
Literally Nobody:
Nobody at all:

Miyamoto: What if I made a videogame about a fat itallian plumber who fights a giant turtle to rescue the princess of a kingdom where mushroom people live? He can power up by eating flowers and touching stars. He defeats his enemies by jumping on them.

*becomes world wide success*

How the fuck did he come up with such a wild idea, yet have it become such a popular franchise? If he told anyone about this idea prior to it coming out, im sure people would just laugh at him...

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Other urls found in this thread:

It was a video game first, aesthetics later


you have to go back

t. manlet

You have to go back

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mario is the way he is because of technical limitations, they couldn't make hair and mouth properly so they used a hat and mustache

back where?

It evolved from Mario Bros where he was a plumber fighting turtles that got flushed down the drain in the sewers.

OP: *is a faggot*

that idea is also insane

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

ideas develop over time, there are plenty of documentaries about this

He was a plumber before super mario bros.

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I fucking hate this meme so much; it doesn't even make any sense nor is it funny.
Fuck off back to Facebook.

Reddit is okay but I really like 9gag and this website a lot more... although this place is really random

well.... if you don't like it... you can just.... not... post?.....

Only newfags and literal retards fall for bait this simple.

>boomer facebook memes
Go and stay go

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What does this zoomer shit mean when the post starts out with "Nobody"
Is that just like code that says no one asked for or was thinking about the rest of the content of the post before it happened?

Not really. The meme of people flushing pet reptiles down the toilet and having to get a plumber to get fish them out is an old one. Mario Bros is just that in video game form.

Keep in mind this is an era where contemporary arcade games included making gigantic 6 foot wide hamburgers by stomping the ingredients down ladders all while being chased by sentient hot dogs.

You should not be posting youtube comment tier memes here, KILL YOURSELF.

yeah its basically when someone does something really random and funny without a real reason...

>could've just started the thread with the Miyamoto "quote"
>starts it with twitter-cringe instead
Kill yourself, twitter-nigger.

Everyone is mad. This is great.

Jesus fucking christ fuck off back to facebook

And that evolved from using a carpenter, lady, and gorilla to stand in for Popeye, Olive, and Bluto.

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i can post whatever i feel like...

so i think ill just post what i want because you cant stop me....

how bow dah? loollll what are you gonna do about it?

Heh were you pretending to be retarded to get people angry? Damn you're smart.

Not really. It slowly evolved.
He already fought and catched Donkey Kong. It slowly evolved into pest controll. Than with Mario Bros they decided where do critters exist in a town? Sewer. Who is mostly related to sewers? Plumbers. What exist very much in Sewers? Mushrooms and the flushed turtles. What in japan is related to turtles? kappas.
Quite logic how Super Mario lore came together.

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op here,

isnt me. id actually prefer if people weren't getting so upset over a meme. people make memes all the time..

Haha great meme my friend xD have a based and 4channel gold!

I'll tell you to kill yourself.

>Literally Nobody:
>Nobody at all:

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such a fucking reddit tier post. disgusting

oooo im scared..... have sex lol


you are welcome lol

Why does this infuriate people so much? I actually don't know why.

I dont really get it either, these memes are really funny and they make me smile. even if you dont like it i dont get why it would make you mad..

maybe they just like other memes. i'm new here, are you new as well?

Again, kill yourself.

Because the "Nobody:" shit is a clear indicator that the person using it is a retard fresh from twitter.

I simply can't understand this meme.

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Fucking normie Twitter tier meme kill yourself

Of course you wouldn't, you started browsing this place back in 2016

It’s just low quality bottom of the barrel humor that takes a dead horse and beats it into the ground further. We have seen this countless times on Twitter, YouTube and Reddit and even the best joke/meme turns into fucking cancer when you repeat it for the 64th time without an original spin on it.
If your humor is shit, people will tell you it’s shit because they can, it’s the internet.

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I bet you also think it's funny that mario eats mushrooms and gets high you reddit shitstain

>It’s just low quality bottom of the barrel humor that takes a dead horse and beats it into the ground further
Like wojak and pepe?

Literally nobody at all:
God: Let there be light!

Because it's using an infinite strawman in place of an actual argument or evidencing to insinuate that somebody did something unwanted or uncalled for.

You have to go black

That's Yea Forums though. That's a terrible argument

>Literally Nobody:
>Nobody at all:

Nice nigger meme from normalfag city

Op: I am a faggot using a r*ddit template

Whats the "Nobody:" thing I keep seeing everywhere? Is this a new meme?

Go back to fucking Reddit you fucking faggot

have sex incel

>in the beginning was the world

>REAL intellectual discussion

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The whole
part of this meme is completely unnecessary for the joke

What meme templates are considered acceptable by Yea Forums standards?

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This literally reads like a youtube comment, for shame OP.

>facebook and reddit memes
fuck off back to where you came from, underage

People can actually do stuff that’s original with them. A meme’s flexibility is important. The “Nobody:” meme is the same punchline over and over again.

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It is called putting gameplay in top of everything else. They first designed the game mechanics, like "enemy that goes straight forward after you step on then. Oh yeah, it could be a turtle. So it's boss should be a turtle as well". The history is inserted there to justify the gameplay, not the other way around. Most japanese devs do this, that's why their games are so much better.

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bowser was apparently supposed to be an Ox originally, based on the ox king from journey to the west

>shitty twitter memes

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To think people here love mocking sjws and feminists, look how easily you got triggered by a bunch of words. Pathetic.

Because it's normie-tier shit

Getting shit for a trash joke when you were trying to be funny is nothing like going apeshit about someone saying the wrong pronouns.
You're dumber than a pile of bricks.

Do you ever wonder how the entire face of video games would be different today if Miyamoto had really made the Popeye game he wanted?

Attached: Shiver Me Timbers # 12 July 27, 1934.webm (504x360, 2.96M) the future!!

Fuck off with this shit meme.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mario. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the levels are unplayable. There's also Bowser's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mario truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Mario's existencial catchphrase "It's me, Mario!," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons

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>Literally Nobody:
>Nobody at all:

What the fuck does this mean? Zoomer memes make no sense.

It would be even more based on brands and IPs than it is now. I mean, at least for a while the 80s and 90s devs had a time where they could make a game with an original cast and setting and sell it on its gameplay. But nowadays it's all "IF IT DOESN'T HAVE FAMOUS MAN IN IT I WON'T PLAY IT." And if it had been Popeye that too off instead of Donkey Kong, that era would have just come all the quicker.

Trying to be funny with a laughably small post limit. Also, in twitter you are rewarded for repeating terms, as others trow that shit on the search to look at more posts like it.

Here is a fun truth for you: The format of the site changes how people behave. The way a website works not only makes people act in a certain way, it makes then slowly use that as a way of interpret the world.

The format of the website makes people always follow the opinion of the majority. Going against the collective sense awards you with no visibility at all, as the upvotes make your post go up.
>Yea Forums
Always being edgy and controversial is what awards you with visibility in here. Saying things that go completely against the common norm and have a potential to enrage others is what gets you more (you)s in IBs. Being anonymous warrants you security to post extreme opinions without caring about being labeled a bad person, the things you say affect only the post where you said it.
Unironically works like Yea Forums as well, but big the huge turn of not being anonymous, so people must pretend to still be "good" to not get instantly ignored after being labeled a shit person. That's why even tough they are still extreme, they still use shit like social justice as a means to pretend they are still "nice people".

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most devs that aren't AAA movie rejects do that. the trick to jap, and eastern euro, design is to have people slave laboriously to create a AAA-like game on a mundane budget without hiring real writers or the like. this is why these games all feel like they have comic book or anime style presentation with shallow superheroes who look really cool when doing stuff, because that's the mindset of the average game designer/coder who has to double as a "writer".

in miyamoto's case, the immense success of his creative elements is purely a matter of timing. he was actively designing at a time when everything was new and had novelty just by existing, and he happened to be working for what was then the undisputed god of gaming, 80s nintendo. his modern works are virtually unknown by comparison to his previous work and to the work of others. mario could just as easily have been a knight with a shovel and as long as it was being sold in the 80s by nintendo it would likely become a classic.

it's a devolution of a different meme where one person would say something, another would reply, and then there would be some wacky image along with it as the reaction

what nobody will talk about is that it doesn't make sense because it was made by black people. pretend a black person wrote it every time and it starts to come together. "nobody be sayin nothin" is how it would be translated into AAVE so regular english would be like "nobody said anything."

>N-noo stop invading muh sekrit c-club!! Go b-back p-p-please!!!

Somebody: wacky action! Xd"

Kill yourself

That's some cringe shit

>nobody be sayin nothin
>like literally nobody saying nothin
>some shit happen

Why have memes gotten so shit? They used to last years, but now they can barely even last a week.

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it's because they became so much more mainstream, and I bet a lot of it has to do with lets players referencing memes, zoomers watching it, then growing up and running shit into the ground

The general public (low-IQ horde) caught on and ruined it like they ruin everything. Gatekeeping is important and necessary.

Does the Donkey Kong cover girl have porn of her (in this particular design)?

Have sex

>Damn those zoomers and their
>*checks notes*

whomst'ven't would have thought that 30 year old oomers were so salty about superior zoomer memes?

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HAha he said nobody first that makes it funny!

Upvote ecks DEE!!

They're used unintelligently, with way less context, and aren't very creative.

Your cancer is just as bad nigger.
Both of you Fuck off


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Go back to r/rickandmorty, chock on a dick and die faglord

>talks about memes
>posts a failed knockoff of a very outdated meme

Are people becoming uncomfortable expressing anything at all without having to post within a meme format? Is this the beginning of us genuinely hating memes? Are we becoming kooky old shitbags who only meme when they communicate online?

I don’t give a fuck on Twitter
If anything I’m nicer here than on Twitter

“Well you don’t have many followers!”
Well at least I still have my nuts you fucking eunuch.

>literally every single twitter screencap is just some random captioned pick
Can't they think of a better format?

You're not serious right?

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