Are you getting Bloodstained? Do you trust IGA?
Are you getting Bloodstained? Do you trust IGA?
I backed the thing years ago and forgot about it so I'm getting a steam key and a physical GOG copy regardless. Might be good. If it's shit I'll just spread as much pirated copies of the GOG version as possible for revenge.
yeah for free
>Do you trust
No. Not after I got scammed by Inafune with Mighty #9 and promises that weren't kept. Not after fucking Uchikoshi dumped the script to ZE3 and made the new one that left multiple plot holes unanswered. I'm not giving a cent to these people again until weeks after release and everyone confirms if it's shit or not.
yes and yes, i backed a soon the kickstarter went on and the game isexactly like i wanted a mix between sotn +aos , graphically its shitty im not gonna lie but im not a grpahics whore so i dont care
I was planning on getting it on Switch so I'll have a week to judge if it's worth it. Thanks, IGA.
I want it but my shelf is running out of space for physical games so I may just wait for the inevitable 50% digital sale
The game is ugly, but the demos more than delivered in ways of everything else as far as I am concerned. It feels like a genuine Sorrow game and I love it. Got like 6~ hours into the last demo alone.
I fucking hate how the Switch version releases one week late. I hope it comes with the first update already on the cartridge or something at the very least.
whats to judge? the game is 30fps is you can handle this buy the game ,frankly i cant ametroidvania at 30fps is cancer so im day one on the pc version
The poor animations still give it this cheap amateur look, I can't trust it
>Are you getting Bloodstained?
>Do you trust IGA?
not completely but the game seems good despite its flaws, hopefully they make a sequel with better polish
Yes and yes
I preordered this on GOG, but seeing the usual pre-release 3rd world retards reddit posting about it every day is a good sign that it will be trash. Who knows.
Yeah, whenever Fangame sends my shit.
Why would you spread a shit game?
Because if it's shit then idiots that might want to play it at least won't pay money for it.
i don't trust anyone but i am going to play the game
Yes, it's an investment towards Curse of the Moon 2.
Yes and yes but with a grain of salt. It looks good and I don't think IGA is the same as Inafune but I've been disappointed before
I backed the game so yes and i have hope Iga pulls it off.
No one wants another Mighty no. 9
it's already a lot better than MN9, although that's not saying much I guess
Yes, I'm a Patreon backer who donated $60 for a limited physical copy.
Backed it for $60 on PS4, can't wait. The demo was promising.
IGA has never really had as big of a mouth as Inafune. IGA left Konami because he wasn't a fan of the direction they were taking at that time, which they've since then swerved a tad from.
Inafune left Capcom because he wanted to be treated like Kojima and was putting his "dream project" as a hostage, which Capcom didn't put up with.
2.5D was a mistake.
>a physical GOG copy
>Physical GoG
What manner of sorcery is this?
It worked pretty well for GG.
Probably an installer CD.
really excited for this game, the demo was pretty fun
arcsys literally mastered the art of it, though
too bad they overuse the exact same style so fucking much it got old. I can't feel any excitement from GBVS
I backed it. I'll be getting a physical Switch copy with a bunch of collector shit, plus a GoG key.
subtle shill
>Inafune makes Mighty Gunvolt in the meantime before Mighty Number 9's launch
>turns out the 8-bit joke game is good and the actual crowdfunded project is shit
>Igarashi makes Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon in the meantime before Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night's launch
>turns out the 8-but joke game is good and the actual crowdfunded project is shit
Why does this keep happening?
Getting it but I expect it to suck. At least we got Curse of the Moon out of the kickstarter
I don't trust kikestarters
oh sorry my bad, hol up
how's that?
As with every kickstarter; wait for reviews and release gameplay footage/streams. Some are great but most are average to shit. This one is looking average if I had to guess (at least graphically, maybe the gameplay will make up for it)
Curse of the Moonmind. Literally posted one right after another. I'm impressed
I want a new Castlevania, but Im gona wait a few days and hear what people have to say: how long it is, how varied is the map, are the bosses fun...
I dont trust Iga to deliver
>Inafune makes Mighty Gunvolt
>Igarashi makes Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Both of these were just Inti Creates doing what they're used to instead of shitting the bed with Unreal.
I should have backed it to be honest. I can tell it's going to be good. But I tricked myself out of it because I backed Mighty No 9 without looking into it too deeply.
I honestly don't get why people are expecting it to suck though. The demos and the fact that they actually listened to fan response and improved the look already speaks massive volume about where their head is at in the game.
I backed it so I'm getting it anyway.
It looks pretty good.
With 5 fucking millions they could have used 2d sprites, 16bit style. But they had to go 3d to cut corners, of course
TORtanic faggots are looking for anything to be a disaster. We had two demos and one side game that was extremely good, yet we still have dumb shits comparing it to MN.9
All the bitching I've seen about it has been about the graphics
>16bit style
not at any reasonably high resolution
it was looking kind of iffy for a while but they even fixed that
i think it's just shitposting or people being uninformed at this point
I really don't understand what the fuck they were trying to pull off, why get the guys that are good at sprite work and then put them to work with shit they've never used before? Why get them in the first place? At least for Bloodstained they actually saw the disaster coming and pulled Inti from the main game.
I'll get it if I hear good things, but I'm not getting my hopes up
No, I only play good metroidvania like Hollow Knight and Rabi-Ribi.
So where does this game pick up from Curse of the Moon? Which ending do I need to get?
I think they went for Unreal because in theory it makes it easier to port the game to multiple platforms. Theory and practice are different things.
It has always been shitposty with the same annoying faggots complaining about the same thing over and over again. Add in NoR shilling and you have the average Bloodstained thread.
The secret one
curse of the moon is a non canon spinoff
I'm just waiting for Aradia game.
Why does it need to be high resolution?
>first game
>second game
looks just ok
Curse of the Moon is a side game. The canon is different.
literally the post above you
Only if they release it on Epic Store, fuck Steam
oh is that what the porn game is called? i thought it was something else
>I'll get it if I hear good things, but I'm not getting my hopes up
Hollow Knight broke me with Metroidvanias, and set the bar really fucking high even for AAA developers with just three dudes. Bloodstained is going to have to be one hell of a good, inventive, long, challenging without being frustrating game. If it isn't then it'll just be another Metroidvania that SOTN and Hollow Knight are better than.
because nobody is gonna pull their old CRT to play this game
Solo no-kill Zangetsu is the only one that doesn't contradict Ritual of the Night.
why is this game being shilled so hard here anyways? is it a meme? i saw webm of it and the animations looked incredibly awful
No and no. It looks boring, SotN gets a pass for being the first in the metroidvania series but the gameplay already started wearing thin in that game alone. I'm not playing SotN but with worse graphics.
Incels faggots that get off to flash animation tier shit game.
Well, one thing that did put me on alert when I played Curse of the Moon was that subweapons were required to even damage the final boss. No Castlevania game was like that. It was a mostly faithful game, but it did cause me to get a bit worried that there's some parts of the game design they don't understand
it plays like AoS/DoS though
Looks better than shitstained
>SotN gets a pass for being the first in the metroidvania series
>What is Simon's Quest?
it's probably an ok porn game and for a while the actual game wasn't looking too hot
at this point it's just prolonging a dead meme
Not how it works. You don't have to be genuinely low-res or low-bit-depth to replicate the style.
They also didn't for Shovel Knight and Pirate's Curse and these games were well-received and sold reasonably well on multiple platforms.
What *is* Simon's Quest?
Bloodstained takes ques from AoS so it's already better then SotN and Hollow Knight because fuck the shitty nail, the music and how overhyped that game is
i disagree, the webm i saw had awful animations for the character
looked like a shitty flash game
*first in the metroidvania series worth playingsame shit
Its a game that became famous for the money it raised and since it never showed were all the money went people separate into those who want to see it crash and burn for the laughs and contrarians and/or donors who still have faith
I will eventually get Miriam's game because I am a massive thighfag and because Aradia's game will never be finished
>same shit
huh? those games are not similar at all
kickstarter cuck
>paying 40 bucks for another nu-retro 2D platformer made by a washed out literally-who from the nineties
Nah, but I'm surely going to pirate it because I liked Rondo of Blood on the PSP. I'll probably get 8 to 10 hours of moderate fun out of it. I found the 8-bit prequel pretty disappointing tbqh, but maybe that's because I have no nostalgia for that kind of games, when I was a kid I actually liked having fun in vidya and not getting punished by broken difficulty spikes and shitty controls.
I played through a bunch of others after enjoying SotN and found it to be the same but with a lower budget. I didn't get too far in ant of them though, so do tell if it actually diverges later on.
Some faggots kept forcing that meme and ever since that idiot drawfag draw her and Miriam, people kept spamming it. it's a fucking shitty game with tween animations and combat that is pretty boring with stamina bars and shit.
what? what the fuck is your problem lol
but according to you, SotN is not worth playing for some reason
>I played through a bunch of others after enjoying SotN and found it to be the same but with a lower budget.
Did you actually play the games? Cause they are pretty different.
>stamina bard
damn so that game actually is trash then, stamina bard do not belong in 2D games just look at trash like salt and sanctuary or death's gambit
When did NoR had any money raised for it?
It's the only ''Castlevania'' that we are gonna have for the end of the times, so yes.
All of them are pretty different. Only three of the others even have equippable weapons, for instance. Each one except for Dawn of Sorrow has its own unique system and Dawn is probably the worst among them anyway
No I'm lying to you to earn internet street cred
Of course I played them, if the difference is as apparent as you're saying then I didn't notice. I've played a fuckton of games to the point of it becoming boring so I'll admit there's the possibility that I'm too jaded to see it as anything other than derivative.
>Dawn is probably the worst among them anyway
it actually is a sick game with the romhack that fixes most of its issues
I was talking about Bloodstained, the other one is just a indie hentai game that people throw around for the joke
>but according to you, SotN is not worth playing for some reason
Didn't say that. I said it started wearing thin even in SotN alone (same for many shortly after reaching the mirrored castle), not that I regretted playing it or that it was a shit experience.
>I've played a fuckton of games to the point of it becoming boring so I'll admit there's the possibility that I'm too jaded to see it as anything other than derivative.
That's such a bitch excuse but you do you, man.
I'm sure it's more tolerarble, but the hack should have just removed the need to grind in the first place instead of making the grinding easier
Only if it means a Curse of the Moon 2 gets made
you know nobody actually appreciates night of revenge when no one talks about it for the souls like its suppose to be.
grinding is fun though
grinding for souls is the main reason why i love the sorrow games the most
>Shitposters are getting so desperate they're just saying they've always hated castlevania in the first place
Im going to watch a lets play from it while playing a gacha game and call it a day.
In that case I envy that you're able to see the enjoyment in them where I cannot. Unless you want to tell me what's different about them? I'm still open to giving it another shot.
It's an enty(basically a Japanese patreon) game.
>Yea Forums in a nutshell
>while playing a gacha game
It was only acceptable in Aria because you only needed one of each Soul. Dawn is trash
not sure
I got Curse of the Moon and didn't really care for it much but also I have nothing else to play lined up for the next couple of months
Fuck no. Game looks like trash.
Looks like shit but I still want to play it so day one pirate especially because of the messed up regional pricing. Been a long time since I pirated.
well, with the hack i was getting a ton of souls while having luck gear equipped
wasnt too bad honestly
How the fuck did they mess it up that bad? CotM was reasonably priced but RotN is more expensive then the US price.
>and the actual crowdfunded project is shit
it literally isn't even out yet you gay tor-tanic faggot
The art direction is too horrible for me to play it.
Everything I've seen about the game looks amateur and underpolished as fuck. I'm expecting an average game that backers elevate to something worth playing "because it's not that bad"
It seems (((they))) have no intention to fix it despite of the complaints made by the consumers.
Its as if they intentionally want the game to sell less and to make it utterly unaffordable in most countries.
>Circle of the Moon
Stuck with Hunter's Whip weapon, magic system is completely different. You have 9 spell cards that all have different effects. Each of the 9 may be combined with any of 9 attribute cards. Each card has to be dropped from an enemy before you can use it though
>Harmony of Despair
Stuck with Vampire Killer Whip, which has a few equippable tips that have different effects. Magic system is that there are a few different spell books in the game which have different effects depending on the sub weapon you have
>Aria of Sorrow
Equippable Weapons return. Magic System is that each enemy in the game drops a different soul, all of which do something different. They either directly attack, provide some kind of on field support effect or a stat buff
>Portrait of Ruin
Two characters, one of which plays like your traditional Belmont and the other uses magic. Sub weapons run off MP gauge and must be leveled up. Dual crush super attacks available and such
>Dawn of Sorrow
Same as Aria except now each soul has multiple levels and you typically need 9 of each to draw out the Soul's full power. Equippable weapons are mainly gained through forging, which also requires Souls.
>Order of Ecclesia
Instead of weapons, you have "glyphs," which are basically like Souls, but not tied just to specific enemies. You can have two attack glyphs equipped at once, which can be combined into a glyph union super attack. Also your MP gauge fills really fast since glyph attacks run off of it and there's no way to attack regularly otherwise. You also die easily. You basically play as a glass cannon.
>Harmony of Despair
Dissonance actually. I never played Harmony of Despair. What was it like?
im a backer and i think the game is just gonna be what i want it to be, a good igavania
wish people wouldnt make it seem like one extreme or another, i dont think its gonna be a masterpiece but its not gonna be mn9 2.0 either
probably not gonna sell that well either because metroidvanias are a niche nowadays
>What was it like?
extremely fun, wish they'd port it to steam but that'll never happen
what happened to the unity remake made by some user here?
i think some drama happened and it just got kinda abandoned over time
>subweapons were required to even damage the final boss.
That only applies to Zangetsu with no power ups and Albert.
I don't see any way for Miriam or Gebel to hit it either. Neither have the vertical reach for it
what a stupid question, you should always spread it regardless if it's 'shit' or not
>You have 9 spell cards that all have different effects. Each of the 9 may be combined with any of 9 attribute cards.
It's 10 cards each.
Jump from the second platform. You can only hit once per cycle but it's possible.
At some point it's just people wanting to be there for the next MN9 event. If you don't plan on playing the game, then it's much more fun for you if the game flops and you can endlessly shitpost about it.
Not convinced, so gonna pirate it to test and then maybe buy it during a sale.
Don't forget the "looks slow" faggots.
Order of Ecclesia had stamina.
looks boring
Only if best boy is in it.
Is it time?
looks okay.
I do find the drama with some of the Kickstarter backers funny, where they hate that the backer exclusive items are paid DLC.
She's boned.
She's a pro boner handler. She'll be fine.
what if bones get sneaky?
Then she's getting a big, throbbing bone up her butt. She'll break.
It's always time.
That's a lot of bones!
Fuck no I'm not getting it.
Because I already got it.
Big bones.
It's a meme. I like shilling it to piss off the actual bloodstained shills, who get mad that an obscure porn game is getting more attention than their soulles cashgrab.
That, and Aradia's character design is objectively better.
That's a lewd Miriam. She should bundle up on clothes. Someone go strip her girlfriend and give Miriam the clothes.
What exactly are skeleton frisky's head supposed to be? I've never been able to tell from the sprite.
Yes. Yes.
that's too much calcium
>buy our game please, look a naked woman! Quick before it release and people realise it was a scam all along
Preordered on thursday
but shes not nekkid
but that's fanart
I'm excited but trying to temper my expectations. Game has been through a rough development, and I'm sure there will be some aspect apart from the graphics that everyone will latch onto as game ruining.
That's a big boner
For Soma
Didn't back it but interested so might buy digital on release. Depends on how I feel. Not buying anything else but also interested in Judgment
>Oops, we couldn't make that background look better so let's just hide everything in a thick fog
Fucking AAA design philosophy right there.
Castlevania Judgement?
I just started Curse of the Moon and I'm loving it so I'll probably get Ritual of the Night
Is this the birth of a new epic maymay? Or have I just never seen this?
yes and yes, while I concede the game LOOKs pretty meh, the gameplay is exactly what I want from a metroidvania (at least the demo was).
and frankly if I can get past the 15 year old sprites for the handheld games I can live with some mediocre 3d models
You've never seen it.
It's been a while
Curse was alright but way overrated. It's nowhere near as good as the majority of the classic Castlevanias. Ritual looks like it'll fare better as most of the SotN style games were decent at best and Ritual already looks to play okay.
I think that's it for me.
none of the people working on this project have any skill or talent
I can keep boning on.
>they're on their fourth development team
Wait, found another one.
Nah at the very least the music is good
I wonder what they did with those stiff as fuck looking mouthflaps during dialogues. I hope they just replaced them with static images.
Who was in the wrong here?
the lava
Yes, Day 1 purchase.
Wish I backed it, but didn't have money at the time.
Why is creaking skull a meme?
Is it just one guy forcing it?
they probably didn't fire the retard who made that garbage
One or two guys I think. It's probably the same fag that does the Soul/Souless thing with Soma, not realizing the Sorrow games are shit.
worst castlemania ever
Reminder this shitshow is destined for disaster when so much early work was done by Inti Creates on a 2.5D game.
I've got it preordered. I played the first demo and I liked it. Right now the only thing I don't like are the graphics. Everything just kind of looks off. That being said graphics =/= game quality.
Why don't they stick to regular 2d? Gunvolt and Curse of the Moon are great.
"Too expensive goyim"
Is there a playable demo anywhere?
drawing all the individual sprites is hard when they can't just reuse assets from past games any more.
What could have fucking been. I'd love to see a 2.5D metroidvania with this artstyle.
How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?
Supposedly there's no more demos.
>not at any reasonably high resolution
Yes, that's why it's 16bit style, SNES and Genesis weren't HD.
Igavanias are outdated. A lot of the recent metroidvanias have innovated and improved the genre. Judging by the demo Bloodstained is stuck in the past and not in a good nostalgic way like the most Castlevania games are. I sure love going to my inventory every 30 seconds to equip a new item that I've just found. It has all of the problems of the old Igavanias but without a nice cushion of the huge history that Castlevania series had.
meme game
>A lot of the recent metroidvanias have innovated and improved the genre.
They really haven't.
But I want to play more of the old thing not the new thing
I've made the argument before that 2d is more expensive than 3d, but I completely forgot this angle.
Order of Ecclesia was still using sprint from fucking SotN and Rondo, and Rondo was like 15 years old at the time.
Your big complaint is opening up a menu?
Backed the $300 signed collectors box version and yeah I'm hyped
>A lot of the recent metroidvanias have innovated and improved the genre.
Name one and how it did.
Clearly, the object here is to bring Bloodstained as close to modern graphical standards as possible, so whatever nonsense you're talking about is irrelevant anyway. Everyone already says the game looks bad and you're wanting it to be at an even lower resolution.
>durr, let's make a Castlevania homage by taking out the thing that set Castlevania apart from Metroid
>Instead of equipment, we should now wander around looking for useless health upgrades like it's a Zelda game!
it's going to be yooka laylee tier
>the object here is to bring Bloodstained as close to modern graphical standards as possible
Why? It's based on games that are at least 10 years old by now and all them looked way better despite the lower resolution.
Already did by backing it, and in return they gave me a dog shit, no effort port, thanks a lot IGA, really shows how much you care for your backers.
Bones was right. Croc drew first blood.
based newfag
>Switch version runs at 30 fps
So is Zangestu playable right away? After you beat the game? DLC?
Uhm, the game was in steam $35 base originally, then passed to $18.75. Now its has 10% discount and final price is 17 bucks in my country
If this doesn't tell you how shit the game is, nothing will
> get owned, bitches
Was a thing? Who would be that stupid?
That is absolutely not true and you know it. You can argue that MAYBE Aria and onward look better, but CotM and HoD absolutely do not.
Anyway, you should know that by now most of the graphical talent is in 3D modelling rather than spritework, with Inticreates being a rare exception, but at any rate, they're using the modelling to gives us something we never had before: actual alternate costumes, armor actually changing the character model and such. An incredibly small number of AAA sprite based games had that, and if they did, they didn't have near the equipment selection that a Castlevania type game typically does. Hopefully this allows for flashier animations that what we're used to as well. Even in the DS games, some of the animation was still literally sliding a jpg across the screen tier
That's better than grinding for items and levels.
Why is it that you can't speak positively of a game here without being a shill?
He's coming in an update post-launch.
SOTN is one of my fav games of all time. Getting this game which is pretty much a spiritual succesor, signed by Koji Igarashi and a soundtrack CD signed by Michiru Yamane is something I'll treasure
I don't know man. It's so tiring. I just want people to be excited about video games the same way I am
Is hollow knight that good?
dark souls
not him but
>most of the graphical talent is in 3D modelling
when will this be released? did they announce it already?
why would you play Goutstained when you can play monster chad?
they just postponed it and put a new goal on ks. winter 2022.
Which none of these games except Dawn really makes you do.
Yes, it is. The only AAA series that even uses spritework anymore is SRW, and even it has a lot of 3D nowadays.
That game sucked a little.
dark souls is not a metroidvania, faggot
it looks awful to be honset
based retard
Free patch.
I'll wait for the reviews, thank you very much ;)
Did something good ever come out of Kickstarter?
Gee, I fucking wonder.
Shovel Knight
I am hoping we'll get the update within a week and that the Switch version will have it on the cartridge already.
>10 years in the making
>still have to patch it
Something good already came out of this kickstarter specifically, and it wasn't even the type of game that the guy behind this project is known for
oh man did you come from the future and played the game?
It's mediocre.
It's a metroidvania for retards and casuals. It's linear as fuck, the world is barely interconnected, progression is mostly tied to the story, you have to talk to NPCs who constantly give you directions and keys to unlock doors.
how the fuck was this even made
Wasn't on Kickstarter.
Just like Shantae then?
Yeah that's a good comparaison. It's like Risky's Revenge but with a lot more content and better level design.
Still a very enjoyable platformer, just not a good metroidvania experience.
It'll get 78 on Metacritic.
It's a solid game that's just a bit boring at times.
It's good user. It's not the greatest game on earth but it's good. It has nice atmosphere in it and I enjoyed the story. My only criticism would be that the game didnt feel like it had enough build variety. Most of the time you were still just slashing at shit with your nail which is fine but I kinda wanted more. You are somewhat limited by the charm system.
free bump for you
Seconding this, COTM was my GOTY last year by a landslide.
>third world country has cheaper prices
Shocking. It's $40 in America.
I'm from canada, faggot. defintely more first worlder than you
imagine being stuck in the past like this
It's not $17 in Canada, you're either a third worlder or full of shit.
>user pretends to be canadian
>is actually brazilean
nah he's just a shitposter. you, though, are a sad austist. 20 minutes searching the internet for fucking store prices filenamed "Capture" so you can prove a random retard wrong. kys
Games like Monster Boy and Shantae were mostly inspired by games like Wonder Boy/Monster World, Gargoyle's Quest/Demon's Crest, which while being games featuring exploration, didn't subscribe to the conventions typically associated with Metroidvanias.
That's a problem with the term Metroidvania being loosely thrown around to describe any 2D platformer with an exploration element. They get criticized for things which are a deliberate part of their design.
La Mulana was in a similar camp with its root inspiration being Maze of Gallious, which always handled navigation and progression differently than Metroid,
Don't you have some f2p MMO to be shitting up, Pedro?
I can't believe you got destroyed this fucking hard.
We have people in this thread sucking Hollow Knight's dick, so you tell me.
Hollow Knight is a masterpiece
It's really not.
I'm pretty sure the original metroid was inspired by maze of gallious. (people don't realize that maze of gallious was huge in japan).
It's too anime for me to enjoy. I just wanted another SotN.
for me it's the graphics and what looks like terrible animations. It looks like a game made on Unity. (Is it?)
how is it too anime when it has the same gothic style as any other Igavania? If it was like portrait of ruin you would've been right
SotN intro was anime as fuck.
>it has the same gothic style as any other Igavania?
Not him but it really doesn't. Especially after the artist change, it's much closer visually to Aria and Portrait.
sotn is anime as fuck not only the intro.
no it isn't what the fuck are you talking about?
alucard is the most anime shit ever made, marie is the most moe piece of bastard shit ever made, fucking dracula is more anime than you you weeb piece of shit
I've gotten a good couple dozen/hundred hours out of this one and it's still delivering new stuff slowly.
You suck
The new artist reminds me a lot more of Ayami Kojima than the old one did.
Wasn't the old artist Ayami Kojima though?
No, Yuji Natsume from Inti Creates, who also gave us the last FOTM girl.
No, Ayami Kojima was doing art for 100+ backers (some special sleeve or something) but she was too busy to work on the game art itself. The first artist was Yuji Natsume from Inti Creates, but then Inti got booted for sucking and IGA had to replace Natsume with a new girl, Mana Ikeda. She actually used to be just a translator at IGA's company but it turned out she was a pretty good artist too and they promoted her to give Bloodstained a Kojima-ish style.
The old artist was somebody who worked for Inti. They made pic related. The new artist goes by Mana or something similar and I think is part of Art Play.
That weapon makes no sense
What are the games you've backed
Kingdom death. Hollow knight, FTL, darkest dungeon. The first two reapers bones series.
Inti got switched out because their role in developing the main game was done and they don't know how to do the tedious procedural generation work that the current chink devs do, stop spreading baseless rumors that have been debunked by Iga and others.
>b-but MN9!
Comcept was the lead developer, and the majority of their projects have been absolute failures (Yaiba, ReCore, Red Ash, Kaio).
Hot Opinion: Castlevania Judgement plays exactly like Power Stone. Anyone who says the loved Power Stone but shat on CVJ should immediately be outed as hypocrites.
I preodered it on Steam in the hopes that modders make her titties bigger and more bouncy.
I put down $60 for a physical copy and all the extra in-game treats (i.e. the Whip Sword). I won't sweat it if the game gets cancelled as I accepted the risk, but I'm glad it's coming out anyway.
Jesus Christ I still remember years ago when Iga had his sire where you could pick either sword or whip.
I can't believe it's still not again, and from what I saw it looks like shit.
Curse of the Moon looks way better than Bloodstained.
wtf is this ESL downie saying
Fucking what?
That would actually be closer in spirit. Iga based SotN off of Zelda, not Metroid like everyone thinks. That's why you have a shield button.
but thats the best part of igavanias
>never played power stone before
nice shitpost