Let's talk about popular mahjong games.
Let's talk about popular mahjong games
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just use the jp client for now
Congrats to the other Yea Forums user who is now moving onto Master at my shadow-realming expense
can we play this on mobile?
10 summon ticket as apology pls
When is the mobile app supposed to come out? I'm tempted to grab that furry one since it seems to be surprisingly good, but I don't want to get fucked over and have the app come out a week later.
It plays pretty well on mobile browser, so you could just do that instead.
Majsoul Friends Room 51971(3-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
How many shapes are considered a valid hand?
In his case it's either first place with a better lead or third-fourth place. The risk is great and reward is small. Also he has a shit wait which makes the risk even greater against opponent's riichi. With betaori you have maybe 90% chance to stay first and begin the next round, even if someone deals in or the guy does a tsumo.
You're basically saying it's okay to riichi with bad waits and trust a lady luck. Even though it's very unlikely to get 7 cracks from anyone else and your opponent's probably has a better wait since 7 cracks is one of the shittiest waits.
In my opinion you should only riichi with good waits when there's 1 stick on the table already. First riichi can be almost anything since you don't take many risks, with second one you should coinsider the consequences.
Tenka musou-nya
Does your phone has a web browser
Give me apologems so I can gift them to my wife Miki
What if my account is tied to pacebook?
Well then you only have yourself to blame
It will just be treated as a new account
Doesn’t affect old one
2 cute cats to drain
wth is a 7 cracks
Is there no way to convert a Twitter/Facebook account link into a real account?
this thing freezes for me
Well, feels bad to be a eu cuck
fuck me 1 off nagashi mangan
>decide to throw few more rolls
That's not a Kaavi, but at least my day isn't ruined.
She has nice emotes and finally free me from cat or hag so I take it as win, I guess.
They could at least call it 卍
I am in.
it's stuck as well
Majsoul Friends Room 16432(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
regular hanchan but with 5+10 seconds
Her evolved for is top tier
Nyagashi nyangan
How did you do it?
What's your secret method?
any moonruners?
Maybe some other time.
ching chong nip nong
Your connnection is poor blah blah
That means your region is blocked
It took me an hour of reloads. Dunno how i made it.
Any good free browser based jap vpns? :^)
You should never trust those
download google translator app in your phone, it has a camera-scan option that detects and translates
this guy's art does things to me.
Sorry, I dc'd guys. GG
user I've got a 12 year old clapshell
how even
Any recommendations? What do you use?
Can someone tell me about this game mode? Is it a lobby to play with mahjong pros or just a tournament?
If the log in problem continues then a single 4th place hanchan is the only mahjong I got to play today. I don't want that.
forgot pic
on the 1-pin it's just a tanki wait for a regular chinitsu
2-pin and 9-pin would add a ikkitsukan on top of the chinitsu
3 and 6 are a ryanmen wait, only chinitsu as well
Out of curiosity, do Yakuza 0 saves transfer to Kiwame 1 at all?
It'll recognize if you have save data and give you extra items to pick up I think but it's not a big deal.
picking those up is cheating anyway
I found missigno after trying to rejoin a game. The textures on the played tiles seem to be numbers?
Don't catch someone else's tile or it'll corrupt your save bro
>13 white dragons
jesus christ user
how many han is that even?
Anyone has her bond art?
at least a double yakuman, suuankou + tsuuiisou
I just tried MS for the first time yesterday and goddamn I'm hooked. I play mahjong with IRL friends regularly but I could never properly get into tenhou or any other online version. But fuck everything about MS is just so satisfying and intuitive. I can already tell this shit's gonna dominate my Summer.
>Surely his wining tile cannot be the same as last hand
Uhh, is this a known issue or is it on my end? Game worked fine the entire previous week, but now it won't get past this screen.
>The textures on the played tiles seem to be numbers?
It's a Sprite Atlas
A lot of people have had issues today, including me.
are you koizumi?
for a second I thought it's this peppr
whats that in upper left corner. what does it mean?
Majsoul Friends Room 27217(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
standard hanchan
What's the translation of this?
I laughed
that's the dora indicator tile user
every time
which one
I'm the best
Majsoul Friends Room 22849(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
usual rules
Kaavi has better art imo.
She also looks out of place as fuck.
ur mom look outta place
When the fuck am I going to start getting purple gifts from matches holy shit
stupid cat nya
when u hit master
Wait, really?
I'm not that guy, but I'm not far from master. You get purple gifts there???
No way, as an urban legend I heard about the scrolls dropping here, but pink gifts would be too unjew for this game.
it's not coded into the game you can only get them at master, but it'll take YOU specifically to get to master
Is there still a login issue I got in
Is it possible for the shop to have the epic gifts?
Majsoul Friends Room 13473(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
default hanchan let's do this pls
2/4, please join
God i love bulling cats
Your connection is unstable. Check your network connection and try again.
Anyone have the updated version of this?
GG, poor cat
thanks everyone who played
sorry kitties
>Thinks I am about to enter the nether
>The other cat gets it instead
It claimed I'd be in furiten if I discarded the 8 sou here, is that because of the 4 sou the guy across from me called?
Ah, for some reason I thought it had to be in my pond. Cool, thanks!
This is also the reason why the tile is turned on its side pointing towards the person it was called from.
And when you're playing defensively and looking for safe tiles to discard, remember to check out the called tiles too.
>Only someone as amazing as me would win in their first draw.
What do?
Chombo for incorrect yaku, pay 12000 to everyone
cry like a bitch before the supperior cat flow.
fun game bros
i hate both of you gay cats stop cucking me out of my monster hands
Beginning of cosmos
>tfw rushed to adept and have very little copper
Wrong yaku isnt chombo, you silly
here comes another
And that isn't a mangan hand, silly
he just said that you retard
By Principle of Explosion I can do anything with a false premise
Is it only EU players that can't log on right now?
google cloud platform has been fucked for a few hours now. network outages and packet losses everywhere
>Closed half flush = 3 han
>Green dragon = 1 han
>4 closed triplets, one being a honor + pair wait = over 40 fu
None of those are invalid calls. It fits all the rules for a mangan.
Calling a less valuable but completely valid hand isnt chombo.
>joke about retard getting yaku wrong
>further make a joke about making up a chombo rule for getting yaku wrong
>I get all the shite flung at me for my joke
So what, you fuckers going to tell her "Ackshually, that's a yakuman my good lady"?
>the hag spams cheap wins with sorry emote
I dunno but I certainly can't log in(Germany)
i can't even post here (well not always)
the more i learn how to play the less i seem to know
>last round
>nigger on 4th position pulls a flush out of absolutely nowhere
>4th place
The more you learn the more you lose.
Why do they keep honors for so long? Are they afraid of pons? It's so hard to understand their game.
So is this like a hidden human trafficking thread or do you niggers actually like some chink fucking board game lmao
Honor is very important in Japanese society
shoo shoo
>upside-down tiles
I hate it
I laffed
Would love to get an pizza for an hour? Or come over
Beta nips can't into the nyagger ways.
Damn, that table is sick.
I should try playing with autosort off
>tfw unconscious competence at almost everything I try
feels good to be gifted, stage1lets can suck my stage 4 cock (which feels good without even trying)
Being able to guess someone's exact wait feels better than actually winning.
Honors tend to be safe tiles. In the grand scheme of things, terminals are as unsafe as middle tiles. Not only that, but as the hand moves, the difference between an honor and a single floating number tile are the same value efficiency wise give or take, but the honor tends to be safer than the number tile.
If there's no rooms in 5 minutes I'll make one after I finish eating.
Few reasons.
One, folding is about a billion times more prevalent in high-level matches, and so it doesn't really matter how fast your hand develops a lot of the time. High level mahjong almost turns into pure gambling again, because it's all about who gets lucky with a good, fast hand the most often - everyone else just folds after a certain point, even if nobody's called riichi.
Two, if you hold onto honours they can be safe tiles to discard when you do want to fold. It's unlikely that somebody is waiting on your seat wind, for instance.
Three, they are afraid of pons. This is actually one of the more nuanced intermediate mahjong skills, but in any given game there's probably somebody with a pair of honors waiting to pon the third for a yakuhai. If you never discard the third, they can't pon it, and they might not be able to win, period. You can slow down their hand. If you're stuck with a slow, big hand, then you probably aren't ever going to win if you discard that honor, because they'll pon it and then start calling tiles like crazy and finish way before you can do anything. You can shift your wait to a pair wait on the honor instead of discarding it, and that gives you a shot, since there's only one honor left and it's unlikely that it'll be drawn / discarded by the time you reach tenpai.
It's not something you should do absolutely every time, but for instance if you draw an honor with 20-30 draws left and nobody's discarded it yet, you absolutely don't want to be the one discarding it. Similarly, if you hold onto honors for a few rounds at the start, you'll be less likely to feed turn 1 pons that will accelerate them to the finish line before you're even 2shanten.
>correctly guess someone's wait
>still deal into it
Get in here Yea Forumsros. Standard South, 20+5s, the usual.
Getting a yaku wrong is just poor knowledge and doesnt break any rules. A bad player playing within the rules.
Inventing fake chombo rules and pretending you are "in the joke" is retarded, is wrong and is not a joke.
You must have spergers or autism. In reality i everyone would tell you to shut up about your invented rules but no one would tell the cat she was wrong in her yaku counting.
LITERALLY and factually me
I can't give up my dora bomb tenpai for the life of me
>getting a yaku wrong is not a joke
>when the fucking tanyao meme exists
Unless there was money involved i'd tell the cat she has a yakuman, I don't see why not
Come on
Getting an yaku wrong IS a joke
Inventing fake chombo rules ISNT
They look so fucking dead inside.
You sure you're not the one with asperger's pal?
They are playing mahjong of course they look like that
>everyone here having issues login in
Eh? I've played normally all day.
games freezing when i press send code... and before this started happening the code would fail to send
Still waiting for one more
I was wondering if I was still the only one having a problem to connect.
Could it be because servers are at maximum capacity or some shit like that
He forgot the iipeikou, that's 18,000 points chombo
So I've just been playing all simples and ignoring calling while I get a feel for the game. Any simple advice or general tips for when I should be calling tiles?
>draw and discard an entire fucking straight
kill me
>mfw still stuck on login
Thanks, i get it now.
Call tiles when you've got a guaranteed wincon and want to play aggressively. Dragons are a good one, especially if you have a lot of dora.
Really, the reason to call tiles is because of dora. Picking up reds, grabbing the kan to reveal the next tile in case of emergency, stacking up the points while waiting for your wincon or with it already in your hand.
If you don't have any dora, riichi and closed hands are your friends. It's harder, but just get to tenpai and avoid dealing into other people until your luck turns.
Especially that guy with -600
keep trying, something's wrong today but i got in in the end
Gotcha thanks user that was helpful.
nice riichi bro
If you have a concealed kan, are you supposed to save declaring it for a rinshan kaihou attempt? Or discard one tile from it if it helps your hand?
If it's an honor you could save it for a rinshan, yeah, but there is no reason to not call it before so you can play around the new dora.
If it's a numbered tile instead of calling the kan it can help you form your hands as a triplet plus a tile for a sequence.
Also consider the match situation. Calling always puts you at risk because your discard options are limited. So usually there is no need for it if you are first.
you always call kan, no matter how it ruins your hand
Read the series on calling.
Yep my instinct in regards to pushing is still as horrible as ever.
fucking hell if i'd kanned that haku i probably would have won
Imagine getting hit with this.
That chink got fucked hard
Discard them all.
It's not fair to the other players to hog all the tiles like that.
Just wasn't my game. All my shit was too slow. Drew and discarded an entire fucking straight in a row tile-by-tile with two dora, would have easily been a mangan.
That round with all the Man zi tiles?
I literally didn't get what the fuck you were doing.
It happens. Doesn't really help that you seem to have been going for pins. Which I also decided to go for. Screwed up twice the times I got ronned, the first one because I was trying to push a dumb double dora 7 pairs hand, and the second because I didn't leave myself with any obvious safe tiles. Mistakes like that are the reason why I keep getting 4ths.
>went from not knowing what mahjong really is to being expert ranked on mahjong soul in a month
was it based? it may have been autism though
I STILL can't get in.
Those apologifts better be on their fucking way.
Yeah, those were basically all isolated tiles. I was 2shanten two draws in.
I hate All-simple nyaggers, rip flush dora 4
I don't think they'll give anything if the problem is at Google's end.
damn didnt even think about this... not even mad now gimme those _______diamonds
Not like you were going to win that hand with that much time left, calls that obvious, and no 3m left to complete either of your sequences.
Should've Betaori. I see tiles you could've defended yourself with, and it makes it worse since there were 3 left in the round to draw.
Why would you think he was just going to sit around and let you fuck him in the ass?
Is there a japanese term similar to betaori that describes the feeling of overconfidence you get when you're in first place by like a 10k+ margin, someone is in riichi, but you refuse to fold
>no 1m left
>no 3m left
>one 2m left
>two 6m left, one of which was in another guy's hand
What did you even discard there? Either way, 4 or 7, it was the wrong choice. Should have discarded the 1m. The 1m was literally accomplishing nothing in your hand.
Eh, it's East 1, he can see two of the dora, and his dick would be huge if he pulled it off.
On the other hand, I'm blind and can't see that there's three tiles left and he isn't in tenpai.
If he had the 4 he should have dropped the 5. Gets him into tenpai. If he drops the 1 he can still win but he has to pon a 4 and then ron a 5 in only 3 draws. There's basically no way he was winning that.
good games
I think my deal-in rate today is like 60% desu. Gonna off myself.
Were there enough draws left to chi the 6m and ron the 2m?
>buy a 10-roll
>get nothing but gifts and a tile back
>donate gifts for a single roll
>get a fire effect when you win
Keep rolling goy!
>buy a 10-roll
>Don't need any characters because the best one is free.
>Get two characters, no effects, and my title is stained forever.
It's the thought the game is giving you that counts.
what is a good classic mahjong (NOT SOLITAIRE) game for mobile?
There is a tenhou app
kemono mahjong
i got a character after 30 rolls.
>tfw no confidence
thank you
fuck off furry
How do I fucking learn this game? It's mystifying. The in-game tutorial for Mahjong Soul fucking sucked, it shoves terms down your throat without explaining what they even mean. "Oh, this is the round wind!" Like, what the fuck does that even mean? How did you guys learn? I watched all of Akagi and Legendary Gambler Tetsuya and I have little to no understanding on how this game is played but I seriously want to change that.
It's the best AI client on android, stop being a fucking autismo
>How did you guys learn?
Watch everything up to 1:36 and then just play. Then find Riichi Book when you want to start getting good.
How many shapes are considered a valid hand?
>Welcome to the world of Japanese Mahjong
>I am [fake gook name]
holy shit is this satire I laughed really hard
Years ago there was this porn mahjong game and I really REALLY wanted to see the porn so I learned it forcefully
The scenes sucked
anyone has the link to that site that helped with what discards you should do, with the odds and shit?
This is a good series
It's done with physical tiles, which you might think doesn't matter if you're playing online, but it makes many of the mechanics like the dead wall and ura dora make a lot more sense since you understand what's actually going on. The games typically don't show it all, there's just a little panel in the corner showing the dora indicators and stuff.
Four sets of three (sequences of triplets) and a pair is the shape most hands take, with a small number of exceptions
>Not tempai
>3 draws left
>No more 3m
>No more 2m
>No more 1m
Do you have brain damage?
Bear in mind that efficiency is not the same thing as what you should discard.
based light grunty poster, i always recommend him myself and secretly hate virgins who suggest that 3 hour long weeb guide
The south player, his second discard, its a 2m
He would NEVER finish his hand
I understand the meme in this type of picture, but if that situation actually occurred is what you declare counted ("Tanyao!") or would your hand be corrected to a suuankou?
>nobody playing the nyaggers way
boring nyaa~
>25000 intact the whole game
>All last ron for 1200 gets me into second
i feel dirty
You learn by playing.
I think that totally depends on the people you're playing with. I think technically the rules state have to score your hand in whatever way is highest, but if you're just dicking around with friends or playing with unsavory people they might just not say anything (or might not even notice there's a higher way to score it).
I'm pretty sure the players don't even say anything in pro play, they just reveal their hand and flip the ura dora if necessary and then people running the event update the score displays.
I want to make big brain plays like discarding an already completed suit to bait or something but the game literally doesn't give me enough time to think it through.
Chinitsu waits look like a nightmare without the computer. In hindsight, it seems simple, but it must be pretty cancerous.
vpns are cheap. you do have a job, right?
>go to mahjong parlour for the first time in Yakuza 0
>play at the beginner table
>some guy totally blows us away, and his last hand has 5 dora
O-okay then. At least I got second.
Damn it, game pushed me up. Good bye novice title.
I finally understood mahjong after playing the tutorial. Mind that I've watched all episodes of Akagi before understanding it.
Akagi teaches you to be a kannyagger, though
>you will never have Washizu's luck
why live
Should you riichi something like this?
I know you typically damaten big hands but I feel like when the wait is this good I feel like you might as well
Says who?
Today I had a Kan in my starting hand, called it and the new dora was my Kan.
Everyone folded and no tsumo
If the wait is good enough you can bet on the tsumo instead of the ron so riichi would be good.
>tfw lucked out on 8 fucking dora one time
>some nyagger ron'd a fucking kokushi musou
Riichi is definitely the way to go with a big multi sided wait, unless you're trying to hit someone in specific/one of your outs gives you way less value.
I've achieved my awakening
Are we in an interlude or are matches done for the day?
VPNs are free my dude
I use SoftEther but you don't even need one anymore for abema
I don't know what's up with today but I keep getting cucked out of decent hands by 1k less than 5 discard bullshit
You'll wish you get cucked by 1-Han hands when you'll have games where every hand won is a Mangan or higher.
>local user builds mountain
>be a kannyagger
I don't even fucking know what that means you fucking retard, jesus christ. Make up some more stupid fake words and keep pretending like anyone can understand this shitty game.
I can't form a hand. And when I do have tenpai, I never win. No matter how 4-sided my waits are, damaten or riichi, someone else wins. I feel like crying.
I remember when I went from 3dan 1800R to 1 kyuu in tenhou. Damn that was a some fucking tilt vacation.
I find it hard to tell in mahjong when I play if im tilted or just unlucky, I feel like always blaming luck won't make me better but sometimes bad luck really strikes.
>only freshly Novice
Pretty sure luck seeds change ever few hours, so if you just keep losing, it's best to do something else for a bit before playing more.
rigged chink scam lottery
Channel your inner cat. Push the fast, riichi + dora hands and be ready to fold everything.
I haven't seen Gold's level yet.
I could be full of shit
Blaming luck is applicable when someone else keep getting ippatsu, Ippatsu, raoyue, raoyui, kaihou , and Chikan. Otherwise, you either have bad luck when you have no tiles to defend yourself with and end up getting Ron'd in the process. You know when you're tilted if you keep making bad calls.
It's usually both when I'm tilted. People keep getting ridiculous suck-outs knocking me out of first for the third hanchan in a row on top of two yakitori games and I start throwing out dangerous tiles trying to make anything work.
I wound up playing ~10 hours yesterday because I wound up telling myself I wasn't going to quit until I got a 1st, and each loss just reinforced that decision. Probably going to be a while before I'm unburnt from that run.
Can you kan the last discard of the game, or does the 14-tile-dead-wall rule prevent that?
It's possible, but I wouldn't recommend it. I rather fold then and there than have the turn passed back to me.
I know I'm tilted when I don't track discards, dora, and scores.
The amount of tiles in the dead wall cannot change for any reason.
This was a mechanical question, and seems to conflict with this answer.
>haven't played in about a week
>come back
>they added in a cute ojou-sama
Ah shit
Does anyone have a pack of emotes that has the new girls in it?
what are the rules for making a pon turn into a kan?
The mechanics guy is right.
hello any irl mahjong players here?
>lie low all game
>only lose points to tsumos and noten
>all last
>get a riichi ippatsu on a hell wait
>dora and uradora get me a baiman to end in 1st place
feels good
If you make a pon YOU need to draw the 4 tile of the same
If you have 3 of the same in your hand and someone else discards the 4 you can call kan on it
Explain further? I don't understand
Cucked that motherfucker on the right pretty good too
Since there must be 14 tiles in the dead wall, you cannot perform your dead wall draw and therefore cannot declare a kan.
When you kan you get your new tile from the dead wall. Not the normal wall.
how is that different from calling a kan at any other point in the game?
Sorry, whenever you call a kan and draw from the dead wall, that tile is replaced by a tile from the end of the "normal" wall. That's the difference here, we're out of tiles to replace your dead wall draw at the end of the game.
You CAN kan the last discard, as long as it wasn't the last kan for a forced draw.
I thought you were the one arguing that it's not possible.
that happens? I've never noticed any animation for that
You draw from the dead wall though.
That's why there are 14 tiles.
5 doras
5 ura doras
4 replacement for kans.
There's no animation for it, but it's what's going on under the scenes.
This is why I always recommend that tutorial series that uses real tiles to show everything
I'm not the person you were talking to originally
what tutorial series?
I'm starting to believe the anons who said who paid for characters has more chance to win
Your breakdown is mostly correct, but if we assume there have been x kans in a given game, then it really works out to:
x replacements for kan draws
5 doras
5 ura doras
4-x tiles to be drawn for declaring kan
The full series will be real slow and wordy if you already know how to play, but I recommend watching the "setting up" and "flow of a game" videos if you want to see how everything that's going on but not shown in the game works for real. It makes a lot of things like dead wall drawing and ura dora make a lot more sense.
There can only be 4 kans (3 if they were called by different players). The next one forces a draw.
i wish that was the case
Maybe the for the day of the first time you pay, but it's definitely not the case afterwards.
game's canceled
guess we have to move to that bilibili one
Yeah, x is between 0 and 4. My point is that tiles are removed from the wall whenever a tile is drawn from the dead wall. The dead wall must contain 14 tiles at all times.
No you fucking can't, stop trying to help people with mechanical things if you don't know shit about the game yourself.
You can call kan if you aren't the last person discarding. If the table says '01' when it's your turn, you can kan, and after you do so, it will become '00'. If you happen to tsumo on the draw you just made, not only will you get Rinshan, you will also get Haitei this way.
I really hate this system, I don't understand why it isn't just "no more kans can be called after the fourth"
It's a tactic to force a draw. Much better than just folding.
Eh, people who spend money on this would have mahjong experience. Unless they're gacha addicts.
It's the same reason why 4 riichi also aborts. The game essentially becomes strongly luck based at that point, especially with a potential 10 different dora tiles available to the players. It also gives you a way out of a bad situation by giving you the possibility to cancel it out and abort the round.
I will say though that WRC and EMA rules actually don't recognize ANY abort conditions. You either can't call the kans, or the game just continues.
Would you fold after her riichi?
4 riichi aborts because there's no one left actually playing the game, just 4 bots autodiscarding. That's just not interesting.
>If you happen to tsumo on the draw you just made, not only will you get Rinshan, you will also get Haitei this way.
No. Haitei only applies to the last tile in the live wall. Rinshan and haitei never stack. Houtei is different though.
Which is why it's heavily luck based. Everyone is just top decking waiting for the lucky player to be selected. Same with 4/5 kans. Too many dora tiles, too much of the wall eaten, no more replacement tiles, and basically going to be a race to see who can pivot around into open tanyao or toitoi the fastest.
thoughts on this? im not sure why the fuck it takes 1-2 months to ship though
Subtle way of saying "bakanekos cannot into warp"
Hope they'll unfuck it soon, I need my fix.
>need copper to play silver
Play Yakuza
wow that glasses guy is in negative.
Go through check out and see how much shipping that's going to cost. I've had my eye on that table for awhile, and I usually see it at something ridiculous, like $150.
is making one yourself more effort than I think it is?
I was considering making one that can go over a regular cheap square table from like walmart but would most likely be used to just place on a table in the board game areas of anime/video game cons
just make Washizu table
oh cool i have what it takes to go pro
Not him, but I've done that with that same walmart table. Would recommend, though it gets pricey with the good shit felt and the tools you need to make it with. You could probably do a little better if you make the actual table yourself.
same and the shipping is free just takes 1-2 months which is ultra gay
they also have it on walmart though and they say it ships within less than a week but theres no reviews or anything.. also do you think the table might be a little too small for mahjong? the actual playing field that is only ends up being like 27x27 inches
Remember, all paypigs and cats bow before the might of us hags.
I'm actually really high off this win. Came back from a 16 k deficit on East 1.
Shit, what the fuck? Why is this table everywhere now?
Anyways, to be perfectly honest with you, a smaller playing area is actually a little more ideal for Mahjong. In fact, keep in mind that the Junk Mat, THE go-to Mahjong nerd mat, is also 27x27. And it doesn't have a spot to put your drink, and requires an additional table to make work.
well no I want it to be a cover that I can also just place on like a rectangle or circle table at a convention and like have it be in 2 or 4 pieces so it's easier to transport. I figure something like that would get peoples attention and have a bunch of rule printouts for people to keep
I'd certainly consider building the table too if I actually had IRL friends to play with
lol no I mean he was leading when I watched 2 hours ago. Thought he was the strongest in there. Guess you can't really read the table 100 percent in this game.
It looks nice other than not having dedicated tenbo trays. I usually recommend a folding card table and a junk mat, but the issue with typical card tables is it sort of sags in the middle so sliding your hand together after taking a tile out usually doesn't go straight.
>and requires an additional table to make work.
Wait what? You can't just put it on any old regular table, it needs a specific table?
well then im gonna order this shit right now... feel free to thank me later for discovering this recent sale on this table friends
it really was retarded looking for one and finding either nothing or things that costed $100+ minimum while having to sacrifice on things like a raised border lip / felt surface
Honestly, just go for the table. The table is ALWAYS nicer than the mat. I speak from experience. You will be more happy in the future with a table.
you want me to bring a table to anime/video game cons?
>You can't just put it on any old regular table
No, you can, but that's the problem. You buy a mat and then you still need the table.
>it needs a specific table?
Also technically yes. I mean, you could just plop it on the floor or a rectangular table, but speaking from experience, that just makes everyone uncomfortable.
I'd fold if she blinked funny. Overweight older asian ladies are monsters.
Too many sticks
Yes? I do it. So does LAPOM, and those fuckers actually drag out fucking AUTO tables.
Why the fuck can I still not log in?
How heavy/large is an automatic mahjong table? I can unironically afford one if some of the friends I play with pitch in a bit, but the question is where the fuck to put something like that. We currently play on a normal table we can just bring out or put away as needed.
I wish there was something like this for the east coast, I really want to play on an auto table
I do not recommend an auto table unless one of you has a games room or space for one.
Phew i made it.
Majsoul Friends Room 92900(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Your internet is cursed. I logged in and played 2 games already.
Damn, figured as much. It'd sure be nice to have though.
wrong game sorry
Majsoul Friends Room 55164(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Could always just put a cover and then a cloth on it when it's not in use. Turn it into your normal breakfast table.
Yeah, it's definitely dream for my friends and I as well, but none of us own a home.
He probably took too many risks and got fucked.
oh yeah btw europoor like me and probably you can't play on anymore, 99% sure the problem is because of that
I did the test couldn't connect at all and it works perfectly fine with a us vpn
still cant either it's fucked
the junkmat sags in the middle?
Don't get the Aotomo one off amazon.
Amos (the company that makes all the ones you see in every pro stream and in Saki and stuff) is working with LAPOM to start official NA distribution so that'll be a lot cheaper. If you're not in NA I don't really know what to suggest, I don't know anything about what's available and how much imports are.
The size and weight depends entirely on the model, but the square is usually around 32 inches.
Amos used to make a cute little mini tabletop one, I wish that was still a thing for poor people and those of us with no space for a permanently set up table.
rip yurobros
>inadvertently logged out
>the junkmat sags in the middle?
No, the junk mat is exactly as flat as the surface you put it on. I'm just saying that your typical folding card table with the surface being a thin sheet of particle board sags a bit instead of being perfectly flat so that's the only downside of that setup. That table you linked should be perfectly flat since it's reinforced solid plastic.
Junk mats are still great though, especially if you do have a nice solid square or circle table to use it on. It's fine on a folding table, literally the only time the sagging will matter is when you push your hand together after taking a tile out. The slight inward slope of the surface means it won't slide straight and your hand won't be a straight line.
Probably not a big deal but I'm pretty sure I have literal autism or something
>That table
Europoor here so imports are gonna kill us either way. I make a lot more money than my friends so I was going to bear the majority of the total costs, but we ran into the issue of none of us having space for the damn thing.
Maybe when my brother moves out I'll turn his room into a games room.
Yeah it's cute
I feel like that would be the best thing they could put out for western markets, I don't think many people here except for clubs are going to be able to invest in a full-ass table but something mini and entry-level like that would be a lot more accessible for people with a weekend group or whatever.
I'm eager to see what they put out and what the prices will be like, but so far it looks like they're putting a lot of emphasis on the JP2 and JP-EX
i wanted one for a while it's just it ends up being like $50 +/- $10 ... most of that being from japan import shipping so just hard to say it's worth it, hopefully this table ends up arriving without damage+ on time and doesnt suck
im NA and havent been able to get on all day, i log in with a gmail email, sometimes the verification fails to send entirely, other times it does send but doesnt end up going through and game completely freezes up other times
what can I actually get out of the gacha or whatever? I could spend money but seems like you get too little jade for the price.
Also I want to play but I also want to keep watching Saki
well I'm not 100% sure but I couldn't connect for 7 hours and the moment I go us vpn it instantly connects and just after that I try to reconnect without vpn to check and it blocks again, might still be coincidental but I have to doubt at this point
It's just cosmetics, but I guess the most important things are the emotes attached to each character.
blue gifts
i call bullshit on that tsumo
>tfw wasn't here for 3/4 of the game
>ok I'll prob betaori
>Oh wait I'm in IIshanten, now tenpai, let's riichi
>Easy tsumo
Also I'M calling bullshit on that baiman tsumo
nvm my bullshit is bigger
I'm kind of upset how appropriate those meme subtitles are.
Maybe I'll be able to log in tomorrow
>game still down
Why haven't you taken the tenhoupill yet?
I play with my family every other day. Honestly theres no comparison to online mahjong. The personal connection makes it ten times more enjoyable. Try starting a local club.
wow ok i just got in after spam attempting pretty much... was literally in the process of filling out a bug report too
i can try to help if you let me know whats happening to you
did you get your replacement set yet?
Shit ugly UI.
God damn just looking at it makes me vomit.
I think it's fine once you change the tile color and background
I really like seeing the wall too
I miss playing IRL
though the people I usually played with were friends of the younger brother of someone wanted to sort his life out, got a girlfriend and stopped talking to me
gg, bow nyaggers
Not yet, but they said it'd arrive in 2-8 business days, so it'l probably arrive sometime this week or I'm gonne be pissed.
gg hags and cats. Good thing that was a friendly. My brain is so fried I called 5s thinking it was 4s.
Majsoul Friends Room 81141(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
What's wrong with it?
doesn't have cat girls
Felt like I’m playing with bots
No Soul.
I don't think you know what UI means
Gold room games are so fucking boring. I find myself opening my hand way more often than not just because it's more interesting than watching a bunch of Japs outright avoiding tenpai for 8 rounds in a row because they don't want to risk getting ronned.
No emotes. I lie, it's fine. I'm taking a break from tenhou grinding to emote with cats.
suck his dick! show him who’s superior.
That sounds a lot like tenhou at +1 dan. Too bad there's a copper ante. I'd like to spam kans and open tanyaos at them.
My brain is actual mush trying to figure out if this hand is even in tempai, let alone the waits. How do these guys do it in an instant?
That's rich
Me, I can't even open my hands even if I wanted to because my draws ever since entering Gold has been absolute shite and I get like 5 distinct end/honors and disconnected tiles all over
You just kinda learn certain sub patterns and how to cut from there. Like I can look at that hand and see a potential 2 sets from 344556 because I'm used to seeing WXXYYZ as WXY XYZ.
user that's quite obviously iishanten from a ryanpeikou
I meant tenpai
>can get in just fine
Feels good to be a mutt
I didn't know you could Rob a closed Kan.
Thats nice.
Is this MahjSoul only rule?
You could have literally just googled yaku you know
nah, i've seen that happen in IRL games too
the only time i've ever landed it is in majsoul though
Nope. Just for Kokushi, that rule has been around since forever.
FF14s mahjong is so fucking terrible, you would think at the very least they could add in a full screen option
This rule isn't present on Tenhou, but is present almost everywhere else.
You can right click and resize the window but it's all stretched and fuzzy
It's pretty bad but I have it to thank for getting me back into the game after like 16 years so I'm glad they added it
First game back in 5 days and I misread a tile into a yakuman. It feels good to be back!
Anyone for a game with more than 30,000 points to win? ( using 4 red doras )
How many min points to win would be nice?
I'm currently in a game (we're at south 2) but I'm in after it finishes
Sanma with 100k to win is the best thing.
How do I contact support about being unable to log in?
you meant chitoitsu
keep trying, refresh the page and shit
pick your cancer
There's discord but for some reason i can't post in a bug section, not oldfag enough it seems. I just gave up and did a bunch of reloeds to get into the game.
>playing on a hard table
no wonder your tiles are cracked
1 spot open.
I'd say something but that autist is going to write me a paragraph about how getting a yaku wrong is an honest mistake and I shouldn't make fun of it again
They came cracked. Almost all the flower tiles are cracked, and I never played with them once.
-South game
-4 Red doras
-40,000 points to win
-No tips.
Majsoul Friends Room 65528(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
I wouldn't mind playing a 100k points to win game, but its a little bit late for that.
iipeikou->7 pairs->ryanpeikou
you always have only one
because ryanpeikou gives more and may come with a bonus pinfu
Did anyone just see this furiten riichi on the abema stream?
I apologize for making a joke about chitoitsu.
for real? maybe it was a mistake
He got the tsumo anyway but the commentators were freaking out.
nothing wrong with furiten riichi if there's still a lot of outs
Furiten riichi is kinda common tho. If you have a good wait ( >=3 sides ) then its good. I remember watching 1 game when the guy just do a 5 sides furiten riichi at like 5tiles left and then tsumo a sanbaiman at the last tile.
As they should be.
Fucking chinks. It hurts my autism. There are TWO girls with butterflies.
>riichi on a 4sided wait
>discard into a dealers haneman
Majsoul Friends Room 34964(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
get in here, standard hanchan
>Get closed Kan of the Dora
>Shimocha tsumo from a tile you already discarded twice
>guy is on a hell wait
>deal in
Well, of course.
I need an emoticon with a girl holding up a sign with "COWARD" written in big letters.
Imagine being kokushi chankan'd on your closed kan though
Let's say you riichi, then some faggot drops two dragons that get called by someone else and then you drop the last dragon for the guy to get an open daisangen.
Are you still liable for sekinin barai even though it's literally not your fault?
But it is your fault for calling riichi and putting yourself in that position.
I believe you're still sekinin barai
Even at a double riichi where there's literally no way for you to know?
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
The possibility of that happening is so low god himself must be the one fucking you over at that point.
I feel like I'm drifting away from the nyagger roots with every single game anons.
you are the god to fuck up your chiho/tenhou lol
I thought that only happened in manga
Holy shit
for automatic table
ggs guys.
>last place feeding and dropping me out of 2nd when i'm trying to dealer repeat so we have a chance at beating 1st
Took awhile to finally kill me. GG, and thanks for helping me get my daily quest done.
No problem, friend.
>just played a game where a fucking joker chink thought it was funny to wait until his timer ran out every turn for an obvious tanyao
When the fuck are they implementing a report function
Open again, 3/4
GG lads. Nice kans, rabbit player.
Majsoul Friends Room 49815(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
15000 points start, 15000 points minimum to win
no akadora
Akagi only
gg girlfriends
If my hand refuses to reach tenpai, may as well sacrifice myself and make things chaotic for everyone in the room, I say.
>ron someone for more than 4000 points ever
>ron someone who has 9 terminals and honors for 20 turns who thinks he is totes gonna get dat coke kuchi
>ron someone's riichi discard
>do pursuit riichi, get ippatsu ron on the first riichi caller
>win more than two times in a row
>get reported
It would never work!
>implying all of these aren't legitimate reasons to report someone
pls get to saint the chinks are laughing at us again
Can someone please explain to me the recent surge in Mahjong threads on Yea Forums? Has some new game come out that's good/lewd/meme-y to warrant this? I'm curious
I'd report anyone who ever gives a thumbs-up emote and anyone who calls kan when someone else is in riichi.
The timer is 5 seconds after one turn, why the fuck do you care?
I wanna watch more Akagi but it's fucking over without actually ending
Because of this: mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Because the fucker enjoyed it
Liking traps, especially if you know they're traps, is gay, because you know the penis is there and you still lust for them.
thanks, time to finally learn Mahjong I guess
read the manga
GG anons, got my daily done so it's lunchtime - sorry about the bullshit full flush
just read the manga
The only thing that matters is if you are fucking the trap or if you are sucking/getting fucked by the trap.
If you are fucking him, you're just doing your duty as a man, dominating and conquering.
If you suck him or get fucked by him, you're a gay bitch boy.
Telltale Games gets back together and announces Mahjong Night at the Inventory.
Would you play it? What's your character wishlist?
An english client was recently released.
Also most people playing there are noobs, even the chinks and nips, making it perfect for someone who never played mahjong to learn the basics and play against someone his level.
Gimma a rathalos that exclusively goes for a 1000 point chun hand.
For mahjong we need vergil or V being a complete fucking sperging weeb instead of dante.
well, I want yours too.
it's not the same!!!
its better
It's even better. The anime is only the tip of the iceberg on Mr. Pon's Wild Ride.
it's extremely worth the read
The manga is much more enjoyable and you could also take your time to read or analyze the entire game better
Ooone more pon!
It's hard out there for a nyaager
I probably wouldn't take the single wait especially because the hand is almost over and nobody's dealing into that except maybe the riichi player. cutting the 1p for ryanmen or the 6p for shanpon seems better.
Should I start over with the manga or just find the point where the anniemay ended?
it's definitely a chiitoitsu + full flush in riichi for me
just start where the anime left off
If you're going to skip stuff, I'd at least start from the beginning of Washizu rather than trying to jump in in the middle of it.
This is probably what I'll do, I don't really want to start entirely over but I'd like to see how the whole washizu game went in the manga anyways
It would be ryanpeiko dummy
plus yakuhai
if it happens it happens, im just saying it's chiitoitsu that im going for
ok i just realized it is all greens but i still stand by what i said
That's actually a rather ballsy move. Imagine your opponents already gathering enough points to pay for your pinfu ryanpeiko (it will most likely come up to kazoe with riichi actually), but you loudly declare 'chinitsu chiitoitsu, baiman', asserting dominance and being in charge of deciding what yaku your hand has.
am I the only one that struggles with seeing melds when going for (half) flushes?
no i do too but just accept any tile in the suit and call almost everything within reason is what i do
whatever they were, this was not them lmao
I riichi'd because I ran out of time while posting that
No, but it's pointless to try if you don't even have any honor tiles you can Pon or have 3 in your hand. Just go for Ikkitsuukan and Riichi.
Do not do this.
If you don't have other yaku in your hand you're turning your potential mangan (honitsu + riichi already qualifies) into a shitty open hon'itsu hand only worth 2000 points.
post a room before thread ends
if he spam clicked every 'free sex' button that appeared i guarantee this would have ended better
are we just making things up now?
>adding a bunch of letters to ittsu
>heh alexander is a stupid fuckin name they just added a bunch of letters to alex
i actually think Alexander is a Great name
As Alexander IRL I completely agree. I'd rather have been named Alex
what do
>Richard is a good name, let's call him Dick
2sou and get ronned