Will I enjoy this if I enjoy open world RPGs like Elder Scrolls and Witcher? Does this game have some comfy immersive elements too?
Will I enjoy this if I enjoy open world RPGs like Elder Scrolls and Witcher...
Absolutely. I thought it was just going to be ok when I started playing it and ended up getting completely absorbed by it.
Witcher is not an RPG
i heard this game has blacksmithing, sounds pretty comfy
What he says
I hope you people get throat cancer, each and every one of you. Go play your weeb trash RPG's. Go masturbate. Go fuck your bodypillow. But above all, fuck off out of life. You contribute nothing to this world. Nobody cares about your bullshit opinions and your idea superiority.
Kingdom Come is not an RPG either.
You heard wrong. There’s a maintenance skill which entails using grindstones and repair kits. Using the grindstone to sharpen weapons is manual though, it’s a small mini game basically.
Witcher isn't an RPG though, he's not wrong.
You are stuck playing a predefined character that you don't get to make and has a fixed role in the story.
Say what you want about Bethesda's shit at least they let you define and make your character.
The alchemy was super cool though. Having to learn to read to follow the instructions at the bench.
>You are stuck playing a predefined character that you don't get to make and has a fixed role in the story.
Kingdom Come is what Oblivion and Skyrim should have been...
Kingdumb Cum: Deliverpiss is an atrocious game (if you can even call it that) that offers nothing but frustration with its plethora of glitches, bugs, and terrible combat.
I'd rather just have a wank rather than pay to be pissed off and frustrated.
If your are a zoomer don' t bother. It has missable quest and no quick-save.
It's like Oblivion with no magic elements, a main character, and a kind of funky combat system that you'll either love or hate.
>You are stuck playing a predefined character that you don't get to make
So what you're saying is that you have to play a role :^)
It will be extremely immersive.
>Kingdom Come is what Oblivion and Skyrim should have been
But, user, Oblivion and Skyrim ARE shit.
It's insanely immersive and atmospheric.
Real Rpgs let you pick your role, not give you one you are forced to play.
combat system sucks but everything else is great
comfy immersive is how I would describe the game. It was such a great experience that I almost finished the game despiste playing at 800*600 resolution with an average 23-24 FPS.
For you
Witcher is more of an RPG than planescape torment or baldurs gate
Too bad that most potions are pretty useless, especially endgame.
Night Owl or whatever it was called was pretty rad as a dickass thief, though.
if you enjoy immersion and roleplay you'll have a good time
>playing RPGs rather than putting your time and energy into developing your real-world character and role
When did you take the RPG pill Yea Forums
Did they ever fix the performance issues? It ran like shit on my 6600k/gtx970. I've since upgraded to an rtx2070 and oc'd my 6600k but I wonder if it would still run like shit.
And your choices alter how the story plays out (somewhat). You play the specified role and make choices in its stead. Definitely an RPG.
>Gotchic games aren't RPG's
Fucking moron
the combat is shit but apart from that its good
Let's see you explain how Final Fantasy does not qualify as RPGs.
>b-b-b-but REAL rpgs
btfo yourself so bad
can I sex peasant women?
I wish there was a game like KC:D where you played as an actual townsman instead of running off murdering bandits. Being a medieval blacksmith or alchemist would be peak comfy
The only bad thing about this game is
>Cry Engine
Plus bugs.
>can I sex peasant women?
t. angry non white person
There aren't any shitskins in the game, Pajoot. Get over it already
you can, but the hidden ending is staying a virgin
can I sex peasant men?
Don't even bother, it's /pol/ shilled garbage
It's tougher than the average Bethesda RPG and Witcher. Everything is a recourse that wears out over time. Swords and armour wear out, potions cost money, money is hard to fine, etc. It's a good game mind you. But you're gonna need a different mindset. If you're coming in expecting an average RPG or Mount and Blade. You'll be in for a rude awakening. If you come in expecting something akin to Gothic, Darklands or the older Fallout games you may be pleasantly happy to play this.
>Does this game have some comfy immersive elements too?
Depends? What would you specifically look for with comfy immersive elements? If you mean in-depth things like how the Alchemy is done. Then you may find a few elements of that. With Alchemy you have to look at the book near you and place in every ingredient at the right time whilst timing it. Sorta like in real life. The game gets historical alchemy of that time period completely right and that alone made me fall in love with the game. Of course somethings aren't as fleshed out. The town rebuilding in the DLC isn't really as good. At least from my current experience. Haven't finished the game.
Also the game ends on a cliffhanger. Presumably for the sequel, since the first game is a combination of the first two planned "acts" when the game was episodic. There were supposed to be three acts. So the final act will be the sequel probably. And I assume the game is leading straight to the events of the Hussite Wars given the amount of in-game build up (I won't spoil it). Bear in mind there's a lot of obscure references to Czech mythology and history, so if you're interested in that. You might like it quite a lot.
i thought europeons made this game hmmmmmmmmmm
that's the stupidest fucking excuse I've ever heard I bet you or one of your ancestors has dark skin you dumb nigger
>can I sex peasant men?
no, the NPCs in this game are followers of The LORD. well except for some certain ones... which you might encounter
>Jesus Christ be praised
t. Ranjeesh
>Implying Vavra is a nazi.
You play as Gorion's Ward in Baldur's Gate. You play as The Nameless One in Planescape: Torment. You play as the Exile in KOTOR2. Are you saying none of these games are RPGs? Even in Bethesda games you're usually stuck as a prisoner who has minimal influence over the events of the main story beyond completing it. Hell, even in TRPGS you're going to have guidelines and boundaries set down by your DM and you have to make a character that makes sense for the world and position you're being put into.
Defining whether or not a game is an RPG purely by how much backstory you get to throw into it is a really flawed method.
that alchemy sounds great
Don't mind him, it's an angry shitskin seething at the fact that there's no POC in the game.
>Will I enjoy this if I enjoy open world RPGs like Elder Scrolls and Witcher?
Probably not, you should look for something more casual and hand-holdy. Try the new Assassin's Creed soft reboot games maybe.
>Real Rpgs
KCD thread, I've got just the thing...
I enjoyed this more than Witcher 3. I got too absorbed by the realism but the bugs were a turn-off sometimes. Nevertheless, it was a fun time.
>followers of The LORD. well except for some certain ones
can sex the "some certain ones"?
Can you play as a rouge?
it's gimmicky but very fun the first few times and you need to learn to read to be able to read the instructions
I remember when KCD came out the consensus was "it's pretty good but there's bugs out the ass".
Have these bugs been addressed yet?
a rogue, and no not really
>can sex the "some certain ones"?
yes and it gets weird. i won't say anymore or it'll spoil it :)
games like this just depress me, because i know that life back then was hard, but something about it feels more satisfying than modern life. the cozy villages and farms and pace of life
Isn't this the racist game made by nazis?
Can't I just look up the instructions online?
No. Henry's straight. There are gay/sodomites you meet tho like the novitiate in the church.
Besides you already have a "wife" in a sense. Pic related is your wife which you have more chemistry with than all the whores this game tries to shove down your throat.
If you get through the first two hours without wanting to refund it you're golden.
it was harder for sure but it wasn't that hard. Peasants worked fewer days than most people work now for instance. But yeah there was probably a sense of dread that never really got away but humans are good at adapting and for most people life would be relatively enjoyable. The period KCD is set in isn't the best of medevial times but it was starting to get better again.
KCD is more RPG than any AAA first person RPG on the market
Fuck off, this game has nothing to do with /pol/. I bet you are /pol/ yourself, and trying to push a fake narrative that this game and the Middle Ages belong to /pol/ (even though the Middle Ages is the biggest btfo /pol/ can have)
Just started the game, and everyone except my lord and Hans treats me like a retard. Will people eventually respect me?
yeah but that's not fun. Reading is learned either (I think) by "reading" a lot of books or through an optional quest that happens way before you'll ever need alchemy. It's just a nice additional element of immersion.
she looks like a lesbian
well Henry isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but yeah you'll move up in the world eventually.
>like some aspects of hardcore mode
>others are boring slog
>cant choose which ones i want to use
i hate it desu
game is cool otherwise, jsut started my 2nd playthrough
Playing as a defined character is not roleplaying.
>But yeah there was probably a sense of dread that never really got away
This is wrong. People weren't any sadder during the middle ages. Some people seem to think so because they're putting the things in 2000 year perspective which distorts everything.
Are you that sort of guy that mods these with "hardcore" or "realistic" mods? Then, yea.
Are you the gatekeeper of "roleplay," shitbag?!
YES ! play it it's absolutely comfy and KINO
Combat is great, quests are all okay i don't remember one being boring (except when the game just released and there was some bugs on quests) if the game become to easy at some point (which it will cause your char will be completely broken before the end of the main story) you can always DL some mods that makes the game 10x harder. It's a great game.
I didn't say they were sadder, just that they probably never felt a 100% at ease with no worry in the world. Middle Ages ended less than 600 years ago too.
Are you retarded?
of course it is, you're playing a role still
What's that got to do with anything?
are you?
It's like Oblivion but good
>playing a role is not role playing
That's the same argument that witcher 3 shills try to use.
Yes, good game. Just be careful about the French voice acting. Not every character is voiced and that can get really irritating after a while.
>Hans Capon
I won't lie that made me chuckle
Kinda weird to warn about that specifically on an American website
>Playing the game with anything other than Czech Subs
Name ONE
Nobody is 100% ease and never will be. The human condition has remained the same to this day.
And yes I know middle ages ended in the 1453, I was talking about evaluating history with modern perspective aka year 2000 which we live in.
1) tfw you will never be an illiterate poet in the high Middle Ages during the literary golden age
Sucks to not being able to write an epic poem that will be studied for years after as a foundational literary heritage.
The life of a Monk or Pope was fucking good, you could live up to your 90s. Also, Islamic scholars could live to an ancient age as well.
By that logic, you're asserting that Call of Duty is an RPG.
RPG isn't a literal term.
smelly nigger
>still no czech voice pack
why do you still play in French? It's shit all the time and the only actor who seemed to give a shit died 10 years ago.
It was pretty rough on release, but it's been cleaned up a lot since then.
No, it’s /pol/ trying to make something ‘theirs’. A typical method of Nazi parasites, like their symbol
Learning to read is important for quests in general. There's plenty of moments when you need it. Plus it allows you to read skill books which can make you level up faster.
>4 bandits jump out of the bushes
>they pull me off my horse
>manage to draw my sword
>2 axes, 1 sword, one with the bow
>full plate haha fuck off nerds
>bowman twangs arrows that bounce right off
>watches as i kill all 3 of his friends
there's a free DLC for that user
>Nobody is 100% ease and never will be
I legit am. I have very low aspirations.
the lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1.
Doing whatever the fuck you want is the exact opposite of "playing a role."
They paid for Brain Blessed, they sure as hell ain’t going to have anyone miss him
i disagree with the opinion but I appreciate the 90's vidya magazine tone. nice post user.
Yeah, they are not role playing game. You are playing a character, not a role. Learn the difference.
i expected nothing i ended loving it
They're called role-playing games, not role-picking games.
That’s the definition of role playing
it has, but the game is too short, and the map is too small.
What's next? Are you gonna say actors don't play roles either unless they also write the script?
Nah. Vavra is an outspoken anti-Nazi. /pol/ just latched onto the game when he said there wouldn't be any PoC in the game other than the Cumans since he's trying to be authentic to this setting. Which isn't incorrect. Bohemia of that time period wasn't popular to visit and was only relevant to the German politics of that time. It's boom in popularity was only around the 1500s-1600s, but even still that was mostly Prague. It was and still is a landlocked country, so there wasn't a real advantage to an African of that period to go there. Plus Czechs were notoriously paranoid at that time thanks to the Hussite Wars and Germans attacking them all the time. So the likelihood of a black person at that time was slim. Plus all the people attacking Vavra for saying that kept citing murals that depicted people *outside of Bohemia*. Yes the murals and paintings were indeed within Bohemia itself, but the characters in those murals were not from Bohemia nor were they in Bohemia at the time. Like for instance the Bohemian mural of Saint Maurice...who was a Roman...and lived in the 3rd Century...you can kinda see why those arguments were shite.
Not to mention. Vavra is notoriously anti-Nazi as shown by and he even hid a tiny little "fuck you" to Heinrich in the "Crown of Saint Wenceslaus" codex entry, by referencing the Urban Legend of Reinhard Heinrich of the Nazis being killed by the curse of him wearing the Bohemian crown and attempting to mock the Czechs. So calling Vavra a Nazi is just pure misinformation. I daresay he's so anti-Nazi that if /pol/ knew they'd fucking sperg about it all day and make thousands of threads about how liking KCD makes you Onions and commie (even tho Vavra hates Commies as well)
No, that is called acting. It something actors do. They take defined characters and play out the script. I am acting as Gerard from the Witcher. Retard.
Someone answer this pls.
I mean I have a much better setup but I dont want to buy a game that is optimized like shit. Thats a principal of mine.
What's short? 20 hours?
The optimisation is kinda improved. I have a meh laptop and it runs pretty well. It's still rather inconsistent. It's a Cryengine game. So it's bound to be super laggy, I'd downgrade the graphics a notch and put them to mid or high rather than ultra. That's what I did.
i took me 70 hours to complete the main story + some side quests
More like 50 if you include DLCs, and all the smol quests
What exactly do you think is missing from the game that prevents you from being able to "play as a rogue?"
Absolutely; if you like that sort of exploring, talking, dialogue based questing style of game play you'll love it.
The fuck did I do? I followed the rules. This isn't /pol/ pal.
It's about 40 hours if you rush.
But you don’t play out of a script, you make decisions and mould that defined character to your liking and fitting a role for him
You can't NOT dis /pol/ on Yea Forums. Get banned kiddo. Everything is /pol/, Varva is a Nazi, imperialism is evil. Banned
you must have more than a meh laptop
I have a meh laptop and I had to play in 800*600 to get more than 20 fps.
I think most games run very shitty at ultra. High is the way to go in any game. Just turning everything except lod and textures on notch down.
Yeah. I am still fucking seething myself. I can kind of understand because apparently Czech dubs are more expensive now. But they are swimming in money rn. The lack of Czech voice dub when even Mafia 1 and 2 had it is disappointing as hell for me. Especially since KCD is set in Czechia.
the quests don't really branch, there's different way you can complete them but for most of them there's a couple of endings that don't fit "rogue" at all.
pretty much Vavra voted for Svobodni with is Czech Libertartian party he is kinda based when it comes to censorship and likely is not fan of mass migration and he also liking weapons and hate Commies but thinking that he is nazi that hate women and people with diffiend skin color is just stupid
But I diss /pol/ all the time
Doesn't sound that short desu.
Actually the whole point of RPGs is thar you ROLL for stats and then make the best out of the character you got.
Yeah, I guess I am using a bit too much hyperbole out of frustration of how badly PCSX2 runs on my computer. It's high end definitely. I read the specs a bit closer. And yeah, the game probably won't run too well. It's a Cryengine game but with an open-world, so it's bound to have this problem of optimisation and it's difficult to fix because of how notoriously hard it is to work with the Cryengine for more ambitious genres of games, I kinda wish they didn't use Cryengine for this game really.
What's the best way to level up Archery? I want to stop swinging the bow around like a drunk asshole.
You may pass.
Because Yea Forums thinks a long game is a game where you can play up to 1500hrs without being bored. 50 to 70 hros for a game that's not event a double AA title is pretty damn good.
>money is hard to find
shoot animals in their stupid fucking animal head
U mad?
I do whatever I want, mate.
New DLC is strange. You can be an absolute asshole and psychopath as Theresa, killing and stealing 24/7.
just get a crosshair through the console
If you're playing it like Skyrim. Yeah it kinda is. If you're taking equipment and then selling it, then it's quite easy after a bit of a grind. Hardcore mode on the other hand...
She IS a woman...
Killing deers is pretty good way but at some point I stopped bothering with Archery. Maybe sometimes I'd try to get a quick kill when taking a bandit camp but it's probably just best to stick with melee.
Not everyone is a Jew - okay?!
Witcher is not an RPG bro, it also a pretty mediocre game with shit combat, basically a barely interactive movie
the german dub is absolutely excellent, only game I play in german
also fuck Bohemians its rightful german clay
Yes you do play out of a script. You are playing the script made for Gerard. There are some inconsequential yes or no moments but that is hardly role playing. Being a Witcher is Gerard's role, you are playing Gerard the character. Therefore you are acting as Gerard. If you were merely 'The Witcher' with no name, no history and no predetermined plan laid out, then you would be role playing.
Fallout New Vegas is an example of an ACTUAL role playing. You are simply the Courier that is your role, not character. Fallout 4 is not a role playing game. You are playing as a father, who was a military man, who had a wife and so on. Just because you have some freedom to do some stupid shit does not make it a role playing game. People simply don't know the difference between character and role.
Varva is literally a jew. Not /pol/ btw.
Yeah. That's not saying he doesn't have right-wing beliefs not that there's anything wrong with that . But that isn't the same as being a Nazi (unlike what most lefties think). Him being a /k/ommando is just as based. The whole idea of him thinking he's a Nazi is just pure misinformation being spread by ignorants and I am glad people are realising that's not the case.
ultra setting in KCD is the lod setting, its a circle around you that defines how many details are shown
No way fag. Bohemia is rightful Czech clay. Krauts that say otherwise are delusional.
>only game I play in German
You don't play Gothic in German? The fuck is wrong with you.
uh what
That's the game over screen for Hardcore mode. Not kidding.
>czechniggers only able to get rid of germans after their whole empire was trashed
true mark of a weak people, well be back and restore Böhmen to its former glory
also Gothic has Orcs and shit fuck off with that trash, I only play pure Medieval games
>only able to get rid of germans after their whole empire was trashed
Really now? Explain the Hussite Wars then. We still won the wars but fell for your stupid peace treatment crap. It was not raw combat that made us lose. Only the kraut's manipulative trickery.
>also Gothic has Orcs and shit fuck off with that trash
Are you implying that a Czech product is superior to a kraut one? Most interesting...
Proof? Just curious myself.
Americans, Polish, Germans, French, etc. have all been BTFO at one point in history.
You're very ignorant.
Lol it actually happens
Couldn't play it on release because of shitty PC. How bad the bugs are now? I remember people shitting on it a lot because of how raw it was.
Lots of the bugs have been fixed. Quest markers and a few other stuff have been streamlined. Tons of improvements, hell just last update from a few days ago they fixed some stuff up that made things like the Tourney far less tedious.
look, the whole burning of Jan Hus affair was a slimy action that I condemn as the whole corruption of the church at the time, doesnt change the fact that Böhmen is german and czech girls belong to german bulls
also gothic and KCD are two different things aiming at different audiences
so did the czech, whats your point?
youre not a defined character in KCD, youre given a name and appearance, but everything else is down to how you want to play it out, you can be a full on piece of shit, or a super nice dude
it was all memes
pirated it day 1 and played it thought with no bugs at all
One of the transvestite jews at Riot Games responsible for much of the drama happening there now accused him of being anti-semetic and he said that he had jewish ancestry. I'll see if I have the picture
germans are a bunch of pathetic gelded cucks, stop larping
>so did the czech, whats your point?
My point is that there's no superior nationality.
>underestimating germans
>bruh they definitely cant recover from this next time
shouldve think twice before you expel us from the sudetenland
Calm down, stop straw-manning people who don’t want twitter thread #168622573246425743884378547863377369658843784485225445855887488665782
It's way harder than those games and has no fantasy elements. I wouldnt say you'd like it if you liked elder scrolls, elder scrolls is much more casual of an rpg.
its just memes dude chill out
why people take everything so seriously nowadays
It depends. I love western RPGs and I loved the shit out of this game, but others who also love western RPGs hated it. You have to really like old school systems and have an appreciation for historical settings.
kek, you're a califate now, mudslime.
t: Poland
lol the czechs literally have a bigger army than germany right now
keep larping you pathetic prussiaboo cringelord
>look, the whole burning of Jan Hus affair was a slimy action that I condemn as the whole corruption of the church at the time,
Well at least there's some common ground to be had here. Yeah that shit was fucked. So was the Crusade that was brought down on us. Thanks to it Hussites are a minority in Czechia and probably never will recover. We fought well but that last form of trickery at the end fucked us over since we didn't read the fine print of the agreement (and the moderates were a shit)
>doesnt change the fact that Böhmen is German
Perhaps an argument could be made that parts of Western Bohemia could be German territory. I don't disagree on that. But all of Bohemia? Nah. Prague is Czech and so is Kutna Hora. I can see parts of Western Bohemia and Northern Bohemia being German tho.
>czech girls belong to German bulls
No way fag. Do not defile them. Some may be whores. But the pure ones are pure and belong to Czech bvlls. You can take the whores tho. We don't need them.
>also gothic and KCD are two different things aiming at different audiences
Fair enough.
> straw-manning
I take my memes VERY seriously.
Fuck YOU...!
>can't commit a homosexual incest.
shit game
poles get the rope too
Interesting. I wouldn't be surprised. Prague had a ton of Jews due to the Alchemy boom and the legends surrounding the Golem. I thought Vavra was born in Tabor tho, which would surprise me if he was of Jewish descent since I didn't hear of Jewish activity in Tabor. Could be wrong.
You can't report me. I hold too much power.
Slavshits are white niggers
>Prague had a ton of Jews due to the Alchemy boom and the legends surrounding the Golem
so did the french in 1940
>Prague is Czech
might wanna rewatch the intro of KCD
Is it possible to get that sweet ass?
Also, is the outfit available to the player?
*primal screams*
My white knights will be here any moment, no based black man can resist a woman in distress!
Just because it's in the HRE doesn't mean it is German, what decides if it is German or not (at least in my view) is based on how deeply integrated German culture was within that place. By your logic logic Italy is German clay too.
It did tho. Look at the Prague Cemetery. Although I should reiterate it wasn't precisely in the Alchemy Boom. I misremembered. The large amount of Czechs were because the Progroms were outlawed by one of the Kings. Can't remember the details atm.
Weak bait.
I just want a Medieval city that wasnt bombed to shit back into the Reich.
also if the old HRE would be reestablished it would be an economical powerhouse that would upset the whole world balance. so yes italian, french, polish and czech parts would actually flourish.
90% of prostitutes in Germany are Czechs.
You say that like kings had any authority after Charlie kicked the bucket.
Yes, but it's still poorly optimized so you need good hardware to get full out of it.
Wow, Germany must have very few prostitutes.
I love the drinking mechanics.
Now THIS is some Shakespearean writing.