
How the fuck did this reach the Steam market?

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Now pesky user can't tell me to have sex, i'm already doing it

Based hebrew newell

>Hack and slash shooter

Your last shilling thread died. Stop making these threads.
Plus the game is basically "Republican Space Rangers: The Game." No originality. Just,"dude sex and jokes and le RPG!"

Subverse is on the market m8, they only go after porn games that are in a school setting, so only Japanese stuff.
Also, they ban incest stuff if it's the primary romance option.

I wish you could get a porn game that wasn't vomit inducingly ugly.

Shilling? Nigga isn't the game like 15 years old?
I doubt they even have anyone still on payroll for the company, it's just one dude with the license

>Republican Space Rangers: The Game
somebody spend too much time watching TV in GTA

I see a progressive feminist-firendly body in a deep and meaningful romantic scene.

Do you have a problem with progressive values user? Do you prefer degenerate cartoons from the east?


Don't even tell me that's the sequel to Bonetown... because it sure as fuck looks like it. Used to play that shit all the time. It was hilarious.

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>it fucking is
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

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>BoneCraft on Steam
>BoneTown getting an update and a planned late 2019 release date
What a fucking timeline

Is this game, dare I say it... Home?

Illusion btfoed

it says "Adults Only." You forget to change your preference.


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Damn... this is the power of steam huh..

>buy game
>you dont craft bones
>have to fuck some bitches instead

is bonetown even a fap game or ist hat shit just made for comedy? I cant tel who the market is


>All the reviews are positive
>the sjws haven't caught its scent yet
This is going to backfire and i'm sitting along for the ride

western porn games are kinda both because western people can't accept lewdness for the sake of lewdness*
*the french are an exception to this

It's both. It's actualy really fun adventure game with lots of Conker's-esque stuff to do but it's centralized around being able to (annd having to) bang any woman you want. Sex is how you build your rep and also serves as kinda like a food meter.

It definitely is fappable with some of the chicks but overally it just feels like a funny advenutre RPG made up by some maniac.

Attached: bonetown_04.jpg (449x332, 30K)

>it's another nodev jealous of a game that will make hundreds of thousands of dollars episode

True Patrician Taste

Is this the game where there's a green goblin named Ralph who says "No."?

Attached: wat.jpg (400x400, 24K)

find out yourself

Probably not cuz they can't see it due to their preferences

Well they browse here so they'll know now.
we just play the waiting game

yeah they have to change their preferences to see it as long they acknowledge it by doing this. They can't whine otherwise, they would be very hypocritical.

>Bonecraft has fucking Starcraft VOs in it

The mad men!

Torrent pls

This reminds me, I need to update wickedwhims.

No, you're thinking of Second Life. The goblin is named Ralph Pootawn and he trolled people ERPing in there

If you appear offline while playing it you are a pussy

good thing i dont have any friends on steam

I don't even hide my presence in VR when I'm obviously viewing VR porn. No one gives a fuck.