Hideo Kojima

Why does this man make Yea Forums absolutely boil in uncontrollable rage?

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He cute

No idea. But it's fucking hilarious to watch.

I think hes alright

How do you tell Hideo from Kojima again?

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Because the people that like him defend anything he says with a religious fervor that is borderline retarded, and the people that flame him are usually correct and that makes the first group go into a blind rage.

Because NEVER EVER. It's hilarious.

Because he destroyed Konami

Probably because he fucked up MGS5 hard and then ran away.

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I love/hate him. I know what hes capable of, but he has a hard time delivering.

Case in point, absolutely boiling.

This. I love his games, but I don't deny the (slight)chance DS will be shit. Theres no getting around the fact that the MGS series has some of the most retarded plotlines in vidya.
But is that reason to sperg out in a million threads over the course of 4+ years? I dont think so. People just really never got over The Phantom Pain he left in their hearts

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Case in point, blind rage.

>those mdr-7506

because he's a hack that made it big without even trying.

Because he's a narcissist and no one likes narcissists.

Sure seems like it's Kojima fans who are angry
Literally fuming.

He's the Miyazaki of video games, and that's not a compliment.

he made on of the most highly regarded video games in history before you were born.

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Because he's working for Sony now.

Yeah, the responses all look like they're mad. What's your point?

It's not him, it's his fans

Meant for

Because he is one of few game developers who truly understand Homo Ludens

Snatcher and Policenauts aren't that highly regarded.

He's popular so contrarians will shit on him as much as humanly possible, going as far as acting like Konami was some poor innocent game publisher victimized by kojima's autism making them spend exorbitant amounts of money on his game then shaking them down for pocket change after the fact, though they forget to mention the part where they made fucking bank off the game anyway

For the record I think death stranding is probably gonna be shit, letting kojimbo off the leash without a wrangler around to reel him back to reality seems like a bad idea, but I'll suck twice as many dicks as OP if it isn't at least interesting.

when has he ever tooted his own horn? he's actually pretty humble about his accomplishments, especially considering how much of an impact he's had on the medium. just because he posts pics of himself/his friends/his meals doesn't make him a narcissist

Because he works with SONY now, Yea Forums seethes over anything ps exclusive because NEVER EVER. Big coincidence everybody 'hates' him the second he is bringing out a great game that isn't on PC, Yea Forums is laughably see through and pathetic

Touche, boomer. But weren't they actually some of the first VN's in existence? i dont know much about that "genre of games"

some guy is so mad in that thread he's just posting pictures of yoshi. He can't even articulate how mad he is.

Anything PS4 exclusive makes Yea Forums seethe uncontrollably

Case in point, weapon's grade autism. Notice the inability to pick up on social ques.

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>But weren't they actually some of the first VN's in existence?

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Because most people here have the gay and are mad they don't get to hang out with fine human specimens from around the world like he does

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Its mostly Konami cucks still fuming because their Pachinko company no longer makes games.

Please stop talking.

Because he's btfo /pol/

Because he spearheads videogames in the boring direction of expensive cinematic Hollywood-esque garbage with celebs and shitty, 'filmic' gameplay. This man is the enemy of the medium. Honestly though, I don't hate him personally, I just wish he'd already lick enough jewish ballsacks to get his own movie deal and fuck off from videogames forever.

just did 3 seconds of research, did not know they were being made as early as the 80's. japs really always were ahead of the curve when it came to gaming

>Touche, boomer. But weren't they actually some of the first VN's in existence?
This is why people don't like Kojima. It's misguided hate from his fans being retarded.

He ran to SONY

Hes hurt me before

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I literally stated i dont know shit about VN's, though. why the fuck would i have detailed knowledge on japanese point and click choose your own adventures? i got maybe 10 minutes into F/SN and deleted it. i'd much rather just read a fucking book or watch hentai, i really dont understand how people get into that shit

no one in their right mind would blame that on Kojima instead of Konami. Konami itself has gone full retard and you'd have to be blind to not see it.

It was a good game, just not what anyone was expecting or hoping for

I can't wait till you find out who's doing the next Metal Gear. This board will never recover once they find out the developer/publisher.


You didn't know shit about a particular topic but you still decided to make a stupid, uninformed statement about it.
It's like me saying your birth was the first gay porno.

Because he bff with Sony. It wouldn't be a problem if he was bff with Nintendo or Steam.

Partly responsible for the downfall of vidya.

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and i admitted my mistake/corrected myself after learning what i didnt know. you make it sound like i'm still insisting he's the progenitor of the VN. do you jump down everyones when they try to talk about topics they have limited knowledge on, or you just doing it because i like kojima?

you're why we hate him. he attracts literal retarded brainlets like you who dont understand his works but pretend its deep. you're basically, unironically, reddit.

how long have you been on Yea Forums?
honest question

But he doesn't you are just mad because nobody in here likes that hollywood wannabe anymore.

>i hate kojima because his fans like his work and don't play shitty VN's

Since 2008

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>constant threads about DS
>very frequent MGS threads, even though the series died years ago
>"No one likes him"

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Splinter Cell and Hitman are both better than thief and they took a lot more out of MGS than from Thief, which is overrated janky trash.
But then again I'm 98% sure you're WRPG-kun so I won't really waste my time on you.

It's hilarious how tsundere this board is for Kojimbo

See look at how mad his defenders get. They can't even read properly though all the red they see.

I've been pretty hesitant about Death Stranding ever since an user posted this thread the other day.

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5 more months of this, at minimum. If the game gets anything over a 90 metacritic, i think the board will literally implode

We have constant threads about SJW as well, does that mean we like them

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>literally gave a PHANTOM PAIN to Yea Forums and got away with it, unscathed
gee I really don't know

we also have constant BLACKED threads to, does that mean we - actually, never mind.

This, Yea Forums seems to hate the idea of Sony making the best games out there right now

Everyone here is an SJW pretending to be a retarded conservative for laughs.

Is MGSV 's gameplay any good? I hate interactive movies.

You can tell from the innocence in Hideo's eyes. I wanna know what Kojima did to him.

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Yes, ironically the reason why MGSV is disliked is because it was severely lacking in the movie department.

It's not him the issue, it's the retarded fanbase that considers him a god.

Friendly reminder that Hideo has not been seen in public since the release Peace Walker.

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There is like 5 cutscenes in the game, don't worry

>Missing last chapter
Maybe it was planned all along. We feel the pain about something which isn't there. We feel the Phantom Pain.

Hideo had to keep a low profile his whole life, while Kojima was out there taking credit for his work.

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most of the game's story is carried through tapes you listen to during machines. Yea Forums hates it because they couldn't recycle MGS4 jokes.

Wtf I hate kojma now

I think its because of how much of a screw up Hideo is. He named the company "Konami" when Kojima told him to name it "Kojima" What a dunce!

It controls great. Though the gameplay itself is shallow as fuck.


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2005 and yeah he's a hack, I just was unaware when I was 18


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I liked Kojima a lot more before he became infatuated with sucking hollywood b-list actor cock. Now he seems to care more about the faces in his games than the games themselves.

That's your post faggot

he's a glorified idea man
all of "his" good games were a cultivation of an entire team's effort, and story wise, it turns out the one with the actual talent was Fukushima. (proven by the quality drop past 3)
As for the gameplay and engine related things, once again, this fucker doesn't code a single word - for example, Fox engine is the creation of brilliant devs and Kojima isn't a part of it, yet for some reason Kojima insists on having his name sprayed all over, between every mission.
This guy is a narcissistic asshole, as far as I can tell

He makes great games.

He's another Inafune or Schafer and when Death Stranding comes out and is dogshit you'll realize that.

game gon be zoppity

Reminder that MG Survive is a good game youtu.be/pvKIWSSuqwg

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Imagine watching this and not realizing that it's because of his passion for movies that Kojima understands what makes videogames truly unique.
No wonder Yea Forums is the lowest IQ board.

Because of his fanbase treating him like a god despite being a hack since MGS3.

he seems the kind of guy who posts 'have sex' in videogame boards just to rustle some jimmies

I hated pretty much everything about MGSV and DS looks like more of that, so that's why I hate him

Well then what is it?

So was John Romero
So was Chris Roberts

>He's good looking
>More succesful than 95% of Yea Forums will ever be
>He's living the dream
>He created one of the most well known franchises in gaming
>He left his old job and started his own company
They're all jealous. That's all there is to it. He's a reminder of what they'll never be and it's all because they'd rather go to 4 chan and cry about everything they don't like rather than actually growing as a person. That's why people pretend to dislike him.

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