What's the best Godzilla game and why is it Unleashed, Yea Forums?

What's the best Godzilla game and why is it Unleashed, Yea Forums?

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you can see godzilla's sexy toes

With the GojiRex mod, it's 10/10

I love this game, but
>no one player destruction mode
>no Xbox 360 port

>The best Godzilla game
>controls are unsatisfying compared to the previous two games
>Removed super abilities
>Barely added anything new
>Battra, a console-exclusive kaiju is literally a Mothra skin
Try harder

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I want to fuck Mothra.

I hated that the Wii had more monsters than the PS2. I seethed about it until I gave up console gaming.

>tfw no new godzilla game
>tfw new godzilla movie is also flopping

what went wrong?

What are some interesting multiplayer Wii games? Anything obscure?

>>tfw new godzilla movie is also flopping
>Too much monster fights
>Not enough human drama
The absolute state of Hollywood critics

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It's not really flopping when you count worldwide. It's also the leading at the box office this weekend.

Why was Godzilla PS4 such a letdown compared to Atari?

That's not Destroy All Monsters Melee.

Shit controls


Post your mains

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Well the reviews I read actually complained about the human focused subplots being poorly written, badly acted and mostly uninteresting and that the only good thing about it are the VFX of the kaiju battles but that doesn't make it a good film.
And even /m/ thinks the film is mediocre at best.

Do any of the godzilla games emulate well?

Whatever happened with that game? It was even ever released?

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Does anyone get a stiffy seeing Godzilla and the other monsters lie on the ground breathing heavily haha


Rodan. Always Rodan. He is my nigga. He is best boy. He IS the hype.

Furries ruined it.

The furry mafia destroyed it. It solidified my desire to massacre all furries.

dont think I dont see what you did there

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Do you wanna stick your penis in Rodan's cloaca?

This thing looks abysmal anyways, like an early 2010 iOS game

I am not worthy of such a glorious death.


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I always thought save the earth was just melee with more

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Save the Earth is a lot more slower paced

by far

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>tfw found save the earth at a used game store
>Xbox version
>35 dollars
Did I pass up a good bargain because that seemed a bit high.

Who would you main in Colossal Kaiju Combat?

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>We can't have a Godzilla thread without furfags saying dumb shit every 5 posts

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>there will never be a godzilla with the character roaster size and combos of budokai tenkai 3

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This game perfectly encapsulates the aesthetic of Godzilla
I mean.....just listen to that.

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>blocks your path
>activates horn katana

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Don't blame the critics, blame what blockbusters have become.
You may not be sick of big special effects, but I'd wager you don't see everything that comes out either. Critics do, and once your past the novelty of having a big CGI spectacle in front of you, you want something else.