
>Resident Evil 2 REmake
>Death Stranding


are americans even trying this year?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>putting Death Stranding in the same league as RE2make, Sekiro, and DMC5

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American girls are way hotter than Japanese ones though, as your pic is demonstrating.

kojimbo knows this

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until they hit the wall at 25 after fucking every nigger possible in the neighborhood

>Death Stranding
Sorry, wrong 2019 Q1 Japanese game

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Imagine punching her in the stomach haha

I actually unironically think this, at least if you compare it to all the other longstanding series that had comebacks this year. I enjoyed KH3, RE2, and DMC5, but none of them were as good of a homecoming as AC7 was.

>this fucking guy again
stop posting in my pt cruiser slut threads

>not liking all of them
spotted the tryhard dicklet

Would marry

Death stranding gameplay looks like shit tho. Very stiff character and empty world

>liking kojimbo moviegames

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>Death Stranding

>she will never sit on your face before giving you a sloppy wet bj and swallowing your load before a night of rough sex

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>American girls
That's a pretty broad spectrum of women. I'd say it's a mixed bag.
>I meant white girls
Still a fucking mixed bag. Not as bad as the UK's selection, but still.

go back to Yea Forums

You listed Western games.

it's Western when the devs are Westaboos.

Probably because you view women as objects. Go outside.

Death stranding looks like absolute garbadge.

Games just suck at the moment...

I think I’ve only been on Yea Forums like once honestly
I honestly might, just wish my girlfriend was actually into anything other than super-vanilla sex 1-2x a week, it’s driving crazy

>He can cum from blowjobs
virgin alert

Yeah, 2019 was just pretty frontloaded. But we got more than enough.

>all the girls are extremely comfortable talking to me because I never flirt or make sexual innuendo jokes with them
super comfy talking to cute girls my man

It's doable when she's stroking too.

I've only cum from blowjobs from guys. Don't know how they do it.

kys phone poster

>nobody is old enough to recognize the lollipop girl spam

I guess when its not on knowyourmeme nobody can pretend to know

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>wanting sluts

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Sounds like a good one dead dick

I like Japanese woman more.

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who's this cutie

Are you gay?

mutilated mutt alert

>he's never had a good blowjob

Once you’ve been with a “good girl” or two you realize the sex is pretty bland. I’d love to bang a couple more sloots before I settle down

Deal with it

>he cums from intercourse
Virgin detected
Real men dont ejaculate

t. nigger

I wasn't before

>I’m a proud orbiter

I’m white as can be my friend

Yeah yeah, whatever. Just post this slut's asshole already.

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So the blackest mutt there ever was.

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have fun settling down with hiv

Nah, DMC5 is the odd one out
>Can’t replay missions with a different character
>No playable Vergil, Lady or Trish, instead you’re stuck with that faggot V
>No unlockable costumes when fucking Monster Hunter had a DMC1 Dante skin
It’s just DMC4.5

who is this yamato nadeshiko?


>instead you’re stuck with that faggot V
Opinion discarded

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>Can't replay missions with a different character
yes like all dmc games
>No playable Vergil, Lady or Trish
these things werent added until DMC4 SE
>No unlockable costumes when fucking Monster hunter had a DMC1 Dante skin
which was added later in updates
you make me laugh
nice bait though

used to think this, but having female friends is better than being a resentful incel with no female friends


If a man has female friends and hasn't fucked them then he is gay.

Or in a committed relationship.
Or not a turbosperg


fucking stop holy shit
>if a game has a story its plot
this board is so shit now fucking ban me please
nigger faggot nigger kys hitler nigger

who and what are you quoting?

Christ man the indignity you're made to suffer. Kill her user, that'll teach her.

imagine putting up with friendzoning bitches just to cope with your loneliness

>friendzoning bitches
imagine being this much of a woman hating incel

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Of course, the user doesn't cum from blowjobs, but I bet he comes buckets if he's nailed by tyrone.

imagine being a male feminist on Yea Forums lmao

>friendzoning bitches

Holy shit, there are actual incels posting on Yea Forums. The friendzone doesn't fucking exist, you entitled loser.

maybe reddit's more your speed, samefag

>nose piercing

Thanks OP I threw up all over my laptop.

>there are actual incels posting on Yea Forums
did you literally just come from reddit?

I want to see my girlfriend with a black man.

Wtf is wrong with me?

nothing wrong about it my guy

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If Death Stranding is such a Japan game, why are they using an all-western cast instead of the infinitely recycled Aoi Yuuki et al?

>septum piercing

So women that get these are saying they are literally cows?

Why would you have sex with someone you're not in love with? What's the point? You're treating them like a piece of meat
It's basically masturbation at that point

shut the fuck up

in retrospect DMC5 isn't THAT great, like a solid 8/10. I only have like 90 hours played when I have over 200 in both DMC3 and 4.

they made it floaty as fuck and too easy to perform stuff, I don't feel the same way when I try to SkyStar in 5 compared to 4. in fact, that's because they removed fucking reversals and inertia, with no turbo. thankfully there's mods for those though

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I dunno but they're definitely saying that they're massive whores

If you wanna get banned, you just need to shit on the janitor for a bit

Post more slutty girls you faggots

I don't keep that many in my shitposting folder.

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Love is not real it’s romanticism bullshits sex is just spreading genes

Why are women allowed to vote?

I want to slam my open palm down on her box as hard as I can and have her let go of her feet in shock and then get my nose broken by them as they launch forward

user, the problem isn't his virginity, but jews who mutilated you.

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they look like they fuck black men

Love is real. I've felt it.
Styx did a good vid on it

She looks like she fucks white men

you can have her
can't believe whites are willing to obsess over black women due to their own insecurities over blacked posting

>burgerwomen are hotter

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>dark skinned americanized garbage

That's why you only make friends with underaged girls from another country, duh.

Sluts are peak femininity.
The only reason some men pretend to desire tradgirls is because they don't want to lose their slut to another man.

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>He fell for the Asian women maymay

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That girl in the back center looks nice.

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dont expect americans to have good tastes in asian women

Imagine having a porn star as a mom

Imagine the smell

>getting to pop your cherry with her pornstar friends

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This is literally all women

unironically have sex. what's stopping you? if you're unable to have sex in 2019 you should just fucking kill yourself, you miserable incel. it's fucking over. you will never experience the greatest pleasure and the only thing that makes life worth living. do yourself a favour and swallow that bullet.

>look mom I said have sex again

unironically give birth. what's stopping you? if you're unable to give birth in 2019 you should just fucking kill yourself, you miserable fleshbag. it's fucking over. you will never experience the greatest pleasure and the only thing that makes life worth living. do yourself a favour and swallow that bullet.

This sounds too much like a specific situation that happened

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white women can look good without makeup

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The way you're desperately throwing out terms like "reversals," "inertia," and "SkyStar" to validate yourself as an expert makes me think you've never even played a DMC game

My gf is cute with makeup but gorgeous without

Unironically cuter without the makeup.

There's still makeup on on the left by the way.

>huwhitey is a cuck
Its just a replay of another samey episode

>nose ring
Studded collars are better.

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Death stranding won't be good and you fucking know it.


Hello Wewwit/Youtuber zoomer

apparently is a reddit shit

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>western women

Attached: megamilk.jpg (1024x680, 142K)

imagine the smell of her

>tfy ywn do a 2 hour bdsm session with her after drinking a bottle of wine together or smoking weed

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The reason this girl look so good with little/no makeup is because of her hair. That's something all these stupid "look how ugly I am without makeup!" don't fucking get. A lot more goes into appearance than your face.


>dumpy little legs
>clearly in clapistan based on license plates
0/10 weebshit, does nothing for my boner