>Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2, prove me wro-
Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2, prove me wro-
>"Two checkpoints, how nice! These devs thought of everything."
oh no no nooo....
My god cope harder.
dark souls 2 had garbage bonfire placements too but in this case it's just them taking their rule of always leaving a bonfire after a boss a little too far
I'm never surprised when shitposters are also retards
doesn't ds2 do this with that area with that tree
pretty sure this happened in bloodborne too
oh no
Honestly both are pretty forgettable and should not have been made.
Has literally no impact on gameplay. At least post a better example.
yeah, you light a bonfire, then kick down a tree which leads to another bonfire. then there's a boss that requires to run up and across the bridge past several tough enemies, which is a pretty long run. they could have removed the tree you kick down and added a ladder you kick down from the bridge instead, since it's above the second bonfire. it would have immensely improved it, but souls games will never have the feeling they did where finding a new bonfire made you feel immense relief so we'll never get the carefully considered bonfire and shortcut placement we used to
Nope. Bloodborne had other kinds of problems.
>Dark Souls 2 have good des-
God I am trying to start DS3 again but its just so fucking dull. So many levels of gray lineral generic shit just to get to the interesting stuff. Also the lack of build options really doesn't help it any. Why the fuck did they remove proper dual wielding and powerstancing?
i played 3 as a full havel set with a fume knight GS, it was fun as fuck. I used wolf covenant because i like being shrek and protecting the swamp
Because DS2 did it.
>Louis Braille existed in the Dark Souls universe
>bonfire literally called Saltfort
>abloobloo its unfaaaaiiiirr :(
git gud faggot
Dark Souls 2 is bad in terms of Graphics and a good chunk of animations and some other misc. stuff, but was due to being remade from the ground-up, I believe.
Dark Souls 3 is bad due to a lot of unoriginality and due to too many scrapped ideas. Plus it is quite linear.
Two however had better PvP, with three having the worst due to "working as intended" bullshit. I shouldn't be fucking staggered by a dagger, From. I'm not even saying this as a guy who crutches on hyper armor and all that crap. Also fuck the amount of rolls you can do in it.
There's a difference of "get good" and "developer oversight". Those archers should've been "one and done". They're there for no particular reason other than to either make you bolt for the ladder or waste time killing them a billion times. There should have been instead a little cubby hole in a room somewhere or under the elevator.
Don't (you) me if you're gonna shitpost, honestly don't care.
DS3 is just badly balanced. It sometimes feels like one half of the game was made by people who worked on Bloodborne, and the other half was made by people who worked on DS2.
Iudex Gundyr was a struggle when starting as a cleric (good luck beating a boos who is faster than you, recovers quicker than you can swing and your only shield is garbage - but at least you have a slow ass healing, right?) but killing him starting as a knight is a fucking breeze.
And don't get me started the masochism you bring upon yourself if you want to play sorcery.
>3 archers
not in SotFS, i.e. the only relevant release of DaS2 in the last four years
Is it the only bonfire in the whole series that you get immediately attacked at?
im not shitposting, those archers never caused a problem once because i'm not a braindead idiot who doesn't even have basic situational awareness
i mean i'm not sure what you want me to tell you
I think so, which immediately is bullshit in terms on what a bonfire is. The bonfire is a place of safety and rest, a chance to calm down and plan ahead. Not "oh god oh fuck I gotta get here real quick and get out". There's a reason that people see Two as the "black sheep" of the family of Souls games.
i've done two playthroughs recently and im p sure those archers don't aggro unless you walk towards them.
Huntsman's Copse shortcut
Most of the issues with DS2 result from like half of the game being scrapped mid development when they kicked one of the two directors off the project. It's literally a mishmash of repurposed content arranged in some kind of a playable order in order to get a working product out the door.
Its kind of funny to remember how much shit people gave DS2 for having a relatively small amount of refrences to DS1. Then DS3 comes along with obnoxious levels of fan pandering and everyone is suddenly quiet.
>everyone is suddenly quiet
Youe mean everyone is praising it? Yeah, I don't get it either.
DS2 wasn't perfect (far from it), but the amount of "it's literally okay if Miyazaki does it" is ridiculous.
But I think both games are good and have their own strong points apart from their obvious flaws.
>Dark Souls 3 have good des-
I'm not saying that people don't have situational awareness. If you fuck up you might have a few used life gems or whatever. It can screw up that general caution you use in Dark Souls games because you wanted to rush past them and now there's a flamberge in your asshole.
>Interrupted meme about hitboxes for the 500th time
One of these days newfriend you'll actually have discussion like an adult.
sorcerer is ez
>Dark Souls 3 is a polished exper-
>posts one of the few bosses that is actually easier as a sorc build while ignoring the rest of the game
What is your point? The nameless king is a breeze as a sorc, but you can't say the same thing about Oceiros.
I will give Dark Souls 3 this though, at least it was mostly consistent. The quality usually only averaged from good to average. Dark Souls 1 was good halfway but got screwed over at the end of the game. Dark Souls 2 has the biggest screw-ups in terms of consistency in a game I think I've ever seen, but I don't know. I mean, an elevator that goes to the sky goes to a lava kingdom? That had to be tacked on.
I am still eternally mad about the Manikin Mask
>it's another sexy woman bug boss
how original
Dark Souls 3 has three directors and one of them is the guy that directed DS2. It's stupid to blame it all on Miyazaki if you didn't like the game.
That wasn't my point, but ok.
>Dark Souls 3 has three directors
That kinda explains a lot, desu.
no shit the wizard dragon resists sorcery. that's when you buff your raw weapon of choice with lightning resin or just switch to back up pyromancy. he also doesn't like snap freeze but that ain't reliable enough to spam on him, gets rid of a decent chunk of his health though for one shot. nearly every build choice has one boss that doesn't suit it well.
>It's literally a mishmash of repurposed content arranged in some kind of a playable order in order to get a working product out the door.
Just like 3.
all 3 rehash souls suck dick
>Dark Souls 2 needed a re-release to fix the trash it made
>Which piece of shit stinks the most
Souls has never been good.
It's more like
>small, confined space
>fast boss with ridiculous hitboxes that zooms around the entire area like a retard
>vs a player that attacks slow as shit
The first phase is not that bad but the second phase is pure bullshit for a sorcerer
The whole game was balanced around straight/curved swords and the rest was just added because it's dark souls and you have to have the weapons that was in them before
And they still left like 90% of the issues in and even made new ones.
>Art Direction
>Level Design
>Enemy Design
One of those was added in the dlc and teleports you to a new area rather than acting as a bonfire but you already know that bait-kun
>Art Direction
>Level Design
>Enemy Design
>you need to pay to remove the archers
fucking amazing
stopped here, if you actually think ds2 has good bosses you're a disgusting blob of a human.
Dude, they don't aggro, unless you move toward them. What are you doing at the bonfire exactly? Unless you're testing new weapons, you should be fine. If they're bothering you for whatever reason, then just warp to majula, finish your inventory management there, and then warp back.
well depends
artistic design? as said in the first point, totally correct - ds3 has some really kino bosses,
mechanic design? the majority of them are atrocious, and there are only a few that's decently designed
>the majority of them are atrocious,
>a billion times
DS2 enemies despawn after you kill them a few times, remember? I don't remember the exact number, but it's definitely lower than 25.
>say the bosses are artistically good
>post screenshot of them to prove me wrong
This is most definitely untrue, IIRC at the very least they aggro if you stand up from the bonfire
it's 12
Pretty cool collage, saved
>bitching about saltfort archers
Jesus fuck, what's next? Complaining that the Prowling Magus is a bad and difficult boss fight because you can only lock on one enemy at a time?
They're not just artistically good, they're well designed fights, if you'd played the game you'd know that.
>sorcery is hard
I feel immense joy when magefags complain about a game designed to be difficult actually being difficult.
You know it's not about a specific enemy you dork but the retarded design choices, of which the Magus fight is a good example
They're not. A lot of them are too fast, have way too small windup time and barely and recovery time.
And I don't mean it as a "baaawwwww they're too hard" way. Unless you're using fast weapons you literally have to trade hits most of the time because your character will not recover before the boss swipes at you again, or have fun landing a hit every 5 minutes when you're lucky enough so that they used that one move you can actually punish.
But if you'd played the game with something other than a straight sword you'd know that.
No one has ever been able to explain wtf "MMO-tier" means and why it only applies to DaS2.
fuck off I've had at least 9 playthroughs and never encountered that bug
>the only good bosses of DS2
>the only bad bosses of DS3
It did. Shadow of Yharnam to Bergenwerth and I guess the labyrinths as well
>gimmick "attack weak point for massive damage"
>gimmick "lol just dash through the level for a guaranteed 1hit kill"
>gimmick "use this one specific weapon to trivialize the fight (builds? what are builds?)"
>gimmick "whack-a-priest"
>doi even have to say anything
>actualy good bossfight
I'd rather have dudes in armor that are actual fights than cinematic "press button feel cool" garbage
Oh my god user I was just joking please, you're embarassing yourself
>they're well designed fights
>Abyss "Throw myself into your backstabs" Watchers
>Champion "Please don't circle strafe" Gundyr
>Dancer of the "I'll just attack this wall for 30 seconds at a time" Boreal Valley
>Pontiff "Suffers a stroke to summon a useless clone" Sulyvahn
>King of the "Who Needs Hitboxes When I've Got Shitboxes and Bad Camera Angles" Storm & Nameless "The Only Reason I'm Difficult it because I Input Read" King
>Darkeater "Have fun trying to see anything at all" Midir
>Soul of "Why does I even have multiple forms when I die in about 30 seconds" Cinder
Rest of the fights are fine-to-great.
Honestly Vodrt is a better fight than the majority of Ds2s bosses
I've beaten ds3 like 20 times with pretty much every weapon type, your complaints are bullshit, STR weapons have been the best for a long ass time, git gud.
>And I don't mean it as a "baaawwwww they're too hard"
Yes you do, but you don't want to admit it.
You'd rather lie and blame the game for you sucking a fat cock
>the only bad bosses of DS3
>it's almost a third of them
I don't think DaS2 has a single boss that charges at the wall like a retard for the entire fight, but maybe I'm wrong.
>I've beaten ds3 like 20 times with pretty much every weapon type
I've beaten the game with different weapon types as well (including a faith build because I hate myself), so you missed the mark on that one. ut But if you don't see how the difficulty is skewed in favor of fast and light weapons in PVE you're blind or retarded.
DS3 is not a well balanced game. Sometimes it wants to be Bloodborne, sometimes it wants to be Dark Souls, and the end result is an inconsistent mess.
What if all those DaS2 posts lately?
>I've beaten ds3 like 20 times
Jesus christ, why?
>with pretty much every weapon type
There isn't even that many weapon types in DaS3.
Who's that with VH girl and what's her game?
There are more than 20
We all know you didn't do a Whip, Reaper, Bow, XBow, Greatbow, or Dagger build, so who cares. Also Piercing Swords and Straight Swords are the same weapons with 1-2 different moves.
It's fun and has active online.
To be fair the bandit knife can carry you through 90% of the game.
Thats because there's a fog between them before clearing the boss and bother areas are seperate invading areas with different level brackets.
When you in from either bonfire there will be a fog inbetween
If you ever even think a negative thought about dancer I will find and end you.
I said Vordt, not Gyoubu Oniwa
> difficulty is skewed in favor of fast and light weapons in PVE you're blind or retarded.
It really isn't, Vordts hammer is probably the best weapon in the game and Pyromancy is unbelievably good, if you can't manage to find a hit you're doing something wrong
>DS3 is not a well balanced game
I just disagree with you user, aside from early game faith it's pretty well balanced.
Whips are underrated
>not knowing about best girl Erika
I don't but I'd like to.
>A lot of them are too fast
> Unless you're using fast weapons you literally have to trade hits most of the time because your character will not recover before the boss swipes at you again
that's a straight-out lie, boy. my first ds3 run was with ultra greatswords and I'm suffering from work-related nerve damage that affects my reactions. why do you spout untrue shit like this?
you can do this for every good fight in the series
I well over 20 by now too, mostly because of various cosplay pvp builds.
also, to add to all the weapon types are also the differents combos with magic and SL.
Playing trough the game with a crossbow is actually really fucking dull and easy as shit. None of the bosses even react when you fire at them, and just let you kill them (tho it takes two years to kill a single boss)
bows/crossbows are so stupid in these games for pve
offhand crossbow is god tier in pvp though, just a lovely thing to have
I will never not be mad at bonfires spawning on boss death.
This. Such a stupid system
Your opinion is worthless because it's not based in reality.
I want to play DaS3 but there are no fun weapons or builds
>its got challenging bosses like Mi-
Is this a localisation issue, or are they actually called Braille tomes in the Japanese version too?
The fact that DaS3 had excessive bonfires doesn't mean DaS2 didn't have the exact same problem. Warp point bonfires every ten feet is one of the cancers that killed souls.
thats not even the boss fight though
the same
It should be because Irina is blind
it goes basically the same except you stand in its face occasionally rolling back instead of by its legs: you fart, roll back it has a seisure, you fart some more...
It's just him making a joke on the etymology
phoneposter faggot
>Dark Souls 2 hit boxes are ba-
Pls add ray tracing and proper textures
>I am still eternally mad about the Manikin Mask
what's so bad about it?
Same, I want to play but there are no fun builds like BB's Arc/BT builds.
It doesnt help that Souls 3 is void of any fun weapons like DS1 and DS2. Like I legit want to play but theres no fun wrapons at all
>DS2 bosses: moveset consisting of 3 mostly unpredictable attacks. Artificial difficulty to make up for the lack of danger (hello old iron king and the hole in the ground)
>DS3 bosses: a dozen of moves per boss you can learn to read and anticipate with a little practice
DS2 bosses are mostly a dps check while DS3 feels like you really have to learn from your experience until you master the fight.
His sword obviously has shock waves and emits heat
I don't understand how it's possible to play through every Dark Souls game and somehow come out with a strong dislike for Dark Souls 3 when it clearly has the best gameplay in the series.
it's not supposed to, but it has
Does anyone on PC have a Vordt soul they can trade me? I'm ~SL54.
Can't wait till someone do the same with Sekiro for its reskins and reused assets
>defending ds2
>for free
What a horrible place
No weapon variety or build variety
Weightless combat
High iframe low stamina roll cost
R1 spammy compared to previous installments where you could only get away with 1-2 R1s at a time before being punished because greed. Ds3 i can get away with 7-8 r1s on some bosses before they do anything
Do you need the great hammer because you're struggling on Twin Princes or something
can we all at least agree that ds1 is the worst one?
No I just prefer big mace-like weapons in Souls games and didn't save my original boss soul for whatever reason. Now I'm stubborn and don't want to continue until I have the weapon I want.
Yeah let me fire up my switch
You could grind Cathedral Knights for the Great Mace maybe. I quite liked using that
>I skipped Bloodborne: the post
Pro tip: if you're a PC-only gamer, your opinion on Souls is worth less.
not that user but now its 2 archers then?, i still remember some enemy there in SotFS
>DS2 bosses: a handful of moves per boss you can learn to read and anticipate with a little practice
>DS3 bosses: moveset consisting of a dozen mostly unpredictable attacks. Artificial difficulty to make up for the lack of danger (hello unlimited combos and no recovery time)
I should probably just restart one of these days anyway.
>tfw the guy who bought it for me won't even play
it's mostly people who played dark souls 2 first. this game was an enormous normie-hype, basically drawing in all the retards who wanted to "be a part of it". see the cringefest of flash-animations and reddit-comics dark souls 2 spawned.
another contributing factor was the MMO-like design of dark souls 2, basically shitting all over medieval horror and making it more like american mcdonalds fantasy.
while the normies moved on after the hype to the next big shit, the retards felt welcome in this shitheap of a game and are since coming to Yea Forums to repeat the same arguments in every dark souls thread, unable to ever understand why nobody shares their opinion.
people who played dark souls 2 are cursed. they believe you are not supposed to enjoy dark souls, and believe it should be like that for everyone.
Dark Souls 3 combat is the best in the series and that's what makes it the best Souls game, since combat is the only thing that matters in these games.
One of these is a from the base game, the one in the distance teleports to a dlc area.
There's plenty of variety, just use a different weapon like usual.
>Weightless combat
The combat feels buttery smooth in DaS3. It felt like I was playing Demon's Souls again. I'm unsure what this means, to be honest.
>High iframes and low stamina cost
iframes are fun. Rolling is clearly a staple of the entire series, and they wanted to make it feel good here. Some of the bosses are even designed to roll catch players if they keep spamming. I honestly think the rolling here is fine. It's the most "video game" the series has felt.
>7-8 R1s
I can't think of a boss where this is something that happens other than maybe Vordt.
Hey eat shit, user. I played them all. I still think Dark Souls 3 is the best overall. Bloodborne and Demon's Souls follow right behind it.
>soul level 130
Now post the real fight
There are three types of people who defend dark souls 2:
Shitposters who defend the previous title and bash on the newest one to keep the meme cycle alive,
People who bought it (and all the dlc) three times dreaming and pretending anything would ever get fixed,
And genuine retards.
Dark Souls 3 sucks because the enemies are too fast
Lmao, this isn't true though. I play with Ultra Greatswords and didn't have that issue with Dark Souls 3. You generally move faster and are less affected by equipment load in Dark Soul 3 which makes up for the faster enemies in DS3.
Are you fat?
having just finished a poise build run, you're full of shit
theres that one and another pair of really close bonfires in iron keep
and bloodborne chalice dungeons always have two lanterns one hallway apart
Why did DS2 have an objective graphics downgrade from DS1?
I said fast, not fat
BB > DaS = DeS > DaS2 = DaS3
Dark Souls 2 is a game that started off as a PvP only game and at the last minute was changed to be as Souls as possible. It was never going to work out because it's literally a different game but with essentially a Souls Mod.
That said, it turned out alright. Not good, not god awful. Just alright. Still better than most mainstream games.
Dark Souls 3 started from the ground up as a Souls game, what's it's excuse for being the uninspired boring mess of a game it is? I enjoyed it sure, but it's definitely one of the weaker games in the franchise with it's reliance on nostalgia baiting and BB-inspired combat instead of Souls combat.