When a company fires all of their employees and boards up their windows, it usually means that company has gone under. Despite the resignation of the Senran Kagura director, despite Marvelous saying they are having a hard time producing games due to Sony's new censorship policies; XSEED is leading the gaming industry in sales.

Almost every online retailer is struggling to meet the demand for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel. Copies keep arriving, and keep selling out. Local reporters have attempted to call the desolate office, to no avail. The only known life is the mice, spiders, and that one guy in the parking lot, that stands there with a bouquet of flowers, for sixteen hours everyday.

What is your opinion of XSEED Games? Did you enjoy their releases? Which games would you have liked to see them localize?

Attached: How did they do it.jpg (1064x220, 94K)

>Which games would you have liked to see them localize?
Ys VIII, Sen 3 and 4, Crossbell Saga

Attached: 1443509131953.jpg (500x375, 58K)

I'd like a physical release of Senran Pinball in EU.

>Retailer buys low stock of shit niche weeb franchise
>Sells out
Whoa bro

What is going to happen to them once they run out of games to port to PC?

>What is your opinion of XSEED Games?
Not the worst company, but thoroughly mediocre at best. Takes ages to translate a game, except the translate is actually rewriting and even adding in non-existent dialogue. On the plus side they usually don't introduce game-breaking bugs with their localizations, but for some reason they also enjoy making you pay full price multiple times for different versions of games over 10 years old.

All in all I'm okay with this shutting down.

They'll pull a GUST, and bundle a couple of old games together, while charging $80.

It's KT's fault, they've turned into colossal scammers during the past few years.


Attached: Evb0Kg8.png (601x478, 111K)

Good. Should have done the japan sequel instead but that would mean not rehashing a old release


>shit niche weeb franchise
I like this meme because no one can bothered to look at the sales figures for the "shit niche weeb franchise" that is anything but niche or shit and is selling amazingly well worldwide for the least 12 years. And steadily growing.

where was this xseed selling out games when they actually did Falcom games, bet Falcom would've appreciated that haha

they've had their ups and downs, but i'll always love them deep down. they gave us senran kagura when no one else would

Outside of Rune Factory, they aren't releasing anything I care about anymore, SK is legitimately dead, and their best employee left.

Least they'll always hold the record for the BIGGEST DUB EVER.

>biggest dub ever
That was such a mistake. What the fuck were they thinking?

>Trip sold very well on Steam
>go all in on a unreleased title in Japan
>License everything, even the original dub
>add in your own dub, biggest in your companies history
>market it like it's the next persona
>it comes out in japan
>doesnt even make top 20 sales that week
>already knees deep
>delays occurred
>comes out in the west
>literally nothing
>forget it ever happened
>Hatsuu literally hates it and shits on it every time she's asked in discord

lmao, they're doing the same with Sakuna, but at least Sakuna looks decent still in dev limbo though

>XSEED is leading the gaming industry in sales.
Come on man really how do you expect anyone to take this statement seriously

user... Xseed is owned by Marvelous. So unless Marvelous goes under, Xseed will still be there.

Marvelous and NIS are both falling apart in Japan.

Really? I thought Story of Seasons was enough to keep them afloat.

niche shit sends like a single fucking wave of games and never does it again

I'm wondering how the delays occurred if they had already invested so much into it.

XSNEED is a shitshow, really. Good sales or not

Attached: Xseed.jpg (552x716, 116K)

>And steadily growings
Let's compare Sky 1s US sales to every game released after it