Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
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Because women dont go to the real courses at University/College.
they are bad at computer
There's tons of them. Acting like they don't exist is a disservice to them.
Because everybody knows that girls can't do shit other than suck dick
Because every time there's a female in a higher, visible position, every single outlet will behave like she's the first and none have existed before her. Kinda skews the public perception.
They are shit employees
>literally who account
>zero likes or rts
>shitload of guaranteed replies itt anyways
Why Are Women Disproportionately Represented As Game Developers When They Account For Less Than 1% Of The Gamer Population?
There's too many you fucking clown.
Why aren't there more women in prison?
We should lock a few of them up randomly to even the statistics.
>lack of diversity has been a longtime problem for the gaming industry
says who? is lack of diversity in police, firefighters, military, mechanics and lorry driver industry a problem? why is it a problem?
Really shows how easy it is to trigger Yea Forums
Based and chadpilled
>longtime problem
>Why aren't there more X in Y?
Because Da Man wants to keep X down, because DISCRIMINATION, not because X are not willing, not qualified, aren't willing to put in the work or the hours, are shittier at Y, or don't gravitate to the field, it's because sexism, racism and bigotory.
X rise up.
>studies have shown that male and female babies naturally have different preferences in what they enjoy from birth, completely removed from societal biases
Why aren't there more female garbage collectors?
More female prison guards?
More female chefs?
More female fire fighters?
More female pilots?
More female welders?
More female plumbers?
Because all of these things are seen as either not desirable or require too much effort to get into.
Both of which apply to video game creators and developers.
All the noise you are hearing around this these days are the kids that think it was a good idea but now realise the industry was not a good one AND it took effort to get anywhere in it.
So women start crying for leniency
Because the games industry is fucking shit to work in and the only reason to try is because you want to be the next Kojima which you won't
Because the men involved in it are already bad enough with project management and organization as is, you think a woman will make it better?
Would have had more replies if not that Overwatch Twitter thread.
theyre kind of shit at making games. or anything with a narrative that makes sense.
>Open Yea Forums
>Literal 24/7 /pol/ raiding baiting race, sex and class flamewars
It's been 4 years of you newfags shitting up the board, go fuck yourself cunt.
>0 replies
Who gives a shit
Gamedev is unironically the worst fucking computer industry to work in, please don't encourage more people to join this soulsucking nightmare with horrible job security and unreasonable hours
Anyone reading this
If a kid says they wanna make games when they grow up, for the love of god please encourage them to not join the nightmarish industry and point them to a simple engine they can mess around in to start out, maybe they'll become a great indie dev in the future
Real women? Just generally not as interested in technology I suppose. I don't know why everyone gets upset about it.
Everything is shit, there are no good games to discuss user, besides, this is vidya related.
>Who gives a shit
Plenty, look how many people took the bait.
>hire lots of women
>company tanks like Bioware or Obsidian
Because they went into industries they are actually interested in I guess
What did they do with the black guy in the front row? Is he ok?
I typed "women" and "gaming industry" into a search and here it is.
Then you can just come up with a generic title like "Well Yea Forums?" or "Was he right Yea Forums?" something degenerate like that and you got yourself a thread.
By samefagging, obviously.
Women never liked gaming to begin with.
How about I get myself a bitch boy?
I'll type "OP's home" and "sedatives" and i'll be there.
Then I can just come up with an excuse like "I'm working on a project for college" or something to keep people out of the basement and I got myself a sex slave.
>female prison guards
That's my fetish
Don't be mad because you got baited with the most simple bait known to user, try to be better and lurk more.
Women aren't interested in STEM fields as much as men are, specially computer sciences.
what does real time strategy have anything to do with likes twitter or women
why there shold br diversity in the gaming industry if most of hardcore gamers are just some lazy white guys and black dudes?
Why do they insist on calling people who play mobile games gamers too?
Why do they think thay girls acually interested in playing some hardcore type of game like some Europa Universalis strategy or something like that instead of connect 3-in-line bullshit from App store?
Not everything needs diversity.
These people who claim this are just lazy hacks because due to not being able to face bigger problems like starvation in Africa or something of that calibre they stay in their comfort zone bragging about something that is in front of them.
Really lazy mentality of 21 century
Maybe you could just actually get a game and play. The reason you think there are no games anymore is because you spend all your time here complaining about games you never played, people you never met, politics you only care about to be outraged by it, nothing deeper than that.
Just play a fucking game you sad sack of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>lmao just play games.
The fun is gone user, the last newly released game I played and actually enjoyed was Prey, 2 years since and we got nothing.
Sorry but /vpol/tards are just too easy to bait.
I swear i'm going to find you and teach you the definition of fuck and suck.
If you hate women, HAVE SEX INCELS
>Because, and the empirical data for this is OVERWHELMING by the way, Men and Women have different evolutionary focuses. The data has shown for us that women typically on people, while men tend to focus on things, and this manifests itself in your career best. In the Scandinavian countries, where massive strides toward gender equality have been made, what we're noticing is that Men have begun to outnumber women 20 - 1 in the Engineering field, whereas Women have been outnumbering Men in the Medical field 20 - 1.
>This is the opposite of what we thought would happen.
>Typically when you remove the obstacles within an experiment, people tend to take the same path, and that isn't happening here. It turns out that when faced with direct social equality, women and men begin to show their DIFFERENCES as opposed to their similarities.
Fine then, go backwards. Download desmume, or vba and play something like megaman zero, sonic advance or metal slug. Quit whining here
Because women are a minority already and the games industry is a trash fire that is strangling itself for profits and killing talent left and right
Yea Forums and /pol/ are one and the same darlin
I'll visit you on one of those nights user, stay mad till then.
I find it crazy how this guy is getting praised for stating the obvious.
That's literally all he does, but we've become so retarded that it seems ground breaking
fuck me lads
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /pol/
Wait I'm lying Yea Forums is better than both
If you have sex, hate women.
That's only because you stopped even so much as trying. If you whined half as much and just spent trying to find a western game, an indie game, a japanese game, a retro game, fucking ANYTHING, you wouldn't spend your time here whining about shit incessantly, but you'd play your game instead.
Shitposting about fun being a buzzword lead to people actually believing it and it's fucking sad.
>4 years
spotted the newfag, gtfo lad
Why aren't they honest and don't just ask why there aren't enough women in upper management positions now that vidya is a multi billion dollar corporate industry?
They didn't whine about inclusion when video games were still being produced by a small collection of starving autists and enthusiasts working out of their parents' garages.
If driving forklifts for 10 hours straight in refrigerated warehouses became a multi billion dollar industry overnight they'd whine about inclusion too.
How much more women do they want in the game industry?
>Blizzard gets a redemption arc
>Kojima gets a redemption arc
>Ubisoft gets a redemption arc
>FGC still struggling to return to the glory days
There is something FUCKING wrong
>Ubisoft gets a redemption arc
Fuck 'em. I waited 15 years for BG&E2 and now I feel like I've been asking a literal monkey's paw.
Because most girls arent interested in a career in the gaming industry
Like fuck how dumb are these fucks, it's not like gaming companies hiss at women trying to get jobs. It's just not a field most women are that interested in. Just like most women arent interested in construction jobs
holy fuck
If you want an actual reason why that isn't some meaningless platitude about sexism here it is. Generally speaking men play more games, you hear women make up 50% of gamers but what you don't here is that for every hour a woman plays video games a man will play 10. So you can assume the number of people that are /that/ invested in games as a hobby will be rarer amongst women. The other rationalisation for this is that job seeking preferences differ between men and women. Generally men seek out higher paying jobs, work more overtime, will tolerate less job security and will move further for work. Correlate that with the current state of the industry and you can understand why an asymmetry would develop. The industry itself is largely unstable so to succeed you'll most likely have to move every 5 or so years to another job. This isn't preferable to women who desire more stability.
It's a little on the nose.
Is there any good female game dev? I have a feeling they hire trash just to look good
Currently replaying DaS2 with my PC connected to my TV.
>Shitposting about fun being a buzzword lead to people actually believing it and it's fucking sad.
People grow old, become cynical and less excitable, fun is a buzzword, and with time you perceive everything to be shittier, someone like you or me may not enjoy the latest repackaging of CoD, but millions of 12 year olds out there are going to have a childhood shaping blast with it.
This is gonna sound bad, but that SouthPark episode, "you're getting old" perfectly encapsulates this.
>inserting squares into circular holes
When will these cunts learn that different people want different outcomes in life, stop pushing for equality of outcome
Honestly giving up on Western games solved my problem. I'm having a shit ton of fun with Dragon Quest V right now. The last few Western games I played were massive disappointments.
Pun intended.
Granted the second trailer was a bit more reassuring, but I'm still not looking forward to it.
It won't even be at E3 apparently. It's another Death Stranding all over again.
I think the main Terraria dev is a girl.
I said good
>People grow old, become cynical and less excitable, fun is a buzzword, and with time you perceive everything to be shittier
No. That is a conscious choice you've made and every day you spend reaffirming it to yourself, you just reinforce it more and more. There are fun games out there, more than I could possible hope to play, but you just don't give a shit anymore.
>someone like you or me may not enjoy the latest repackaging of CoD, but millions of 12 year olds out there are going to have a childhood shaping blast with it.
Yeah, and I can still find lots of games I can enjoy. And I can find many I could enjoy with people younger than me as well, all it takes is the most baseline minimal effort. And even if I don't enjoy CoD by its own, playing it with someone who is having fun would elevate the experience.
The problem isn't that you've grown old, but the fact that you've just given up.
Fuck me it's like a broken record
i haven't met a single person who was prohibited to play videogames while growing up nor someone who was told vidya is for boys only, and still showing a real interest in videogames is a rarity. Girls just don't tend to gravitate to videogames just like the majority of boys don't fit on the "hardcore gamer" category. If we take the concept of Habitus is still way too early to expect more women on the videogame industry, after all gaming became a standard hobby just in the mid 00's
Not even surprising in any way.
They've reworked this game more times than I'd consider healthy.
because no one gives a fuck if you are female or an alien
if you do your shit work right then you fit in , if you dont fuck off
What did he mean by this?
He's objectively wrong
Not this is a literal who.
1. There are plenty. Read the credits of the next game you beat. Yea Forums doesn't play video games.
2. Maybe they just don't want to work there? Why do people never consider this?
Because women aren't as interested in as video games as men are.
Because nobody is forcing them to be interested in video games and take related courses to make it their life's career. We should force women to take dangerous and high paying jobs like men do to "fix" the wage gap too.
Why aren't there more Hungarian in the Gaming industry?
What does [X] have against Hungry?
As always, Japan doesn´t seem to count.
Thanks, Jordan. Very cool.