Will there ever, actually, legitimately be a true WoW killer or are MMOs just done?

will there ever, actually, legitimately be a true WoW killer or are MMOs just done?

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nothing can top old WoW

At this point, killing WoW would be like killing a 90 year old with leukemia.

bait thread just keep moving.

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The MMO is a flawed genre and it's even worse now with microtransactions becoming the norm. I hope they all die and people stop trying to make it work because it's never going to happen.

rent free

maybe. but who would be crazy enough to make a game with such dated systems and mechanics, graphics and all that other junk?

It's called fortnite, boomer. Get with it gramps.

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FFXIV has been slowly killing wow for years. Ever notice the constant 400+ reply Yea Forums threads?

yeah who would ever try something like that

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good luck asshole

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im hoping this turns out good but most of the mmo player base is finicky as shit especially about anything old

I wish we could get more mmos. The genre never got the fleshing out it deserved because wow got so huge, everything tried to copy wow and failed, and then dev's were afraid to touch it.

nothing will kill WoW but saying WoW is the only MMO is kind of pants on head retarded.
The problem with the MMO genre is every new MMO (ie: any MMO made after 2005) has no content on release or is just a lazy WoW-clone with 1 unique gimmick. That shit just can't compete with the big, established MMOs that have been around for 20 years.
As such, everyone tries some FotM shit for a week or two before going back to one of their favourites...
>Ragnarok Online
>Eve Online
>Guild Wars
FFXIV is an exception but it only even survived because SE literally poured all of their FFXI/DragonQuest money into it and have spent 10 years trying to un-crapify it. Any other studio that releases a half-baked piece of shit just kills it off when it's not profitable anymore but SE had the spare cash lying around to work on a hobby project like FFXIV, not that it's done anything groundbreaking. Has worse gfx than XI, copied endgame content from XI and it's gameplay/mechanics/UI is a straight WoW-clone.

Well, the true WoW killer is WoW.

Good MMO's going forward need to not be stuck on the third person hotkey bar abilities style. Games like EVE, Warframe, planetside 2 (to an extent), and even Battle Royales have capitalized on this.

i just want a modern mmo with nuanced talent builds where you go out in the world and farm dungeons to get gear to kill random people in world pvp / kill people while competing to get special spawns like devilsaurs in wow. balance the game around pve mostly and let pvp be a clusterfuck.

Developers either make the game full on pve carebear mode or add battlegrounds to shun pvp off on its own little thing. I enjoy pve content a lot more when im gathering items to kill idots in pvp with.

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XIV currently

WoW in its prime is a level that will never again be reached

camelot unchained or crowfall then

MMOs aren't done. WoW's success is freakish, a one-time (at least so far) phenomenon. WoW, while still very popular, has lost most of those players and no other MMO ever got anywhere near those numbers. That doesn't mean the genre is dead. It means that WoW is an anomaly, an outlier.

The only thing killing WoW is WoW, and this has been true forever.

MMO has been done ever since seamless online has been integrated into other genres. Unless someone makes something like actual Skyrim but MMO (and not ESO) to appease normalfags, the genre will be dead after WoW and FFXIV die.

The only thing that killed WoW was WoW. Fucking weird man.

agree. the faction dynamic in old wow is one of my favorite video game mechanics of all time.

>"Look at all these Americans!"
~ small girl in Vine

dont trust anyone, not even yourself

>yfw hunters never got a skill to shoot a big fireball
fuck this screenshot

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Not sure if bait
Theres a mage to the left

>Straight WoW clone

I fucking wish, it doesnt even ape what made WoW good in the first ppace

Doesnt matter has most awesomest raids ever and i can make cute characters with some of the most boring races i have ever seen but whatever