ITT : Post Yea Forums related image edits that made you laugh

ITT : Post Yea Forums related image edits that made you laugh

Attached: 1555048545346m.jpg (1024x576, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1475874889576.jpg (371x438, 142K)

Attached: 1541619694786.png (352x518, 162K)

Attached: telecubbies.jpg (720x556, 43K)

Attached: splat tim knight.gif (578x775, 92K)

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Attached: 1556247701150.gif (560x430, 284K)

Attached: 1553953023084m.jpg (609x1024, 104K)

>haha i said a racially charged word am I funny :)
Grow up

Attached: 5DE1FB1E-1489-4338-9451-5FD1E72F0BD4.jpg (1024x515, 99K)

Attached: 1557771550833.gif (200x200, 885K)

Attached: 1546071068933.png (1024x610, 488K)

first I laughed but now I'm sad.


Have sex

Have you ever fallen in love with a video game Estelle before?

Attached: Estelle.jpg (1919x903, 439K)

>getting offended by nigger

Attached: 4o0ghtqtcl711.png (800x750, 466K)

Attached: 1536264464491.jpg (474x441, 40K)

Attached: 1323156141315.jpg (720x406, 85K)

double nigger

Obviously bait, you retarded newfag. Nobody on this website is offended by nigger, they're baiting you in getting a million (You)'s.

Attached: 3427895684736923.jpg (400x400, 44K)

triple nigger

I'm Brazilian and I'm offended by the Fanta uva.

Attached: soyorb.png (284x437, 170K)


Attached: 1555288203639.jpg (365x545, 53K)

Attached: 1550011854265.gif (624x335, 2.55M)

Attached: 1451575536749.jpg (1920x1040, 400K)

Attached: 1548931554151.jpg (527x588, 133K)

Hō… mukatte kuru no ka?

nice one

Attached: 1529429519848.jpg (446x400, 34K)

The original is better.

Attached: 1058148108.jpg (1000x1380, 425K)

Attached: nincels.png (495x406, 304K)

Attached: 1557425138202.jpg (506x481, 43K)


Attached: 1557677942134.png (631x578, 503K)

honk honk

Is there an idiot of AYAYAYAY with lolis?

Attached: 1515021846923.png (900x648, 661K)

Anyone got a high res of this?

Attached: 1545448460527.jpg (1024x576, 76K)

>being this new

Summertime, I guess.

Attached: 1541672004141.png (1200x1160, 127K)

Attached: mfw you didn't preorder.webm (1280x720, 1.44M)

Attached: 1557950521704.png (254x367, 126K)

Me on the right
God dammit why the FUCK didn't we get Ballio?

Attached: 1530279679350.jpg (1024x929, 82K)

a classic

Attached: 1553084849109.png (800x619, 791K)


check out this quadruple nigger

Robotnik is evil.

I'm tired

I want to fuck Puro

Ainsley is always funny

Attached: 1558826758528m.jpg (1024x576, 74K)



Attached: 1492567851465.jpg (588x430, 33K)

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Attached: 1535595141269.jpg (719x2030, 1.15M)

Attached: 1548329891003.png (400x378, 122K)

Not exactly Yea Forums but the japanese equivalent

Attached: CfrAOFaUEAAxVTU.jpg (500x650, 87K)

Attached: 1556288112561.png (660x320, 339K)

How can one tiny island be so based?

>16 years


Attached: 1541088604920.png (1540x1540, 2.76M)

I want to be Puro!

Attached: a88d3aef27a67d99e0c126caca9eda79c1293131r1-544-416v2_hq.jpg (544x416, 33K)


Have sextuple nigger

Anyone have the one with Gwyn walking in on Gwyndolin being a faggot?

Attached: despair.jpg (427x1440, 209K)

seething sextuple nigger

Infinite nigger

Attached: 1548194211302.png (577x382, 272K)

Attached: 177.jpg (900x1200, 109K)

Attached: Dx-YSoDVsAADxUW.jpg (1200x900, 182K)

Attached: 1540829571402.jpg (640x640, 87K)

Attached: 1540603637382.jpg (1280x1037, 268K)

Attached: subtle bait.jpg (376x410, 21K)

Is it summer already?

Attached: castletroid.png (4096x3584, 100K)

Attached: 1476815197935.png (720x778, 540K)

I laugh every time I see this.

Attached: IMG_7449.jpg (640x631, 72K)

Oh user.
Summer never ends.

Attached: 1525271416778.jpg (1280x720, 271K)

I feel like it's very intentional that they wrote MAC cannon.

Every time

Fuck i miss oils so much

Attached: 1502667668630.jpg (320x475, 30K)

Being against edgy faggots that think being racist in and of itself is funny doesn't excuse being such a newfag.

Attached: 1557703823391m.jpg (672x1024, 171K)


We need to bring galo sengen back


Attached: 1534981574796.png (426x458, 185K)

Another version.

Attached: IMG_0785.jpg (835x1024, 108K)

Double nigger


Have another

Attached: 1554839785572.png (680x821, 30K)

I want you to be Puro and I want you to fuck me

shit I just noticed the archvile in the middle, had never seen it before


Is Ted going to gather his delegates and defeat Dahnald in 2020?

find out in next episode of "Delegate: Retribution"

holy shit


Attached: xDD.png (274x211, 117K)

Attached: 1448573522877.jpg (500x357, 71K)

shut up nigger

The all time favourite

Attached: 1558319842350.jpg (750x743, 77K)

tfw cant do this anymore

Attached: ntf07.png (644x3844, 2.63M)

me on the left

suck my dick nigger

why is /pol/ raiding us?

1/10 because I replied

Attached: 1542055348985.png (1000x630, 151K)

He is gonna do it one day, his meme-game improved tremendously

Attached: 1538156199228.jpg (750x918, 75K)


>he made a zodiac killer reference on halloween
what a madlad

Attached: 1543173933334.jpg (900x405, 64K)

Attached: file.png (409x618, 376K)

after 2016 most boards are just /pol/ with a theme you dumb cunt haven't you browsed the site in the last 3 years at all?

Attached: 17094321.png (622x622, 48K)

Attached: 1555173466519.jpg (543x244, 88K)

I go through cycles where I forget this exists then rediscover it and laugh like an idiot

Attached: 1553750529568.jpg (498x240, 39K)

>he doesn't have Yea Forums X
lol what a pleb

Attached: khohohw.png (1919x1032, 196K)

Dumb nigger

But I do, you fucking idiot. Meant that officially you cant.

Attached: Capture.png (2508x1143, 257K)

octuple nigger

But uva is better than laranja.

Oh no, newfags won't understand a joke because they're idiots, what a tragedy

Complain about /pol/ invasion, but not /lgbt/ invasion. Tranny threads every other tread

Attached: dark souls big lebowski.jpg (720x406, 505K)


Turns out

Attached: 4287952921.png (1021x1231, 552K)

Attached: 05 card.png (555x555, 260K)

The water edits have gotten a lot of chuckles out of me lately

Attached: 1558887384295.png (500x625, 324K)

Attached: 1443347809550.png (519x2378, 2.72M)

Attached: gg metroid.jpg (512x446, 155K)

Attached: 31624758697.png (616x1288, 1.11M)

Now post the other 20 edits

Attached: D0bzpvhXcAgwIhp.jpg (915x935, 73K)

Attached: D0cFpnxVsAExYSo.jpg (1166x873, 102K)


Attached: 1551662090870.jpg (982x558, 73K)

Puro is love

Attached: 1531138533699.png (512x512, 116K)

Attached: 1558026923855.gif (241x200, 135K)

Attached: 1515527671085.png (958x380, 384K)


Attached: 1543603715315m.jpg (682x1024, 120K)

Attached: Big Boss.png (650x806, 1.03M)

Attached: 1540986839985.jpg (783x779, 95K)

Attached: 1558424128366.jpg (428x578, 24K)

Attached: 1551751574509.jpg (640x561, 142K)


Attached: 1508110648347.png (1280x720, 872K)

Attached: teleports behind you.jpg (480x478, 183K)


Attached: 1527091286355.png (240x240, 115K)

That is a happy image :)

Attached: 1558601989289.jpg (1242x1210, 182K)

I low key hope steve gets in so we can have another total fallout, and sans, definitely sans, and katalina, Yea Forums would never recover

Attached: 1475959274491.png (1064x800, 334K)

Attached: 1547750576287.png (242x276, 85K)

Attached: rlqc8vcfxhj11.jpg (720x538, 50K)

Attached: 1452086480225.jpg (1080x690, 420K)


I forgot about these
SA3 was so good

Attached: 1549916168486.png (1200x898, 825K)

>SA3 was so good
tell me, user
what timeline did you transfer from?


Attached: castlekino.png (958x579, 1.5M)


Attached: 1549804235956.png (1000x1096, 245K)

Doom edits are best edits

Attached: Plutonia.gif (2997x2000, 2.74M)

>в oбъeктивнoм
A я в cyбъeктивнoм, блядь.

Attached: 15589296910910.jpg (1080x1051, 197K)


Why are you faggots raiding us?


Attached: 1448574299986.jpg (1366x742, 301K)


I hate zoomers so fucking much, almost as much as boomers.

Attached: 23c.gif (500x500, 257K)

You laugh but then you notice the photo in the background and then it turns real fast.


>only for me boy dan
every time

Only once. But Estelle is my love.

these metal gear edits

Attached: 1436283069520.png (1030x1904, 849K)

Attached: 1436282256556.png (752x4336, 1.79M)

Attached: 1436565601044.png (608x3560, 1.25M)

Attached: 1519762763017.jpg (1277x639, 135K)


>Oy vey why are we being invaded in our natural homeland fellow non-racists

Attached: 1559490408006.jpg (275x291, 8K)

Based and blackpilled

Looks like you made an error, let me fix that.
Advance 2 is so good.

Okay you self-hating cunny-spamming happa faggot

Attached: D7302BiV4AAOusQ.png (680x408, 264K)

Is there a rule that people ignore more than 3?

Attached: 1e5bf939246f7c084b5d35aeac3d5ee89e8952e6_00.jpg (512x485, 45K)

Fixed it

Attached: Sweden.jpg (1024x515, 156K)

Attached: 1558796352544.png (1522x1770, 507K)

Attached: 1550044112378m.jpg (1024x614, 68K)

now post the porn version

because this place is full of retarded faggots who you'd rather beat up IRL than ever have a meaningful conversation with.

Attached: v hates fun.jpg (375x281, 27K)


Attached: 1478833312446.jpg (900x900, 109K)

Is that Linus!

Attached: f7a.jpg (640x2873, 563K)


yo this is a really well done edit, goddamn

ah yes, thank you for the reminder.

not that user but:
>its pride month, idiot.
>corporations are taking to twitter and pushing
>ironically /pol/ is more welcome here than /lgb t/ in any form because they at least understand that its all for the money, just like the Games Journos that came before.


same gloves..

Attached: 1556604910032.gif (344x206, 799K)

Hurt your feelings, cakeboy?

Attached: 1543096590724.png (600x895, 201K)

Literally anything Fesh Pince-related

holy shit i just realzied

Who are you trying to impress here?
>This place sucks! I-Imma beat you up!!! *continues to browse*

Attached: 1535516037885.gif (320x240, 2.51M)

the fucking smug primarina gets me every time

never forget

does anyone have the original I gotta see this shit but can never find it

Attached: 1534039629768.webm (800x502, 2.8M)

i mean what other gender could you possibly be? the are only 2 wouldn't it make more sense to call it transition reveal or some shit

that poor dad is screaming inside, he should have raised his son better to prevent this

The dad's face says a million words.

oh jez it worse in motion

Attached: 42ee59cfe4d9a533bf14cf6e9f28fcee.png (277x246, 49K)

>The game that turned the Sonic series into the "Gotta go fast" fest it is today.

Get your head checked.

How about Yea Forums related game edits?

Attached: 1557356697412.webm (854x480, 2.83M)

>raise your son just to be brainwashed by media





Somebody give them wojack faces

poor thanos

Why wh*Tes so fucked in the head? Is it the collapse of the family unit?

/scp/ drawfags were the best

Attached: 1521657903849.gif (650x579, 146K)

Secret Lab with Yea Forums was so much fun. Do we still play it?

Attached: 1559487289091.jpg (1024x576, 120K)

>white people
This is why you will lose the race war.

Attached: 3050023857095.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

hope he had other kids to give some semblance of hope

>should have raised his son better
The true delusion is actually believing parenting mattered in the first place.

Attached: 1555984521651.png (543x591, 407K)

I hate missing out on the deleted comments, what was this post?

Attached: MoundMaker.png (707x1000, 979K)

Attached: 1557474351220.jpg (960x540, 66K)


dont worry this whites are on ur side

Attached: 1558737314858.jpg (514x623, 117K)

context for the image with the dude being held hostage?

Ballio was shit
He was always shit
A literal fairy is better than Ballio

Attached: 1546717543719.png (1456x1768, 2.92M)

Nobody tell them

He's known for being gay (his public persona) and it's written that "I wear g-strings"

well played

You do not want whites losing the race war. Look at everything spice have. Look at black areas. Look at Asian areas. Look at Arab areas. You think any of those mongrels will slide into white people's role? You want whites to wake up and terrify the world again. You want whites to continue pushing humanity to the stars. Otherwise the world becomes a brown mess where people and mud are indistinguishable and equally ambitious.

that pokémon edit also has elements of this edit

Attached: 1554428148393.jpg (1024x789, 141K)

ah I fucking loved those ISIS xcom 2 threads

Attached: 1516582674303.jpg (784x412, 71K)

was this on a show or what? real or just weird ass russian tv?


record it too

As great as the shitstorm would be I really don't want to give steveposters the satisfaction. They deserve the complete opposite of satisfaction.

Does anyone still make these

Attached: 3C50B692-3B74-4A68-942C-D044BE3605D0.jpg (1021x763, 128K)


Sarranid edits of Memri TV get me every time

Attached: lhw2g21cuoc11.png (900x635, 530K)

Attached: 1552736510052.png (1294x982, 63K)

Attached: 1558200502016.jpg (666x1031, 172K)

>tfw you're son is insane but you don't want him to kill himself so you play along and pray he finds happiness eventually
>tfw you pray that he will be part of the half that doesn't
>tfw you could have stop it but you didn't do it or know how

Attached: Nero Walk.jpg (600x600, 106K)

Attached: 1527034862635.jpg (1041x789, 70K)

Attached: sGixKFN.png (462x250, 89K)

>fist is a subtle red from clenching so hard

Attached: 1558014366739.png (292x348, 7K)

Attached: 1548699858349.png (604x677, 307K)

You're full of shit, you round headed twat

Attached: 1513984667153.png (385x334, 129K)

Attached: Twitter Screencap.jpg (705x1024, 151K)

Attached: 1552712186128.jpg (632x775, 84K)

Attached: 1521220751264.jpg (2169x2160, 673K)

Attached: 1554015366961.png (392x472, 300K)


Dont even like the show but thats great

Attached: 1519855667475m.jpg (1024x682, 113K)

I remember being as disappointed as the guy on the left was when this was first revealed.

i dunno asians seems pretty cool i wouldn't mind them winning even their mafia is not as bad mexican cartels, and at least most asians aren't fat like white people

despite last night I still can use all my slippy g memes until they win a prem

Attached: 1551827041002.png (615x409, 286K)

Attached: PLAYMYGAMENEKU.jpg (830x900, 100K)

Attached: 1553134735237.jpg (640x640, 30K)

how are these games? got an impulse to upgrade my rig today so I could play some L4D like and slaughter tons of npcs with frens online. i need some good group pve. is the borderlands series better?

Attached: 1552614484888.png (1205x1211, 1.16M)

Look at the loveless life of Japan. Look at China. Look at how batshit retarded Korea is. Americanized Asians are cool, because they're practically white at the cost of being reviled by Asians

Attached: B6E3E79E-99F4-483A-A22B-98EB9BB8D6EE.png (1334x750, 3.88M)

Attached: 1551278603881.png (916x556, 571K)

im gonna let my son watch all the dragon ball he wants, i'll buy him all the mega man and street fighter vidya and i'll teach him about boxing, soon he will realize how fucking good it its to be a man

i feel like those dads just forgot to play some sports with their kid or at least wrestle with them, even animals fo it so they start learning the basics

Attached: 1542751849330.png (680x817, 1.14M)

Attached: 1530472020576.jpg (1612x3420, 1.71M)


do you have the one where his mom picks him up

Attached: DIO.jpg (1080x1569, 317K)


Attached: JellyDonuts.png (540x540, 173K)

does anyone have the "his hair wack" one with doc

Attached: 1533508350637.jpg (739x960, 154K)

Really though, what were they thinking

Attached: 1536220508226.png (704x465, 284K)

I wish it was possible but neo nu Yea Forums just wouldn't understand it and juts put a wojack on it, besides gal o sengen already reached it's peak years ago

Attached: hI1yH.png (899x212, 37K)

You won't believe what happened next he found his cheezburger :)


and sonyfaggots were saying that Sony won E3 last year, fucking retards.

it may be in there, search

Attached: d-boy life 07 (1).png (2174x1700, 665K)

Attached: 1556134428168.png (1200x643, 612K)

Attached: 272948.jpg (661x721, 34K)

Attached: 1557288828613.png (920x930, 1.34M)

Attached: houndoom pitbull face.png (929x1200, 385K)

Attached: 1470979298330.gif (652x390, 3.83M)

Attached: 1544316552151.png (1200x1004, 122K)

The problem with Yea Forums's general accelerationism is that drives to the ground both bad and good, like chris-posting, movements. Good times

Attached: smug aura.jpg (500x374, 58K)

>You lived to see Microsoft beat Sony at E3 again
>And it was great

What a world

Attached: Dance Dance Revolution.png (750x1024, 798K)

Attached: 1516098121937.jpg (872x1018, 563K)

PCfag here. E3 just became a competition of which company can be the most cringe/out of touch each year. It does get better if you see it this way or play a drinking game with your friends during the presentations

Attached: 1554133610291.gif (256x234, 821K)

Attached: NOW SONIC IS SURE TO KNOW HOW HARD I CAN PEE.gif (800x592, 2.6M)

Attached: 1555044393895.png (600x797, 482K)

Attached: IMG_20190502_004827.jpg (1080x971, 128K)

>only one chaingunner

Attached: 1456532636296.jpg (1166x522, 356K)

why would someone make this

Attached: C4FCCB39-6A9C-48D0-89E9-F370CF0A1351.png (834x1059, 54K)

Attached: sentence to death.png (465x387, 221K)

Attached: Vergil foolish times.png (2041x2794, 2.13M)

Attached: 1551805562821.png (2310x2147, 628K)

Attached: 1558580373323.jpg (995x876, 84K)

I just found out that splat Tim has an entire wiki about him

Attached: 1559089199492.png (400x400, 109K)

Attached: 1512989330883.png (599x364, 162K)

is there more of this?

Attached: angelslut.png (1400x700, 396K)

Attached: 1554410732665.gif (900x466, 355K)

Attached: 1557640304123.png (672x672, 289K)

>how to take a screenshot - google
You fucking spud

Attached: 1534497080383.png (640x600, 614K)

Attached: 1553552735117.png (600x600, 228K)

Attached: 1488170431096.png (500x377, 37K)

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Attached: 131016850_.jpg (288x328, 22K)


Attached: 1557326216646.jpg (500x386, 62K)

Attached: 1557369005685.jpg (853x1024, 78K)

Attached: 1559179306910.png (421x496, 345K)

Attached: 1480406242849.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Attached: survivor attempts to walk to the teleporter.png (700x464, 191K)

Attached: 1378115734118.png (900x900, 283K)

Attached: 1482083214363.jpg (1505x2774, 1023K)

Attached: 1405554020625.jpg (300x263, 42K)

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Attached: 1485893300746.jpg (1500x4001, 2.81M)

Attached: 1432418233989.png (500x697, 301K)

Attached: Look out below.jpg (1024x891, 63K)

Attached: 1529018990114.jpg (640x360, 98K)


Attached: 1466426012745.jpg (1280x720, 304K)

Attached: 1461865204797.jpg (869x943, 231K)

Leave my Squiggly alone you nigger.

Attached: 1482651674438.jpg (740x642, 276K)


Attached: Undead Ass.png (1411x814, 472K)

Attached: 1505622187829.jpg (1280x832, 161K)

Attached: The pain.png (808x854, 675K)

>wulf's trousers aren't down
one job

Attached: 183.jpg (498x558, 187K)

Volibear Top
Lee Sin Jungle
Annie Mid
Mordekaiser Sup
Gnar Adc

man all these are good

Attached: wargame.gif (320x180, 2.98M)

Attached: 1558202653075.png (997x684, 47K)

Attached: 1554763711199.jpg (640x463, 35K)

Attached: belka3.jpg (444x1504, 126K)

Why does he have that EU pin

Urafaget will never ever not make me lose my shit

Attached: 1553534172055.jpg (540x675, 87K)

Attached: ss13_sec.png (986x1195, 782K)

Attached: 1540842219477.jpg (465x585, 82K)

Attached: 1525201397149.png (490x376, 374K)

Attached: 1557716291319.jpg (720x330, 16K)

I feel their rage. I was so fucking angry that Nintendo got woke and made a tranny pokemon.

Yea Forums was always full racism and faggotry lurk more

This one never fails to make me laugh

Attached: Iron_Man_And_Some_Fag.jpg (488x361, 36K)

Attached: IMG_20190602_142023.png (481x567, 431K)

Attached: z3.png (1208x628, 858K)

Attached: 1515465622417.png (800x900, 382K)

/pol/ is for political ass fuckery not for "people who offend me"

Attached: 1440887150083.gif (448x252, 2.39M)

Attached: 1508284955642.png (877x607, 586K)

Attached: 1499685358404.png (793x432, 432K)

not being a movie game doesn't automatically make it good

personally i prefer Khemri TV

Attached: 1434494330880.jpg (529x424, 69K)

Attached: Kid, I've raised you, given you respect. I've taught you the tricks of the trade and fille (599x320, 330K)

Same gloves? Same... SHOW!

what does it say?

Attached: 1542765888873.jpg (800x1024, 713K)

What a retarded picture.

Attached: 1550191162108.jpg (599x570, 44K)

How is this an edit?

ascended newfrend

Attached: 1530052554034.png (873x695, 1.12M)

>Resetera bait posts deleted
Jannies finally redeeming themselves.

Attached: Sims 2 DLC review2.jpg (459x742, 146K)


you don't have to tell me, I hated god of war. I just also really disliked metal gear solid.

Attached: 1559153300204.png (500x500, 447K)

Oh you sweet summer child

Attached: 1523199743576.jpg (642x683, 99K)

Attached: 1535883833720.png (3000x2500, 3.28M)

Attached: 1549321399091.png (585x737, 28K)

Fuck this just reminds me of this

>13 years

Attached: D4F259D3-4A1B-4642-8F5A-E69F973BA2A7.jpg (540x405, 28K)


And then they did.

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Vermintide is a more focused and brutal L4D clone than Borderlands 2.
It does have loot but mostly the weapon will base your playstyle rather than the stats behind it.

Can someone post the picture with the three guys barging in on /u/ and just saying "do your best" and leaving? Can't for the life of me find it.


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i love this shit

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I would not mind to have a primarina

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fuking newfags

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>Accelerated Expansion PAK
Holy kek


You can just enable the Yea Forums boards to show up normaly in the settings you absolute faggots.


>editing it when the original name and movelist are already perfect

fuck off retard newfag

which game?


This is fucking gold, I wish there was more

cope 'n' seethe retarded oldfag, us newfags will hunt you like the animals you are

I've disappointed the man at the telescope isn't obama

Blitz looks normal