eureka just for the fact it was pretty much left to die twice. job rotations were generally better in heavensward at least for the ones i played regularly.
I still prefer heavensward.

Good it keeps some wow niggers away.

You did do the dark knight questline in preparation for shadowbringers right? Dont you know, fray is gonna be relevant like eistinien was

SB dungeons shit all over HW
SB 8-man was better gameplay wise but not thematically, until the very end. Nero gives a massive amount of bonus points.
Sephirot >>>>> Byakko
Suzaku > Sophia
Seiryu = Zurvan = Meh

Main: SMN
Sub: GNB
DRG for melee and WHM for heals.

That's the screenshot I posted, you fucking faker.

eureka will be left to die as well

And I'm certain you can provide evidence pointing toward her being involved in more than what she was creditted for, can't you?

Stormblood as a whole was pretty weak. The main scenario didn't really have a good pay off and obviously suffered greatly from being split among 2 areas. It is pretty apparent that they wanted to have a Doma expansion but didn't have enough content and shoe horned in Ala Mhigo. Raids had some good fights, but other than Halicarnassus I won't look back fondly on any of them.I feel like they made the crafting and gathering endgame too easy and didn't give enough rewards out to give incentives for people to keep turning in tokens for anything other than gil that's still worthless. Eureka could use some work too, but I can see version 2.0 being ok if they basically have a Hydatos approach with more to do.
Gear in general this expansion was pretty lazy and didn't seem as cool as some HW sets did as they came out.


I'll try Gunbreaker though.

Shit taste my man

Main: DRK

Sub: GNB

I love tanking.

Tons of keybind space, I only need a few shift+key binds now. Also with this I can run constantly if needed, I do laps around the boss as OT


I looked up some of the Au Ra lore after playing through the Azim Steppes and I don't know how anyone can want to play one now. They're all actual savages.

not him but coil exists

And? What the fuck does Coil have to do with HW vs SB?

Baldesion was a huge success for them so they'll probably make more of those.

Considering SB is what brought us shit like relics locked behind Eureka, Eureka itself, a lazy PotD rehash and BLU, I'd say HW content was better.

>We'll finally have nice thigh boots without having to open our wallets for the Mogstation outfits
This outweighs any negatives.

JOL: How did you go about writing the main scenario for Stormblood? Did you write the story piece by piece? Did you have key events in your head from the start?

Oda: Myself, Yoshida and Ishikawa carried out a focused three day meeting, and decided the flow of the story. After that, myself and Ishikawa broke it down into parts, and created the plot for the locations we were in charge of. Then we put the two plots together and continued started to add the foreshadowing and smooth any overlaps.

The fights were better. Half the fights in the Alex series weren't even boss fights. Remember the room that literally just spawned like 8 waves of adds?

Yeah, you have shit taste. Retard.

Main: SAM
Sub: SMN

Boring and dull, Zenos was really interesting as a concept but he got too popular and now they're LITERALLY parading around his dead corpse because he's too marketable to let go. Dungeons were pretty alright, trials were fantastic, raids were nice at first and quickly wore out their welcome. I was hoping ShB would go back to wholly original/new ideas for raids but we're getting Nier shit that doesn't even make sense on top of a Nomura raid that's guaranteed to be a fucking dumpster fire.
Eureka was the worst piece of content they've added, even the Diadem had the good sense to make itself scarce when it was poorly received by 90% of the playerbase. 3.0 AF weapons still look far better and you can get them at half the grind at this point. Anyone who defends Eureka is either delusional to the point of mental illness, or an utter jew who only likes it because of how much the drops cost on the MB.

>he thinks the conversation is about aesthetics over mechanics

>Play since 2015
>Bored as fuck
>Never made an alt
>Want to replay the whole game before SB
>Create a new Character (Marauder )
>Literally took me 2 days of time play for finish ARR (7 days )

How people says that it takes so long? The only bad parts are when the milk demon ask you to return to the waking sands over and over.

Over the last week I have completed the 4.1-4.56 story. My final conclusions are:
>Alisaie is still best girl
>Lyse is still worst girl
>Hien is still based
>RIP Tsuyu
>Raubahn almost makes Ala Mhigo tolerable
>Gaius is fucking cool


>repeat mechanics after 50%: the raid tiers used as an argument

Everything because I'm an optimistic idiot.

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>SB dungeons shit all over HW

Main: WHM as always
Sub: SAM and DRK, will definitely check out DNC and GUN

what's the point anymore of there being three different healing jobs if they're all the same thing? might as well just remove two of them since there's basically no difference.

>Story was broken into parts and written by different people which later was connected later on
>Each writter was creditted for their own parts
Thank you for proving my point.

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What's long is the post ARR - pre HW part.

Go back to BfA WoWcuck

>if I see a mechanic twice the fight is bad, if I don't it's good
fuck off retard

can you healers shut the fuck up for the love of god. no one remotely fucking cares,

So you've proved that Ishikawa only wrote a portion (AKA the best one) of Stormblood?

absolutely seething holy shit

You are genuinely retarded aren't ya? Split into parts, she's been main scenario writer with Oda since 3.1... Do your own math. To say she literally only did "azim steppe and drk quests" is fucking retarded and ridiculous.
You could at the very least say she wrote the entire Far eastern arc, but that's less than likely.

*fell cleaves frog poster*
Sup bros, they just keep popping back up.

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Sophia beats the shit out of Suzaku. I don't know why people love Suzaku so much. The Four Lords storyline and their fights were pure garbage.

adept thighboots are pretty nice

>Waaaaaaaaah please stop discussing balance changes, it gets in the way of my erp

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I think you may be factually too retarded to play a tank
You've accomplished quite the feat bucko

sophia's fight was trash
suzaku's was great

They literally just announced that they're making the few pieces of gender specific gear wearable by everyone.
What does that tell you?

Doing Rhalgr's work, bro.

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Source? I don't recall them saying anything about that beyond the EB dress.

whm with fairy
whm with cards

>Waaaaah please stop complaining about me spamming threads for days with the same exact misinformation and garbage that's subject to change

Appears as a 2B dress when worn by females, and 9S top when worn by males. Please look forward to it

byakko was the only actually kinda fun one, seiryu and suzaku were absolute shit. zurvan was the only shit one out of the warring triad

you aren't discussing shit, you're bitching like a fat child.

>its a bard gets stack marker and freezes 25 yalms from the boss episode

>post yfw limit break meta is dead

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ok retard

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>The only way to fall off the platform during Suzaku is if you intentionally walk off of it or ignore the pull/push with a long casting time
>Sophia will punt you off her platform with her personal knockback, when you forget about meteors and when you miscalculate the strength of a scale tip.
>She'll also punish you for trying to play it safe and hiding in farthest part of the platform by moving you into earlier set up laser
>Superior theme
Yeah, I'd say HW wins again.

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How can you accuse them of being homogenized when every healer is complaining about radically different problems?

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You act like she had a hand in Ala Mhigo, but have posted no evidence to actually support that.

Is there any job that could possibly match the DPS of Samurai? Let alone surpass its parse. And I'm not talking about a Samurai with both Shifu (Mind of the Samurai) and Jinpu (Rush of Battle), boosting attack damage and speed by 12%. I'm not talking about Samurai with Hissatsu (Hidden Technique): Kaiten (Turn the Heavens) boosted Midare Setsugekka (Chaos Slash— Snow, Moon, Flowers) either, and this skill is only usable by one who has mastered the peerless concentration of the warrior's state of mind, doing a total of 1080 potency. Hell, I'm not even talking about a combo using Hissatsu: Kaiten boosted Higanbana (Mourning Flowers), placing a DoT of 3510 potency, using Meikyo Shisui (Standing Water, Perfect Mirror Reflection) to instantly deliver a Kaiten boosted Midare Setsugekka and finishing with Hissatsu: Guren (Crimson Lotus), dealing a total of nearly 5400 potency in the space of a couple of seconds.
No, I'm talking about Samurai possessing the secret technique Hissatsu: Senei (Thousand Blades), a more powerful version of Hissatsu: Guren that does 1250 potency to a single foe, and who has mastered Tsubame-gaeshi, the technique of the REGEND Sasaki Koijiro, enabling him to perform Kaeshi (Reversal) forms of his most powerful abilities, which allows him to unleash his ultimate combo of Kaiten: Higanbana, followed by Hissatsu: Senei in the space between his next move Kaiten: Midare Setsugekka, and finally Tsubame-Gaeshi unleashes Kaeshi: Midare Setsugekka dealing 1200 immediately. Samurai has just done 7040 POTENCY in the LITERAL BLINK of an EYE.

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>muh dps
There's your answer

I know. But you asked.
Yoship said they're making a gradual change starting with the EB dress.
Emphasis on the gradual part.

>He didn't read his own post
>He'll still insist that she wrote more than she's creditted for by SE despite disproving that on his own

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>Susano in trial roulette
>already expecting a bad fucking time
>sprout ninja gets the marker and runs away from everyone despite seeing this exact fucking mechanic the last two wipes
>then proceeds to click on the fucking sword marker, insta-wipe
>next pull the OT doesn't click on it at all, just stands there
>"i didn't know i had to click on it"

I am so sick of this fucking game

can anyone explain why yoshi killed LB at shadowniggers?

Probably because lots of people shit all over the healer if he so much as even glances at the LB button.

>doing Ravana on AST
>he's at like 1/4 hp
>party is wiping, only me, a tank, and maybe a DPS or two still up
>pop fully charged healer LB
>queue DPS going "waaaaah why did you waste LB"
>we still wiped

I was fucking mad.

Leech haler would be fucking awesome. I mained that shit back when Secret World just came out.

Wait until you try sus ex

Rift's Chloromancer too. We'll never see that in XIV however.

I'm not saying anything like that. I think it's fully possible she only did the Far East as that's a logical way to split things up, especially when in that same interview she said she wrote Susano. But either way she didn't write JUST the Azim Steppe. She's a main scenario writer, and has been for almost 4 fucking years.
What on earth are you talking about? She's in 3.3's and 4.0's credits as a main scenario writer. She was promoted right after 3.0 release. She didn't write just the parts you happened to like.
If by "crediting her" you mean the fucking liveletter slide, that was literally just meant to give an example of some of her story work in through the patches, it's not meant to be an all encompassing list of everything she's done.

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>fights are decided by how easy it is to fall off the platform
okay? also generic anime opener > overhyped reddit song

Susano brings out the ape in people. I'm assuming because its the first trial that jump potion babs face.
>main tanking
>get in position to tank massive sword
>off tank begins to bitch about wanting to tank the giant sword herself and refuses to eat the orbs flowing in
>we wipe
>kick fails

Attached: susano.png (620x667, 452K)

>no time mage or geomancer
Garbage game.

>provoke generates enmity now
I hate it

The game is a cointoss for being unplayable at the moment. Some runs I get a flawless group who is all on point and I want to commend each and every one of them for not being garbage. Then the next I get the literal stinkiest of the dumpster piss puddles and they get offended when you ask them how they managed to be so fucking bad at their class this late into the game. The meme about the average player not being able to walk and chew bubblegum at the same time is distressingly a fact.

yeah nobody does that
I frequently healer lb3 3ish deaths because it's a dps "gain." Nobody has ever even tried to be wrong to me about it.

AST is the closest thing to Time Mage. Still waiting on a comet spell and a dedicated Haste buff now that Arrow is gone

It's the provoke on pull era now, Grandpa.

I haven't done a single raid in all of XIV, and I've played since ARR released and originally in 1.0 as well.

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and that's a good thing
sorry, they lost dilate and CO's time increase and any time based cards

>AST is the closest thing to Time Mage.
Yeah, until they remove Time Dilation and Celestial's extension property.

>AST is the closest thing to Time Mage.

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but why?
they're just trials.

Can't wait until all logtrannies are exiled

Do you enjoy just being as obnoxious as possible?

>You are wrong and I'm right because I say I'm right even though there's evidence to the contrary

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nigga relax. damn

Anecdotal evidence, buddy. It does happen, just be thankful you haven't had to pug with the same idiots I have.

Like no savage or not even normal and alliance? Because there's literally no reason not to do normal and alliance raids

Me too, but i only started in 2.4.
I'll be trying pf raiding in 5.0 so we'll see.
Some people don't want to, what's wrong with that?

The idea of measuring time is still linked to astronomy. Plus Time Mage has always been a time-and-space mage.

The new boss theme is cool and all but I'm gonna miss STORM OF BLOOD BORN FROM BLOOD OF OUR FALLEN BROTHERS

>but why?
I don't know.

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based donuposter

Good thing I wont.

Sounds like a dumbass. Generally if the whole party is down and the boss still has a decent amount of health, I dunno anyone who would bitch about healer LB3.

Was this on normal or ex?

Fucking based.
Now we just need a Madara edit.

Fingers crossed that Time Dilation and CO get added back in because there was no reason to remove them.

I'm sorry user, reaching like that won't bring it back

We Fall is easily the shittiest boss theme we ever had and you can really feel how rushed Soken was to shit out a song for this half-assed "expansion"

>what's wrong with that?
I just cant fathom why anyone would want to avoid the biggest part of the game's postgame but you do you. It's your sub.

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There's plenty of other shit to do than raid.


I'm coming home to summoner boys.

>range dps not using limit break for big pulls
>melee dps either using it at 1% or not at all

Limit break is hard

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You are very good at putting words in other people's mouths.
What does "Main Scenario Writer" mean to you, if not.. a Main Scenario Writer? What evidence is there that she only wrote the Azim Steppe and Dark Knight quests in Stormblood?
The interview I posted said she wrote Susano, so you're already wrong there, it means she also wrote parts of the Ruby Sea.

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My dick is hard when I see Fordola round

Only around 5% of the NA and EU population do Savage. Less than 1% do Ultimate. If 95% of the playerbase is finding other shit to do, raiding probably isn't all that important.

What, did you not play 4.1 SMN?

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Ex I think? It's been years though.

Best part of Ala Mhigo easily

The what now

>Here's an article that says that story was split into pieces, written by different people
>This proves that the story wasn't split into pieces and written by different people

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That's how it is in every MMO ever and yet they keep producing content for those 5%.

It might be my favorite so far.
I don't like grandiose orchestral music, so Shadowbringers' change in direction is much more to my tastes

I would be completely fine with Yoship stealing the concept of disc priest from wow, it's their best designed class after brewmaster monk in my opinion

4 clears, though I wish my group wanted to go for more. Kinda disappointed GNB and DNC aren't getting weapons so I'll probably use the totem I saved on DRK.


>complaining about leakers

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Disc Priest's concept could work well in FFXIV.
Brewmaster wouldn't work at all though

>almost a week has passed and sch players are STILL seething

Same, I liked the Stormblood boss theme, but HW and ARR just weren't that memorable to me.

Ive only done the first 2 normals of the first tier in SB. Im just not a fan feeling I need to know a fight inside and out before I even step into it or ill be called a retard.

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>personally I think the main story is by far the best in the history of FFXIV could ever provide.
Shadowniggers better not disappoint me then Yoshida

>doing damage was frustrating for bad players so we made it so nobody can do damage
Why shouldn't they be seething? This is a red flag of a highest caliber when a dev thinks that by simplifying the game they can attract more players.

I think I like Revenge Twofold the best of any of the boss themes.

You've lost your mind haven't you? I'm literally not saying anything of the sort. You're implying that 5/6 zones were written by one of the writers, and the other one did only one of them.
Regardless, when ShB turns out to be "more of the same" as SB, I'm sure people will be shitposting anyway about how much better it was and that the writer let us all down, and eventually people will be saying "Yeah she was a writer for SB anyway so it was no surprise this was bad."
I sure as fuck will be enjoying the story either way, just like how I love SB and HW.

Revenge Twofold is one of the best boss themes in the series

>YoshiP declined to say much about Fordola's status post Tale from the Storm
Hopes that means she'll be relevant again later

Literally will seethe up until 3 days into the expansion when they realize the job is fine.

>"You don't get anything out of leaking, it's all anonymous"

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Not as seething as you're gonna be waiting on a healer for an hour now that no one will play them.

i just started this game. how long to get to endgame content?

>No helmets
Why do people defend YoshiP's laziness?

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1% of the community raids
please go to your nearest dilation station and cope

What went wrong?

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same writer as the one from HW iirc, should be kino

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>there'll be 5.0fags who started FFXIV without ever playing through anything while it was current except 5.0
>they'll be a plurality of the playbase by the end of 5.x

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build LB by taking shit ton of damage with shields where you survive with little hp left

reason why tank meta was so fucked even though damage between all tanks were very close

>implying they need anything to be wrong to complain

Its funny. This was a long time coming (How many times has Yoshi said SCH was an accident and not intended?) and SCHfags were in denial up until the very end

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>Yoshida: We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be, so we adjusted all 3 Healers to be more balanced while keeping their original characteristics alive.

Stop playing your job wrong.

He's literally phoning in furfags for easy subs and fantasiabux, he can't get any lazier

No, the HW writer is working on whatever Yoshi's secret other project is. You're thinking of Natsuko, the DRK questline writer.

Miqo'te animations that play to this day.

bro this expansion is totally not rushed


Objectively correct. every single alphascape fight was almost snooze tier, BECAUSE of the fact that they literally end 3 minutes in.

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I liked her better like this, desu.

>They'll insist that healer and tank balance was perfect in 5.0, the shitposting hordes will get ever stronger
Thanks, I already hate it.

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Except if fights remain the script snoozefests they've been for the past 6 years all of that "healing" is pointless, and now the DPS rotation is 3 buttons.

>the people who play this game all started at different times
holy fuck.................... thats deep bro............

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Why does everyone hate Au Ra?

I honestly was wanting WHM to be more like a Chloromancer.

Until shadowbringers comes to ruin the game and make it the BFA of XIV.

it fucking baffles me that they're applying absolute polar opposite design and balance philosophies to tanks and healers respectively and even going so far as to complain that they don't know what to do with healers when what they're doing with tanks seems to work fine and everyone seems to love it (so far).

Helmets already look bad on roes, I can't imagine how terrible they would look on hrothgar.

>start to try out a healer since I've always been a tank
>level a scholar to 60 3 days before the presentation on role changes
Damn, just my luck again. Guess they want the game to be as unoriginal and monotone as possible. Might as well play a dps since they atleast seem to have some bit of complexity to them instead of making them braindead retarded.

ShB main scenario writer is the same one that wrote at least Crystal Tower, Haurchefant, Matoya, DRK quests and Azim Steppe.
Those are all above average, so there's a lot of potential

1 in every 120 look good, somehow manage to be more degenerate than cats. Usually played by extremely shitty players like cats.

When you start HRT your character actually automatically changes to Xaela.

>I need an alt in a game that encourages you to play every class on one character

The mostly look like shit no matter what you do with them, but because they're small and dainty the undesirables flock to them. So people end up looking at a million ugly monstrosities with garish hair colors and every makeup option you can put on them.

>b-but Bunny Ears and Ronso horns
>tails and Au Ra horns clip through shit all the time
Shadowbringers is probably going to suck. Barebones expansion incoming, only thing I'm hype for is Nier Raid.

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They're the tranny race.

i wish we got cool hoods like that

It's not about raiding. Look at tanking stances. They saw that people didn't like using them but failed to understand why. It's not because they cripple your damage (though that's a part of it) but because they provide strictly worse gameplay. DRK is fucking unplayable in Grit. PLD has strictly worse resource generation in Shield Oath (even though that resource is used for defence). Only WAR has good interactions with the tank stance. So instead of making tank stances interesting they just made everyone blue DPS. Instead of making healer optimization more interesting and accessible they just gave every healer ten thousand healing buttons.

oh is the DRK writer doing SHB? it should still be top tier then hopefully

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Alt job you twat


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keep playing healer user it'll be fine. the queues need you

because instead of getting this, we got kpop idols

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is there anything more cancerous than speedrunning parsetrannies
no wonder NA clear count is so low when everybody is insecure about trying harder content because they aren't allowed in without the 1% best gear available

I think the healer changes will be completely sensible if the content demands significantly more healing

actually we really don't need healers anymore because we have Trusts

I'm glad 5.0 seems like it's going to bring a greater variety of areas than HW and SB did.

Yea Forums hates it because they're nothing but /xivg's cumsock muppet
everyone outside of Yea Forums loves Au Ra, they even won the little ladies voting event in every region. They're also the cutest race, see: all the females on twitter and twitch (with webcams) that play cute tiny raens. I don't even need to look at the rest of your replies to know that nearly every one of them will mention it as a tranny race as a pure coping mechanism of hating on something that is cute and popular. Now they'll respond to me and tell me to dilate, just watch.

Attached: 1489379032909.png (1200x1450, 1.02M)

and let's not forget the fact that you need 100 hours of experience in the content to find a party
but how are you going to get experience if you aren't allowed in to begin with lmao


you mean 1 of 5?

>they aren't allowed in
Did you know that anyone (yes, even you!) can create their own groups?

clear count is low because the average player skill in NA is low. you need a static if you want to clear anything and lots of people don't want to commit to that.

>the dev team has stated multiple times they can't add a new healing job until the current healers are rebalanced
>making everyone white mage is the best they came up with
Glad I'm not a healcuck
instead I play warrior

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>if the content demands significantly more healing
If you actually believe that it will you're probably far more optimistic than this game deserves. Only a few months ago they delivered a raid boss where for the first 4 minutes there's one tank buster and one instance of AOE damage. o11s

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yeah, people like yourself that perpetuate shit like that which isn't true at all
NA farm/clear PFs literally never lock slots and never kick shitters even with the worst public logs.

That may be true but the fish face is still and will always be ugly and no amount of fanart can change that fact, same for all faces really.

Only post 70 though

Au Ra only look good in fan art. In game they look either downright weird or the asscrack of uncanny valley.


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>Not using the proper blue background color.
You have to go back

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What is your go-to axe glamour?

No way we are getting shit from Drakengard. Maybe a minion or cards but that's it.



15-50 we have squadron
51-60 we have HoH

Who the fuck is tate and why is it allowed on a media tour?

Do the riding maps do anything for flying or is it a waste of centurio seals?

>Playing on Crystal Meth

You did this to yourself.

>tfw BRD main tired of listening to healer whining

Attached: 1414893136467.png (492x404, 10K)

Main: BRD
Sub: AST is fucked so I am just going to BLM/SAM.

I genuinely think that the game is usually really high quality with only some missteps.
I'm almost sure the changes will make sense when we actually get to play with them

>Do the riding maps do anything for flying

Attached: you're not even speaking english at this point.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

There's not enough content in Automata for three raids, and Automata itself had Drakengard shit anyway.

only ground speed

fat greasy green haired (((influencer)))

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It's a waste, but it's not like Centurio seals are hard to get with 2 weekly Bs and 2 daily 75 seal reward hunt pages.

>BRD main
Enjoy the cuckshed while you get benched for DNC.

Fat fuck named Goldentot

>co healer loudly hits a bong during rage




shoo shoo back to the shed with you

>all ast cards increase damage
>scholar still has chain stratagem
>whm still doesn't have an ability to increase raid damage

I guess white mage in the shed except for maybe progression?


Isn't that redundant? That's like saying lazy nigger or color folk spawn of satan.

meanwhile allied seals are a nightmare to get.

>Responding to frogposters
You are the bigger problem, user.

haha imagine being between a walking can of Axe and a hamplanet that struggles to get in a shower

That's why they gave us BLU.

Not anymore actually. Just level BLU.

More like based.

masked carnival weeklies are a really great spot for them if you subjected yourself to the trash that is BLU

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I loved the Thief stuff. I love this style of speech.

Squadron has a level 53 and 57 dungeon in it, and HoH is only for 61+.

What's the most fun DPS that
1. Isn't BLM

ast potencies and card %'s are trash, it's very likely they get shedded over WHM

Posting actual Boy's Club isn't really frogposting


Main: GNB
Sub: SAM

Attached: 1545275091197.jpg (1024x576, 33K)

I love the ROG/NIN quests holy fuck
Jacke and his crew of adorable Miquote and shithead Lala have quickly become some of my favourite
not to mention your Shinobi buddies interract with them often during the NIN quests so you don't just abandon them like many other Job quests abandon their respective class quest NPCs. Only up to 56 but really enjoyable desu.

Attached: yer daddles.png (597x145, 70K)

You guys don't know?
Also it's not like he is doing it blind without knowledge
Our hack covers his basics

Brewmaster doesn't really work in wow either to be fair. It's overpowered as fuck and there's no way of balancing it without it being terrible but I still like the gameplay and ~class fantasy~ of it.

AST had damage buffs in 3.0-3.3 and noone used it over WHM because of how awful the damage and healing was until SE buffed Balance to 20%
Now AST is back to 5%~ish buffs while still having weakest damage and healing out of all healers, WHM might unironically make a return past the prog raiding.

yeah my bad I meant to say you can play HoH 61-70
so Squadron from 15-60, HoH 61-70, Trusts from 71-80

Newniggers whining about muh frogposting don't even know what Boy's Club is dude

>100 hours of experience
Just join a learning party.

I still maintain that Jacke should have been the SB narrator.

>even midbosses seem to have a pretty good amount of HP, tanks aren't killing lower-leveled overworld enemies very quickly at all
>stack marker takes half the party's HP even when done correctly, will probably instakill if only one other party member's dumpy ass waddles over to help
>this is all while synced down to the maximum possible item-level for the dungeon from the artifact gear provided, so it'll be quite hard and hit even harder when the only people adequately geared for it are riding off of their savage welfare from last expac
>lv. 72 dungeon boss uses mechanics from old alliance-raids via recycling Cuchulaain from Mhach
>incorporates more direct movement puzzles like the tightrope segment, adds actually show up
>healers are healing quite frequently in the dungeons
Looks like it's gonna be fair fuckin' decent to me boys.

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>They saw that people didn't like using them but failed to understand why. It's not because they cripple your damage (though that's a part of it) but because they provide strictly worse gameplay.
But that's wrong
>DRK is fucking unplayable in Grit
If as you said "it's not about raiding", then you don't understand that Grit is integral to DRK's Aoe rotation with mobs (ie dungeon content). You get more blood in grit from Blood Price which you can choose to spend on Quietus or Delirium, extra mp could be used to DA Quietus or be used on Blackest Night (you get the point). Grit was the only thing that made DRK good in dungeons at 70.
>PLD has strictly worse resource generation in Shield Oath
PLD has the worst stance because it cost both mp and a GCD to turn off/switch from which was annoying as shit, you're right about resource generation.
>So instead of making tank stances interesting they just made everyone blue DPS
The intention was to correct MT/OT rotations. The central issue with PLD pulling a boss was that you had to completely fuck your rotation to secure aggro. In the case of Warrior lots of it's best tools were tied to the tank stance (Equilibrium, Inner Beast) that's what players didn't like about stances. The aim of removing stance requirements for abilities was to free up player options and not force them to do their OT/MT rotation or gimp their dps/rotation for access to their tank stance tools

Main: GNB with squall's attire as the devs intended.
Sub: SAM

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>Only up to 56 but really enjoyable desu.
They come back for the 60-70 questline too.

Dropped mine at 68, was a bit too simple. Might play him for a bit just to get back into the game I guess

Based and frogpilled so tie the knot

what center
maybe i can speed queue you

Main: SAM
Sub: Probably some healer to get my friends quick queues. Whichever ends up best for dungeons/casual content.

Also RDM eventually probably. May try DNC once the hype dies down.


Main: RDM
Sub: DRK

I might like spellswords.

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its simplicity is probably its biggest downfall desu
if you're used to playing MNK or NIN, SAM and DRG can feel slightly too tame.
SAM makes up for it by having big satisfying large penis dps, and DRG makes up for it a bit by jumps being fun, but you can't fully make up for a lack of inherent complexity (unless, apparently, you have fell cleave. seriously, warrior is boring as fuck outside that one ability and maybe steel cyclone/decimate)

that's when you get hagakure and turn into the shinten swordsman
it takes just enough brainpower to line everything up/not overcap to be fun but not a pain in the ass

Only one of the jobs in the pic is real.

What race is the de facto tranny race?

Why do hyur in that outfit make my pp hard

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> You get more blood in grit from Blood Price which you can choose to spend on Quietus or Delirium

False, bloodweapon+delirium gives me much more mana than grit+stormshit's version of bloodprice.

Main: MNK
Sub: BLM

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Au Ra


Maybe SMN or BLM.


Since literally everyone is going DRK this expansion, do you think Fray is coming back for class quests?

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Looks pretty mediocre overall

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Fuck me, mana and blood.

Anything that isn't Midlander.

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Yeah I admittedly should have mentioned I like complex/punishing but not tedious. SAM nukes are a bit nice though. Anyway I'll give SAM another chance

strong competition between au ra and miquote.
i'm expecting viera will also throw a spanner in the works, but they're a little too tall to have the "im a cute little girl" thing going on that trannies seem to flock to

Au ra

I don't think you tried at all.

Would I be gay if I made my character a Viera even though I'm a guy?

well I guess dragoon then
ninja is also too simple and monk is tedious and about to get hit with the retard stick in ShB

Making a good looking au ra isn't hard, it's just that literal retards think bright blue hair with red highlights and heterochromia looks good. Ignore the glowstick I haven't figured out which sword I want to use yet

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Right now Lala, but that'll be switching to Hrothgar once that drops and furries are unleashed.

That's the real tragedy we're supposed to prevent - not the destruction of the world but the existence of furries.

Yes because you are insecure enough to ask.

Au Ra

You would only be gay if you enjoy men sexually.

>Would it be possible to post your Viera's character config file? I'd love to do some edits on it. She's gorgeous.

>Sorry that's going to have to be a hard no. I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with other people making copies or derivatives of my original characters. I'd instead encourage you to explore the character creator because even though it's not SUPER robust, there's lots of room to make something unique and beautiful. I'm sure you'll find the perfect fit for you
>Now I have to tweet about this because someone brought it up, however innocently, and it set me on edge for the rest of the day.

>It's not flattering at all. It feels awful, violating even. It's taking something thats super personal to me. If other people are cool you using their characters, that's cool and valid. I am 1000% not

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true, but i feel like they’ll inevitably all go back to au ra after a week and a half

>ESL meme

You would fall under tranny

Q: Will we get to know more about this with the Lvl 80 job quest?

吉田氏: ほんのちょっと触れられてはいますが、あまりフレイと紐付けて欲しくはないですね。そもそもフレイという存在自体が、英雄の持っている内なる負の感情が人格化してるだけなので。内なる負の部分すら操って力に変えるというのが、今回の……まあちょっと中二設定ですね(笑)。あれで暗黒がさらに人気出てくれるといいなと思います。
Yoshida: It is slightly touched upon, but please don’t link it to “Fray” too much. “Fray” itself is only the personification of the player character’s repressed darkness. Controlling and turning your inner darkness into strength is the fantasy setting this time *laugh*. I hope Dark Knight will be more popular due to this.

>more complex than NIN
DRG is literally the most boring melee job

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user, there is only one class quest at the end now. The new thing is "role quests".

Because I was only thinking melee for some reason:
SMN is not punishing and seems but complex but actually plays itself
RDM you won't like
BRD you might like
MCH is currently tedious

all the trannies are going to switch to viera

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I remember DRG being both simpler than SAM and clunkier, wanted to like the job for a while. Also
>more complex than NIN

Elezen are snowflake trannies
Roes are futa trannies
Midlanders are passive aggressive trannies
Highlanders are actual trannies
Miqote are female(male) trannies
AuRa are female(female(maybe male) trannies.
Hrothgar are furfag trannies
Viera are based

Oh I forgot one race, lalafells are pedophile niggers. No one loves them.

It still hurts.

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I'm expecting him and Myste will make an appearance, but I hope they don't do "oh hey look another personification of your mental illness! we've done this twice now"
as kino as those lines have been, I dont think they can do it a third time without it feeling pretty played out

NIN is easy as shit, what could you possibly think is more complex about it than DRG

No they aren't. Viera are too tall for them, and they're already petitioning on the OF to let them be """"smol"""". Trannies want ideal femininity and that includes being short. One of the many reasons they flock to Au Ra.