June 2019...... am I forgotten?

June 2019...... am I forgotten?

Attached: Sekiro.jpg (1196x1500, 540K)

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I still think about you

OP is a cocksucking faggot


No, but i don't wanna talk about it right now

Should've at least checked the catalog, op

Attached: sekiro112.png (362x633, 135K)

Only game I actually dropped due to difficulty in my entire life. I used to be able to play games with this level of difficulty when I was 15-20, but at 30 this game kicked my ass into oblivion, and I don't play video games to become enraged anymore, I already have my shitty job for that.
God damn it I recently completed RE2 on hardcore on all routes, Bloodborne, DS3, Hollow Knight, and more, but this game is just fucking ridiculous.

You posted the same thing about KH3 just recently, OP. Can you try to make it less obvious next time?

It was the Game Of The Year Of March

Simply EPIC meme.

Attached: so this is the power of nu-v.png (341x221, 112K)


I don't understand why people praise the combat system in this game. It doesn't really let you experiment much at all, there's a few things here and there you can do to give yourself some variety, but it's not much. It all boils down to you waiting for a prompt to parry, how is this any different than a QTE? I don't see how.

Attached: suckiro sucks.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)


yeah I agree without the stamina system it just felt a bit mindless to me
still enjoyed it a bit but never finished it

Git gud you fucking boomer

30 yo here, played till NG+3, you're full of shit, git gud

>how is this any different than a QTE?
We had this discussion before. Every action game combat is a QTE if you are a faggot
If you can't see why it isn't than you should stop.

Can't stand posts like this. These retards think Sekiro requires fast reflexes. It's just simple game mechanics that they are too enraged to read and understand. I'm almost 40 years old and I blow people up in fighting games because I can comprehend game mechanics and they can't.

It's people who are more interested in something looking flashy than something being deep or engaging.

>Hollow Knight
If you completed Hollow Knight, which I doubt, you should easily beat Sekiro.
Swordsaint is nothing against pure vessel.

only reason i dropped this game is because you lose posture even for parrying perfectly.

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 1K)

Juned 2019 and soulsfags are still upset over this game.

You lose posture, but your posture never breaks if you parry perfectly.

You still can't get posture broken. And you probably kill everything before your posture depletes from parrying.

it just doesnt feel right if you know what i mean. You get 'punished' for doing thing perfectly.

But that is silly. If I can play intuitively rather than wait for tiny openings (i.e. promps) then it is not quick time.

Let's say you fight a boss like Crystal Sage. There are tons of decisions YOU are making on your own during that fight. Not only can you approach him with a great variety of loadouts, but you also decide when to attack, which of his copies to attack, if you fight him closely or try to keep him away etc.

In Sekiro all of these options are effectively gone and you are left with "wait for animation - react" "wait for animation- react". Sure you also react to animations in other games, but not only are the multiple different ways you can react, you can also do tons of stuff without waiting for a prompt.

Attached: sekiro is boring.webm (640x360, 2.67M)

You mistook those shitposters for genuine players of Souls games?
Half of them are trannies and journos upset about difficulty and the other half are DS3 babbies which beat every boss with summons.

It's much easier/less tedious than any Souls game assuming you weren't a summonfag, I don't understand how it filtered so many people. It's normal to beat your head against bosses for awhile in these games, but people die to the Shinobi Hunter or something half a dozen times and throw in the towel before they had a chance to really learn.

I'd like to see anyone parry a massive sword slash without staggering even a little bit on impact.
It's like stamina ffs.

This is really well put, user. Pretty much exactly how I feel about the game as well.

nope, uninstalled but not forgotten. I can't wait for a fucking dlc

Sekiro isn't difficult. It just requires lots of patience and assiduity. What's bothersme is the need to learn every enemy fighting style. But once you have the animations memorized the difficulty is completely gone, so it's not actually difficult. It's piss easy once you know the animations.

This learning of every enemy fighting style bores me out of my mind and in the end there is 0 satisfaction in actually beating a boss. It's like, meuh... let's move on...

That webm is a bug, not how the game actually is.

I actually dropped the game at Isshin, because I was tired of the game and wanted to get the bad ending and get it over with. He's fucking impossible (for me at least).

Pure Vessel is in one of the DLCs, I completed the base game and the dracula guy DLC. Final dracula was easier than this shit.

>wait for tiny openings
Congrats. Turns out you both and pat are just bad at the game. The qte way is not the most effective nor the fun way to play the game.

Just because it's possible doesn't mean you have to do it.

>it's not the most effective
but it objectively is and playing games wrong for fun is retarded

>It's piss easy once you know the animations.
literally how is this any different than dark souls you absolute retard. Animation learning and pattern recognition are difficulty

welp i could never tell if i parried or not so its stupid tbqh. the audiovisual cues are shit and the bar goes up anyway.

That's the way it is supposed to be played. The game teaches you to play this way and it's the way to beat bosses the fastest. Don't drain their health, but break their posture by attacking during every opening and parrying every attack.

>tfw I actually share a board with people that will bother to post in this thread even when they didn't beat the sword saint

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>but it objectively is
No it isn't. It may be the safest but not the most effective. Did you play the game?

Wrong again, it objectively is the best way to take down bosses. I feel like you're the one that hasn't played the game, ESL-kun.

28 here
get gud you fucking casual

Attached: trash.png (461x80, 7K)

The best way is to not wait for openings but create them yourself ffs.

When I tried to play Sekiro like it was MGR most of the bosses would just end up out of reach for counter attacks and would regain their posture almost instantly.

>Animation learning and pattern recognition are difficulty
HAHAHAHA! Oh wow. You can't be serious. I doubt there is any human being on the planet who cannot easily do this (except people whose brains are literally damaged or malformed). Pattern recognition is one of our main skills and we do it exceptionally well. We are so eager to recognize patterns that we often see patterns where there are none.

You will probably say "but I know all these people who cannot defeat this boss in Sekiro". No honey, they absolutely can. They just don't have the patience and/or motivation to do it. Offer anybody 1000 bucks for beating a boss in Sekiro and they will have it done faster than you can go to the bank.

Sure Dark Souls bosses also aren't incredibly hard if you approach them with the mindset of beating them no matter what and no matter how tedious it is. But that's not how most people play games. Rather, they will fight the bosses intuitively and only make tiny adjustments each time they try until they have succeeded. That's why defeating a boss in Souls feels like YOUR OWN victory. In Sekiro it feels like you've finally did what the devs wanted you to do because it doesn't let you play intuitively.

>Just spam prosthetic tools lol
And how is cheesing the game fun exactly?

in dark souls, you need to learn bosses' patterns and animations to roll out of the way of their attacks successfully

in sekiro, you need to learn bosses' patterns and animations to either parry or roll out of the way of their attacks successfully

>cheesing the game
So you admit to be a retard?

>herp derp
You probably talk about interruptions or eliciting certain attacks. Guess what, dimwit: You also do this doing opening so that doesn't contradict us at all. Fag.

these kinds of threads are fucking retarded. KYS u nigger

Attached: nervous he.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Than everything is an opening.

it's important to remember that soulsfag don't really play action games so they honestly have no idea what they're talking about. remember, these are the same people that say that DS is the pinnacle of ARPG gameplay

Its literally the same difficulty as dark souls 3. Juat stop mashing roll and mash deflect instead

Attached: moth buddy.webm (720x720, 1.91M)

>still no argument
Nice job buddy. Try playing the game without crutches.

game doesnt have much replayability. no pvp, no mp, no fashion, no reason to keep talking about it after you beat it. Its a great single player game but thats all it is. the main difficulty in the beginning is how the game completely limits your ability to use tools and skills to their fullest ability. once you unlock all your shit the game is a cake walk, and once you learn mechanics all the bosses except 2 or 3 are also fairly easy to manage. i dont want to be a meme master but the most frustrating part of the game is the first few hours, its complete artifical difficulty in terms of the player not starting with enough hp/parry, damage, spirit emblems, items, or skills. Putting the counter skill behind the skill tree was super aids if you didnt understand the most efficient progression path. going too deep into prostetic upgrades can also be a huge waste of time and effort. But once you figure that shit out, either through trial and error or by looking up a guide, game is 2ez. ai is easy to cheese, bosses are easy to bait,no reason to go back and do ng+++s because the game just scales up enemy damage to match your own stat increases.

>am I forgotten?
Yes, as bland and forgettable as they come, you'll only be remembered for difficulty for the sake of difficulty.

inb4 git gud, no reason to, the game certainly doesn't give you any.

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>In Sekiro it feels like you've finally did what the devs wanted you to do because it doesn't let you play intuitively.
you say this like it's a bad thing. Just because you don't like rhythm games doesn't make them not difficult. Just because you don't like pattern learning and recognition doesn't mean it isn't an element of difficulty. Some people are into that type of stuff, me being one of them. I absolutely love games where the devs give you a very straight forward challenge that requires many tries to get correct, I dunno why I do but I do. There are many different elements of difficulty, pattern recognition is just one

Attached: bat buddy.webm (854x480, 2.57M)

>in dark souls, you need to learn bosses' patterns and animations to roll out of the way of their attacks successfully
There are only a handful of Souls bosses where I actually learned their entire moveset by heart. It's simply not necessary to do so because you can react to most things intuitively. Sure you often misjudge attacks, but there's also a good chance that you don't.

Furthermore, even when I learn the entire moveset, I don't do nothing but waiting to react. I still play actively the entire time. In Sekiro, it's all about dancing with the boss so his animations are essentially all there is to the fight. I COULD fight bosses in Souls the same way, but that would be very boring and tedious.

You know you're just shitposting. It's more than obvious that you have no idea how to play games.

In Sekiro? Yes. In good games, no. You actually do stuff on your own because the game let's you.

>It's simply not necessary to do so because you can react to most things intuitively
and this isn't true for Sekiro? The attack animations are pretty readable and after a couple of the first bosses you are pretty set to be able to go through the game parrying everyone if you are really paying enough attention to when they will hit you

>It's simply not necessary to do so because you can react to most things intuitively.
same for sekiro
>In Sekiro, it's all about dancing with the boss so his animations are essentially all there is to the fight.
you can just hit them instead

>You're just bad lol! Stop shitposting!
You need to cope buddy. I understand that you're new to English but are you new to basic logic as well?

Just mash L1. You wont even get punished if your posture breaks unless the enemy is in the middle of a long combo which are usually telegraphed

this, the first time I played Sekiro I played like a little bitch and was just waiting around reacting. Then I saw some other people's webms and youtube vids so on my latter playthroughs I started finding way more openings and started trying to make some myself, there's a lot more to the combat than you first notice

The audio is drastically different and the visual is a bright orange. How can you not notice?


Go attention whore on /soc while we have intelligent discussions (and Ops) in other threads

>No parry:
Woah so different

Soulsborne doesn't really require you to know animations unless you plan on parrying, the games difficulty comes entirely from not knowing what the fuck is going on or what to do, but once you know which weapons are the best, where to go for items and upgrade materials, the areas and progression, the games becomes piss easy, roll and attack, and don't get ganked.

Sekiro doesn't work this way, if you don't have the reflexes of a fly or you have shit memory you're fucked.

best game of the year
btw 60 fps 1440p on my 2016 pc

Attached: ludzkieoko24fpsmax.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>Soulsborne doesn't really require you to know animations
then how the fuck are you planning to roll out of attacks?

Cope. This games deflect windows are huge and 90% of the time if your posture breaks you can just roll away damage-free.


Here you go brainlet. Hear that high pitched TING when you deflect? Or did Fortnite rot your brain?

lol show me a video of you cheesing a boss with this "tactic" and I'll believe you, oh wait, you can't

>This games deflect windows are huge
it gets smaller if you spam L1
>90% of the time if your posture breaks you can just roll away damage-free

>you say this like it's a bad thing. Just because you don't like rhythm games doesn't make them not difficult. Just because you don't like pattern learning and recognition doesn't mean it isn't an element of difficulty. Some people are into that type of stuff,
Hey sure some people are into that type of stuff but don't pretend that Sekiro is hard just so you can feel more accomplished when you win one of the memory mini games.

There are puzzle games like tetris or puyo puyo where you can choose from a great variety of options to get to the desired result.

And there are music games like guitar hero where you have to press a button at the exact right time.

Sekiro is more like a music game and Souls is more like a puzzle game in this regard. But for a "music game", Sekiro is piss easy. It's just tedious because it makes itself harder to practice. Imagine instead of having to walk to a boss battle, you could restart at any moment. Imagine further that the bosses would repeat each of their attacks multiple times in a row at the start so you can see them clearly and figure out what to do in response. Then the real fight begins. Is it still hard? Of course not. You already know what to do and implementing it doesn't require outstanding reflexes either. Perfecting a difficult song in guitar hero is infinitely harder.

ok so tomae hits you 5 times in rapid succession how are you supposed to know which hits you parried? just admit it its a shit game with shit audio. And those tings sound similar faggot.

...before the hit lands?
recently started playing SoTFS, str and long bow for groups and sniping, can't believe I let it sit around for so long, didn't die to single boss except the rotten, and that's just because black gulch is bullshit.

Bloodborne/3 started the trend of baiting you into rolling by elongating attack animations, so maybe you do need to die a few times to figure your shit out.

TING TING TING dunk dunk

Fromsoft are based but they can not for the life of them optimize games, it's so frustrating.

>"oh let me pay attention to these minute details in 1 second in the middle of a fight
frick off

Most of the souls bosses have longwinded, wide ass combo strings that you can't be expected to dodge before seeing them at least once.

The entire game. Funniest part is when sword saint does his iaido quick draw, i just spammed L1 in advance and got a perfect deflect every time

I don't disagree with any of this except when you say that it isn't difficult. Go look up the definition of the word instead of using your weird video game definition that you've pulled out of your ass and we can come to an agreement

I’m about 2-3 hours in. Cant figure out where to go with the broken bridge/giant snake/weird fucker in the pit who shoots electricity. I dont like using guides in From Software games my first time through.

I put in last of us remastered and finished that on Grounded instead of banging my head against a different wall.

So you admit the problem is your own inability?

>i need to use a guide but i dont use guides
delete the game

it's a rythm game

>show me an example
>lmao the entire game
ok so you're full of shit gotcha

Stay coping. Literally the only boss that really punishes L1 spamming is O-Ren because of how quickly she breaks posture and closes in. Enjoy your poorly designed action game

>and this isn't true for Sekiro? The attack animations are pretty readable and after a couple of the first bosses you are pretty set to be able to go through the game parrying everyone if you are really paying enough attention to when they will hit you

You don't know when they will hit you unless you at least saw their attacks once. So what do you do when you first fight them? You are defensive and try to learn their attacks because you know that is the key to victory. Then you can dance and beat them. If you're good at memorization, the first time around. If you're bad, then later but eventually. In Souls I know that I have a shot of beating bosses even if don't know their entire moveset so I play with them, try to beat them the first try. And then the second try and the third etc. Each time I get better because I learn more about them, but at no point do I have the feeling that I need to learn them completely before I can finally move on. Each battle feels like there is a chance of victory even without perfect knowledge of the fight.

I'm not the one coping, you can't even come up with any actual proof and yet you're still trying to convince me you aren't full of shit

>You don't know when they will hit you unless you at least saw their attacks once. So what do you do when you first fight them? You are defensive and try to learn their attacks because you know that is the key to victory. Then you can dance and beat them. If you're good at memorization, the first time around. If you're bad, then later but eventually.
if i didnt know otherwise id think you were describing the souls games

fuck off with this bullshit

>Each battle feels like there is a chance of victory even without perfect knowledge of the fight.
okay now just tell me whether this being a good thing is your opinion or if you actually believe it is objectively better

Anyone who played the game and isn't a fromdrone will tell you they've had their posture broken then rolled away with zero repercussions hundreds of times

>No item drops, so no customising armour/weapons.
>no multiplayer

Why the fuck would I play this? What is there to look forward to?

The most disappointing thing about the game is the level design especially since From always had great level design in the past.

Try to run through an area in Souls without prior knowledge of it and you will get fucked unless you are incredibly lucky. A shortcut was such a relief because you thought to yourself "YES I MADE PROGRESS AND DON'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT HELL AGAIN!"

In Sekiro, you can literally just run past everything without the slighest trouble. Shortcuts are worthless because getting through an area quickly is no problem at all. And exploring also feels unrewarding because 99% of items are just garbage.

Anyone who played the game will also tell you that only deflecting attacks gets you nowhere against most bosses.

What are the options in other games? Dodge, block and sometimes parry? All of that is present in Sekiro, and using the dodge alongside the deflect is the most effective way to play. If you want to play optimally, you can't just wait to react with deflects, however in Souls reacting with a dodge is usually always the best way to handle things. It's really not much different at all fundamentally, it's just your moveset/build variety creating minor changes to your approach that is different.
What you're seeing in the webm is an exposed AI loop, which all of the Souls games and BB have had. It isn't a consistent thing, more akin to an exploit than anything else.

I played the game and you're wrong
>lmao but you're a fromdrone
well you've really got it all figured out then user, don't even know why you bother "discussing" things if you've already convinced yourself without a doubt that you're 100% right

you forgot
>uninspiring feudal japan setting

Spam L1 ->spam R1 until they deflect -> spam L1 -> repeat

Literally every boss except for ogre and demon of hatred

In Dark Souls, you can literally just run past everything without the slighest trouble. Shortcuts are worthless because getting through an area quickly is no problem at all. And exploring also feels unrewarding because 99% of items don't work with your stats anyway.

a nice challenge, unless that isn't your cup of tea. If that's the case then just skip it

It is an opinion but opinions aren't equal. In this particular case, I lack the nesseceary expertise to have a justified belief of which opinion is superior, but in virtually all cases there are superior opinions and that's why I reject the notion that everybody's opinion is equally valid.

OP, why do you make these threads? Why are you so autistically obsessed with Sekiro?

>spam R1 until they deflect
this doesn't work because the perfect parry window gets much smaller with each press of R1

you don't know what you're talking about

Based kino redpilled pepe poster!
I’m totally going to stop playing a game because some random neet told me to!
Thanks for that shitpost!


*dabs alongside you*

He likely played pirated it on pc and used a trainer. Its funny to see people who cheat talk about games like they played em for real

R1 is the attack button you dumb sekuck.
I already beat your shit game doing exactly what I said btw. There are almost no repercussions to having posture broken

Lie. I actually attempted to run through Blighttown on my first playthrough because I didn't like the area. It raped me.

Sure you probably can easily run through most areas in Souls WHEN YOU KNOW THEM, but in Sekiro you can easily do it without knowing them.

Cope and seething
Go play a real action game like NGB on Master Ninja and you won't feel compelled to defend this kusoge

You just described the devil may cry fanbase

I completely stopped dodging in Sekiro. What's the point? It doesn't feel like something I can rely on. Only used the dodge button fot the mikiri counter, jumped when they swiped, jumped when they grapped, parried when they attacked, attacked when they stopped attacking. dodge feels worthless.

>It's really not much different at all fundamentally, it's just your moveset/build variety creating minor changes to your approach that is different.
One has tons of otpions, the other has one canned response for every enemy action and a few gimmicks to give you the illusion of variety.

I left the "when you know them" part out on purpose.
Ofc you can do it way easier in Sekiro thanks to the grapple and no fall damage.

But I'd like to see anyone run blind through Sunken Valley and not die.

You can get away from a posture break unless the enemy is in the middle of a combo, you can even get away after getting posture broken by Owl because he takes so long to go for a deathblow.

You’re a fucking weirdo man. No one is “seething.” Ninja Gaiden is on a different level of greatness. Sekiro is a fun slightly difficult game. And the only difficulty is figuring out the map once you have the parry system down.
Go jerk off to some anime or something. You need help

almost every boss attacks with combos

pretty sure he was describing the fromdrone fanbase but keep seething desu :)

>But I'd like to see anyone run blind through Sunken Valley and not die.
I did run through most of sunken valley. What exactly do you think is hard to get away from here? The snipers? Aren't you supposed to keep moving so they don't snipe you? And the hole in the bridge did surpise me but that didn't kill me either.

kys desu

sorry senpai

the best way to take down boss is to be agressive and attacking them non stop. If you stay passive, the fight will dra-gon and you'll take hours to defeat them.

why are there no fucking blocking skills? most items are pretty much useless. all skills do no damage and are worthless. oh not only is the character a "one armed wolf" he's a weak and pointless build for this game.

When you have kids, a job, and friends and family as well as personal responsibilities you need to attend to, you’ll understand. Being 30 yr old NEET man child is not the same as being a man.

lol you don't just attack them at your own leisure because then they will just hit you through your attack and send you on your ass.

you attack them whenever there is an opening, most notably when they're done with the combo/attack you just parried or the swipe you just jumped over. that is PASSIVE gameplay because you WAIT FOR THEM TO DO SOMETHING before you do something. get it?

Because it is undeniably the most effective way to play when you know the timings. It's ridiculous how quickly you can tear through a boss without bothering to wait for most deflects. It's the difference between getting in 1-2 hits each swipe to almost double every time, excluding whatever other openings you will definitely find.

Not really a ton of options if we're talking optimal play for both. I could argue anything outside of the biggest number build, typically quality, and anything other than just dodging and countering is gimmicky as well. I do think Sekiro's prosthetics are pathetically underutilized in combat as they are almost entirely useless for optimal gameplay, but they are fun gimmicks when you decide to mix things up and use them. It is a game that needs to reward the use of skills to give you any purpose to using them.
I've always felt these games are lacklustre in true variety though, but I'm the type to want to do things as efficiently as possible, and the challenge runs I've done are just shit like no heals/no leveling, etc. I have to force myself to use what variety there is in all of them because I know what works best and feel it's pointless to not do the optimal shit.

The whole game is akin to doing tiresome dance rehearsals repeatedly until you get a waltz down the way your instructor wants it to be, except he doesn't tell you what he wants in the first place and you have to be beaten into knowing. This wasn't a problem with Dark Souls because caution could always bring you far and there were plenty of alternative solutions to the same puzzle.

The game lacks so much polish that it feels unfinished. My guess is that it was developed by an inferior division of the company, out of a scrapped prototype.

The stealth mechanic is a pointless joke. The fact that most enemies are blind and deaf breaks the immersion and the fact that you can easily run past them even when they are alerted means that stealth killing them is not necessary in the first place.

Graphically speaking, it is a very ugly game. Drab environments, repetitive architecture and boring enemy design.

You have an umbrella that is upgraded to block literally everything.

Bloodborne > Sekiro > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls >>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>> Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

Attached: 1543760475414.jpg (540x537, 58K)

ITT; People realize Souls, BB and Sekiro have the same combat with only surface level differences, yet continue to pretend that one is fundamentally better than the others

Attached: 1546323676468.jpg (678x1024, 92K)

BB >DS> Demon Souls > DS3 > DS2 > a dry dog turd > Sekiro

the only fight where having posture broken is a very bad situation is against Owl and his "i one shot you when you are posture broken move" but you can indeed just roll away or event bait him doing this

>mfw owl makiri counters me

Attached: 1515965011453.png (374x384, 177K)

I found it really generic with the setting and story. We've seen the same theme in multiple games recently, and in the past. The mobs were mindless bland trash, the bosses demanded perfection, and the colours look like mush. Reviewers give this game a high score, but for what, it's not even vaguely original, or inspiring, like their previous games. I gave it a chance, even though I shouldn't have, as now I can't be refunded, that price is also ridiculous.

Attached: Yawn.jpg (489x450, 37K)

ENB says that this is his favourite game of all time, so it's pretty much guaranteed to be dogshit.

>ugly game

Nigga Fountainhead palace is one of, if not the best looking location in all of From’s games and most games in general. Senpou Temple, Ashina Castle and Hirata Estate all have fantastic designs as well

>The whole game is akin to doing tiresome dance rehearsals repeatedly until you get a waltz down the way your instructor wants it to be, except he doesn't tell you what he wants in the first place and you have to be beaten into knowing.
Have you ever played an action game in your life? Or any game that involves skill or reaction times of some kind?
>This wasn't a problem with Dark Souls because caution could always bring you far and there were plenty of alternative solutions to the same puzzle.
This also happens with Sekiro. Even though you can't always play defensively that doesn't mean that you can't play cautiously. Also you have tons of tools at your disposal to tackle on different things at the same time.
>The game lacks so much polish that it feels unfinished. My guess is that it was developed by an inferior division of the company, out of a scrapped prototype.
Have we played the same game? This is by far the most polished game From Software has ever published at least in the last 10 years.
>The stealth mechanic is a pointless joke. The fact that most enemies are blind and deaf breaks the immersion and the fact that you can easily run past them even when they are alerted means that stealth killing them is not necessary in the first place.
I'll give you that one, the stealth mechanics really feel tacked on since you're going to have to fight your way through no matter what and playing stealthily isn't an option on bossfights.
>Graphically speaking, it is a very ugly game. Drab environments, repetitive architecture and boring enemy design.
Now this is just bullshit, you clearly have some bias against this game. Soulsfags, not even once.

The posture system is Sekiro's approach to stamina.

git gud

Attached: esz.png (752x176, 46K)

>b-b-b-ut seethe
Cope harder capcomdrone

look for the bright orange flash every time you parry

we have this thread every day

>people now realize that souls game are mostly mindless fun and just higher tier bamham combat
I love from for making it obvious to you

Still playing and having a great time.

shit bait thread gtfo

>It all boils down to you waiting for a prompt to parry
I never parried much and I beat the entire game and got all endings. Without Kuro's charm I parried even less.
The idea that you have to parry is ridiculous. The idea that not parrying is extremely ineffective is also ridiculous.

There are a lot of different approaches to fighting in Sekiro. Getting really good at deflecting and blocking is the safest way to progress, but it isn't the most effective nor the quickest way to deal with enemies and bosses. You can work to chip down their health to a point where their posture is stuck in orange, then aggressively rush to break their posture. You can take advantage of prosthetics like the shuriken to make openings (if you throw a shuriken at an enemy that's jumped in the air, it knocks them down and deals a lot posture damage). Many of the unblockable attacks can be deflected if you get perfect time, or you can choose to close in and kick off of their head to deal more posture damage, if it's a thrust attack you can Mikiri counter or if you're not confident at Mikiris a lot of thrusts can be dodged with good timing and taking advantage of that opening to damage their health. That's not to mention the various stealth options which have been weaved into the level design to reward players for exploring the environment and finding good spots for stealth attacks. If you get good at learning your environment, how to sneak past enemies to get to an advantageous position and take away a health bar from the mini-bosses, for example.

>gimmicks and QTEs
you talk like I don't already know all of this shit. that's not variety at all. just gimmicks and QTEs. no sense of personal freedom.

>gimmicks and QTEs
I mean, if you decide to stretch out the definitions of those words to mean whatever you want them to, then sure. But trying to describe anything that involves reaction time as "QTE" is disingenuous and the clearest sign of a brainlet who doesn't understand game design. And the word "gimmick" is such a stupidly vague non-criticism which is only a little bit more descriptive than saying "I don't like it".

no u

It was a good game. One step forward with the combat, and one step backwards with almost no diversity of play. That is why i stopped playing Sekiro and i still stick with Dark Souls, Bloodbonr and Nioh.


I liked it because it felt like a rhythm game in the sense that you had to time your parries, dodges and attacks, and because it just feels good. The constabt clash of weapons make you feel like actually fighting with a sword instead of hitting everything hundreds of times to kill them like you were using a baseball bat

Because there's zero replay value

I'm 29, you just suck, stop blaming it on your age.

lol every time

>I couldn't beat it because it was too hard
>actually it's because I'm just a real man!

no im waiting for you to go on sale

>Offer anybody 1000 bucks for beating a boss in Sekiro

No one is this retarded though


I wanted to illustrate that everybody could easily beat all the bosses if they had the motivation to do so. People say "it's too hard" but what they really mean is "I just cannot be bothered to invest any more time and effort into this". Memorization isn't hard at all, especially when we are just talking about a few moves of a boss in a video game like Sekiro. There are some genuinely difficult video games, Sekiro isn't one of them. Sekiro is just tedious.

Based retard doesnt understand the point is that anyone can learn to beat these bosses with the patience and motivation.

Played through it twice, enjoyed it thoroughly, but it doesn't have great replay value. I don't see a reason to play through it a third time.
Still an amazing game. Not all games need to be playable for hundreds of hours to be good.

>Sekiro is ha-

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The game just looks boring to me. I've already beaten all the souls games+bloodborne and enjoyed them all. Sekiro just looks like you spam slashes all game until the instant kill prompt appears, for every enemy, for the entire game. Hard pass.

Stopped during my second playthrough because I didn't see anything new. I was hoping for a few changes but didn't notice any. I also looked up how to get different endings but after seeing all the steps I had to remember, I just couldn't be bothered and dropped it. The game really isn't fun to play for its own sake. It just teases you if you can beat it and once you done it there's no reason to come back.

Almost right. You spam block until the instant kill prompt appears.

Are you braindead? You act like every souls game isn't just circle strafing until the enemy opens themselves to R1 spam on repeat until they die. Souls combat has always been fucking boring but Sekiro's parry system at least keeps you somewhat engaged

>not playing magic builds
Want to know how I know you're a virgin?

>Want to know how I know you're a virgin?
But you just admitted to being a wizard. And by the way that's arguably even less engaging albeit flashier

>"What do you mean you can't summon for help in this game or be overleveled?"
>"This game requires fast reaction times and memorisartion? Might as well just be quick time events!"
Holy shit, the coping from soulsfags is incredible.

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Every time
>modern shit game comes out
>Yea Forums gets hyped because it's overhyped by marketing fucks
>Yea Forums plays it and falls for the fake hype and "likes" it
>a couple of weeks passes
>Yea Forums realizes it wasn't that good anyway but doesn't want to admit it so they just collectively decide to forget about it
Modern gaming and gamers. It never ends and this is why modern gaming will continue to be absolute garbage.

Oh yeah when something isn't constantly and obsessively talked about, it must be forgotten. Fucking moron. I liked Sekiro when it released and I still liked it, but I've played through it three times and I'm giving it a break. I also still love RE2 Remake and DMC5. Yesterday I booted Sonic Mania and Mega Man 11 too but those games are so 2017 and 2018 respectively. Kill yourself you stupid Ps2 zoomer

I’ve already played it more than. Souls games

compared to the boring simple slog that is souls gameplay ( literally ocarina of time combat with stamina ) sekiro is a breath of fresh air and a ton of fun

Hahahaha just fucking press L1 you absolute JOKE

where is the dlc?

Sounds to me like you got hyped with everyone else, then when you got to play it you got absolutely shit on despite everyone else praising it. Now the game doesn't have 50 threads every single day but you've convinced yourself it's because everyone else "realised it wasn't good" like you did, rather than everyone else having completed it multiple times and theres not much more to discuss.
I'm afraid you just genuinly can't cope.

I would trade it in if there was anything else I wanted to play. What a disappointment.

>single player game that has it's own self contained story and no sequels or updates been announced
>no one talks about it nearly as much in a forum for general games a few months after it comes out

what a fucking surprise
it doesn't mean the game is bad, it means the major conversations about it are over and people are talking about other games
go to their forums or some shit if you want to talk about it there

What boss was it, user?

Need some help guys. I just picked this game up the other day and I've been through it four times to get all the endings, but I still have one trophy left to get the plat.

I recently began playing on BoneX, good game so far but everyone is sick with dragon shit
I got a dragon blood shit to cure people so I selected it in the menu and used it. It didnt do shit and it autosaves so am I fucked? I think uou gave to use it on an altar

The game looks great though, 1800p 30-40fps I think. I wish BB and DS3 looked as good on consoles

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Nigger Im 36 and I just killed Owl on NG+ with kuro's charm.
Getting mad is just you refusing to learn.

Boomer, just fuck off, wtf are you even doin on Yea Forums

it's a video game faggot

Bros I dont wanna start a thread but should I get picrelated?
I only played BB and DS3

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None. I finished it twice and NG+ made me like it less because of how poorly implemented and balanced it was. You can literally shitstomp your way through that game in an afternoon because there's nothing for you to do except sprint between bosses and ignore everything else. NG+ really shows how flawed the design, combat, AI and exploration really is.

also fuck feudal Japan, fuck weebs and fuck katana enthusiasts.

Attached: Sekirofans.jpg (640x603, 49K)

>I am legitimately retarded

>I doubt there is any human being on the planet who cannot easily do this
That's the point. People are supposed to be able to beat the game. The purpose of difficulty is to make the game more fun, not to stop people from beating it

Nah I'm just waiting to see if they do DLC so I can play the full game. I don't think playing a chopped up game. I want to do everything at once

>every time
>goes on to describe something that never happens because Yea Forums are full of contrarians that hate everything before it even comes out

It was Resurrection. Just looked it up, and you get it from dying. Pretty bad game design if you ask me.

Two words:
git gud

>enemy blocks
>health still goes down

>the game is chopped up if it eventually has DLC
also fix your english you ESL retard

why no stealth deathblow?

i like how you truly don't get it by unsheathing the mortal blade before ever dying