Ill start
Cutscenes that are better than the game
Other urls found in this thread:
Crash Mind over Mutant
Metal gear 4
I recognize that DOA character from her guest appearance in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.
I would.
Wasn’t she in that sfm about fucking wolves?
Whichever KoF game had that big titty blonde girl.
Kingdom Hearts the thread
pretty much any of the nu-wow cutscenes are amazing but the game is shit
are you sure i'm pretty sure she fucked like three werewolves or something?
Nah you must be thinking of someone else
Where can I find a rowdy roguh-and-tumble southern waifu with a GOAT accent who's just raunchy enough to be sexy without being a total slut
What? No, Maximum Impact is kino as fuck.
you are bigg retard
Witch KoF?
The entirety of Asura's Wrath
>Oh grandma, what a big dick you have!
Top kek
Come on user, read the first post you quoted:
say what now
The Witcher 3 revolves around a commission from a duchess of a land far away. In the game, her parents had mages enchant a book of children's stories. The stories are structured so the two princesses can explore the stories in real time, without danger of the characters, yet the enchantment only works for those two, everyone else is open to the dangers of the stories. The opening image shows the DLC which adds a DOA character to the story of Red Riding Hood.
this. shit game but man every once in while i look up the cut-scenes on youtube and laugh. They knew the game was DOA but went out having fun anyway.
Holy fuck end your life
How many reboots were planned in the like decade between that game and N. Sane Trilogy?
Hahahahaha epic sikrit club xD
End your life.
Quiet third world shitter