You do write reviews for the games you played, right??

you do write reviews for the games you played, right??

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Only if my impressions of the game are negative. Positive reviews are marketing, and developers aren't paying me for that.

>t. mouthbreather

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I only wrote a review once because I felt most of the reviews I had read before playing were wrong.
Game was Ni No Kuni II, it's not good.

t. unpaid shill

>liking a game = shilling
You're retarded

Only if its a game i come back to over and over again, i don't mean playing it all the time but I'm talking about YEARS of playing it and still love it also helps if developers really cared for their game and didn't (mostly) sell out and i wish to let other people know its gold.

on the other hand i also have reviewed games where the player base is close to dead, niche games or based on popular medium, like a comic or movie. And it doesn't have much player base to begin with.

And lastly any obscure game I had a good time and the developer studio is long gone.

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>the games you played
That’s the problem...

I've unironically never written a review in my life.

>liking a game = writing a review
nice reading comprehension, ace

Me on the right

can someone give me tips for how to write a good review?

I do sometimes

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Whenever I feel like it, which is rarely.

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>Shilling for that specific game's competitors by shitting on it

Congratulations, you've played yourself

based steam mods

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No because spending any amount of time here has shown me that no one gives a shit about others' opinions on games unless it serves to reaffirm their own.

how would that matter if someone whos deciding if its worth to buy the game looks at your review

almost never unless i think it needs some attention

Yes if only because I read friend's reviews on steam.

actually retarded opinion

i wrote a positive review for Endless Space 2 because I want more bros to play it

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Did thex fix the desync problems in multiplayer?

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Nah, but desync fixes itself in a turn or so and doesn't actually impact the game. You don't need to re-start, played a lot of games with irl friends and there's no significant difference outside of making micro more difficult for fleets in a pvp war.

I have never written a single review for anything