DMC Thread

>Reuben, Dan and JYB are all going to E3
>Capcom are excited to revive the series and push for more DMC5 sales
>Matt Walker refuses to answer whether the van scenes are canon
>Capcom are still appear to avoid talking about Vergil even though the game has been out a month
>next gen is around the corner and Capcom has to have plans for it

Are you excited about the series future?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What would they even do for the next game, besides a mundus returns.

>besides a mundus returns.

Why can't they make a new threat? Bringing back old villains isn't their only plot device.

reminder that it's habbening in 7 days

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because Dante and Vergil are the strongest

They could do tons of stuff. Mundus, Sparda, more extended family, some ancient demon, a collision of the worlds.

I think a good idea would be some kind of manipulator controlling things from behind the scenes, leading a melding of the two worlds. He just recognizes he can't fight them upfront so he sends demons everywhere at once. Maybe more of an open mission structure where you can choose to take jobs all over the world.

Says who? They can always make somebody stronger. If Mundus can eat the fruit and get surpassed, so can Vergil.

5 games later and they haven't. I mean you could bring Mundus back but that's an old villain, and then what do you do after that even?

They're also the dumbest bitches

I don't want DMC6.

>V wasn't a new character

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Clearly capcom has plans to announce Dragon's Dogma 2

muh nigga

Capcom vs SNK 3 when


>5 games later and they haven't

What are you talking about it? They've been surpassed before. They get stronger and beat the baddie by the end. Vergil was on death's door at the begging of 5 and Dante got his ass handed to him by Urizen.

Wouldn't it be too early to announce something? I'm guessing Itsuno just started working on something new.

At this point, they might as well just made a Legend of Sparda game. Mundus returning would be absurd, because Dante, and Vergil are overpowered as shit now.

Good, he served his purpose.

Because it doesn't need to be the new CoD or Assassin's Creed, Dmc5 was only as hype as it was because it came out of nowhere. I'm satisfied if it ends up being the last in the series.

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Deadrising made by japs please capcom i beg you

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They can always improve and come up with new ideas. They aren't going to come back after so long and just release one game after it was recieved well enough.

>I'm satisfied if it ends up being the last in the series.
HAHAHAHHAH, I'm sorry user but it certainly won't be the last in the series
but don't worry it won't be a yearly released kind of game either, maybe more of a every 3 years kind of release

I love Dante

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wouldn't that be bingo?

>CoD or Assassin's Creed

Who said anything about having a sequel every year? That's not the only way to make a franchise. There's plenty of series that release sequels about every 3 to 5 years. Nobody in the fandom wants a rushed sequel every year. We know what it's like when they rush shit. Got that point was stupid. This post made me irrationally angry. Just don't play it if you don't want a DMC6.

where can I get my own potato dante?

Happy Pride Month, Yea Forums!
DMC fans

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canon doesn't effect porn
your porn is safe

Yeah but that's the thing though, who can be stronger than endgame Dante and Vergil. It's always about them as the hero and the villain. You need somebody who can beat both of them.

it was custom made by someone on twitter, sadly
could probably commission someone or even make one yourself like I want to

go troll somewhere else donte lover

are you saying you want the heroes to lose in the end?

DMC 5 or Bayo?

The game runs on Anime logic. They can pull somebody out of their ass who's stronger than them for whatever reason they want. Shit, villains like Arkham and Sanctus weren't even stronger than them and were still a threat to the world.

>You will never be a producer of a AAA video games, fluent in Japanese and be as passionate as Matt Walker talking about said games
Where did it all go wrong? And I'm also around the same age as him too.

t. Matt

begone dirty fujofag

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>public group
lmao time to report shit.

>tfw someone screencapped my retarded poem
Thanks, I guess

thats a little autistic

Get them banned

your poem makes me laugh at how nasty it sounds
thank you for your contribution

I take that as a compliment

One of the best parts of Arkham and DMC3 at large was it wasn't the biggest or baddest threat to Dante. It was more interesting that Arkham had to use cunning to win over Dante and Vergil by playing them against one another and seizing the opportunity when everyone was at their most vulnerable.

He wasn't even a very strong enemy by the end either. But he was an interesting one at least.

Glad I can make you laugh user
It's supposed to be dirty

other user here. I've been reporting their stuff since the prideposts got spammed. the group is public so that helps alot.
>just close the group bro
nah, I have 5 alt accounts there. all members.

good job. more people should join, I want to see them sperg out

>we're organizing retard raids now
these threads really have gone down hill

>Matt Walker refuses to answer whether the van scenes are canon

how is that even a question? of course they're not
one has vergil in the van with nero, which isn't possible.

the threads were never good user.

nothing is going to happen to your shitty group don't worry


I don't give a shit about groups but this is still retarded

Does anybody know what day Capcom will showcase at E3?

No I just want somebody to come along that isn't Vergil or Mundus


Goddo buressu

Microsoft, they're still with Xbox

Vergil won't be a villian anymore after this game anyway.

one more week until we get best boy

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On a scale from 1 to 10, how cringed will you be if Reuben, Dan and JYB start fighting on the stage while cosplaying their characters?

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there wont be anything at e3

0 because that'd be fucking great

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DMC5 currently. But Bayo's a close second.

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>because Dante and Vergil are the strongest

No, that has been retconned with DMC5. Anybody who eats the demonic fruit gets power equal to Mundus/DMC5 Vergil. So there's actually many demons more at that power-level because it appears every thousand years.

Fine, but release Dragon's Dogma 2.

Vergil was already more powerful than Moondust in 3. It's stated in dmc5 novel.

Are you retarded? The fruit just boosts power it doesn't put everyone at the same exact level.

>200 exp today pls

In DMC6, can they address Nero's relationships with Kyrie and Dante?

He's obviously very close to Kyrie because they grew up together and she's like a sister to him, and that's why she's the only person he can talk to about his feelings for Dante. And then he finds out Dante is his uncle...

I hope in the next game, Nero gets over the fact that he's related to Dante and he just goes for it and BANG makes out with Dante


>special edition
>Dan said that fortuna girl was "special"

They do shit like this and wonder why people hate them huh? I don't even hate homos but this sort of "queer" community is almost no different than furries at this point.

*ring ring, ring ring*

"Nero? Is that you, Nero? Did something happen?"

"Kyrie... Dante is my uncle."

"...Nero, it's not like you can have children with him so you don't need to worry..."

"Thank you, Kyrie... That's all I needed to hear..."

what did bingo lie about

not him but DMC5 was lame

Still can't believe you retards still lap this up after literally all of you expected a Vergil DLC and he literally still isn't playable.

And instead the game got utter shit like V gameplay.

they're like a virus that only knows how to infect


This, it's a disappointing, repetitive piece of shit, especially the last levels are a slog. In my opinion DMC fans are mentally ill, only slightly less retarded than Musou fans.

if you turn on sweet surrender and stand still until Nero sits down it looks like he's rubbing himself in his soft and gentle area Mmmmmmm yeah boy

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>Reuben, Dan and JYB are all going to E3

Yea Forums keeps spouting this shit but I have yet to see some actual source.

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>check group
>first post that I see is this
jesus christ I didn't know DMCfags were the epitome of autism

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What's hilarious about fags is how they project how sensitive everyone else is based on how they themselves are. Faggots can draw art and porn of heterosexual characters being gay just fine. But let a hetero chick or dude draw a canon gay character like Soldier 76 or Dorian Pavus engaging in straight sex and the faggots all go wild. HE'S FUCKING GAY, YOU HOMOPHOBE!

It's like ahh, so straight people can just be gay whenever they like but homosexuals can't change their sexuality and it's offensive of you to portray a gay character that way ahahahahaha.

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Will literally never happen because SNK doesn't want it.

CAPCOM only announces things that are coming out in 6 months tops
So no Dragon's Dogma 2 or DMC6 but I hope there is a DLC

Yikes! Someone really got their feelings hurt by fujos drawing his cool anime heroes sucking cock!


*begins chanting*

>pointing out homosexuals hypocrisy makes someone hurt
kek, i'm a faggot dumbass. Just a high IQ one.

>3 hours ago
>95 replies
>32 IPs
Barry was right, this is a dead game and threads are 90% gay cringe posting and circlejerking
how sad

It's 4am retard. Half of the world is sleep.

ok but when are we getting some Vergil x Crew Cute content?

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It's "reverse racism doesn't exist" all over again. Visit TumblInAction for more examples of it and to get some lulz.

4am of the Half. retard It's world is sleep.

doesn't change the fact that this is an extremely autistic fanbase.

doesn't take a telepath to know what you're thinking

literally nobody cares if you draw soldier 76 fucking a female
quit getting butthurt over twitter strangers

also Nero and Vergil were made to take dicks

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Vergil's Ass mousepad and body pillow when?

Well to be fair, Mundus is something that needs to be address and we haven’t really see his true form yet, because that one is trapped in hell


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yes captain obvious
if i had the extra money to get custom shit made i'd get a Dante tiddy mouse pad and a Vergil ass mousepad to be made

oh and a Nero bulge mousepad

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the mark of success

>Be in DMC threads on Yea Forums
>Get triggered by homos and faggots
Wanna know how I know you're a newfag?

Mundus is where the story begins, they wouldn't be here if not for him. He's too much of an asshole to be left alone that easy, even if it means he has to live in constant fear. I'm up to brand new big bad but they have to finish this one first.
Plus, they namedropped him pretty hard in the novel, and he also appeared on the concept art so i assume they did had plans for him.

t. homo fagiens

I don't think there has a been a single good post-release thread

that's okay you know. dmc 2, as bad as it is, plays Dante like a total fucking chad who literally isn't bothered by anyone he goes up against. he's actually the same in 4 too.

>V wasn't a cute goth girl who was probably linked to Mundus

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>Devil May Cry 3 released on March 1, 2005
>DMC3: Special Edition released on January 24 2006
Almost a year after the original game

>Dragon's Dogma released on May 12, 2012
>Dark Arisen released on April 23 2013
Almost a year after the original game

>Monster Hunter World released on January 26 2018
>The Iceborne expansion releases on September 6 2019
A little over one and a half year after the original game

Using science, we can assume that a Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition will be released somewhere between a year and one and a half years after Devil May Cry 5's original March 8 release. Since video games have gotten more time-consuming to make, let us assume the worst and say that DMC5:SE won't be out for another 1.5 years after release. That would put DMC5:SE's release in the fall of 2020. Which is when the next-gen consoles are rumored to be released.

This puts DMC5:SE in a spot where it could technically be a next-gen launch title. Which would allow Capcom to utilize the more powerful hardware to include better loading times, turbo mode and Legendary Dark Knight mode; as well as a potential fullblown co-cop mode, which would also be more demanding on the hardware.

Capcom generally don't announce games until they're about half a year away from release, so it's safe to assume we won't see DMC5SE at this year's E3; it is more likely that we will see DMC5SE at a next-gen reveal event or 2020's E3.

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>people willingly click on a DMC thread
>"why is it full of gayshit"
do people really not know by now just how gay DMC is?

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mundus' son so nero actually has a rival

This, if Itsuno wants to continue the pattern he'll make the son an antihero after the DLC but he'll still be a rival

Wake me up inside

Stop samefagging already

DMC isn't gay, you faggots just keep shitting up every thread

Sounds like Vergil's worst nightmare.
>eat fruit
>get power
>still not max power, can get more
>have to wait 1k years

why are you trying to be like a furry co-opting everything?

>eat donate exp boost
>10 exp left before levelup
>the last enemy in the area is dante

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What would they even do after DMC5? Who is still around that could possibly be a bigger threat than Vergil himself? Aliens? Are they gonna go full SMT/Bayonetta and bring god and angels into the mix?

not everything has to be larger scale then the last thing. That's how you get shit like dragon ball z and super. I'd say do this

Ancient evil awakens.

holy shit this comes so close to being perfectly accurate

>What would they even do after DMC5? Who is still around that could possibly be a bigger threat than Vergil himself? Aliens? Are they gonna go full SMT/Bayonetta and bring god and angels into the mix?

You give power level autists the middle-finger and just nerf the characters strength.

Unpopular opinion: DMC2 is actually a decent game, and it would have been rivaling DMC5 if it wasn't for shitty gameplay.

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>not everything has to be larger scale then the last thing.
It doesn't but if the next threat isn't stronger than Vergil was then what's the point? Nero could kill it in his sleep.

I guess that works.

>admit that the gameplay is shit
>get a gameplay video shown to me

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Even if it rivalled DMC5 in terms of mechanics the level design, pacing, and limited enemy design would stop it from being anywhere near 5.

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dante was also a generic stoic cool guy who flipped a coin becuase he had no other interesting character trait

I liked his design and one-liners desu. He was pretty OOC though, but I guess it makes sense with the current timeline. The overall aesthetics of the game were also great IMO and I also enjoyed the soundtrack.
Level and enemy designs are also a part of gameplay. And I actually found the latter kinda cool.

Attached: DMC2 Dante.png (894x894, 288K)


So uprooting everything except for aesthetics and story? In that case, every DMC game could rival DMC5 by being remade in a similar fashion.

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Don't open.

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>DMC3 remade with DMC5 gameplay
user dont do this to me

I can't tell if left is a boy or a girl

kill yourself

I actually can imagine Vergil wearing underwear with "POWER" on it or some shit.

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This is so accurate it hurts.

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DMC is not more gay than other games. The characters are just hot and of course it will attract any type of person.

>more powerful than mundus
>becomes mundus' cocksleeve for ten years
what did he mean by this?

Blame Dante.

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Not him, but when Vergil faced Mundus he was weakened by his fight with Dante. Mundus took advantage of his state and tortured him to try and make him surrender.

user, that's lewd ! Saved

But it was Vergil that wanted to stay in Hell, and It was Vergil who went ahead towards Mundus without preparing. why should it be Dante's fault?

Because Dante kissed and slept with his ONLY SON

He refused to give up.

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Nero becomes the bad guy because why not

>one has vergil in the van with nero, which isn't possible.
Unless the DLC explains how Dante and Vergil got back.

If Vergil DLC gets announced which I don't think would be too likely then I really hope Vergil isn't just using the same weapons he always does. Really want a spear weapon for Vergil, maybe even some kind of transforming shield too.

Hey DMC1 protobro, if you're still around, got any more source code to dump?

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>tfw want to get good at DMC jump canceling combo system
>but ultimately am just practicing gitting gud in a single player game
Ill have to content with watching pros style on DMC since I already juggle between 3 combo heavy fighting games

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>using a shield

Attached: we'll be right back.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

ReadYamato is the only shield Vergil will ever need.
A spear or a chain/whip would be pretty cool

>Vergil gains his own royal guard
>all the animations are him deflecting attacks with Yamato
>royal release is unsheathing Yamato into a devil's skull
Pls Itsuno

I need more SPICE. More DRAMA.

OK so after Dante and Nero become lovers in DMC6 once Nero confesses his feelings for Dante, Vergil gets really, really, really mad at Dante for bedding his son, which Dante and Nero don't understand because Vergil wasn't even aware of Nero's existence until 5. They try to explain but Vergil says it's a principle, and he's offended anyway. Nero must decide whose heart to break - Dad's or Uncle Dante's? There is no winning here.

Nero is now the bad guy.

OooooOOoooo hire me capcom

The fuck is wrong with you ? Go back to fujoland.

The solution is so simple tho
Nero should just bed both of them!

He already has (bugged as fuck) blocking movement in cheat engine mod.

Pretty sure he's just desperately begging for (you)s because of inability to produce hq original content.

Oh shit so it could actually happen? fuck if Vergil gets a royal guard I'm never playing as anyone else ever again.

Got any footage of it?

Gimme a sec


You literally go to hell and fight him in the first game.

Here. Note that this particular move is bugged and you can't do anything after performing that before you restart the mission.

Attached: block.webm (1500x1058, 2.95M)

He literally uses this move during the boss fight so it's not really indicative of anything.

True enough.

>beat the game on hooman difficulty
>never once popped a devil breaker
>no idea how to do the big uppercut with balrog
>can't figure out how to smack enemies with royal guard
Incredible how far one can get with simple brute force.

>Incredible how far one can get with simple brute force.
Not really. DMC4 and 5 are really fucking easy.

>openly admitting you're a brainlet
Impressive, truly.

I mean, you did play on the baby's difficulty

My god, the sound design on them all just makes you feel like you're totally brutalizing someone. I feel like such a powerhouse. It feels heavy and weighty. I fucking love it.
>you won't remember your name when i'm done with you
Is right

I want Nero to buster arm Mundus.

Cheat engine guys said that all Vergil's moveset is made only for that single fight, that's why it's so hard to mod him it. You basically need to make capcom's job for them from a scratch and they're not going to do that.

it'd be pretty lame if there is vergil dlc and he only has a block and not a parry

>it appears every thousand years
The tree is fueled by human blood and is sealed away again at the end of the game, nobody is getting another fruit unless they somehow get the Yamato and anyone who can kill both Dante and Virgil at the same time has no need of it in the first place

They're shitposters trying to rile people up, it's the same shit as the guys who draw (more like commission drawings of) your favorite anime characters as nazis

Why are all of the actors going to e3? That’s weird. It’s not like they’re real celebs or anything

I have yet to see anyone actually post any source about all the DMC actors being present at E3 so it's most likely bullshit spewed by some wishful thinking user.

Kind of makes me wonder how their interaction would go down if this happened. Would he treat Mundus as just another shitty demon he needs to kill? Or would he feel some sense of duty to defeat him for his grandfather?

It’s time to admit EX Nero is cuter.

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I wish itsuno learned from DMC2 that linear levels were better for DMC than the RE-style stuff from 1 & 3. The reason I don't want to replay 3 even though I love is that I always end up dropping it during the tower section cause I always get lost in it's confusing design

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Let it die

DT EX Nero you mean.

Pretty sure he died in 4.

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He is not though. For my part I prefer the original.

Is this game good?

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>Go look on DMC5 mods on Youtube
>Several face mods for Dante/Vergil that's supposed to "fix" their faces
>It all looks like garbage due to the motion capture face distortion
>Comments is filled with faceblind idiots going "Finally they look like twins again thanks :)"

Why do people be like this.

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Yes, it's a fun video game.

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This mods are terrible. Do these videos get a lot of views ? I mean it's something to prefer Vergil and Dante as identical. But it's totally different to like a bad face swap for this particular reason.

These mods*

>Do these videos get a lot of views ? I mean it's something to prefer Vergil and Dante as identical.

There's a surprisingly large amount of people who are pissy about Dante and Vergil not being indentical twins anymore. Even though the change is obviously done for a reason. With the high-tech facial capture the camera picks up on the facial features of the actors. So even with Dante's face Vergil still has Dan Southworth's gigachad jaw.

Attached: Vergil.jpg (1328x705, 50K)

the only way they could step up the hype provided by DMC5 is by bringing back the legendary dark knight himself

Yeah I know, for my part I have never had a problem with it. The most important for me is that they are still twins. Seeing Dante with Vergil's face and Vergil with Dante's is atrocious to me. It's just not good for the reason you mentioned. But still some people like to force it.

Oh man it's been a while but I see this threads are still going. What are you guys even talking about by now?

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the excitement for potential dlc at e3 have given these threads a bit more steam recently


>Who's got the bigger dick ?
>Does Vergil takes dick ?
>Gameplay, sometimes.
>Fujo shit at some point in a thread.
>Which is the best DMC? generally a war between 3fags and 5fags. And sometimes 4 and 1.
>Husbando posting.
There maybe more but you know. That's basically it. We need something at E3 to have really interesting conversations again.

This they kill off kyrie and nero goes berserk so dante and vergil have to team up to stop him.

but he did, DMC5 levels are the most streamlined yet with no gimmicky puzzle shit, and the game is much better for it

I see.
Damn pretty much as I remember it then, and still no general? Nice.

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So why are there so many unused voice lines?

i wonder.....

>and still no general ?
No, DMC threads have too much power.

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Both Dan and Reuben mentioned going to E3 this year on their streams but JYB confirmed he won't be there on Twitter

Don't get your hopes up. If Capcom announces something at E3, it'll be Resident Evil 3.

White hair>Brown hair
White coat>Blue coat

there's a mod for white hair and white coat on nexus

Its $40 on steam. Should I pull the devil trigger?

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Do it

Vergil was a retard who thought he could fight Mundus after getting wrecked by Dante and not recovering
>if my father did it then so can i
Still,Mundus was still weakened by his fight with Sparda and needed power to resurrect properly,so technically Mundus DMC1 > Mundus DMC3

Im intrigued. Is he gonna deliver the full source code?

pirate it

What stream?

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That's too fucking cute !

it's cringe but at least this artist has better headcannons than your usual DMCfags and their gay fanfics

Let it go, user. DMC5 underperformed, DLCs were cancelled. MAYBE we'll get a cheap cashgrab aka DMC5SE with PS5 release, featuring 95% identical to DMC4 Vergil and LDK mode.

Im excited the gameplay is extremely great all around. One of the big RE leakers also confirmed RE3make was started back in December too.

I'm glad Capcom is getting back to their shit.

DLCs weren't cancelled since they were not planned to begin with. I'm not the kind to overhype myself up but you sure are overdramatic about it, user.


>things that were never planned outside of BP were canceled
>DMC5 is one of the highest selling games in the entire franchise

Literally what are you even talking about?

>since they were not planned to begin with
Datamine says otherwise.

The fact remain. DLCs weren't planned. Itsuno and Matt (if I remember correctly) said it before the game's release and after. I firmly believe something will come though.

You mean the datamine that talked about the EX costumes an Bloody Palace? All of which we already have?

>Capcom production founders, Itsuno, Matt, etc. all said there weren't any DLCs planned at all barring the palace

bUt ThE dAtaMiNe
>because those have always been accurate right?

Sparda game

>we even got a name of Trish & Lady DLC
>b-b-but it never was even planned!!

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It wasn't planned, yes. Doesn't mean it will never come either, you know.

They never said dlc was canceled tho and dmc5 and capcom themselves said dmc5 sales weren't low.

>we even got a name of Trish & Lady DLC

no we fucking didn't
lady's night was a fucking rumor

>we even got a name of Trish & Lady DLC

We didn't.

That was a rumor you mong, there is nothing in the actual files talking about Lady's Night.

nero’s mom is actually one of the strongest demons ever trying to take vergil’s power to usurp the human world

>capcom themselves said dmc5 sales weren't low.
And to add to your post, Capcom even said that 5 reinvigorated the franchise.

What was actually datamined by the way ? I remember people talk about Ladies Night but I don't remember the reasons for it.

how does he pull off table hop every single time??

Absolutely nothing

BP and that's it

Wasn't "Online Bloody Palace" datamined too ?

All kind of stuff. DLCs, new modes (online BP, some new mode for SP probably "play any character on any stage" one). Vergil is half-ready playable character.

>Vergil is half-ready playable character.

the "Playable Vergil" is just the boss fight vergil. it doesn't work.

The only things were Online Bloody Palace, EX Costumes, and "playable" Vergil (which was actually the boss fight moveset that was in the game and people assumed).

>you can actually play as him
>n-no guys, it doesn't count!!
Hey Matt, what's with all that damage control recently?

I don't remember that, but I do remember that they found Vergil's moveset and that's why most people convinced themselves that we would get a DLC right after Bloody Palace. Same for online BP.

That moveset is identical to his boss moveset.

>No DT
>Sin DT does fuck all
>no hitstop
>enemies don't get staggered
>can't fucking turn around
>animations are fucky

It's jsut the boss fight moveset. that's how boss fights are programmed in Dark Souls too. Hell, you can probably play goliath too

So why nobody did a Goliath hack, Einstein?


try and play as him for yourself and have fun

Why the fuck would people waste their time with a Goliath hack over Vergil? Are you retarded? Hell you can literally make a Goliath hack if you want, it'll work the exact same way. Urizen and Elder Geryon have the same shit too.

>Nico makes the gang some sort of demon teleporter
>comfy "around the orphanage" scenes instead of van scenes
>Kyrie trying to keep all the children away from the dozens of weapons all the demon hunters have brought round
>get to see Nero acting like a father / older brother
>Vergil has some background scenes where we see he starts to like one of the children
>Uncle Dante doing wacky wahoo pizza man stuff all the time
>Lady x Nico gets confirmed
I want it.

This is what I want. A bunch of story missions with Nero, he falls / is corrupted / somehow evil, and then Dante and Vergil cut their way out of the underworld to fight him

>meet girl at a friend's birthday party
>kinda get along but she's bi this, poly that so I just chill and don't push politics
>suddenly asks if I'm queer
>"no, why?"
>"I don't usually get along with cishet men this well"
>is she trying to start drama?
>feels like a trap
>too bad, I snorted a bunch of garbage before drinking so I'm still sharp enough not to put my foot in it
>joke about being profiled by my sexual orientation and move away
They're out there for real. They run in the circles you expect though, echo chambers, so they're easy to avoid / hard to encounter if you're not one of them
It's weird because I liked her apart from the sexual politics stuff

V has no DT, doesn't use yamato or none of Vergil's moves, how is he Vergil lmao. Shit if you want to use that logic Nero is closer to Vergil than V since he atleast has a spectral yamato.

Dante is Vergil, he literally has summon swords and most of his moves, on top of his own.

>>Uncle Dante doing wacky wahoo pizza man stuff all the time

Dante only does that shit when he's alone, when he's around other people anymore he tries to act like the cool uncle with a head on his shoulders.


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Except the Dr Faust dance, right?
I meant more like ordering junk food and taking kids for a ride on his demon motorbike anyway, but I don't think that what you said is true.

Either way I like the idea of Mundus trying to copy what Sparda did after losing to the family twice.

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They really fucked themselves with how they ended 5. The Vergil/Dante fight was a shitty conclusion compared to 3. Hopefully they can save it and NOT USE MUNDUS. We need new villains already ffs.

>just the boss fight vergil
It has animations for running, jumping and Yamato Combo C which the boss never uses.

That was for Nico, she liked it and thought he was a cool uncle.

He uses Combo C on Hell and Hell mode actually, sometimes he'll use it on DMD, but it's rare.

Really? There's so much stuff in that boss fight that's hard to trigger, like his defensive DG moves.

>super V
Actually you know what, I don't mind. It's not like V has health regen and the only move he can do costs DT.

Co-op Bloody Palace when?

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Yeah, it seems broken honestly. He'll use it and then almost nearly switch into his DT flight mode. You'll see like the frames of it as he's using it and then he slams DT and starts flying around the edges of the stage. It's odd and doesn't always happen. I've sat around lately testing out what exactly he does on Hell and Hell. Pretty interesting, you can actually stunlock him pretty well with Cerberus, very reminiscent of stunlocking him with Agni & Rudra's Million Slash on Vergil I in 3.

rate my fit

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2 hours

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Nice light shows actually.

wew fucking lad 10/10

JYB is coming to a con near me in a week what should I ask him?


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Pretty sure he does it on the other modes too, not sure what triggers it, don't think he's supposed to actually.

whoops forgot the (You)

He'll do them more often when you're in Sin DT.
>there are people itt who don't think dmc5 has the best bosses and music
for shame

Good to see Lady getting respect

Its one of the only memorable songs in the game.

How has no one edited this webm to say awesome shit yet? it's perfect to insert everything. Fujos, DmCfags, DMC1fags etc etc

man cavaliere angelo is one of the best boss fights in the series on DMD. Definetly up there with Vergil, Beowulf and Credo

Silver Bullet says hi


The Duel hit me hard in the feels.

>not loving Nero vs. Dante where it's Vergil playing a soft sad boi goth violin and then Nero comes in with his punk edm boombox blasting shit

It's strangely fitting

Nero vs. Vergil, I'm sleepy.

This though, is factual, but I like both of them. The white + blue is sexy, but so is the cyan/black devil bringers. Don't think the bringers would pop as much without the darker color contrast in certain environments

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This modded one though, Metal as fuck

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You don't know what cringe is.

Can't believe Nero is that kind of person, really made me lose respect for him.

Just beat Malphas on dmd. What a fucking load. Why won't she just stand still? It wouldn't be so bad if her jump wasn't a full-body hit box. I just can't sit still long enough to launch a sustained offensive. I can't even finish a combo before I have to dodge again. There's aggressive and then there's just nagging. Also, fuck those projectiles; if you're close enough to hit her, you're too close to avoid them by the time they appear. My biggest gripe is when she's not vulnerable even when she very clearly is; she's on the ground, reeling, not doing anything, and yet my buster bounces right off her over and over again. Worst boss in the game.

That was Dante IN DISGUISE!

Excuse you, that's my fetish.

how is malphas difficult like nigga just run in circles

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>V gets hurt once
>immediately incapacitated
Based Dead Weight.

Replace it with Kyrie's model in 4. Give it the Devil May Orb treatment.

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>tfw spamming the report button actually worked

Thanks Mr Science Man!

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In facebook?

yeah. I got 2 posts removed and 1 got filtered/covered as 18+ because I kept spamming the Nudity report button. if this goes on the whole group will eventually be removed.

>newfag trying to rewrite the past
june to september had less faggy threads

That's pretty based actually. I thought the reporter would be the one getting banned instead, for being somethingphobe and whatnot.

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Remember user, remember the rollercoaster of emotions this one trailer washed over you. Can it be topped?

Make way for the best DMC5 mod.

Attached: Nero's cool naruto shirt.jpg (859x730, 107K)

that's not how it works. when you report something, Facebook gives you an update, whether the content that you reported followed their community guidelines or someshit, and iirc you don't get banned for reporting shit on facebook. either it gets rejected or they remove the content.

will the dlc trailer be just as good this year?

I still remember when some user dropped the news at /dbhg/ Good times.


the leaks were that early? thank god i stayed off this board a month prior

So they were posting actual porn there?

lol no that's an edit. Nero's DT, Vergil face reveal and the Nero vs Vergil boss fight got leaked a week prior the game's release date.


Only DMC3 can compete.

Attached: bayonetta.jpg (500x294, 77K)

Could it have troubled user’s mind,
On learning where the image springs -
At the base of his post he chanced to find
The cruellest bait with angel’s wings?

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Surprised they have leaked anything yet if there was something at E3. Hope there's something at E3 and not at TGS, it's too far away.

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>Dante anything other than ace

I'm still pretty mad my deluxe edition didn't let me redeem the extra colours despite getting all the DB's.

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Ancient evil awakens and vergil was behind it all

not actual porn. just gay fanart (which were fucking cringe and horrible as hell, that gzeidraws guy had a better headcannon (still retarded) than most of these drawfags). I don't know if all posts there are admin-approved but holy shit man the fanarts, they actually did the Dante Gay Cowboy stripper fan art. I fucking thought the gayposting in dmc threads were ironic.

Vergil a good boy now and won't be erecting things where people die.

The tree was the one that killed millions Urizen was merely attaching himself to it to benefit and get the fruit when it grew, therefore Vergil didn't kill anyone but his quest for power again did warrant an asskicking.

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If there was no Urizen then the tree wouldn't have grown to the human world Vergil.

Not this shit again.

I want this to be canon now.

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The game implies that the tree comes up on it's own with no beckoning, the power hungry demonic side of Vergil is still immoral and horrible from benefiting from the suffering but he's not responsible for it.

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I want this to be canon now

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No, no, no and no.

Son of Sparda? More like SLUT of Sparda.

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Stop this, user. My husbando is no slut. Is he drunk ?

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Everyone always makes Daddy Vergils. I want to see more Grandpa Vergils.

Okay let's say everyone that got added in 4SE is also in 5's future SE. Who else would you add? I'm thinking Crew Cut with a more diverse range of military hardware than Lady and Nico using some Devil Breakers in new ways.


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I wanna see Vergil make a dance macabre too.

Well Kyrie and Nero don't have a child of their own yet.

have you seen dmc3 vergil? he's much more swole then that twig

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See something you like?

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dlc when

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>Okay let's say everyone that got added in 4SE is also in 5's future SE. Who else would you add?

Nobody else. DMC doesn't need even more playable characters, they should focus on having more playable content elsewhere instead.


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Nero, Lady, Trish, and now V prove that new characters being added with different playstyles is always fun as fuck. Get jiggied you negative nerd I bet you don't even have a keyboard.

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I really like "her" shoes

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Nike nigga stylin'.

how long until now

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The colors were only for Pre-ordering. Deluxe just gives you more breakers, another weapon for Dante, more announcers, live action cut scenes, and classic themes for the jukebox.

Lucia so everyone is in the game.

>V rolls out after 1 hit
shit gets me every fucking time

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Anyone else feel like KC has too much health? I swear he has, like, 150% the health of any other boss.

And Vergil was never in Nero's life as a child. Grandpa Vergil doesn't need to be canon.

>Anyone else feel like KC has too much health? I swear he has, like, 150% the health of any other boss.

Attacking the currently active head does increased damage.

Gene from God Hand as a special guest

How come i suck dick at Bayonetta, the first one.
I swear i am having a lot of trouble pulling off cool fights and not getting hit, i'm not sure. I lack the analytic competences to pinpoint my problem but i think the enemy tells are not clear?
The dodge offset system is so alien to me. Why does DMC seem so mechanically simple compared to Bayonetta or rather why does Bayonetta seem so obfuscated ?

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I preordered. My code just doesn't work.

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True but most fanarts are about Daddy Vergil and 5Nero though. I have this one. I may have others, I have to take a look at my powerful folder.

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>Giving Dante Vergil's face literally creates MvCI Dunte

Very nice.

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When will capcom awknowlege that Vergil is homosexual and give us gay costumes like they did the with Chris Redfield? I want Vergil in a tight sailor costume!

Don't respond to it.

Bayonetta's combat is literally built around using dodge offset all the time.

Enemies in Bayo are way more aggressive but there's also like zero attack dedication and you can cancel out of basically anything. In Bayo you're just supposed to be constantly breaking and picking up your combo again. The gameplay is like this weird middle ground between DMC and Ninja Gaiden, I was never a huge fan.

I was going to. And then I saw your post. You just filled my dark soul with LIGHT !

Best way to think about it, think of it like stripper rules, don't touch the pretty ladies, only they do the touching.

But what if I want to see Vergil in a sailor outfit?

>leather jumpsuit
Is Mundus a fucking slav?

Yeah, but then you get walloped by his downward swing and getting out of the way in time is virtually impossible. I just try to stay above him since it's his blind spot.

This is your right. As weird as it is. But don't project on Vergil your own homosexuality, user. That does not make him gay, even if that's all you want in life.

Then learn to mod.

I don't want him gay, I just want him in pretty outfits.

>that year when jake wesker was the true dante

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>but i think the enemy tells are not clear
Every single enemy has a huge visual and audible alarm when they attack, you shouldnt worry about getting good ranks until you learn every enemy in and out. Try platinuming Normal mode just to get aquainted with the game. Its still a decent challenge plus doing so will unlock Jeanne.

And yeah dodge offset is crucial to getting good ranks, dodgeing attacks and activating witch time while maintaining combos is the bread and butter of Bayonetta's combat. its something that becomes as natural as breathing the more you play though.

a basic tip is to get the feel of the combat is try p(hold) k(hold) p(hold). Try doing that combo in front of enemies, dodge when necessary to activate witch time but dont let go of the combo. Rembeber that witch time multiplies your combo points so it's important to activate it as much as possible. Oh and if you ever feel you combo is going to break use a torture attack as they extend the combo.

I honestly always found Bayonetta's gameplay so engrossing and pulling off huge strings of combos satisfying. Its quite different from DMC's core gameplay values when you dig into it but both series are quite enjoyable and bring similar joy but in different ways

As I said that's fine. For my part I just want him coatless.

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Urizen 3 seems like a major dip in difficulty. He was a dumbass for throwing away his force field and overpowered homing attack.

Don't you just need to change the alt colors in settings?

Vergil is not gay you're right, but he's most definitely bisexual.

I think Vergil is the only straight one in DMC. He's the only one alive who has reproduced.

>but he's most definitely bisexual
your headcanon doesn't count

i kicked his ass so hard i got an S rank my first try, and i fucking suck at the game. I think i had to redo Urizen2 a couple times.

Why would he be bisexual ? There is nothing indicating this anywhere. No signs, nothing. For all we know he is just heterosexual. I don't understand the need to push this. If he is bi then Dante is as well. Which I don't think he is either.

vergil is straight he's just enjoying himself

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inb4 V is his fag side he kept closeted all these years.

Vergil and Dante escape hell as Nero tries to help from Earth. Maybe they find sparda in hell.
Or prequel Tony Redgrave game about the first time Vergil met Dante as referenced in dmc3

>it's current year and tumblrinas are still projecting their faggotry onto characters

Vergil struggles with his sexuality and V is a representation of that, he's not straight in the slightest
Nero is straight, maybe? But his interactions with Dante makes it hard to be sure
Dante doesnt even know what sex is, all the magizines he has laying around are actually for the articles

The only straight character for sure is Morrison, he's the only one who can put bitches in line

V is how he is but doesn't mean he is bisexual either you know. You have to remember that DMC is a japanese franchise. There are a lot of things people find gay in the west, that is not in Japan. Also as I said Vergil's sexuality apart from the existence of Nero, is never adressed. Just like every other character. And of course that includes V since he is Vergil's human side.

He doesn't need a woman all he needs is Dante.

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>oh aw what a day
I can almost feel the crazy coming at times the potential is obvious.
Thanks for all the hot tips guys i need to practice dodging while holding combos, too bad it doesn't have a training room. Wait.
Curse you Kamiya for designing features into hardware weaknesses. Didn't think we'd get better computers did you you bald fetishist.

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The fuck am I reading.

>both dante and vergil slept with women
>not straight

That's literally what I am saying though ?... that's one of my post

2 be honest I might get called a doomsayer/pessimist or whatever for this, but I don't really need or want another DMC game right now. I'm happy that we got DMC5 so that the series didn't end with DmC, but it seems kinda too soon for me, I don't want the series to just get milked. A proper DLC, more playable characters or at least some new costumes would be cool though.

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is bayo on switch a good port?

yeah theyre pretty good. Its the best versions of the games that isn't PC
the only downside is 720p.
but they play and feel comfy as hell in handheld mode

I had a dream earlier there was a mutant zombie apocalypse going on in my area and in my backyard there was a web covered tunnel made by spider-zombie-mutants and one of them was Vergil who turned into a giant spider and his name was Spidergil and I just thought you should all know that

Phantom confirmed for Vergil DLC?

he actually did look like phantom now that I think about it
oh god

You do know your post may create a new fetish, right ?

Dante's son that he bore with a devil arm is a main focal point as well as a playable character.

They bring angels in and base it off Dante's Parodisio

why does DMC have such a huge and massive gay/fujo fanbase? I play a lot of games but from i see DMC has probably the biggest fag/fujo fanbase of any series. Surely theres a reason why so many of them flock to the series.

>Kyrie is sick
Hi Nero, did you ever hear the tragedy of Mundus the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story Dante would tell you. It's a demon legend. Mundus was a Dark Lord, so powerful and so wise he could influence red orbs to create life. Where do you think Trish come from? He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

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he wasn't half man-half spider though he was full spider you can't fuck a full spider
infact the only way I knew it was Vergil was because he had a health bar with "Spidergil" on it


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hot demon men

The dudes are hot.

On my god. I had a good laugh thanks to you user.

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>They bring angels in

What is kingdom hearts?

>you can't fuck a full spider
That's where you're wrong kiddo.


Dante already surpassed Mundus without the fruit by DMC2.

I was thinking of getting bayo 1 on pc and then just emulating bayo 2. But handheld does sound comfy.

What is Nico thinking here? The only dude she doesn't want to bang is Nero.

Remind me why sharing your dreams is fine but telling you got forcefully french kissed by a wolf isn't.

Damn, he's so beautiful.

because french kissing a wolf has nothing to do with the game

What exactly is the purpose of this? I don't understand
>it's another "user is projecting calling himself asexual because he can't get laid onto fictional characters" episode
I hate reruns

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So if the wolf was named Dante everything would be alright?

Speaking of which, where the hell is the Nico art by Shad? Dude loves trashy, smoke-sucking, tatted-up bitches, so you'd think she'd be right up his alley.

I thought the wolf story was pretty funny but it was kind of off topic
maybe if the wolf was Vergil it would've been better

>what is this power

>literally nobody cares if you draw soldier 76 fucking a female
>quit getting butthurt over twitter strangers
>also Nero and Vergil were made to take dicks
You're contradicting yourself. user is obviously not talking about people here, he's complaining about people on twitter/tumblr, that's what he's talking about.

Why do they draw them so ugly? what an abomination.

And you clearly don't remember what actually happens.

That, he is.

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i wonder what that mouth does

Its not for whatever you're thinking about that's for sure.

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Kiss your hand

Ask him when he'll be able to show mocap footage.

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calls you a fool for thinking hes a homo

Lack of talent?

The "Gay community" in these threads are false flaggers and DmC cucks. They crave DMC fans as being labeled the "worst fanbase" so they pretend to be the worst people a fanbase can receive. None of them are real. Stop falling for the facade.

I remember 5 meant to be an end to Sons of Sparda saga, so there might be about devil hunters in different culture setting.

I can tell some of them are actual homos who are just shitting up the thread with homoness because they know it bothers people

It's made for soft kisses

Distract your gay faggot ass while he stabs you and rids the world of your filth.

its got the tumblr touch too

It most probably means that Nero would get more of the spotlight... But I want to keep Dante and Vergil forever, they are my boys.

i bet its 3 or 4 people at most

They should stay in the /y/ threads and shit that up.

I feel like it's always the same dudes. Same way of writing, same arguments.

Dont group me in with DmCucks you faggot ass bitch
I just want to fuck Nero, simple as that

Vergil wouldn't touch any of you homos with a 10 foot pole
not even with Yamato, he'll just stab you with a butter knife because you aren't worthy

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They changed it to latest though. Also if they were going to do a new cast it wouldn't be so soon after returning to the regular characters.

Semi-related while we're on the topic of the DMC fanbase. I noticed the fanbase became significantly gayer specifically after DMC4 came out. There were Dante x Vergil fanfics before that of course, but they were very far and few between. Most fanfiction before that was Dante x Lady, some Vergil x Lady, or just general fanfiction about the characters. the thing you have to realize is that while there are obviously some fujos/gays who actually played the game most of it is pic except replace Marvel with DMC. I didn't even make this, you can apply it to literally most popular fanbases. DMC itself isn't even that gay, compared to stuff like MGS (I say that as an MGS fan) that actually has some fujo/gaybait in it.

Attached: fandoms.jpg (1280x2886, 313K)

Cast is full of Bishonen with supernatural abilities, also chicks dig half-demi dudes like half vampires, half demons, etc etc
Coupled with the fact that the games are actually good you have some grade A fujo bait

Drawfriend where are you when we need you the most

You guys mislabel the women as gays though when they just want to cream themselves over Vergil.

none of these threads had gay shit in them until the game came out. Threads from june to february were fine but for some reason the fags just completely stormed them once the game came out

whether there's women or not doesn't matter if they're still being as obnoxious and annoying

>V brought in the most faggotry

For me it's the opposite. I haven't seen a mod for it though, only white hair Nero with white jacket. Also is there a mod that takes away EX Dante's stubble yet? I actually like Dante with black hair but the white stubble makes it look retarded

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V appeals more to women though
Nero is the fag icon
its probably why the fanbase got gayer when dmc4 came out

Its impossible to "read" in your dreams you faggot. The broca and wernicke part of your brains is significantly less active when you dream

V is the embodiement of your pic. It seems that he did attract a lot of fujoshi. Or whatever tumblrinas out there. These people didn't even play the game...That's sad actually. I don't understand how you don't even try a little when a character is interesting to you. There is nothing wrong with it, if it leads you to actually play the game and like it for what it is (or not) and not only the character who pushed you into it in the first place.

Attached: literally_me.png (480x563, 188K)

Nero is the most canon straight character in the whole damn franchise

yeah but that doesn't stop the fags
have you seen all the blender porn?

Nero is fat

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No and I don't want to

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5Nero is the gaybait
4Nero was too twinky for anybody but fujos to care about

5Nero is the leading character in gay porn right now

V appeals to Fujos
Vergil appeals to woman
Nero and Dante appeal to gays

you can call him deadweight and he won't respond back

Why did the summons fight Dante?

this isn't Nero but I just wanted an excuse to post it again because it kills me

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I thought man of Shad only puts tattoos/piercings/cigarettes/mascara/penises on female characters who don't already have them, seems like a girl who already has all that would be boring for him.

Attached: V and his catto.jpg (1280x905, 223K)

women and fujos are the same shit and gays love Vergil too

V/Vergil is for fujos
Vergil, Nero and Dante is for faggots

Some of them are legit but there's also one shitposter fanning the flames to make everyone look bad.

Dante is for gays now?

>These people didn't even play the game
They have no interest because the V they have in their head is different from the one that's actually in the game. That's why they all write V as some retarded uwu goth boy when in reality he's vergil.

>Vergil appeals to woman.
You got that right.

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wheres the full picture?

why would you want more?

Daddy Dante has been for the gays since DMC4 decided to give him so much horny energy

Spoiler that shit next time. Even it's gayness doesn't hurt as much as it's shitty render and lighting

not that guy but asexuals are a thing, user. i have the libido of a brick wall.

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While I do agree there was significantly less, that's just bullshit and you know it. Don't try and rewrite history. When there were long periods of no new information pre-release there was quite a bit of yaoi spam. Anyways, I wasn't even fucking talking about DMC threads or the fanbase on Yea Forums, I meant in general. people outside of Yea Forums know that DMC exists, you know.

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everyone will have the misfortune of seeing wax Vergil with a candle shoved up his ass and you will all enjoy it

I mean flashlight

do you have the gif of nero being fucked? it was from the same guy that did this and it always has me cracking up

where's that quote from

>that picture

Right in front of my salad?

no but if you find it post it for me
if its made by the same guy its gotta be good (bad)

That's why you have a mini-comic where Kyrie starts spending too much time with Nico and her bad influence converts Kyrie.

The "V is out of character because he acts more like Vergil" in the manga, is still making me laugh to this day.

Well I'm sorry user-kun but Dante is a sex machine
Was it always like that for you? Could be caused by some sort of trauma or medical thing. Low libido does not necessarily mean asexual, asexual just means no attraction to a specific sex. Though there are retards on tumblr who say stuff like "umm actually this character is asexual even though they've had sex multiple times before bc ace ppl have sex for fun sometimes :)"

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After the Yea Forums sings got popular around November we had a lot more reddit and tumblr immigrants here in these threads. There was a lot of nero bulge posting and V roleplaying as well. Before then we barely had anything and it was only a couple people posting Dante's face model since no one cared about Karlo enough to post him.

>women and fujos are the same shit

No they aren't. Fujos are women who get off to gay shipping characters. Most of the people who like Vergil are women who want him as a husbando. That's why they get so triggered in this thread if you say Vergil is gay. Why would a fujo or a fag care if he's gay? That's what they would want.

The majority of fujo and gay art these days are Nero, Dante and V. Yes, there are fujos and gays that still like Vergil. We're talking about the majority though.

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speaking of Yea Forums sings devil trigger, what happened to that guy. Would've been nice to have a Yea Forums sings crimson cloud or subhuman

I thought he was for girls with daddy issues

hes dead
thats no joke either

I love him so much. He's so perfect.

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They're so fucking retarded gawd. Never played any other game and on top of that they just watched cutscenes on youtube.

>theres women in this thread right now
get your cooties-ridden asses out of here

>Sui Yumeshima

Reuben's based wife drew these! I love it!

that user had some very unhappy times, he lost a couple of family members and for all we know he might've killed himself

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Got what he deserved, faggot brought a bunch of redditors and faggots to these threads, good punishment

how do u know that?

Me too, user. Me too.

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>That's why they get so triggered in this thread if you say Vergil is gay.
Did you forget about the his male fans who like his design and gameplay?

>theres women in this thread right now

You must be new here. They've been in these threads since the beginning.

>implying faggots and redditors weren't already here

Fuck you.

not as bad man, they learned to lurk and blend in better

Kind of a mix. I've been in the DMC fanbase for some years now but not that long, I heard one oldfag say that a long time ago girls didn't like DMC4 Dante because they made him too "old" looking, but I don't know. Lots of girls now are horny for 5Dante and he looks even older.

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>this mad someone made something cool
i bet you've never made anything worthwhile in your life

Wish she made stickers out of them they're so cute.

yeah and they want to suck his cock, theyre called gay user

of course they were here since the beginning but they're here right now right this second too
its giving me the heebie jeebies already
begone nasty
>*spritz spritz*

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>Fanart keeps putting Vergil in a blue coat instead of black
Do none of these faggots understand progression? the blue has been passed onto Nero while Vergil rocks the black colour traditionally used by the 3rd character. Getting real disappointed in artists missing the point so fucking hard out of nostalgia for DMC3.

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I thought male fans were the ones who don't give a fuck about the characters' sex lives

we had so many Yea Forums sings why did devil trigger get so retardly popular?

>clicks catalog
>20 traps husbando and futa threads
nice try fag

Block your path

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using straightup black / grey is ugly in a flat colored drawing
tinting it blue is more appealing to the eyes

reread my sentence dummy

Then do something original. If you're making fanart then it should be accurate to the source or else it's just shit.

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It's important for people projecting user. If they are straight and see Vergil as the epitome of stylish both design and gameplay wise, then it would matter. Imagining Vergil gay would compromise their idolization of him.

spamming gay shit in threads all the time is annoying as fuck thats the problem

the lighting around depending on the scene Vergil bounces off the black of his clothes and tints it blue aswell
so it technically is accurate to the source
calm your autism and let artists be artists

damn right he is
i've always been like this, and yes, it's caused by a medical thing (technically). i am a literal sperg.
straight porn, gay porn, lesbian porn, they do nothing for me. only a few people irl know about it, and they say they're jealous of my 'asexuality', but i disagree completely. it fucking sucks. i can look at pretty people and say "damn what a hottie" but i never felt the urge to get laid. and i'm scared of forcing myself to have sex and end up being a massive disappointment to my partner. i'm gonna miss an important aspect of life because i'm a fucking autist.
i will never understand dumb tumblrinas who want a life like this to their favorite characters.

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>black colour traditionally used by the 3rd character.
Can we please get Vergil playable right away now that he got blacked?

Don't make me hurt, user.

woops put that in the wrong spot
*the lighting around Vergil depending on the scene