Isn't that the guy who's constantly wrong about everything and said he had a source that says Banjo is in way back during the Grinch leak?
More like Crap-throw(up) Poopooey
god i cant wait until papagenos is BTFO
He literally just had a legit source on his channel tell him unique information
>Best case we're getting Banjo in Smash
>Worst case we're getting Crash/Spyro style remakes
>Either way Refusteves lose and I win, I get Banjo content, and they lose their argument of Banjo being irrelevant
Stevoid tears are so tasty, guys.
>reality: banjosois get a toy for manchildren and nothing else
They only do merch for promotional purposes.
You lost, cuck.
>introducing Banjo AR, your new house companion compatible with our Microsoft Hololens only available on Windows store
have fun with your content banjobro :)
>he doesn't know
Cope and desperatepilled
MS released a banjo statue several years ago and still no game to show for it
pretty much but his recent videos had a real source that got everything right
I'd still play that tbqh
>unique information
and what would that be?
I'm a huge Banjo fan, but I'm not expecting him to be in Smash. PapaGenos is too flipfloppy for me to ever trust
THIS. I've been saying this for months now, and there's no denying it at this point.
Was it by these guys who only do promotional merch? Or other people who do promotional merch?
That's right.
do you really expect MS not to pull this?
>Worst case we're getting Crash/Spyro style remakes
The real worst case for Banjies:
>Exquisite Gaming states it's just a standalone figurine, we're cashing in on E3 hype
>Banjo MIA at Microsoft's conference
>No Banjo in Nintendo's direct either
Funnily enough this is the most likely scenario for you, but Banjies are so caught up in Grinch-tier hysteria and confirmation bias that they can't see the reality of the situation. Oh well!
oh god this is literally the grinch leak all over again
why not just wait and find out
Are you people seriously incapable of even reading what the OP image says? It's telling you to lower your expectations.
It's the opposite.
Inb4 PapaGenos source deconfirms Banjo in a few days.
It's a shame cause Papagenos is a nice and comfy channel, but now I can't year anything about him without banjo/stevefaggots shitting up the place.
It's his own damn fault
He's made dozens of videos talking about banjo or steve
As much as I would love Banjo in Smash, the figure is probably for a remake ala Crash and Spyro.
>they do NOT know the Smash DLC right now
wow, it's fucking NOTHING
So the leaker says he doesn't know the smash dlc? This is literally nothing.
Or maybe its just you know a figure.
i cant fucking wait to post all the gold faces on e3 when all the banjofags are wrong
Actual delusion
Irrelevant character from a dead franchise, he's never getting in
If Isaac didn't get in, neither will Banjo
His entire gimmick is pandering to Banjlets, are you kidding me?
Can't wait for you to eat shit
Isaac did get in.
yeah its fucking nothing but the point was everything the leaker said was true. but papagenos said they are talk regularly so we might see something soon. said leaker also mentioned theyre the one who leaked ridley and daisy
I'm a banjofag but I don't think he's in
Go easy on me friend
Yeah it's "just" a figure. From a company that did promotional merch for the N-Sane Trilogy, Reignited Trilogy, Endgame, Mania, and TSR.
It's probably for something.
Grinch was real but Banjo got pushed back
>Company only does promotional merch
You know it's hilarious how Banjies only selectively choose which leakers they believe.
Anybody who doesn't leak banjo isn't credible i.e. Vergeben
Anybody who DOES hint towards Banjo is a very reliable source who should always be believed.
The second PapaGenos new source says Banjo isn't in you guys are going to throw him under the bus.
This wasn't suppose to happen bros.... It's over....
>autists can't read between the lines
A leaker says everything that comes true and is hinting at the DLC "but is just speculating wink wink"
And what are you going to do if it ends up being just a figure?
Stevefags and Erdrickfags about to get btfo'd.
Go back
Not playable
why would he say "definitely" for Fire Plant, but "maybe" for Banjo?
Shitposting is charging up for maximum overdrive
Yeah, reading between the lines sure got you far with the Grinch leak didn't you?
Maybe it's less reading between the lines and more reading too much into it?
But that's fine. The more you guys embarrass yourself now the more hilarious it will be when all you get is a consolation figurine.
Get fucked, prepare for the real dlc
Because he doesn't have enough info to make a definitive call.
But it's definitely based on the information he's received that's been exceedingly accurate thus far. You "people" are trying to act like it's an unrelated guessjob stapled to a credible leak and it's both hilarious and pathetic to watch.
It's a simple question banjies.
HYPOTHETICALLY. I know he's totally getting a reboot bros. But WHAT IF it's just a figurine?
>Just Shovels & Knights
Why would he say anything at all if he weren't sure?
>feeling embarrassed on an anonymous shitposting imageboard
You take things too seriously.
But that would never happen. He's in.
sounds about right
>You "people" are trying to act like it's an unrelated guessjob stapled to a credible leak and it's both hilarious and pathetic to watch.
I want Banjo in. I'm just trying to be realistic. Same shit happened with Grinch. It was the whole basis of it, remember?
>guy has unreleased Grinch promo that turns out to be true
>so that means the smash promo he has must be true too!
This is potentially shaping up to be Grinch 2. How can you not see that?
Alright Banjo. Try out this move. Jump and press Z.
This is possibly the most boring leak ever aside from the (speculation) Smash leak.
Why is there nothing good on Nintendo's E3 yet?
Kill yourself Stevecuck.
>This is potentially shaping up to be Grinch 2.
But the VR Plant shit is infinitely less important than Exquisite Gaming explicitly confirming Banjo at E3.
There's no ambiguity. Banjo is at E3.
Will it be Smash? Who knows.
But Banjo is at E3.
What about the other five besides Banjo and Ken then?
>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of his Collectathon comfort even when Rareware threw millions at him
> Only had one good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
>Main evented the second lowest drawing Xbos exclusive of the '00s
>Tanked the buyrate of Rare Replay so hard his remaster was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the N64 because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 10th best member of Diddy Kong Racing
>Only the 9th best member of Banjo Pilot
>His gibberish speak was cringeworthy
>His ugly yellow pants was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEAR AND DA BIRD""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Xbros crowd so badly he was reduced to a bonus costume in Minecraft which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 N64 games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 2005 game that Conker of all people had to take the spotlight off him
>spent the latter part of his career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was giving Playtonic enough leverage to swindle 2 Million dollars from sad millenial manchildren who can't grow up and let go of the past
>yfw its gonna be something on the level of piranha plant
probably buy the figurine, replay BK, and move on
Ken didn't match the mural
and they're promoting rare replay, currently available on xbox one. enjoy! :)
Yeah this gets funnier and funnier everytime
Jesus fuck I hope Banjo gets in so no one can stevepost ever again.
I don't like this image because it says that Geno is popular and implies that Isaac is
I've been shitposting alongside the Puppet Master Discord for a while now and I'm just not a fan of this at all
> Implying i'm a Stevefag
I have this paste for all the shitty rosterfag characters
Stevefags are shoot retarded
>Exquisite Gaming figures all coincide with
>New game
>New game
>New game
>New movie
>New movie
Do yourself a favor and lose more gracefully than this.
I'm going to see if the characters that are revealed are worth buying, and if they are I'll buy the fighters pass since I don't care for joker but he'd be no extra cost compared to 4 individual fighters. If not, I'll just get who I want individually
Absolute retard, it means nothing
All Stevefags deserve death.
Thats a completely different company you retard.
It's a simple question. A baby could answer it.
If it's just a figurine
and there's no reboot
and he's not in Smash
what are you guys gonnna do??
>Exquisite Gaming figures all coincide with
>New game
>New game
>New game
>New movie
so in other words, they've already broken the autistic "pattern" you're trying to set up.
I mean, he called it
Fuck off.
SO? You said that
Yet ToeJam and Earl didn't get shit, it literally means nothing.
You're getting a shitty figure, and that's it.
Okay Banjies, I'll let you off the hook this time.
You have about a week to enjoy your delusions, so make the most of it!
It doesn't matter because Banjo is 100% in. Cope tranny.
What are you gonna do when
>Rare Replay on PC and Switch
>Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie remakes
>Banjo and Kazooie in Smash
Drops on your head after you dedicating 8 months to shitposting a cartoon bear?
>the usual shitshow that is ea's show
>xbox has the potential banjo revival if this figure shit actually has merit and more WORLD EXCLUSIVE (also on pc) shitposting
>pc gaming show and all the epic shitposting that goes with it
>ubisoft cringeposting
>ff7 remake shitposting and avengers
>the entire thing that is devolver
>and the finishing touch, steve/banjo/erdrickfagging when brave finally gets revealed
this e3 is going to be fucking amazing in terms of shitpost opportunities
>Stevefags are shoot retarded
What did he mean by this?
>It's a simple question. A baby could answer it.
The same thing Banjofags have been doing for the last 15~ or so years of getting nothing. Moving on and hoping for better luck next time.
Based Eddyposter.
Probably buy the figure and keep on keeping on
Imagine unironically thinking a shitty dead character has a chance to be in Smash
Delusional retards, Geno and Isaac didn't get in and neither will Banjo
Believe Chiefbros.
Okay but what would you do if it's just a figurine? It's just a hypothetical situation.
You know it's rude to answer a question with another question. I'll answer yours once you answer mine first, it's only fair!
Welcome back, still assblasted about that huh?
So they're going to keep repeating this process until they're middle aged men in their 50s?
He's saying that a New figure gets a New Game/Movie
Not that New Game always gets a figure
I don't Banjo is getting into Smash or getting a new game but this isn't a hard concept you dumb fuck
But user
Geno and Isaac are in
pretty obvious what the leaker was doing there:
>release boring but accurate leak
>attach smash rosterfag speculation at the end because it will get guaranteed attention
imagine being gullible enough to believe this crap.
stevey stevey cope and seethey
>Last game was Minecraft in 2009, a full fucking decade ago
>Not in Story Mode
>Not in Dungeons
>Not in Minecraft Earth
>Confirmed absent from the movie
>No longer the default skin
>Alex has replaced him on the latest update art
By Wednesday June 13th, following E3, Banjo and Kazooie will be more relevant than Steve.
How do you plan to cope, stevoids?
You fool
The movie he's referring to is Infinity War
Where is the Earthworm Jim figure then?
based retard
banjie banjie vag is sandy
>Not that New Game always gets a figure
Stop being a fucking retard
You could have just called him out on being a dumb patternfag and you'd have been fine, but no. You had to be a complete fucking moron
That's fucking bullshit. Why would he go whore out to an e-celeb instead of just posting it unceremoniously here. The real leakers are the ones that just post everything while being called bullshitters and faggots. The ones that seek attention would be retarded because you don't want to bring attention to the fact that you broke a NDA.
Actually retarded
Read nigga
Papa didn't sign an NDA and the informant is still anonymous.
That's some serious backpedaling being made. Why would Grant Kirkhope know anything about Banjo being in Smash? Remember when they asked that one ex Rare employee if they ever called him about K. Rool in Smash and he said no?
if (!banjoBoi)
Good god, you retards get worked up about nothing.
did you think if I sent this guy a fake leak he would make a video about it
I hope Vergeben dies of a heart attack.
>Why would Grant Kirkhope know anything about Banjo being in Smash?
>Rare haven’t got an appetite. They don’t want to do it, I don’t think. I don’t know, but I’ve got friends over there and we don’t talk about it.
i still believe in you banjobros
LaxChris definitely would
What the fuck is wrong with Tranjos?
Have they seriously never taken a shower since melee came out?
Btw Itachi is in.
For the record, Itachiposters are neutral to steve and sans, are on good terms with erdrickposters and despise Banjo and generic FPS heroes, with the one exception being Bond.
>not getting wrestling lingo
Kek, faggot.
So no new game, gotcha
BANJO IS DEAD, enjoy your shitty figure
You didn't answer the question
oh my god the rapist fat albert is trying to put his victims in the trash.
How did he hurt you user?
Pretty sure if this was promotional merch talking about it before the announcement of what it's promoting would probably violate an NDA.
Stupid Uchiha poster.
Reach for the stars faggot
Jim is getting a new comic retards, not a game
>Why would Grant Kirkhope know anything about Banjo in Smash?
>Grant plainly states he stays in touch with Rare employees, is good friends with them
Rare didn't make the new KI and aren't making the new Battletoads.
Of course you would. Banjofags are the new Genofags.
Wouldn't they have to sign off on it though?
Hes getting a new game on that intellivision thing
>If they didn't blab about it to former employees it didn't happen
Imagine going from "We have all the leakers and factors on our side, it's over Banjoids" to this.
>What is an NDA
Battletoads is done in-house
Don't try and sidestep your potato logic, dipshit.
You tried to argue that every new game would get a figure for the other guy's stupid pattern to hold up, which is false.
Own up to your stupidity.
Next time don't make a shitty argument and you won't be called out. I probably would have been on your side if you weren't a moron.
Bubsy is unironically a more iconic character than Banjo. And he's had more games too.
Sora, is that you?
>Battletoads is done in-house
Based retard
it's not
Also Ulillillia likes Bubsy, that's good enough for me
> No argument
Apparently something that only applies to Grant and not people making a figure.
> Co-developed by Rare and Dlala Studios
I accept your concession, fag
Couldnt possibly be the twitter guy doing some indirect advertising just as e3 is around the corner.
What the fuck is going on? Give me the run-down, is there a new dumb rumor?
>being THIS mad you got btfo
Yes, because it's their IP, dumbass.
Dlala is doing the work.
New banjo doll was announced.
It' the new Grinch Leak, except worse because the "leaker" is Papagenos and some shitty toymaker that has nothing to do with Smash
OMG GUYS, I can't wait to play the new Banjo remake while waiting for my Banjo figure to arrive! I heard they made Banjo non-binary and Kazooie a feminist queen! YASSSSSSS!
A Banjo figure was revealed recently, but it's made by a company which apparently has previously created merch to coincide with a new product (Sonic Mania, N-Sane Trilogy, etc), so some people think that something Banjo related is actually happening
Banjo is not pleddit tier, at worst he's Twitter zoomer tier, but Pleddit? Fuck off
cope refusteve
So this is the narrative you're going with when you get BTFO at E3? Thanks for the preview blockboi
You can't say the name without getting filtered
So now that Erdrick is in a leak with Banjo, will the Banjo supporters stop hating him unconditionally now?
The fuck? It literally says in that picture they don't know.
Does the company have a history of making figures that DON'T coincide with reveals?
Given how nasty Erdrickfags has been acting against us?
Fuck off.
No I still think he's boring as hell, but Dragon Quest as a franchise deserves to be in smash so I'll tolerate it.
>We can't possibly say
That's exactly how you're supposed to respond under NDA
You're the retards saying Banjo is more iconic and important than DQ
And you Erdrickfags still don't get the clue that nobody wants you around.
Seems like this company takes popular shit (Marvel movies, video game characters, etc), makes figures of them and releases them to coincide with those releases. A company like this wouldn't know about unrevealed shit since they usually make the figures long after official reveals.
In the West it certainly is
Don't throw stones from a glass house. You jerks have been absolutely horrid for no reason. I rarely ever see these Erdrick boogeymen you always talk about when playing the victim. At worst, it's the occasional Gohan meme. What I do see is posts like that image of Banjo holding a wojak version of Erdrick on a pike. I just want the unnecessary attacks from the Banjo supporters on the Erdrick supporters to stop.
Oh, and case in point by the way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>for no reason
my sides
burn this server pls. owner is tranny