Pathologic 2

What does she see anons?

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Other urls found in this thread:

My fat cock.

Does this game run like shit no matter what? Constant memory leak regardless of settings. Too bad as I really want to enjoy this.


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Thrown the game on my SSD, and playing on medium and the game is rather smooth. Too bad i have GTX1080 and i7...

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wtf thats my phone number

Am I supposed to have fuck all to do at day 6? It just feels completely different, since every other day requires some sort of planning and there's basically no downtime at all.

I visited the bachelor, got the special blood from the village(it's still brewing), finished with the hospital, gave tinctures to everyone in danger(except for Anna, she's already survived around 3 days while infected so unless she gets super lucky she's dead anyway). I've spent my time hunting for little girls so I can get some shmowders since I have none but no luck so far.

gtx1070 ti and i7 here, pretty smooth normally outside of exiting/entering buildings. If it was on ssd id have better luck. No memory leaks ive noticed.

That's a long number.

>Thirst increases

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for you

>since I have none
>day 6

I've not gotten to that day, but I think I saw some anons talking about one thing on that day that is important, but outside of that it seems like a free day?

Just sleep on her lap user


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everyone's clothes in this are effay as fuck, going to steal some of those clothing ideas

>not hoarding precious NUTS
Just buy them in every shop.

Yeah it's probably in relation with Murky at night, I already know what to expect but nothing a good old fire won't cleanse. I guess I'll just go loli hunting and try to upgrade inventory to last stage

Just finished Bachelor and Haruspex on classic HD. Do I play the changeling or jump to 2, khitanger?

>three bandages
>not drinking twyrine immediately

What's wrong with his face?

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Wait a second, is this a JoJo reference?

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You better go see Murky.

Fuck off shill

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If you kill these guys while they're trying to surrender, is that a net good or net bad in reputation?

Killing bandits always gives you rep.

Pathologic will never have wide appeal.

Why give (You) to a retard when you could have given it to me?

They're going to try to give it a wider audience by adding a difficulty slider. I doubt it will work.

They still tried to make it more popular for normies(and they could have great start thank to steam and streamers) and failed.
Shit game.

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walnuts dude

Oh Murf... are you salty because you go b7'd?

im seeing sexual things in those nuts

It's significantly better than it used to be before the recent patch, but this dumbass game still made me crank up my pagefile


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The seed of the nut looks like a brain

5/10 too hard - gamespot

They're watching a tree'd cat

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I'll always save a (You) for you baby.

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>i'm cheating so what i wanna experience the story
How do you have such a lack of character that you feel the need to cheat in a single player game? You DO understand that hardship, stress and rigorous resource management tempered with discipline are all a part of the game? The whole point is for the game to evoke these emotions in you so you can really feel the part of the narrative and the hardship of a son of the steppe who came back into his town and has to EARN the right to call himself kin.

You can't experience the story properly if you're cheating, and you can't prove me wrong in this regard either.

>walnut looks like a brain
It's normal

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Im on day 9 and i've ran out of tasks, im waiting to get into the abotior but is there anything to do in the mean time? also i cant find notkin or kane and those idiots are in danger of infection, any idea where they went?

What kind of game is this even?

Where is Sticky on Day 10? I have a schmowder for him but he's not at my place...?

He was missing on Day 9 too until I slept during the day. Is it the same deal?

Whats the best way to get infected organs? The mummy people?

Walking sim/inventory management sim/despair sim/russian life sim/waifu sim

I fucking hate unfinished quest lines. Anyone knows what triggers this hole?

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The theater hospital if you want no rep loss, though once the army shows up they'll slaughter plaguebringers left and right for you and each other.

Fuck off alphyna

>caring how others play a single-player game

Hungry hobo simulator

A survival game with a cool story and cute girls. It will also teach you the meaning of regret.

ive no idea, ive never played them.Visually its right up my alley, and the story seems to have a meta narrative thing going on which is cool, the atmosphere looks sooo fckng TOP COMF.
Then I watched a LP, holy shit it looks so boring, so much walking and text. No thanks. I dont even know why i come to these threads desu.

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Fuck off Murf.

You go near the houses, no need to get into them and listen. There is one with banging sound, but turns out it's just a guy locking himself in a room because he has cold. 1 Appartment is already crossed by maria, you need to tell her to GTFO and tell victor what she is doing. There is one silent home, there are corpses inside, you need to make a cross on the door.

>shit is boring
Nigger by the day 5 you are running desperately through infected districts, trying to make it. You are killing infected people to harvest their organs to make cure. What kind of ADD child would find this game boring is beyond me.

I can tell you that the experience of playing these games is not comfy.

Have you visited Saburovs? Hame Murky told you about her friend?

>Where is Sticky on Day 10? I have a schmowder for him but he's not at my place...?

Seriously, is this bugged or something? He's definitely not inside.

Draw/shoopfags, I need Artemy holding a mug with #1 Steppedad on it. Other details I leave to the artist's discretion.

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Fuck me. Didn't know you can actually go upstairs and talk to the guy in the boarded up room.

>locking himself
He's being barred in by randoms who think he has the plague, you're literally saving his life. The two fucks doing it will also pick a fight with you if you go upstairs.

That's pretty good

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What an awful post. Embarrassing.

Olon zuun jeley urda te'e hunde ubshen shulu'un de'egu'ur ebakha, you little Mara? I'll have you know I was made Menkhu of the Khantage, and I've been involved in numerous quarantines in the Town-on-Ghorkon, and I have over 300 confirmed treatments. I am trained in the Lines and I'm the top Oynon in this entire place. You are nothing to me but just another body. I will empty you the fuck out with precision dissection the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Districts? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of butchers across the Termitary and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and all it will cost me is a fingernail. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Bad Grief and I will use it to its full extent to hound your ass back to the Capital, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn dandy. I will pour blood all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Daniil.

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Is it okay for someone who has barely played the original to jump straight into 2's Haruspex?

This is a common bug, happened to me with notkin and victor kain disappeared despite being alive

what's the best use of my bottles of yellow/white/oreange painkillers?

"Why don't we paint our faces white so we can blame the townsfolk for our crimes?"

So you had to let them die?


I had the same error, i think it's specific just for that dialogue

Soon, if haruspex manage to sold his flop ass enough

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No, they survived until the ending and still didn’t appear anywhere

Show them to the Bachelor to show the fucking dandy how to get shit done in this town.

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Ah shit. I had all the kids get infected on Day 10, as scripted, and Sticky dies overnight.

>Heh Oynon got any Twyre for me
>Relax, en-Daniil I'm just kidding.

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not really. play 1 first.

>Hello my fellow white friend.

You'll be fine.

What is stopping me from savescamming until I get the right treatment instead of actually doing the diagnosis thingy?

1 year i guess

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Didn’t knew haruspex were in love with bachelor

I tried

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Literally nothing

Better not let Motherfucker Mark find out.

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This being a common bug with multiple characters is seriously making me reconsider replaying this game. I had it happen to Saburov in my game on like day 7 and I just never saw him again. Didn't realize it was a bug at first. Whats annoying is that sometimes charecters do move around so when you go to someones place and they aren't there you never know for sure if its because they moved or if its because they glitched out.

not him but nice

I guess the implication is that they're stealing because they're starving, and they got flour all over them in the robbery? Can you eat flour?

I had this bug happen to me with Saburov's wife.

Sure he was, that's why Eva cucked herself to death

Breddy fuckin' good, khatanger. Thanks.

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Synesthesia maybe.

I thought it was chalk

>try playing the first Pathologic
>crying baby noises for some reason
>have no idea what I'm doing
>the hell is that bird totem, it talks?
>wy would I want someones organs?

The FUCK did I just play?

The game is a total flop. It will be the end of the devs studio.


they somehow survived cargo

For the daily fund task, which patients count? I used painkillers on everyone in the theater, didn't fill out the task in the mindmap. Did some prophylaxis on important people, gave them morphine, too, no further progress. How does this shit work?
It's already too late for Day 4, but I'd like a clearer explanation going forward.

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>somehow, no one's died yet
>day 5 and making a botch of literally everything
I'm going to lose Bad Grief tonight, I can feel it, I only have one shmowder and it's going to Notkin FUUUUUUCK

>You are killing infected people to harvest their organs to make cure.
Do all normal model people produce normal organs, and people wearing robes produce infected organs?
Doesn't murdering the infected tank your rep?

>Do all normal model people produce normal organs, and people wearing robes produce infected organs?
>Doesn't murdering the infected tank your rep?
yes but you can usually get the guards at the borders of infected districts to do the killing for you. Also the good rep you get for doing the hospital quests is usually more than enough to cancel out the bade rep you get for killing infected people and harvesting their organs.

Then can you help my brainlet ass understand how to actually finish the hospital quests?

You just need to go the theatre and give morphine to 4 patients. DON'T GIVE THEM ANY TINTICURES, IT RISES THEIR PAIN. For it to be done properly the pain bar must be empty.

God damn it.

Did you give morphine to the 4 people in the theater? That's what I did and it worked. Outside the hospital quests you can just give antibiotics to people lying on the ground in infected districts to raise the fund, with bigger gains if you give the right antibiotic.

I tried to go through the full diagnostic + morphine for two of them. The tinctures ruined everything, according to

Yeah the quest is just to relieve the patients pain, you just give them painkillers and that's it you're done.

>and people wearing robes produce infected organs?
Not all organs are infected in infected people.

That sounds inconvenient.

blood is always infected AFAIK

What item should I keep and what items can I trade away carefree?


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Different NPCs place a different value on different goods, so none of them should be "carefree".
I'd say you can basically ignore teenage girls and adult women, but that's just me.

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I didn't make any panacea until day 10. I think something bugged out because the game would never register me saving Rubin the second time and after talking to him sleeping in his house he died but the dialogue with the Inquisitor the next day said he made a cure.

It made me really sad when that paid off.

How many times do you even get a chance to hug? I think there's a line with Lara about it in like Day 3.

its not bugged
if you dont invent panacea by day 7 morning, then Rubin will sacrifice himself to make it

There's at least one more chance on day 11.

where do I find Var? I've been hearing people mention you can sell organs to him

I don't think I'll survive another six days, bro. Hold me, before it's too late.

His house is in the Stone Yard, southeast IIRC. His house should get marked on your map when you first hear about him... Day 1? Day 2?

Also you can harvest all the organs you want from districts that hate you before your reputation resets to neutral.

You can make 6-7k from organs alone ez before the third day i think

>What does she see anons?

you'll have to hope it wold enough for them to finish the game in order to find out

because with four times the crowdfunding and twice the development time they said they needed, they only managed to finish a third of the game, and the rest is contingent on sales

What was the point of this post

He's b8ing but not wrong, it's completely laughable that the only explanation IPL could come up with was "m-muh recession"

They should have made the cure by now, shouldn't they?

Is it known already how to get all the achievements?


Does it run better past the prologue? Christ.

The prologue has a lot of jumping around, meaning lots of loading. So I'd say a shaky, hesitant "Y-yeeeeeeees?"

frankly I don't understand what they blew all the money on
the only programmatically difficult things I see in this game is the AI for the townspeople, and even then it's not even that difficult to make, considering all they do is wander around and use objects in preset places in the game world

there isn't that much voice acting either, and all the conversation stuff is done in text, plus every character has only like 1 idle conversation animation, so where the fuck did they blow all the money on?

Artemy wants some hatefuck

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When is it a good idea to repair water sources?

is lara a tsundere?

I presume I want to upgrade the medicine brewing machine, right?


Oynons, remember to upgrade your inventory, bigger inventory means less fear of not getting all those tasty organs.

yeah but getting the resources for tier 2 upgrade looks like a bitch

Fuck, i am running out of my tinctures+ and i had over 20 of them.

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Is it worth it to cure people with schmoulders as soon as they are infected or wait a couple of days and curing them with antibiotics?

Antibiotics is risky as fuck dude, they might die.

What the fuck can I do against the dumb as shit mechanic of NPCs pulling me back towards them when I try to run away? It's fucking bullshit and basically makes running away from 2+ people impossible.

Avoid being in that situation.
Or just stand and fight.

>what they blew all the money on
$300,000 is fucking nothing when it comes to games development.

Wait, they only got 300k and they made THIS?
Holy fuck.
Based as hell.

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what is it with this board and the number of retards on it?
this is a singleplayer game how is ''''deadgame''' relevant?
if you like these kind of niche games, go and play it
if you don't, well it wasn't made for you, go play what you like

Finished the game just now, what a ride. Wanted to jump right into a next, more optimal playthrough, but decided to take a break for now. I even wrote my first Steam review for it, just so it would have more positive feedback. My only hope now is that they have enough resources to complete the other two routes. I guess the majority of the assets are done (the town, the NPC models, the gameplay mechanics etc), so the only thing left is to complete the quests and the character specific plots.

Are the two endings the only ones this time, or did I miss something? My first choice was to save the Earth and the wonders of the land, but the ending seemed more bleak than I expected, so I reloaded and checked the other one out. The destruction of the Polyhedron seemed like a better choice after that, it feels more like an ending, with the actual Day 12 like in the original.

In any case, what a fantastic remake. Literally better than the original in every way, aside from performance issues obviously. I couldn't put down the game for days, can't even remember the last time I played a vidya for like 6-8 hours a day. Gonna check out the original non-casual Russian version of The Void now, see if I have the balls to master that game.

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I feel bad for the Bachelor, he's fucked in every ending. His story must have something unique to make up for that.

Try jumping.

>they only got 300k and they made THIS?
IIRC, the Kickstarter money was something like 330k and they expected additional funding from some benefactor or publisher or whatever, but this fell through for whatever reason, so they had to rely on less money than expected. This TinyBuild collaboration must mean that they provide the additional funding to at least finish the game in some way.

I feel bad for IPL, they always get fucked by poor sales or unreliable publishers or something. If the studio closes their doors down due to the lack of funds, I think that'll be a great loss to videogames as an art form. Their games make the most out of them being games, not movies or books. The only other person I can think of who comes close is the madlad Yoko Taro himself, but aside from him, what else do we have for this type of content.

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Yeah, usually kickstarter games take the money they've been pledged and use it as leverage to get more publisher deals/backing.

It's not that hard really. You can get the cloth just from raiding houses and I know there's one in Rubin's house on like day 7, thread, thimbles and needles aren't that hard to find since most women have them. Spindles are somewhat rare to get but they can be found in the trash and you only need one for one tier of upgrading, sewing boxes can be bought and after the inquisitor arrives it's not like you're going to be spending money on much else anyway.

Jokes on you. The Bachelor endings will be variants of him taking his dandy ass back to the capital, a broken, nervous wreck.

He may get to hold hands with Eva once though

Our boy Burakh here gets a good ending, no guilty conscience about it either!

Has anyone here tried playing the original after the remake? I want to replay the bachelor now, it's been years since I last completed his storyline, but I feel like it'll be really hard to come back to the first game after the smooth remake. I guess I could just wait a while and let Pathologic 2 fade away a bit in my mind, but still.

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>the atmosphere looks sooo fckng TOP COMF
Hah holy fuck. Imagine that.

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I'm at 6 deaths day five and I'm honestly considering replaying. Two shmowders, by the way.

>let's plays of anything look boring

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Holy fuck this game is a masterpiece. It's like a Vtmb 2.0.

Went back to the Classic HD version a day or two ago to see how it compared.

Atmosphere still stands out, mechanically it just can't compare.

Rainworld was pretty experimental. An entirely different kind of game but it still pushed the medium forward nonetheless. IPL is one of the most tragic game devs ever imo. Its a miracle they are even still around but I'm glad they are. I hoped that the Pathologic remake would be the thing to put them on the map but it doesn't seem like thats going to be the case. I love the remake but I somehow think the average joe aint gonna like it. Partly due to the difficulty, but I also just think to the sheer lack of polish. People say this a lot but it really does feel like a beta version. Clearly needed more time and more money.

What? Are you saying the game's not comfy? Survival games are best for comf because they contrast the bleak and deadly environments with warm and pleasant safe zones or times of rest and calm that make you feel at home.
>I'm at 6 deaths day five
Maybe that's dirty cheating, but I finished the game with 5 or 6 deaths by pausing and reloading right before dying if any combat situation arose. I was still punished by the game with the curse of not being able to hug a person when it mattered the most ;_;, but at least the health and hunger debuffs weren't too bad.

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>the game's not comfy
Yes that's right. There are no times of rest.

>pausing and reloading right before dying
I guess if you're a cheater.

Does this game have any jump scares?

How did Rainworld push the medium forward?

>entirely different
It's like you've never played a platformer before.

I just wanna restart because I think I can do a bit better at collecting herbs and infected organs early on. I'm also not sure if I took Mark's deal because I was sleepy when it happened and Alt+F4'd after dying even though it still counted as a death, so I may have fucked myself here.

the bull.

No, but it can get pretty fucking creepy at times. Never anything overtly horrorish though, I wouldn't say the game tries to deliberately scare you at any moment.

>frankly I don't understand what they blew all the money on
Are you kidding me? 330K on a game of this scale and asset quality with some four years development? It's a fucking joke. It's an absolute fucking MIRACLE they even managed to release this thing. You have no clue about actual game development costs.

Yes, the prologue is where the game was running the worst for me.

God damn it why does bachelor have the same voice as Grimoire Weiss in my mind
That fella should've voiced him

>Does this game have any jump scares?
There are moments when you may turn around to see a person standing there which you did not expect, that is literally the closest to a jumpscare it can get.
It can get pretty fucking creepy and straight up horrifying at times, but in a much more subtle way.

No. The closest thing to a jump scare is being taken by surprise by non-hostile people running up to you to deliver a message.

>There are no times of rest.
There are calm moments on Days 3, 6 and 9 - if you're playing sensibly.

>frankly I don't understand what they blew all the money on
Lmao are you retarded?

>that one ferryman that arrives after you first arrive in the warehouses
God fucking damn it dont scare me like that

Yeah, Rain World was amazing, a pure "game" in the best possible sense, but has the studio make anything else beside it? I hope they did/will do in any case. And yeah, I also though the remake would be much more successful than it is right now because their Kickstarter went way past the goal and the original game became better known due to the re-release, but what can you do. IPL have always been niche as fuck, it's just that this time their niche is not limited to Russia, but it's still a niche nonetheless.
>There are no times of rest
Imagine thinking that when the game has Day 6 and other breathers sprinkled throughout. I managed to see every theater performance and still had enough time for whatever bullshit I needed.
>I just wanna restart because I think I can do a bit better at collecting herbs and infected organs early on
I'd say try to pull through, the game opens up quite a bit when you always just don't have enough, but I get that sometimes it's frustrating as fuck. If you feel like you don't mind replaying all those days, that's fine too. Maybe you'll even save them all I didn't ;_;

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Thanks, I'm going to buy it now and play through it. What about The Void or the original HD version?

Hmm, well I'm only just up to the very start of day 3, just before midnight. Still, it's a fucking rush in all meanings of the term, and even on days when I don't have anything do to I can't imagine myself sitting still.

wait a sec am i going insane or is there a different character with the same model as the changeling?

Why do you think her name is

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Day 5, and I'm getting absolutely fucked over by the Protect Rubin quest line. Jesus fucking CHRIST how much punishment do the Odongs take? This is beyond riddiculous. I don't think I'm even remotely equipped to deal with this now. Can I handle this later? Or does it have to be resolved before sunrise THAT night?

Also, I seem to be getting really badly screwed over by dice rolls. Three people have gotten gotten infected despite me literally giving the best care possible.

Other than that... why the fuck is everyone saying the hunger is a problem? Like literally, I have managed to save up a stock of 5 dried fish and 5 dried meat every day as a back up, while never really running hungry to a point where I'd lose health. I'm literally sitting on four or five days worth of food supply and this is day 5 - and I haven't even picked up my daily share at the Fund.
Seriously, the game is fucking generous with food and most of the time this does not even interfere with things like having enough items to trade in for Schmoulders.

Oh yeah, and other than that, it's fucking glorious.

Because the helplessness of your situation was perfectly represented through the gameplay. You play as a slugcat in an alien world where everything is stronger than you and everything wants to kill you. The game is brutally difficult to the point of being unfair sometimes to reflect this. You have very little means to fight back but when you do pull off a successful attack its incredibly rewarding because of how much of a threat the enemies are.

>entirely different
Entirely different to Pathologic is what I meant. Also what other platformer plays like Rainworld, exactly?

>he only watched day 1 on Bachelor's route.

>What about The Void or the original HD version?
The original game is one of my favorites ever, but it's obviously harder to go back to after Pathologic 2. I'd say going for the remake is a safer bet if you haven't touched the first one. The Void is stellar, a very unique and beautiful game, but hard as heck. I never finished it, but I can appreciate nonetheless.

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>Because the helplessness of your situation was perfectly represented through the gameplay
So, not helpless at all when you have save points everywhere and death means close to nothing?

The Void is in many ways very similar to Pathologic 2. It's similarly unforgiving and resource management focused. It's clear they actually utilized a lot of lessons they had learned from it in this game, which is a fucking great thing.
That said, The Void is what many consider their most "pretentious" game. It's extremely abstract, suffered a lot from sub-par english translation and has more than a few share of flaws.

If you are that kind of person who wants a really "artsy" experience, and you can deal with a lot of suffering and massive confusion (because unlike Pathologic 2, The Void really does not hold your hand nearly as much about the mechanics) you can give it a shot. The visuals, music and atmopshere are amazing, and if you give it a chance and think about what is going on, it does tell an incredibly cleverly told narrative.

Pathologic HD... I don't think there is a point to it after Pathologic 2 came out. Other than getting to see the other two sides of the story earlier. It's the same in terms of atmosphere, but mechanically just so... soooooo much less polished and complex.

These characters look very familiar. Are they made in some freeware 3D-modeling software or something? I feel like I've seen characters made in a very similar style in indie games and porn games

You clearly didn't play the game so I'm not going to waste any more of my time with you.

this is going to be one of those rare games that i buy even after finishing it using a pirated copy

>why the fuck is everyone saying the hunger is a problem?
They're casuals. Sure, it's unrealistic how the guy can eat a steak and be dying of hunger like 4 hours later, but it balances things out and makes you think ahead/stockpile/scramble for resources putting yourself at risk. It's a great system, too bad most players are pussies and can't handle when a game challenges them.
>Protect Rubin quest line
I only managed to pull through by buying lockpicks at Grief's (I didn't have a knife or enough money to buy one), saving and stabbing one worm at a time with them, running back to Grief's to save in the process, after each worm killed. It's hard to pick them apart one by one, but possible, provided you're not too thirsty. I still died like 3 times, but eh.
>Three people have gotten gotten infected
It happens, just learn to deal with it. I had 2 kids die at Day 11 despite there being a fucking millimeter of a chance on that damned death dice roll for them dying. The game does tell you that you can't save them all, I guess.

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The Void may be the one game where "the journey is the goal, not the end of it" applies the most. I have finished it - more than once, but I don't think people actually miss out on much when they do not. Towards the end it becomes and insane slog and the ending itself is incredibly unsatisfying.
But the real meat of the game happens way before that. There is a moment of catharsis you should experience before the end game begins which is where the real fucking point of the game lies, and everything after that is just... basically you deciding to make a point to yourself.

I have played the game, I just didn't finish it because I got bored.

You just haven't played ANY other platformer if you think this is supposed to be tough. If you think I omitted the fact that you have to eat enough gnats, or whatever to "level up" your symbol, so that you can progress to other areas because I haven't played it then you are a dumbass. It's almost ridiculously easy to grind that up, that I didn't even bother mentioning it.

Void is even more brutal I think - even the easier non-Russian edition. It's moody, weird and atmospheric - lulls you into a relaxed mood with the music and broken worlds - then it curbstomps you with its challenge.

Classic HD is still going to have the atmosphere and is more theatrical in its tone and writing. Doesn't play as well as this new version though.

>a very similar style in indie games and porn games
The game is made in Unity, so maybe that's the thing?

Best of luck user!

Just keep on stocking up on supplies. Choose people to protect and care about, and stick with them. You're not expected to be able to save everyone, so direct your resources in the best way you think you can.

I fully agree with you dude. The ending itself is rather disappointing, but everything that happens before it is quite good.

With Odonghs, move backwards, charge up a heavy attack and lunge forward. If you stagger them, give them another strike. If they don't stagger then back up, block and repeat. They should go down in 3-4 strikes with a knife.

This thread is the first I even hear about this game, no wonder the sales are poor if there's close to no promotion.
Is it a remake or a sequel? I've been meaning to play Pathologic Classic for some time and will definitely play Pathologic 2, but I don't wanna go through the same plot twice

after dicking around with the settings, i found out some decent ways of guaranteeing consistent 60fps
>go to display settings
>set it to fullscreen, borderless windowed is literally broken
>change level of detail from 1.5 to 1
>set shadows to low because the lighting system is the biggest performance hog in the game
it may look slightly shittier like this, but at least you don't have to risk giving yourself a seizure with all the constant stuttering and freezing happening otherwise

Attached: 1555721778699.jpg (720x720, 83K)

It's a remake with only one character out of 3 available for now (it's still like 20-30 hours long). There's a point to play the original just to see the other 2 plotlines not yet remade, but aside from that you can jump in Pathologic 2.
See, TinyBuild? This is why you don't fucking name your niche as fuck remake of a niche as fuck game Pathologic fucking 2!

God I hope this works. I really wanna play this. Granted I haven't gone past the prologue so maybe it gets better.

Then again I could say fuck it and play classic in the meantime.

>t's a great system, too bad most players are pussies and can't handle when a game challenges them.
I entirely agree that it is a good system. What I do not understand is how they can be failing THIS badly at it. As the infamous RPS review points out, it's not a matter of twitch skill - it's not like Dark Souls where you either have the dexterity or not.
It's just basic fucking situational awareness. Every third kid has a dried fish or and egg or cheese on them, and the items to trade them in are very plentiful. The game makes a massive point in teaching you how to trade and constantly reminds you on loading screens.
Once you see kid with food, you'll know there will be more like it.
And at that point you are fucking golden. It does not require any particular skill (and there is a lot more to it as the game progresses). It's just that not starving is EASY.
Handling everything else around it: time, infection and immunity, the sheer volume of things you need to get involved with, combat, thirst, exhaustion, weapon degradation... it is a challenging game without a question and the resource management mechanic is really good, it makes every decision you make have a weight, it makes you REALLY think the pros and cons of even miniscule mechanical actions, it enhances not only immersion but involvement of the player.

But just isolated on it's own, food is not difficult to come across, and it's not a matter of "gitting gud" - it's literally out there walking in the streets, all around you.

Shit, I haven't thought about LOD and shadows, I just lowered the resolution scale as much as I could without the game looking too shit. I guess I'll try your tips for the replay, thanks.

>Is it a remake or a sequel?
It's kind of a both at the same it. But that does not matter.
What matters is that you can jump right in, it is re-telling the story of the previous game on the most base level, no need for knowledge of things from the first one.

Never, I didn't need them so far. Might wanna repair the one between lair and bar if you really need to but I usually carry 2 full flasks with me and then just find more in trash bins and fill them at barrels. Btw I constantly sprint

in the middle ages i bet everyone raped the blind girl without her being none the wiser

I mastered that mechanic in the first 2 fights. When you're in post-plague district and you get a cunt with a knife charging at you but you wanna go past him you turn in the other direction and let him catch up, then when he turns you simply sprint left/right+forward. You won't get damaged at all. Basically bait them into turning you around into the direction you actually wanna go in

Only time when it's dangerous if you get a lot of bandits after you, but even then it depends on how full your sprint bar is

I don't get it too, but what can you do. Now the devs are adding difficulty sliders and shit just so that the forum fags will shut up. Imagine how devastating it must be to see your carefully planned out systems of trade and balances get shit on by people like the RPS journalist and whiners on the forums so much. I guess these people just didn't know what they were getting into (a game that requires your full attention and a tiny bit of thinking ahead) or didn't want to step over their previous gaming habits to enjoy the game to its fullest.

This makes me think about the director's (Nikolay Dybovsky) initial intent to make the game have no map markers whatsoever a 4th wall breaking character in one of the endings even references this, saying something like are we so arrogant as to think the people are so dumb they can't figure out where they'd need to go without us pointing a finger to the exact spot. Just another sacrifice for the altar of mass appeal. Too bad it doesn't work. I'm not saying the game with no markers would be better, not at all. I'm saying that the devs unfortunately have to leave their initial plans and ambitions behind because of the audience they would have to entertain.

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DON'T fucking listen to the faggots saying no. The plague clouds jumping in front of you while you're getting INTO the district always fuck my immunity up and make me shit my pants

>The Void
suicide simulator, play at your own risk

Just don't walk on the roads lmao
But yeah, these clouds are a bitch. The guttural sounds they make are horrifying, too. I miss the old friendly plague clouds.

Forgot picture. Look at this friendly face, he just wants a hug.

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I don't think adding the difficulty customization is as painful or actually harms the game. I have argued this point in a previous thread as well. But it is, non the less, very strange and depressing.

Is it worth it to hoard boat tokens?
I mostly use them to go from home to Vlads or Lara.
Also how do I git gud at combat?
Also is morphine actually useful for sleeping?

Broken ampules. What are they good for?
I haven't found a single character that would be interested in them.

Dead item shop.
Marker appears only after watching the theater.
Trade for schmowders.

It's a big FUCK YOU the devs put there on purpose. They made the game so you have to hurry everywhere so there's no time testing the grounds, and then you see the two friendly guards guarding their checkpoint. And as you get close running straight to the entrance there's the black cunt going straight for you just to fuck you over, just a big fat "haha fuck you faggot" so you have to pop gulp down magic water

Nah, I get it, it doesn't remove the intended difficulty or anything. It just feels wrong when the devs put this in after release, not during demos or betas or the initial game design stages, purely because of this general post-release feedback (imo, unwarranted). I feel like it's put the devs in a tough spot for no reason other than to please some loud people, that's all.

>That cloud at the theater block side entrance


>Is it worth it to hoard boat tokens?
They are valuable, as they can be traded sometimes for things like raisins and coffee beens: even if you don't need them, they are valuable to others - you can sell the coffee in shops at quite riddiculous prices. I'd say don't use the travel system unless you really need to (like in order to avoid going through a plagued district if you really do not have the immunity and protection for it) and try to put the tokens into better use.

>Also how do I git gud at combat?
I've been mostly avoiding it, but if you have no other option, get yourself a lockpick and use it instead of a knife or fists. They are DEADLY.

>Also is morphine actually useful for sleeping?
If you are fine, then not really. 5 hours of sleep will generally restore your health from half to full, your immunity from none to half (it won't go past that though).
Morphine is only important if you are really hurting, or if there is something else that might eat up your health while you sleep - like an infection or hunger. It will either reduce the health bleed, or even turn it into mild healing regardless.

what the hell is a shmowder and why do people seem to care about them so much

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Oh. Thanks. I've came across it, never realized they do trade in these. May be very handy indeed.

Oh yeah, and when will cloth start to appear in shops? I found myself sitting on TWO sewing boxes, but I can't get the cloth to upgrade my inventory. I think I genuinely checked every shop on day 4.

>Broken ampules. What are they good for?
Hoard them with shit like bloody bandages, broken scissors etc for sweet deals at the Dead Item shop, available after a nightly theater performance. Like that other user said, try to save enough for schmowders, the shop often has them.
>Is it worth it to hoard boat tokens?
I think so, I always tried to maintain at least 6-8 of them. Never know when you'll need to hurry the fuck up to the other side of town. Just keep in mind that they won't take you out of infected districts, this fucked me over quite a lot of times because I kept forgetting this.
>Also how do I git gud at combat?
Have a weapon, always maintain it at peak condition, especially if you miraculously have a firearm. This makes fights easy-peasy. If you don't though, always back off while holding block and strike when you're sure the enemy is not attacking. DON'T ever try to take on more than 1 enemy if you don't have a weapon, and even then they can easily surround you and pound your ass.
>is morphine actually useful for sleeping?
I feel like it got me to almost fully empty resting gauge with like 4 hours of sleep, so maybe? Never checked to be exact though.

It's a mixture of random pills - antibiotics, immunity boosters, laxatives - litteraly anything the kids could get their hands on: all crushed up and mixed together to make "super-medicine". Kids used to make them, it was their idea of "playing doctor".
It will make you organs shut down and generally nearly kill you, though an adult or a well fed and healthy person can survive ingesting it.

>Is it worth it to hoard boat tokens?
I kept around 10 on me and they lasted for a week, on day 6-7 trips start costing 2 so take note. Also sometimes it's just better to walk, for instance going from Lair to Kid's Hideout takes around 50 minutes(?), but you can probably run there in 20.

>Also how do I git gud at combat?
Get a knife from Lara's, repair it and keep it sharpened. That's it. You get to kill 3 people before it breaks to next tier, you wanna keep it at the top tier because it's easiest to repair(needs one item). Don't fight more than 1 person at a time if you can help it, wait for them to finish attack then go forward and stab them, back off and repeat. Don't let the stamina drop to bottom or you're fucked, so if you're in hostile zone make sure your thirst is quenched.

>Also is morphine actually useful for sleeping?
Pop it if your health is low before you go to sleep, it's gonna help with health recovery. From my experience I didn't use morphine much at all except for first hospital quest, I usually use 2 tinctures to treat people before I give them a pill and hope for the best.

I read somewhere that to get the "See all dreams' achievement, you have to let the plague take Murky. Is this true? If so, I guess I'm never getting this achievement, cause there's no way I'm letting that cute critter die.

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Yes, they're invaluable later on.
Don't do combat. Sneak and stab people from behind. When you have to do combat, the idea is generally the same - stab people.
It heals you a lot. 4 hours of sleep or so and you'll be as good as new.

>Also is morphine actually useful for sleeping?
no, it always keeps my up for 2 days straight for some reason and makes everything I read super interesting

So getting the plague ain't that bad of a thing as long as the arsonists started spawning. You can just touch the fire and you get cured, take a little bit of health off. Means you can go full on scavenger in plague districts, get the plague then "wash it off' when a friendly arsonist burns a person.

The plague seems to creep up your infected bar super slowly too on it's own, I didn't really test it on plague clouds but the passive infected district contagion doesn't seem to be bad(if it raises the infected meter at all)

Replaying and trying to get all the thought bubbles.

Fetching the water barrel for Lara on Day 4. I know you have two options. Report to Bachelor and he destroys the muddy water barrel or send to Lara (or don't do anything). Does sending to Lara trigger a zone to get infected?

I'm on day one and everyone hates me, but i heard the reputation resets.
Is there a good reason why i shouldnt break into everyones home and steal their shit?

I got what i believe to be all the endings, but i was wondering if there was something akin to meeting the god children in the original pathologic. I talked with the divisers, but it seemed more like the theater bit in the original day 12

Careful, I thought the infection didnt fill up fast, but by day 8 i was getting infected left and right
you should with all the time you can spare, the reset takes care of it, but you will be low

>all the time you can spare
Can i do it after i finished all the storylines for the day or do i do it inbetween?

Is it just me or a part of town gets infected wherever you see Murky the day before?

>You can just touch the fire and you get cured
Wait, what? Are you for real? I always reloaded if I got infected since I had no panacea to spare for myself. Are you saying all this time I could just let the arsonists fry me a bit?
>Does sending to Lara trigger a zone to get infected?
Yep. It still gets infected later on, even twice I think, but no need to make things worse by sending the barrel anyway. I didn't know going to the bachelor was a possibility too. Also, are you following any guide or anything of sorts to figure out how to get all possible bubbles? I feel like I missed a bunch.
This is what I was asking earlier in the thread. Are the two endings the only thing there is, or can we do something else like in the first game to achieve a different outcome? Nobody knows for certain for now, I guess.

you should do so inbetween, you need to get used to scavenging inbetween objectives as the days go by, as long as you dont waste too much time you shouldnt have to haul ass too much each day, as opposed to the original at least

The only reason is you might get sidetracked being a burglar that you burn out too much time and most of the time you have fuck all free time and have to sacrifice an hour or two of sleep just so you pick herbs, and the fact that you also need needles as well as lockpicks to properly burgle

>Are the two endings the only thing there is, or can we do something else like in the first game to achieve a different outcome?
I hope enough people finish and we can find out soon, I made it to the last day with only one bound dead, so there may be a different ending if they all live? I'm too lazy to go back and check

Pathologic and other games from the sutdio aren't art.
Rainworld is both art and a game to name an example.
Patho is a pretentious buggy mess that can barely be called a game. No matter how you look at it and no matter how much money they had, it's shit.
Incoherent design, overstretching it's limits in terms of scope. Poorly implemented gameplay. Schizophrenic storytelling.
It's just a bad game and contrarians and pretentious fags eat it up. Even more so in the west because
>muh obscure slav gem.

>Wait, what? Are you for real?
Yeah, I got infected first time when I sacrificed myself to the plague so it doesn't infect Murky. All you gotta do it walk over the fire and take a bit of damage, then gulp down a tincture so you boost immunity to prevent getting reinfected straight away

I'm pretty sure you can also last comfortably 2-3 days before it becomes an actual problem, but I didn't test it for an extended period of time. Just don't get infected before the arsonists start spawning and you're fine

not even worth a (You)

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Please go to bed, Katerina.

Ok thanks for the confirmation. I've been following this rough guide this Russian guy is making (using google translate). It's not done, but he's updates it a couple times a day.

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Whoever replies to the retard is a shit eating odongh

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>with only one bound dead
I had 2 people dead, but I'll try and save everyone on a later replay through the game to see the results. Maybe someone will do the same and share the results, I feel like there has to be something.
>I got infected first time
Fug, I did the same and I wasted a serum on myself. This serum could've saved some poor soul, dammit! Thanks for this tip user, I never woulda thought of healing infection like this. When do people start throwing molotovs, anyway? Like Day 6 or 7?
>this rough guide
Oh shit, seems extensive. Might follow it on a new playthrough.

>this is a singleplayer game how is ''''deadgame''' relevant?
Game is unfinished, it's also flopped.
There is high chance it will be dropped by publisher since devs are wasted all their shekels on vodka.

>Is there a good reason why i shouldnt break into everyones home and steal their shit?
Yes. Your reputation DOES NOT RESET.
It raises. Just enough for people to stop being hostile to you.
Bulgraring or killing someone will drop the reputation even lower than it is, meaning that once the "reset" sets in, that particular district will still hate you. And trust me, you do not want to have redzones in the city even before the real shit starts hitting the fan.

They can be found at the station around day 6/7. They won't tell you much, but hint at things.

Who gives the most for pocket watches? Grief gave me 1.7k but does the dead item shop give more, since the watches all stop when the owner dies?

>go study at the capital
>kind of a shitty student, whatever
>come back home
>have to murder 3 people as soon as i get off the fucking train
>father is dead
>everyone accuses me of killing him
>some fucking plague breaks out and suddenly im a doctor
>taking organs of some fags on the streets to brew my steppe doctor potions
>adopt two kids
>become the leader of my entire people
>start fucking the inquisitor
A life can really change in 7 days, huh

Time to go to bed Murf.

>that dialogue in the ending where she is exited to pick a room for herself in your new home
So wholesome. They did a really good job of making you care about these kids, especially Murky. Sure, some of them are assholes, but still endearing enough for you to feel like shit if any one of them gets sick or dies.
I tried to save them all, fuck you, game.

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Daily reminder there's a way to slow down the clock by editing the game files.

Literally fuck the people who thought it's a good idea to let the clock ticking while you're talking to characters. especially as the time flies faster with each progressing day

>When do people start throwing molotovs, anyway?
I think it's around day 5 but not 100% sure, might even be 4

Pathologic 3 when? I want to play as Sticky the mini-menkhu.

What happens when you leave the town with your wife?

But the time does not progress during dialogues, what the fuck are you smoking?

>I'm pretty sure you can also last comfortably 2-3 days before it becomes an actual problem
You'll be wasting time and resources on it on the very first day, the plague doesn't fuck around. And you'll be going insane after listening to that cunt for two days straight.

Time doesn't pass when you talk to people, and it doesn't pass when you're in the inventory or pressed esc

What the fuck does buying the bull even do

>A life can really change in 7 days, huh
Especially considering how short the days are in this town. Burakh had an intense week, that's for sure.
It doesn't though, just like in the first one.

stop shilling this trash

It does when you are trading, or handling containers though. That is worth remembering. So always arrange your inventory first, then go looting. Re-arranging inventory while in a middle of a plague zone can be the difference between life and death.

>It does when you are trading
It doesn't.

>this happens when you're in steppe picking herbs at night

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It speaks to you on Day 11. Just buy it, it's only 200 moneys.
>leave the town with your wife
Do you mean the inquisitor? I didn't do it, but the achievement for this event is called "Goodbye" or something like that, so I'm guessing you're still forced to go back to the town.

Attached: file.png (500x352, 299K)

>mfw "Come closer"

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When you're handling containers, yeah. It's really annoying when you wanna rearrange your lair cupboard inventory but you know the clock is ticking.

Yeah, time doesn't pass when you're in your thoughts/menus, but I swear it does when you talk to characters. I did some test, I looked at the clock before talking to Capella, and I checked the time immediately after I was done talking. 20 min disappeared. Unless I'm just 100% paranoid already, thanks game

Stop being new.

>people who thought it's a good idea to let the clock ticking while you're talking to characters.
Wait wat really?
I always take my time to read the dialogues

That you don't love her.

defnitley paranoid, i've gone afk talking to characters for hours and came back in the same time

Sucks to be you because I'm wiping them off the map

>day 10
>10+ people get infected in 1 second
why did this go from 0 to 100 so fast i just want to beat the game already

When you talk to characters you can't get attacked, so that's a way to test it.

Only interacting with containers makes the time keep going and allows you to be attacked. Going in your inventory, pressing ESC, talking to people or trading stops the time.

based, its literally the most kino ending
>climbing the polyhedron for the first time
>seeing the runic sky
>seeing the huge fucking bulls in the background
>talking to the devisers
>committing suicide off the top
I didnt think they could top the abattoir but they did

Wait, what
Is this the nocturnal ending?

>I swear it does when you talk to characters
I sometimes left the game on the dialogue screen when I went to fix myself a cup of tea or whatever for 10-15 minutes, which would be enough to pass like 6 hours in-game. This never happened though, so you're paranoid.
>why did this go from 0 to 100 so fast i just want to beat the game already
The plague is tired of you fucking around and it made an effort for once.
I didn't find this ending as satysfying as the other one, but I have to admit, the BVLLS were really cool.

> Get infected on day 3
> Feel like restarting
> Don't feel like +5 hours of replaying 1-3 slightly better
any help bros?

>Is this the nocturnal ending?

Yes, it dosnt take much to do, just reload the save when you get the courier message and burn it at the barrel near the factory

Eat a shmowder and keep going.

Well, your only option aside from restarting is to try and make it to Day 4 or 5 when the arsonists start spawning and let the fire heal you, as that other user said, since you can create a serum on Day 6 at the earliest, I think. Sucks to be you.

do you not have any saves from before you got infected?

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Day 4 and I've pretty much ran out of empty bottles

what do

jump to 2, cringeling is dogshit, just wait for it to release in pathologic 2. haha it totally will r-right guys??

gather new ones?

soldiers stop the train you're both on, they shoot the Inquisitor and you have to walk back to town.

check a few dumpsters and you're bound to find one eventually

Dead Item guy insists the 'candy wrappers' are worthless so I don't buy them. I fucking flipped when I saw what the inquisitorial coupons look like

I feel like an utter brainlet playing this game. I didn't realize until day 10 that Var will actually buy organs for a high price and always wondered why I could never afford clothes or weapons from the shops.

Thank you bros, you relived my character-talking paranoia. Now I feel much better.

>they shoot the Inquisitor
Well shit. Is there no way to keep her alive? I think I remember the first game having the option to do it, or am I mistaken?

>"Ehy! YOU!"

Attached: GSDaCYV.jpg (1919x1256, 158K)

>npc tells you this is worthless dont buy this
>player doesnt buy
what kind of video game player are you? why would you not buy at least a few? out of curiosity? in case you can trade them? quest, ANYTHING?

you can, just do the diurnal ending, you cant find her in the town, but she dosnt die in your journal, where she does die in your journal if you do nocturnal

>Wait wat really?
No, not really. Dialogues, trading, and all menus for people, map, inventory, thoughts etc... pause the game. Brewing/tinker menus and similar also do pause the game.
Only when you are dealing with a container, the time still passes.

Brewing actually doesn't freeze time, but tinkering does, I think.

>Brewing/tinker menus and similar also do pause the game
The second brewing machine definitely doesnt stop time, since the time to brew stuff ticks down while using it. I wouldnt be too sure that the first one stops time.

pls don't bully

>quest, ANYTHING?
Speaking of which, is there any application for that big 2x2 ball of cotton wool? I think I never saw anyone looking to trade for it, and it didn't come up during any quests. Could I have maybe sold it somewhere? Didn't feel like carrying it and taking up so much space to test it desu.

brewing tinctures dosnt stop time, i remember hearing bell ringings during brewing sessions. could be wrong tho


I've killed two of the bastards, using lockpicks, but my health is down to less then a quarter, my knife fairly dull, two of the assholes remain and I have no way to heal myself, Grief run out of lockpicks to use, and they kill me in one or two hits.
I went from zero to two deaths in ten minutes.
And it's 2.30 in the morning, and I need to get my beauty sleep.
Fuck this noise.
How will I look Lara in the eyes if I fuck this up? God, someone help me!

>bought all the coupons for around 1200
>get 5k rubles worth of food the next day
heh, sucks to be you kid

try to use stealth kills, if you have to fight head on try to stunlock them with the knife, if that breaks youll have to get good with your fists. I got 4 deaths doing this shit, but its worth it. the penalties arent that bad

oh right


Spindle? Yeah, keep one in your hideout.

>I went from zero to two deaths in ten minutes
I feel your pain, my dude, but your only options are to try and pull through, reload an earlier save so that your health is full, or drop Rubin's worthless ass. None of the options are pretty, but the quest is what it is.

can confirm. making tinctures became so fucking stressful after discovering this. no wonder stahk was dead tired at day 7 and just wanted to take a nap

I am going to try stealth-kill them, but man this is messy. Any mistake costs dearly. So fucking dearly.

(This is, by the way, why I argued for the death-penalty system when they first introduced it and everyone lost their shit. It's... a DAMN good mechanic from a narrative standpoint. This entire scenario, and everything it entails, would not work without the combination of the writting that makes me care about the fucking dumb asshole, and the incredibly harsh mechanics stressing you on every level.)

are stealth kill still a thing in this game? didn't even try to backstab anyone

Nah, I used the spindle in that one quest. I'm talking about a cotton ball that I picked up at some house or whatever and couldn't trade with anyone (people even accept fucking cowbells, but not a cotton ball). I guess maybe a pharmacy or some other shop may buy it, I'll have to check this on another playthrough.
Just make sure you're at least taking them one at a time. If a second one starts running for you, you may as well be dead. You can also immediately reload if you miss a single hit, assuming it doesn't kill you.

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Is this the one with the worms? If it then just block their attacks and they can't hurt you.

I... don't remember ever picking those up. Huh.

Skies of blue.

They are kin folk who took to cutting people up.

Worth using a schmowder on that sick kid at the Soul-and-half lair? Around day 3 where Aspity waits outside and offers to go in instead of you.

No, he died anyway when I successfully treated him and I assume he dies even with a shmowder

No, the kid may have a name but he's completely irrelevant.

Guys, if you like this game then please write a positive review. The devs need money for bachelor and changeling campaign, it's fucking unfair that game like this bombed so hard.

>it's fucking unfair that game like this bombed so hard
It always happens with their games, but they've managed to keep afloat for all these years. If they survived fucking Cargo, I have hope they'll pull through this time too.

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I only ever reviewed 3 games so far and this was one of them, but the game being completely unpopular is perfectly normal. It's made for a very specific demographic

the reviews on steam are 'mostly positive', it may not be a crazy hit but hard to say it bombed hard

With the watches wait for day 7. They all sell for over 1.7k, on day one only for 400 as far as i know.

Literally bought the game twice, on gog and on steam.

Great, another hole. How do you trigger this one?

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How did you trigger the ball on the right from steppe village?

I just picked up the blood from the crack.

Back to fortnight incel.

I got them.
Jesus what a rush. I hope the penlties won't screw me over too badly. I was hoping I'd get to visit theatre and dead shop tonight but it's almost four and I need to sleep...
Thank you all for the advice. Thanks to you, Rubin will see to live another day, and I won't have to hide my head in shame in front of Lara.

>Thanks to you, Rubin will see to live another day, and I won't have to hide my head in shame in front of Lara
Based, we're proud of you.
Remember though, you get an achievement if Lara, Rubin and Grief live till the end in your playthrough, so that was just your first step.

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Is it worth it to save Stamatin brothers? They are no on my list and i don't care about them all that much.
Playing Bachelor and not trying to save all the children after Haruspex run will be tough on my psyche.

He doesn't say that though, if I remember right he says something like "they're worthless now but will be useful in the future" which is an obvious hint to buy the shit out of them. You can also buy one (since they're dirt cheap at like a 100 rubles) and inspect it, which gives you another hint that there's some sort of an "inquisitorial seal" or something like that.

so there is a way to save Rubin on the night when the inquisitor arrives?

Hold C to sneak. It won't always work but at least you'll only aggro one of them so you can hopefuly deal.

On what day is that quest? I am on day 7 and Rubin is fine.

No I'm leaving it negative until they optimize it.

>Playing Bachelor and not trying to save all the children after Haruspex run will be tough on my psyche
Oh fuck, I hadn't thought about that. Yeah, it'll be rough seeing the death messages. I guess that's more motivation to try and keep everyone alive.
As for Stamatins, one of them died on my playthrough and that led to some (I assume) additional stuff with the remaining brother, but they're not really close to you unlike the children, so they're not your priority anyway.
>so there is a way to save Rubin on the night when the inquisitor arrives?
You have to make the panacea before Day 7. The dialogue with the inquisitor will be the same, but Rubin will live. He won't get up from bed till Day 11 though.

How is 82% on steam a bomb? Especially considering the niche audience this game caters to.

>How is 82% on steam a bomb
The player count is low, I'm guessing this is why that user called it a bomb. We can't know for sure how the game did unless the devs post some sales reports, especially with the sales divided between GOG and Steam.

Have faith

It doesn't have anything to do with used software but if I remember correctly they showed screenshots from ZBrush few years ago. It's common among professional character modellers.

>You have to make the panacea before Day 7
how can you do that? im steppetarded and didnt get any hints during the first days playthrough

Day 5. Begins with a message at midnight "One of your friends is being hunted".
It's possible that by not interfering at all, you actually may do a better thing. Looking back at it, it was me who brought the Worms to Rubin in the first place. Dunno. I am not taking my actions back. I did what I thought - at that moment, was right.
And the DAMN BASTARD bloody well appreciate that.

I have a suspiscion that rushing to the Bull celebration isn't the brightest idea, right? That I should wrap up other tasks before that.

>how can you do that?
You have to try out serums with 4 infected organs I think, infected blood also counts. You'll get a thought bubble, something like "there's no point guessing anymore, this is going nowhere", after which you have to go to sleep and you get a hint in your dream. Then it's only a matter of going to a place and getting what you need for the panacea. If you manage to produce at least one before Day 7 arrives, you're golden.
>I have a suspiscion that rushing to the Bull celebration isn't the brightest idea, right?
It's fine, it just sends you out to the steppe. If you think you won't be able to go back to the town quickly enough, might be better to do the quest later then, yeah.

>i don't care about them all that much.
You answered your own question right there.
But Peter likes kids. You like kids. Might be worth keeping an eye on him?


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Is there EVER anyone or anything interesting in Aspity's dirt side room? I always check out of paranoia I'm missing something.

Also is dead item shop in the same play on a specific day for everyone? As in, in every game, the Day 3 shop will always be in the same location across all games?

>Is there EVER anyone or anything interesting in Aspity's dirt side room?
I met the worms who offered me organs they've cut out there, but I think they come to your factory hideout later anyway in case you miss them. Other than that I didn't see anything.

Oh, yeah I always saw them at the factory. Didn't even realize they showed there.

Russians never liked Mor. It flopped both commercially and critically even in Russia. This shit is no exception. You people got memed by vodkaniggers and their hipster magnet "game" real hard.

Guys, Im on day three, and I decided to run to the steppe village. There were like 40 herbs over there! and there were like 20 herbs on the way there too! Do they respawn daily? Whats the point of blood on the tree stump if I can get so much more herb from the steppe?

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>breaking news: niche game doesn’t have mainstream appeal
Who could have guessed

because most of the time you will stay in the town and won't have time to fuck around in the steppe

>Russians never liked Mor. It flopped both commercially and critically even in Russia.
Are you kidding me?
This is an abject lie. The game recieved massive critical prize and attention, and made more than enough to give the studio an option to work on far more grandiose and expensive Turgor. Meanwhile, the western release of the game was a flop because... the translation.

Alright, I normally cruise into the steppe at night anyway. I bought the bull, built the magic map, and I even did the train summoning ritual. I heard a train, but I didn't see one. Where is it?

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>tfw the only day I completed all sidequests was on day 1
>tfw I didn't even start multiple sidequests in some days
This is normal right?
Or am I a shitter?

any specific shops i can buy a gear from for fixing things?

the men trade gears. shops? idk

>any specific shops i can buy a gear from for fixing things?
A clothes shop, I think. I always managed to trade for them, though.
>This is normal right?
Yeah, it's only natural with the time limit of the game. You always feel like you miss something, but that's good, it makes you set priorities, or at least makes you want to replay the game to find all sidequests and smaller interactions. I feel like I missed a ton of shit just because I rarely visited characters or places I didn't have to on this day.

The real train was the friends you made along the way

Where's the theater in 2? Also where's haru's hideout exactly? I picked lara's home as my go to for sleeping and dropping items upstairs. I'm at the start of day 2 btw.

>being triggered by reading

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The theater is in the middle of the map, you can't miss it if you're there, or if you just hover over it on the map screen. The hideout is near the bar and warehouses, it's available to you on Day 2 I think, Day 3 max. Lara's home is fine, at least you can sleep there,and there's a boat nearby too.

Theatre is the giant building in the middle of the town, you can't miss it.
As for your hideout, you'll unlock it once you'll explore your fathers house. Check with Saburov in the Town Hall for the key first.

everything is where it was before, only slightly shifted. laras house is the the one that has moved the most. if you know the original map, you can tell where everything is by just looking at the map. except maybe the stamatins place?

>and dropping items upstairs
drop the items in the containers near her, not upstairs

Thanks. I could swear the theater was at a stone throw distance right around near the cathedral but I couldn't find it.


What the fuck was her problem?

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yfw when pathologic = path of logic

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>path of logic
>the character that represents logic and rational thinking is broken by the end of the game

How do I turn toggle sneaking back on? Of I can't, how do I activate controller use?


Murky is cute!

thats actually clara's route name in original

Answering this myself. You trigger it by drinking the living blood. A waste, really.

That's path of law, as far as I remember.

Read one of the playbills and it will hilight on your map.

Time is tight, going to the village to get herbs is needless when you can get 20+ just in your swampy backyard under an hour. After day 5-6 you start having water trouble as the amount of tinctures you're making devours all the stockpiled water so you'll have more herbs than you need.

Feeding blood to roots is good at day 1 since no herbs spawn yet, and you might get some rare herbs that don't spawn until later.

I got killed twice because my game started wigging out right as a bandit showed up and now I can’t hug. How to cheat this away?

To add on to The game pretty much directs you in paths to gather herbs by sending you in directions to tasks that cross through them as well. It'll direct you to the Crow head stone, to Murky's train-car, to Shekken and to the stone altar. These will all either have large amounts of herbs at them, or bisect areas with lots. If you have the time to get out to Shekken, it can be hugely helpful, but the game for the most part is already nudging the player in directions to get what they need.

do items left in the town hall funds chest expire when the next day comes around? i.e. if i leave the loaf of bread i got there, will it be removed or prevent other items from being added?

When you're going to Big Vlad from the pub side of town, and you cross the bridge during day 2(?) there is a flock of crows over an enclosed area on your left hand side with 3 dead man lying there. If you loot them your reputation sinks a little, but they had around 6 gears+springs and some other shit between them. The gears basically lasted me entire game so I never had to trade for them and had enough to upgrade whatever I needed

If you're past day 2 then they probably disappeared

Somewhere they tell you your fund stuff will be distributed to the poor if they're not claimed by midnight. I'm pretty sure whenever stuff is added into any container, the contents are replaced, which is why people lose stuff in like, Lara's house.

When you and Sticky rob the clothes store for the toolbox. He says grab the heavy stuff and he'll carry the rest. Does he actually bring the bag back to the hideout for you to claim the stuff later?

I eventually found a bag on the dissection table with some twyrine. That... might have been in it.

I'm also interested to know 'cause I just bought the box.

he does. it lies on the table with some extra free stuf.

So, there's no free loaves of bread and milk in the the Dream Mistresses area in this game like there was in the first?

> which is why people lose stuff in like, Lara's house.
This is because of some bug that is maybe fixed now, but never happened to me. I had shit in Lara's house until day 4-5 and it never disappeared

Ok, thanks, good to know because he got me an extra cloak... which is fucking 3x3, when I already had a tight route planned out. Hopefully that's not too "heavy".

i didnt find anything, no

Only free food is at day one and when you cut the lines into a bull(you get 2 raw steaks best food in the game). Even when Lara invites you for food at one point all you get is her requesting something again and you don't even get a fucking peanut

these two are cute together

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Actually, I remember getting more bread when she invited me over. It's in the other room.

Just ate two raw steaks to empty the hunger bar then 3 in game hours later and he's on the verge of starvation again. Fantastic.

Ah, fucking hell

>to empty the hunger bar
Don't, eat only when you begin to starve. Even when your health begins to drop you can wait a bit before eating if you don't plan on fighting, you'll restore your health when you sleep anyway, why waste food.

You get used to it, let the hunger bar go all the way until it touches the bottom and then eat small meals until you come across a big meal. Also keep hunting for food constantly and trading with townspeople for food, I always have around 10 eggs on me but very rarely use them

When you start getting funded it gets easier, if you fill the fund bar you're given food and money(to buy food) that should path you up for the entire day

This changes nothing because it still goes up really quickly. The hunger mechanic is broken.
>eating to fullness is "wasting"

You need to search the bag beside him.

>This changes nothing because it still goes up really quickly
It goes from low to high in about 5 hours, you only need to have like 3-4 filling food items like rations or fish per day to keep this in check. EZPZ.

There's a trigger where you can talk with Lara in the Theatre and ask her to feed you. That likely resets the storage in her house.

Asking the real questions.

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God, I wish.

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She's cute

More like 2

No peanus weanus for you user!

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damn i need a big autism pill to enjoy this bleak mess
damn it's fucking boring

I dont understand by day 2 i was running like a madman planning routes in my mind, user you need to get checked


Just reach day 4.

>Are the "dice roll" pure RNG? Can I savescum it?
>Do I have to walk into every distinct to check the infection status?
>Does the immunity booster and tinctures give the same amount of immunity? Does the colour matter at all?

It seems fixed, to a degree. I've tested this by just save scumming and reloading it right before the roll starts and the end result is always the same, but the placement on the meter is slightly different.

You're not to be giving Lara a dicking, because Artemy is your "ward".

its michael myers

>Are the "dice roll" pure RNG? Can I savescum it?
I think they're RNG at least to an extent, but I didn't manage to sway the results a couple of times I tried reloading. Maybe the chance is randomized but set in stone immediately after the day starts or you treat them with tinctures. Maybe I'm overthinking it and it's all completely predetermined, idunno.
>Do I have to walk into every distinct to check the infection status
This, or trade pills/tinctures for a map at Notkin's.
>Does the immunity booster and tinctures give the same amount of immunity? Does the colour matter at all?
I feel like regular tinctures give a bit less than boosters, but I'm not sure. The + versions are the best, that's for sure. As for colors, I think it only depends with the + ones, as they provide different effects (reduce hunger/exhaustion/thirst etc).

>Are the "dice roll" pure RNG? Can I savescum it?
It is RNG but the RNG is set at the start of the day so you can't really savescum it without it being a huge pain in the ass. If you really hate RNG I suggest sleeping through the day as much as possible to reach midnight and see where the needles will stop on each character and you can prioritize accordingly.
>Do I have to walk into every distinct to check the infection status?
You can buy a map each day from the kids in the soul-and-a-half fortress that will update your map to show all the infected and burnt out districts
>Does the immunity booster and tinctures give the same amount of immunity? Does the colour matter at all?
Not sure if it's exactly the same amount. The colour is mostly just for the diagnosis minigame but the higher tier tinctures also decrease exhaustion/hunger etc depending on the colour.

did you know that the Kin are responsible for 50% of violent crime despite being only 13% of the population?

Is there more houses of death? Should I keep my watch every single day for them?

>Singleplayer niche-as-fuck game with a normie-repellent design
gee user what did you expect

no, but there are similar quests where you can prevent plague in a district

That's a relief. I've been running all over healthy districts to find more "houses of death". So at least I won't be wasting time like that now.

He's Kratos' unfinished form

It’s a shame you don’t get to see any of these assets because you have to turn the graphics down to runescape in order to get the game to run

There are 3 in total, right? Those quests were real nice.

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>far more grandiose and expensive
>The game recieved massive critical prize and attention
The most popular gamejourno magazine in Russia gave it 5 out of 10, second most popular gave it 6 out of 10, don't delude yourself. Nobody gave a fuck about this game back in the day.

>that dialogue with Maria at the end
He's one thirsty bear.

Giving Artemy real friends was a mistake

What happens?

Around Kin, never sleep in

Why? He's coming back to his hometown, there should be people who still remember him.
Do you feel like you're obligated to save them over others?

Yeah, and they got bombarded with hate mail for the low score, not to mention other magazines gave it GOTY or other awards. Don't rewrite history.

I got really lucky and by day 2 i have a full set of clothes, but i dont understand how these degrade its not over time since i noticed 0 degradation of my clothes, but when the next day came some of them took a hit, can i cheat the degradation by just dropping the clothes in my stash then?
Also should i only wear them on infected districts?

>Why do you think her name is
According to literally the devs' explanation in the first game, they just cobbled her route together with duct tape due to time constraints, including her name

No, I liked how in original game besides his family he had only one friend, and he hated him most of game
Really felt different compared to bachelor

Taking hits or merely passing through infected districts slowly degrades them.

It's not like Bachelor had many friends either. For the most part, you were just being jerked around by Kains and crazy thots.

Anyone has a picture of Path2's Maria Kaina?

Someone please make a mod to make Clara look less like a goblin going through chemo

Sfm when

>«Mop (Утoпия)» eдвa oкyпилacь
Yeah, awards from literally who publishings and hatemailing gamejourno giant of the country by a couple of fans helped it a lot, right?

>nobody gave a fuck about the game
>yeah, it got awards, fan recognition and made its money back, so what?
Get your story straight, nigger.

only one i got

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So are there any other abandoned houses like the one the guy with the lockpick in his belly was in during the first day?

>«Mop (Утoпия)» eдвa oкyпилacь
xopowo putin dostoyevsky comrade

how do you go from this

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fucking hell she looks so scary in Pathologic HD

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Guess she laid off the morphine this tone

Immortell is such a cunt in this remake

someone ingame said she is not that much older than artemiy, cant remember if it was said in 1 though
i guess that's why

she is just 30something in both games
Remember kids, playing 2 (two) mistresses wont end well...

Not him, but it might be possible there's a minimum time expenditure when completing a conversation, like there is with taking a boat ride.

Yeah, right. Her room and item descriptions make it sound like all the town's morphine belongs to her.

>see Cargo mentioned in this thread
>what the fuck is that?
>check it out
>this is real
I feel like my internet is connecting to an alternate dimension, and this doesn't exist in this world
Did Icepick start doing the same drugs the devs of Zenoclash did?

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Is it worth a try?

I mean, Pathologic is already a really hard game to recommend to most people, this is even worse, so only you can answer that desu


IIRC, it was just a quick project they put together after their programmer or engine lead developed a vehicle construction system in his spare time. It's just that - you wander around, collect parts and make your vehicles. Not really fun, not engaging, not interesting. A flop in every sense.

She can see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch

Does my memory serve me correctly? It was the young Vlad who locked the Terminary, right? I'm at the point where the Kin want the responsible and I'm not sure.

Yes. Boos Vlad takes responsibility, though.

It depends on you, really

>You can get the cloth just from raiding houses
I'm trying to avoid dying, dude, I'm not going -into- a house in a fucked district unless I'm armed and at full health.

Fat Vlad officially takes responsibility for it even in the earlier days, as far as I remember.

>t. city dandy

>implying Bachelor doesn't love wading through blood

then buy it from a store like a pussy

This is what broke her, in the end, wasn't it? The realization that she won't be allowed to enjoy cinnamon toast crunch when she grows up.

Where is the forth survivor actors?

Attached: No forth.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

>I see... Fried Chicken! It's tender and it's fresh...
>Wait a minute... someone is pouring maple syrup ON the fried chicken!

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They're randomized.
Did you check upstairs in the theater?

I've not had a single issue.

Capella best girl, Grace is best daugterfu
Chadchelor > Horuspex > Cringeling

She really needs a hug

>just got to day 5
how do i handle raiding abandoned districts?
one of the houses i went to had like 3 thugs, 2 with knives

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Not sure if I can agree on Capella now, but the rest is correct.

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Short answer: you don't.
Long answer: try sneaking and then running away when you're getting gangraped.

>her russian name can be interpreted as (bear) cub
What did they mean by this?

Does the infected map self-update or do I need to buy one per day?

it doesnt self update but you dont 'need' to do anything :)

One per day.

where do you even get this map?

Notkin's warehouse.