I'm excited for it. Whether good or bad, I'm sure it's going to be at least memorable because of the visuals and batshit story and have some interesting mechanics to set it apart from other games in the modern interpretation of the open-world game, as they have already shown in the trailer.
Death Stranding Discussion
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>no replies
NEVER make a sensible thread on Yea Forums if you want replies
I feel similarly but I'm not sure if just being sifferent than other games makes it worth the 60-70 bucks. I really need good gameplay to justify buying a game, and sadly, gameplay seems to be the worst aspect of the game so far.
apart from using Apocalyptica in the trailer, but we've had that discussion and apparently nobody agrees with me
>we need to connect AMERICA
>we need to fix OUR country
The ruse cruise continues.
I can see where you're coming from. Personally, I'm expecting some kind of surprise in regards to the gameplay and the whole Ludens suit thing, but I'm also unsure if it's going to be worth the full price. The melee combat looks kinda weird and the small bit of gun combat we saw was just horrible. The gun was extremely weak, lacked any kind of impact and it just looked unsatisfying to play. If there's something just a little bit better then they would have shown that instead of that weird little clip of Sam shooting some shit gun at a stationary target. The chase sequence was also weird, the AI was just waiting for him to run away at some point even though he was surrounded.
The only thing right now that gets me excited about the gameplay is the exploration, but it all depends on if you're forced to make some choices because of the world-design. If the world is designed in such a way that you for example:
>Have to cross ravine
>Gap is more than 10 meters so can't use ladder
>Use Rope to rappel down to the bottom
>Rope doesn't hit the ground so you have to fall the last couple of meters
>Too far up to the rope so now you're forced to explore your way out of the ravine and live with the consequence of dropping in
However if the world is designed in a way where you aren't really encouraged to find interesting routes and make choices in regards to which way to take in order to best insure your cargo then it'll be meaningless to have the ladder and rope.
the song was the best part about the trailer, who says otherwise? retards
>apparently nobody agrees with me
The song was well chosen desu
Oh shit boys. I'm getting hyped. I'm about to be let down again aren't I.
I thought the sliver of action we saw in the trailer was really promising. With Sam being able to fight bare handed, and use guns, there should be some fun melee and ranged weapons. The bike opens up all kinds of mobility and encounter options. The best part was that whale ghost boss in the Japanese cut though, completely dismissed my misgivings.
I hope PC version comes out a month later so people can datamine everything.
My hype is through the roof even the moon
>the red stripes dont lose their saturation
this is MGSV flashback shit what is going on
You don't have to be disappointed for having fun user. This is part of the game. Kojima is all but saying that to us by plastering "LUDENS" everywhere.
Yeah you may have a short thread but it's better discussion. OP has the right of it.
Data miners are sub human filth
more like Death PANDERING LMAOOO
I'm sorry chief, I think this one Sony has on a lockdown
The theories are always more fun than the game. It's Kojimbos fault for being so intentionally vague and misleading though. Oh well, I enjoy it.
PC release? I've heard rumors about it.
>that moment when you realize Arsenal Gear was stranded
Very unlikely but not certainly out of the cards. Sony funded game, but it still hasn't been certainly confirmed PS exclusive.
more like death sneed
Previous interview with Kojima didn't deny nor confirm a PC release.
Alot of the marketing so far doesn't have the Only on PS logo. even the latest trailers and box arts
Many people use the engine card
Guerrilla Games owns the engine and they gave it to Kojima with "no contractual obligation".
Kojima was also a PCdev so he has a fondness for PC and i'm not surprised if he asked Sony for a PC version
Kojima also visited Valve lierally a year ago.
>Q3. Does this mean Kojima Productions now belongs under SCE WWS?
No, it is an independent studio.
>Q6. What other platforms will Kojima’s first independent title be available on, besides PS4?
The title is planned to become available on PC (after PS4).
>Q7. How long is the exclusivity?
We are not disclosing details.
I wont say its outright confirmed but too many clues indicate that it is coming. Say what you want but you cant deny the possibility of a pc release now
That c-section scar was done in a battlefield and they obviously fucked it up. You're completely ignoring the context of both games in a weak attempt at being bullheaded.
I give it a month of actual discussion(or two weeks), and then back to WHAT DOES IT MEAN???? followed up by nothing until the game or some new development happens
Which has been your favorite trailer so far?
Congrats, you have been on Yea Forums for longer than a few months. Want a cookie?
Legally, can he even do this? Isn't referencing MGS basically at all just gonna get him sued out the ass?
>That c-section scar was done in a battlefield and they obviously fucked it up
I mean I doubt the world of Death Stranding has too many fully staffed hospitals.
I'm not even saying that it's a confirmed scar, I'm just saying that to discount the possibility entirely, especially given the information we've been given already, is retarded.
Choose your fighter
The newest, Higgs looks so fucking badass
Funny how much this looks like Psycho Mantis, it actually hearkens back to the very original Shinkawa artwork of the character, where he had the "strands" or lines hanging off him that weren't in the final game.
Seriously guys pls help.
E3 2018. It has the most soul and I liked the song set to the exploration.
Why is Yea Forums moving so fast today? My thread got deleted in like 30 minutes
>I'll show you the real thing soon, I promise.
>right at the end of a trailer that only showed a small amount of gameplay
>the game comes out a few months after E3
Hot bearded white men
sign me up
They've shown every character that has that kind of scar in a high-tech installation, why would those not have hospitals?
I'm just saying I'm worn out with Kojima hype threads. Both the hate and the admiration. Thank goodness E3 is coming up so we can funpost about whatever character gets into Smash and, dare I say it, a new IP of some sort that isn't rooty tooty big nosed lesbian shooty?
Mads and Taco in the tunnel because I fucking love the skeleton WW2 aesthetic so much
>mfw going to the moon involves using a space elevator
deja vu/10
Well I meant that it's possible there is no real world.
Sam and the rest of the humans that are occupying the "basic" chatroom layer can't ever come back to the real world. The real world is completely automated and everybody born just gets plugged in.
But they already said the death mechanic is part of the normal game systems and not a "game over" so there is no real danger to the player anyway unless there are multiple endings which I'm gonna just say now there probably aren't due to sheer costs involve doing that unless you want shitty voice over endings that have still pictures.
Though it's possible they are in the real world and just plugging into the chatroom layer, and the cesarian scar is from being "unplugged" kind of like the scars/ports from The Matrix.
Could Snoy be saving the gameplay demo for their Fagtendo Treehouse ripoff?
He looks cool with the mask, with it off he just looks like Gay Baker
I don't really like Horror Games though Kojima san I have PTSD myself complete with Night Terrors about snakes
>have to wait five more months
The gameplay is gonna suck, it's mean to be a movie. But it looks like a pretty interesting one at least.
I feel like Kojima is spoiling all cutscenes in the trailers again
that trailer really made the game seem like it had some SOUL, some real creativity put into it and it made me quite excited to actually get my hands on the game
The posters for this game so far has been fucking good shit, watch them throw it all away with a generic shit box art that neither uses these cool posters nor Shinkawa art.
kojima is teasing gameplay for some time now on Instagram and Twitter. whenever Sony is doing their presentation/PS5 reveal there should be a playable demo too
Well apparently I like Gay Baker better
>no danger to dying
You leave a fuckhuge crater when you die that can't be repaired there's obviously some danger.
last trailer kind of killed it for me desu
>Legally, can he even do this?
With no direct references and none of the same characters Konami can't do anything about it. He'd have to plaster METAL GEAR SOLID 6 all over it for it to matter. Even then I bet Konami would allow Sony to do it for a percentage.
I don't really like Troy Baker's face for it.
TGA 2017 trailer. I still don't know what the fuck it's all about, but whatever it is it's mind blowing.
It's the same as a bloodstain in Dark Souls only it's permanent and an eyesore, that's it.
Trailer 3 TGA 2017 is the best trailer.
That's the best one for me too. Blew me right the fuck away and now I want to buy death stranding without knowing anything about it.
you dont always leave a crater
last trailer showed sam "dying" by just being dragged to the other side
In a world of boring monotony KOJIMAAAA brings us this crazy fucking bullshit nonsense with babby in tubes, oil ghosts, a bunch of actual actors/people, WW1 tanks being dragged into existence, DELIVERY MAN SIMULATOR.
If you're not even a little interested to see what the fuck this is about or to experience the weirdness I don't think you actually like bibo bames.
Bros how does it feel knowing we've seen about 60% of all the cutscenes in the game already
Why is the ammo measured in ml?
>I'll always be with you
I had a major Big Medic flashback jesus christ, at least he didn't smear the baby fluids all over his face
You shoot blood would be the edgy, obvious guess.
>I walked. I could do nothing but walk.
>And then, I saw me walking in front of myself. But it wasn't really me.
>Watch out. The gap in the door... it's a separate reality.
>The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?
It's not you dickhead.
>he didn't see the japanese trailer extra 30s with a BT bossfight
That's probably measuring bloodloss or something. Most likely health.
Yea that one's my favorite too.
Those aren't tentacles, they're hands. What if those people which float are just minions (it's metaphorical hands) of this thing?
>>The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?
I wonder how this line works on identical twins. Probably doesn't freak them out as much
I have no idea what the fuck death stranding is about and I'm willing to pay $60-$70 for it.
>I still don't know what the fuck it's all about
Sam is working for BRIDGES, a branch of the UCA (United Cities of America, current government) in order to unite the cities of America. Why do they need to be united and why is America split up? Because of an ongoing catastrophic phenomenon called the "Death Stranding" which has brought earth in contact with another dimension/underworld/TECHNOLOGY. The beings from this realm have been "stranded" (or beached, as they're called beached things for BT's), and the realm they are from is referred to as Hades in the recent trailer. Ergo the title "Death Stranding". These BT's can interact with out world and manifest through a black liquid which can be manipulated by a gold material. Other organizations/individuals work against Sam and BRIDGES' goal to unite america.
The nature of the Death Stranding is still a mystery, but this is the premise of the game and what it's initially going to be about.
>ywn be a Delta Force operator who controls a squad of skeleton soldiers
Easily the 2017 trailer, the explosion and the crescendo of synths leading to the reveal of the crater was when my intrigue was at it's height. It's dipped a little since then.
I honestly just think it's leftover ideas from Silent Hills being incorporated into his own original work.
>America has been connected by something
>Either Death Stranding or something else that turned into it
>Sam is being hunted because he's going against the UCA's wishes who is basically some organized militia
>Homo demens are extremists trying to plot for their own benefit (Higgs gold face)
>BT's are the black goo shit monsters
>same can't see BTs can only be sensed
>Sam is just a delivery man supposedly
>"bridge baby" helps them connect to the other side and see the BTs
>BT's come out or are created when it rains
>Rain changes Sam's skin color in a previous trailer. Makes the spot look very old. Called "timefall" in a previous trailer, fastforwards whatever it touches.
>If he gets "eaten" it causes a "voidout". He comes back but it creates a crater?
>First trailer Sam is washed up with the baby seems like they share a deep connection
>Something about two explosions
>Higgs can somehow manipulate the BT goo and create a giant monster. He understands the death stranding.
The trailers give a lot of info it's just jumbled confusing order and you gotta put it together. Still don't know shit about the woman named Amelie. Also most interested about the 5 figures in the sky in the first trailer, who seem to be the big bads, I assume are the Ludens.
>Sam is being hunted because he's going against the UCA's wishes who is basically some organized militia
He's not though, watch the trailer. Sam is working for the UCA as an employee of BRIDGES, he's friends with the president of the UCA. He's just apathetic. There's no USA anymore because it turned into the UCA because of the Death Stranding.
The UCA is not organized militia, it's the Homo Demens who're referred to as being the organized militia terrorist group.
The ruse includes the konami controversy being an elaborate lie. Kojima never got fired, he played us like a damn fiddle
That absolutely looks like the case, this scene was in the same area where Sam got caught by the ghosts and dragged deeper into the trees.
>reluctant hero
Also, Cliff is the one hunting everyone else. In the second trailer you can see him going after Deadman (I can't remember if that's the name of the guy). It makes sense since he said that he'd always be with BB.
Also forgot to mention. But the "bridge baby" must have some consequence because one of the characters mentions that it makes him feel like shit every time. I wonder where they get the baby, and where it comes from. And if everyone might have one.
I remember reading a theory that the baby is inside of Sam, so if he dies the baby gets rained on and just turns into another version of him. Some immortality device, but the baby also connects him to the other side so idk.
Then who is chasing after Sam in the field? Those aren't the Homo demens or bts.
Cliff might end up being the GOAT character but you'd really need to sell it. I have one idea in mind but let's see what Kojimbo goes for
didn't we see Mama taking a BT child? Maybe that is a "soul" and she incorporates it into the baby bodies.
Floating people are just hooked up to something, it connects to their stomach. Same way Sam and Mads have stomach scars implying they were hooked up once.
>That very first teaser where the ludens figure is on the moon
Some other faction, meaning that there's more organizations besides the UCA and the Homo Demens boys.
Twice it looks like they brace for pain before plugging the Bridge Baby in, it looked like the other end might go right into your body.
>connected to a mother
I think Mama is being carried on Sam's back in the trailer where Higgs summons the big monster as well. We did see mama trapped under rocks and taking in the rain but I'm not sure about the BT child I don't remember.
They could be from Edge-Knot City which is shown off in the trailer and wants to be left alone so they would be working against Sam, or from some other organization we don't know about. Remember, we don't have the game yet, we don't know every organization and player who's out to get Sam and stop uniting America.
Yepp. Fantastic trailer, not just the big epic moments, but I just love how it is directed, Sam waking up after the crash, helping the guy crushed by the vehicle, the timefall rapidly aging him and the creatures appearing. Really great little scene.
Yeah, I really have no idea what he's really all about, but he seems like a good guy fundamentally. I feel like he's more of an antagonist than an outright villain who's just doing bad shit for the sake of it.
2019 because we got gameplay
They're hooked up to these things.
>the first and second trailers where all the dead sea animals had cords attached to them
We took something from them and they got it back on the other side.
Agree. I liked the mystique more.
Seemed like the way they prepared that body and the gold on the face was to prevent it from becoming/joining a Beached Thing.
I really hope he's not just:
>le super duper evil antagonist guy
Higgs already seems to be fulfilling that role. I think Cliff/Mads has a bigger role and is more than just some evil guy.
My theory is that the scenes where he is with the BB is in the past. He was some kind of researcher/scientist/inventor type of guy and were part of the reason why the Death Stranding happened which led to him getting stuck in the other world and achieving special powers so now he's looking for a way to get out, maybe he can do that by getting a Bridge Baby.
That is a pretty fucking cool mask.
I will make no assumptions about any characters in the freaky fetus game.
I like when creepy looking characters are good, that and something else is my only reason for thinking Mads might not be evil
Of course if he is evil I wouldn't blame another user for saying "Its Hannibal driving a tentacle tank you moron, of course he's evil!"
Death Stranding is gay
Kojima is gay
OP is gay
didn't at all though, it did vanish away
Perhaps he's just fulfilling a promise he made, and this time he'll protect-
Shinkawa knows how to make cool characters.
I have to say visually, this game is fucking on point, feels like the most inspired thing by Kojima and Shinkawa since probably MGS2. I'm just concerned with the gameplay and it being open world.
>it's actually coming out this year
Holy shit
The body was consumed by the BT's in the trailer though and sunk into the black liquid.
We know gold is a way to manipulate the black liquid, my guess is that what was inside the white cocoon was an actual BT brought into our world manifested with the gold mask and Sam is carrying it so it can be researched.
It did, the body sinks and the gold peels away, and then you can faintly see the umbilical ghost rising into the air.
Yeah there's a lot of shit we just can't know yet. What Sam is even supposed to be doing, I hope we start America 2 on the moon. Would be based.
>katana duel on top of a federal building with the former President of the United States who is also a clone of Big Boss
MGS2 had the most insane ending and it was great.
there are no villains, the game is about making bridges, remember? you have to make a connection with and become allies with both higgs and cliff as a requirement for reconnecting with edgenaut city
heartman is the villain
He really doesn't look like that bad of a dude, and I think his objective is just reuniting with BB at the very least. He doesn't really seem to be bothered by the fact that he's "connected to hades", I'd say that by being connected to the other side so heavily helps him get closer to what he wants. Him and Higgs are connected to the other side and they seem to want things to be that way.
>we've seen about 60% of all the cutscenes in the game already
Either you have a very low expectation about the full length of the product itself or you have an incredibly unrealistic expectation about the amount of so-called gameplay there is. If it's the former then I'm not surprised, afterall Kojima probably spent 800% of the budget on maintaining an illusion of friendship with a bunch of celebrities. If it's the latter it's going to be a disaster becaue Kojima products can't stand on "gameplay". The gimmicks, setpieces and cutscenes are supposed to distract you from the fact that there is no game there.
I hope it's just not Kojima speaking through the characters and modern social commentary. The science fiction about the aliens/otherworldly things or "BTs" is much more intriguing.
I want to Connect with Homo Demons in Edge Nut City!
The part where the guy was so desperate to avoid being taken that he started stabbing himself in the stomach raised so many unsettling implications.
Higgs'll never say yes. He's already the head of a militant group. Why would he give up power?
Really curious about what it is they're doing to these bodies, why Sam is transporting them across the map, both on foot and on vehicles, only to then burn them.
What do you guys think the bodies are?
Higg's is a straight up villain though. It's literally stated in the trailer that he goes around and kills people and creates craters (void-outs) and he also does the most villainous evil "lick the female character's face in a creepy way" shtick. Maybe there could be an argument for Higg's not being a villain if he only went around and killed people and created void-outs when those people were trying to go against the goals of his organization which has a motive that isn't entirely evil, but the lick just confirms he's a sick fuck.
I love how it cuts away as soon as he blows up and leaves the supposed crater
Yrah he really chose a slow death by going for the guts instead of the neck.
it's a shark with hand tentacles that burst from around and in it's mouth
see the dorsal fin and large head
>batshit story
Where are you getting this from? What we've seen so far is no more or less batshit than the fiction supporting countless games, just well-crafted, with any luck. I know you meant it in a good way (I think) but games with well designed game worlds and mechanics aren't random accidents as the result of "batshitness" they just tend to have more thought put into them.
I'm guessing that the BT's can do something to people after they die. Something undesirable. Perhaps the bodies are from smaller settlements that ship them off to be burned in special facilities.
4 months
People that are close to becoming ludens, people with the same disease Sam mentions having, or people that have been timefalled so much that they're decrepit. I don't think it's the last one because there's no reason they'd need to be burned then. The disease thing is more likely since it probably spreads, which is part of why nobody wants to connect anymore.
higgs is immortal boys, you either build the bridge or never reconnect the UCA
>thought I was done after the disappointment that was MGSV
>trailer after trailer Kojimbo slowly wins me back
>this last trailer
>all this information pouring in
In the end, I'm back where I started.
go rewatch the trailer with the giant humanoid BT, the gold-masked corpse cargo was higgs and he respawned when the body sank. their goal is to collect the bodies and burn them so that they can't come back to life.
Maybe him stabbing himself in the gut has something to do with why Cliff and Sam have scars on their stomachs. You notice how Sam is the only one who didn't float away. Maybe that scene takes place early on in the story and Sam wasn't a Bridge employee yet, and perhaps he didn't go to the procedure that allows the employees to connect to the BBs. And that's why the guy went started floating away, he had a connection to the other side and Sam didn't.
Truly, the world is an unjust place.
I don't think the body in pic-related is the same type of body with the golden mask on in the 2017 trailer.
I think this body might just be a casualty from BRIDGES and he's there burning a fellow employee.
I think the body with the golden mask is a BT because Higg's uses his mask to manipulate the black liquid and summon the huge anus lion BT, so we know that gold can manipulate BT's by manifesting the black liquid, this means that what's in the white bodybag with the golden mask might be a BT which have been manifested with the gold and then capture, so Sam is attempting to transport it back to Mama for research.
Sorry I misinterpreted your post
Maybe the gold is on the body in order to draw the BTs to it, they appear attracted to Higg's mask.
that makes a lot of sense
The lick is pretty gross but what isn't in this game? Maybe he can tell something through taste. When a whole world runs on weirdo logic you need to be careful about jumping to conclusions
the BT's connect to them via the belly button, the guy was trying to destroy it so that he couldn't be taken and turned into a puppet.
I am keeping my expectations realistic because MGSV happened 4 years ago. I expect nothing but chill walking with neat traversal tools, some bad dude punching, some shooting here and there, some tense stealth around spoopy ghosts and some cutscenes, nothing more, nothing less, just what the trailers showed. Do NOT commit the same mistake anons. I do love these threads though
>he respawned
Doubt, the golden mask is not the same as the golden skull mask and Higg's doesn't just respawn, we know he can teleport as he teleports in the most recent trailer and confirms it's not just some invisibility cloak.
>Higgs is Bucciarati
But that could still be a way of trapping him tho, couldn't it?
and why did he throw away the baby he had?
Ah, super aids.
Same, and I'm waiting for eventual PC port or emulator able to run it, ruh.
I doubt it because Higg's is not a BT and not from the other side, he merely has a good "connection" to them as he says in the trailer and they haven't shown the golden material being able to manipulate and capture humans, they have only shown the golden material being able to manipulate and manifest BT's.
You can't leave out spartan astronaut armor and the moon when this is obviously Norman Reedus by the eyes, and has I'll Keep Coming on it.
Watch the japanese trailer. There's a scene with Amelie wearing Higgs mask, so I'm assuming he can control people as well so as long as there's his gold stuff touching them or something to that effect.
Looks like you got it right, user.
I want him to lick me next.
The only thing that'll disappoint me is the Ludens suit not eventually being worn by Sam at some point.
>*whistles for magic motorcycle*
>autowalks on road to quest marker
>*Pinwheel vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a BT™, gotta be"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*follows pinwheel*
>guys in BT™ costumes appear
>"President of jack shit" ALALALALA but on cello *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic walk and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm.... Hazmats™ pretending to be BTs™......better tell the post office head about this"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*autowalks on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as BTs™, here's proof *shows ladder*"
>10 packages received
Could work, although it's more risky than just killing himself like he tried with the gun.
I loved MGSV's gameplay, but the world wasn't big enough and full of enough bases to really capture and surprise the player. Especially since it didn't have randomized patrol paths. The other problem was the story obviously.
So I think DS, with MGSVs intact gameplay, might be able to pull it off with what looks like a much much larger world. It just needs the bases and infiltration, and the finished story. I think the biggest worry is funnily enough, a 2019 release. I don't think ANYONE was putting DS in 2019, so I wonder if Kojima has it finished or maybe pressure from Sony to put something out.
What's with the huge scar going around Deadman's head? Looks like he had his top popped off.
Remember that Amelie might not be who we think she is.
She's alone in the middle of nowhere in a small red dress and nothing else. The president tells you to finish what Amelie set out to do as if she's out of the picture. I'm thinking she might not be human anymore considering she shows up in an apocalyptic wasteland crawling with interdimensional murder monsters just wearing a small dress.
Amelie also cries blood which is different from the other character crying normal tears when BT's are near.
I've noticed that Sam wears different outfits depending on what "mission" he is carrying out, has anybody else noticed that?
Whenever he's carrying a body he's wearing that orange suit, when he's just traversing terrain and carrying large loads it's the blue suit, every time we've seen him on a vehicle or near one (Crash) he's been wearing the PORTER suit.
I take it these outfits play a big role in what type of mission you'll be carrying out.
The fake baby also has the scar. So I'll now change my argument to either I'm right and it's a cesarean scar, which has some very special meaning in this game, or it could just be something unrelated which shows the person as 'marked', possibly related to the ability to cross over between the dimension traveling shit that's going on.
Obviously there will be a MGSV style pre-mission debrief where you decide on suit and tools and shit before venturing out.
If Sam can only sense BTs and not sense them, does it mean that there's people in the game who can see how the BTs actually look like?
I mean we have no clue who Amelie is even going by President Red Herring's description.
In one of the other trailers she even asks Sam "Do you even know who I am?", casting doubt on the Amelie idea.
Carrying an entire dead body on your back for extended distances sounds awful. Sam 2stronk
>Whenever he's carrying a body he's wearing that orange suit
The two guys carrying the gold-masked corpse were also in orange suits so you might be right.
Just give me this suit for a mission eventually. Maybe the "go to the moon" was literal and you actually go there at some point, or it's used as some kind of protective suit later on to navigate harsher environments.
Maybe, but doesn't he ride the bike in the Blue one in the gameplay trailer? When he's running from the Yellowsuits.
I think the suits are different depending on where in the story you are.
Fragile Girl is a higher level and can see them, yeah.
I wonder HOW you see them, and how the "levels" work. Is this some sorta "video game logic in the real world where murderers gain super powers for killing people?" or something?
I think there's more to it than that. The outfit Sam is wearing in the third trailer shows he wasn't a Bridges employee at the time.
probably had a ludens mask and it got removed
I saw something about exo-skeletons, so presumably they are not relying on their human strength alone.
Well, even though expectations are reasonable I am absolutely positive the game is gonna be as complete as can be, think about it: Kojima mentally checked out on Metal gear circa 2004 and possibly even before, and god knows just how many fucking ideas and concepts and stories he and his team thought up in that timeframe. It's clear as day that kojima went in there with a very clear vision, as evidenced by the fact he had a teaser with solid concept and theme already ready a few months after being sacked by konami. He and the team that followed him from Konami were probably DYING to work on ideas and concepts they came up with probably years ago.
Nigga just harvest timerain and shoot it. You make things old on purpose.
We still don't know what "extinction factor" means so can't say for certain.
Maybe your connection to the other side increases? Maybe that's what happened to Mads in some capacity. I'm just wondering what they would look like to the people who can see them. I don't imagine they look like mere silhouettes.
I like the suit design so far. My favorite one is the grey PORTER suit.
Looks like killer whale based on the beaching concept
>Cetacean stranding, commonly known as beaching, is a phenomenon in which whales and dolphins strand themselves on land, usually on a beach.
>All frequently involved species are toothed whales (Odontoceti), rather than baleen whales (Mysticeti). These species share some characteristics which may explain why they beach.
>A key factor in many of these cases appears to be the strong social cohesion of toothed whales. If one gets into trouble, its distress calls may prompt the rest of the pod to follow and beach themselves alongside.[3] Many theories, some of them controversial, have been proposed to explain beaching, but the question remains unresolved.
>I call it Social Strand System or Strand Game
Super hands aids that makes you cry and vomit black goo and worms.
Oh shit that makes a lot of sense
Are these guys what they refer to as BT's? Either way, whatever they are, they're terrifying and I hope it's as tense as it looks every time you run into them.
Fucking kino enemy design desu. Shinkawa is a god.
Was about to make this exact same post. The most kino shot I've seen in a while
We don't know that, BRIDGES might have different suits for different kinds of objectives.
Deadman is denoted as a BRIDGES employee just by the pin on his suit jacket.
What's with the golden hand plants?
Yeah I think those and the actual goo monsters are BTs
The body on the left could have been retrieving someone that was captured by the bandits, so you use their orange outfit to sneak in
BT's are already dead though
>other side literally referred to as "those bound to Hades" in the recent trailer, an actual underworld
>BT's stand for Beached Things, beached can be the same as stranded
>The phenomenon in the game is literally called "Death Stranding" implying that the things that are showing up are dead and stranded on our world.
Seeing how you need a bean baby to see BT's, and how they don't seem to be made of goop, could the animal monster things we see be something else?
The orange outfit belongs to BRIDGES, the bandits were wearing yellow outfits.
It could just be like in MGSV. Snake was wearing different suits at different parts of the trailer.
Obese Mantis
What the fuck does BT even stand for
>things bound to Hades
I think it's all the same. We see human shapes come from the goop as well as hands and arms and such. I think the goop is just a way that they can manifest into the world and draw things to the other world as we see happen to Sam in the trailer.
>whale is the villian
Yeah, he does. I don't think the PORTER suit is tied to vehicles or anything, but more likely it is tied to the timefall somehow since it has the big hoodie protecting from contact with the rain.
Vehicle thing is probably just a coincidence, but the suit is probably made for light travel, whereas the blue is for carrying heavy equipment.
beached things
Interesting. If you look closely at Sam's picture you can see an american flag in the background. Was it taken at the oval office? Is one of the women in the picture the president?
what's your theories on the babys and their function? I always thought that it was like how its commonly believed that kids and babys can see ghosts more than humans because they're fresh into the world. maybe the bridge babys have a closer connection to the other side because they just came into the world. so by connecting to them you can see the BT that are stuck in our world
Considering the name Beached Thing, the sea monster is the best bet for it's real body
This trailer in special unnerved me as in my nightmares and sleep paralysis there are shadow creatures exactly like those, even their behavior is the same rushing into you and dragging you around
I've seen people say Beached Things, which fits the whole idea of dead things from the land of the dead being stranded in our world.
The middle woman is the president. Same model as Wagner. Amelie and the president are both using Lindsey Wagner as their model, they just youngified Wagner for Amelie
>American flag means President
Could just mean a government job but since Sam is pals with President Bridges, eh, maybe.
The first trailer seems to me like it's the climax/middle point. Up to this point Kojima has mentioned that the game starts as a TPS like the division/Uncharted, but then will slowly start to change. In the first trailer something happens to the baby, causing it to go chiral. From here we see Sam stand up covered in handprints and a C-sect scar. Going by the only person that we've seen with a C-sect scar I believe we can assume that this is when the gameplay change starts or is when Sam gains the same power as Mads. Then at the end of just about every trailer we see Sam stare at the Godhand and cry due to his chiral allergy. We do not see that at the end of this trailer, which going by evidence given in the 4th trailer Sam doesn't just sense them anymore, he can now see them with no adverse affects.
I think they're definitely created in a lab hence the Mads flashbacks to him talking to one. Maybe they're babies that are perpetually kept as babies(can't age) in order to see the BTs and the other realm. The Mads flashback in the lab definitely gave me the idea that things got out of control after humans discovered the existence of the other dimension. I think Mads/Cliff got stuck in the BT realm after fucking up everything/causing a global voidout.
In that case I don't think the hand print things and the floating humans are those BTs, the mosters like the anus lion, the gigantic humanoid and the tentacle shark however are
Pretty much, though it probably goes even further in that the Bridge Baby is an unborn fetus, that pod serves as a womb, so it can see the BTs because it is still on the "other side"
I believe that the babies are unborn and the pod is actually some kind of stasis that activates when you connect the baby to your suit.
Because the babies are unborn but still in the world they can see the BT's, and my theory is the BT's are not alive, so because the baby is not technically born yet they can see into the other world as well (Kojima is gonna get some pro-choice people on his back for this).
The woman is Amalie, and she appears to be the president. We see her in the oval office in the latest trailer, she's old and sickly.
>newest trailer
>connect bridge baby, sam walks in forest
>uses "scan" to see BTs (sam can't normally see them)
>robotic thing goes "whirrrrr" like it's reloading shortly after
Bridge babies grant you ability to scan it seems
Well it seems like the bridge baby is exactly what it's called, a bridge between the regular world and the BT world/dimension/whatever. I dunno if the baby is actually born or is a clone or whatever, but it's implied that it's manufactured when Sam refers to it as "a bridge baby, huh"
>bridges logo on the floor
I really wonder what kind of organization they are
Aren't they all BT's though? It's all because of the Death Stranding that these things are here, so all of the beings that came as a result of the Death "Stranding" are beached on our world. That's why they're called beached things.
So are the not psycho mantis figures BTs? Are these the same ones that appeared in Trailer 1 and 3? The 5 mysterious figures?
wasn't there a part in the new trailer where there was a robot baby in his throat?
I wonder if thats hinting at the bridge babys being artificial
This is a quality thread boys, glad to see there are others as interested in this game as I am.
its a doll
Amelie is not the president. Sam literally states her name as Bridget in the trailer. They just use the same model for some reason.
>"Bridget you're the president of jackshit"
One thing we can determine for sure is that the robot babies are tied to Cliff/Mads. Problem is that we don't know who or what Cliff actually is and who he's working for
These seem to be bad whatever they are, the kind that really fucks you up once you come into contact with them. It seems like there's a fair amount of variety when it comes to enemies in this game.
I wonder if that hints to bridge baby's being clones or fakes
He implies she's the president of "jackshit" because he believes America is dead and no longer a country, you dingus.
no, it's nothing like this. there is an oblique (VERY INDIRECT) Metal Gear connection but it's to Metal Gear V and Survive. Die Hardman is Goodluck, and there will be a wink to this effect (semi-secret optional cutscene where he states that his mask is because 'I don't legally own my own face.' or something like that).
The whirring flashlight thingy only works with the bridge baby as a battery or as a medium, the 2018 trailer made that pretty clear
The combat looks like Last of Us trash.
>New York State flag on the right
I think that's just a BT silhouette from an earlier iteration that they've since moved away from.
Cliff is papa
I think mads dies at the begenning. considering the blood on him and the fact that most of the scenes he's in durring the trailers take place on the "other side" I wonder if he's your father or related to sam in some way. he seems like an antithesis to you in a way with him and the dolls and you with the real baby
I'm thinking Cliff is a mirror of Sam
>Bridge Baby is a living being
>Bridge baby is an artificial doll
>We only see Cliff in the underworld scenes except for when we see him through the BB's eyes as if it's a flashback sequence
Cliff is dead, bound to Hades and is stuck inside the other world.
> I need really good gameplay
so what’s the problem? Kojima’s games have had excellent gameplay.
Yeah but I was talking about it in a gameplay perspective, if you notice the player can't see the BTs until we activate some sort of scan ability that shows them for a limited amount of time. Looks like we'll have to learn the patterns of that thingy to not be eaten by BTs too much, oh boy
I never said otherwise, I'm telling you he literally calls her by the name Bridget in the trailer when you said it was Amelie in your previous post "The woman is Amelie and she appears to be the president", it was a respond to that. Stop being a retard and read posts you idiot and watch the trailer again where he literally calls her Bridget confirming it's not Amelie.
It's obviously just pure speculation, but in the latest trailer we see Sam get caught by the handprints and spoopy invisible ppl. but doesn't actually get eaten, but gets dragged to the tentacle shark which was cut from the english trailer. Only there was he eaten and exploded into a crater, so that's why I'm not convinced yet that all those things are the same
>when you base an entire video game out of pure MSPA degeneracy
They might just be different types.
The designation BT might be an overall designation, like Dog, and then there are all the different types of "Dog", Labrador, Poodle and so on.
Post proof that her name isn't Amelie Bridget
It's all cool though, the Amelie Sam meets even asks him if he knows who she REALLY is so this character we know nothing about might not be that character we know nothing about. And obviously, neither of them are the OTHER character we know next to nothing about
I like this theory a lot.
You might be right. Although I do wonder if they were the 5 mystery niggas.
Yeah it looks like they're going to be absolutely invisible to the naked eye
Yeah I'm prolly overthinking it
I was just kinda confused why Sam doesn't get eaten but instead just gets dragged around
And the same thing happens in the 2017 trailer when the guy starts floating and continuously stabs himself, only to be eaten by that giant humanoid and create an explosion
>moving goalposts this much
If he were calling the president by her last name then he would've have just said Miss president or Miss Bridget since he cares about using last names as a sign of respect.
Considering he says Bridget you're the president of jackshit then it's quite obvious.
It'd be an unfortunate move since I really love the elongated, gangly look.
>My status is FUCKED.
You're right, and I think the only way back out of hades is with the bridge baby that Sam has
My specualtion is that Cliff tries to do the same but with artificial doll babies instead
If I were green I would die
Like Sam says "I can't spot BTs, only sense them" the baby "plugging into the other side" allows them to see between realities or something.
I love cheesy corny dialogue
I hope Sam sticks with it even after the game goes full 2deep4u
>You're the president of JACKSHIT
>My status is FUCKED
Amelie is the lady in front of the big ship we keep seeing. It literally syncs her name with the character at the end of the last trailer where they're introducing characters.
Who the hell is Heartman
They've been referred to officially as "Corpse Disposal Teams"
Basically in their society they have to dispose of corpses properly otherwise BTs come for them.
It attracts Hades or the River Styx (the black river from Greek myth) essentially.
Why does it seem that the capitalization is weird. Almost like a hidden message
Have they said what's actually causing the Death Stranding yet?
Why? Obviously he has no respect for her title, so why would he call her Miss President or Miss Bridget?
You've been owned dude, hang it up.
The aged woman "Bridget" that we see is Amelie.
>It attracts Hades or the River Styx (the black river from Greek myth) essentially.
Fun fact: The term "Hades" was interchangeable with "Purgatory" in the early days of the Church.
>trapped in a building surrounded by invisible umbilical quantum dark matter ghosts
>"There's tons of 'um!"
Considering rain can age you this is possible. And if you're best buds with the President you can call them by their first name and speak frankly with them as a sign of respect.
I mean Sam is still helping the old cunt, ain't he? Even if he is the secret villain or w/e
Who do you guys think Amelie is then? I figured she was a de-aged(via timefall) version of bridget as they had the same actor, but they have different names.
>Thom Yorke in his last performance, 2032 blue-colorized
I can throw that right in your face and say why would he call her by her last name if he has no respect for her title? And that's beside the fucking point here, we know Sam is friends with the president considering there's a personal picture of him and the president and some other woman, so why the hell would he call his close friend by her last name?
>You've been owned dude
lmao, the absolute state of underage posters.
I'm not sure if that is Amelie but I really like her voice acting, she sounds very sick and desperate. It seems like Kojima got a really good performance out of everyone. Maybe spending 90% of the budget on actors will be good for something.
I think something bad happens to bodies caught in timefall so they have to be safely disposed of. Check out the third trailer to kind of see what I mean
I think Amelie has super powers like Cliff and Higgs, but her seems to be different in some way. She's seems to be more of a ghost than everyone else. Bridget is human and very much alive, that doesn't seem to be the case with Amelie.
Somebody remind me what the Death Stranding are again?
Bridge Babies = what they sound like, they're a bridge between worlds, and allow us to see the BT's
BT = Beached Thing, not really sure what this is desu, please explain
So do you think he lost his humanity here and that's whey he's blue and wants to die? That he can't go to cities like this?
Also that info that someone asked for earlier
>Roughly 20 years before Death Stranding's development, Kojima discussed with Shinkawa the idea of an astronaut exploring a digital space, and Shinkawa remembered this.
I'm still holding onto my theory that this game will be a satire on war games like MGS4 was in the late 2000's FPS trend. The BT's are the souls of every dead vidya soldier in online multiplayer battles.
It's like the Dragon Riders of Pern but with more horrifying rain and less dragon psychic scaly sex
It's not possible though.
Guys come on, watch the trailer. We've seen the picture of Sam, the president and some other woman. Amelie is holding the picture in her hands in the trailer, the president in that picture is a much older woman than Amelie.
How is Amelie, a young looking Lindsey Wagner, supposedly the same person as Bridget, an old Lindsey Wagner, when the photo of "her" together with Sam is when she's clearly past 50.
Sony is literally funding and publishing the game you fucking mongoloid
What's next kojima, you wanna shove the ghosts of the people I've shot in Laser Tag at me?
Have the ghosts of every hot wad I've shot come back to haunt me? If that's the case you and blame Saigado, not me.
So? They did the same with detroit become human.
>Roughly 20 years before Death Stranding's development, Kojima discussed with Shinkawa the idea of an astronaut exploring a digital space, and Shinkawa remembered this.
pls explain, user.
I think that's pretty misleading, it appears that bad things only happen if you're actually eaten alive
The guy who was aged by the timefall and dragged off by the invisible people was still alive, and as soon as the second guy shot him in the head, he was instantly left alone. And after that, the second guy got picked up by the invisible things and instantly tries killing himself, not managing it and getting eaten alive, triggering the explosion
>Amelie is holding the picture in her hands in the trailer
In the latest trailer or the one where that lady explains the time fall? Because I don't think that's amelie
Because she dies dumbass, amelie is referenced in the past tense.
Agreed. It always leaves me thinking about it for days after too.
>particles materializing into a tank
I can hear my FPS dropping from here
>Said to be caused by a series of "mysterious explosions", the death stranding led to supernatural beings, chief among them the Beached Things (BTs) and Cryptobiotes, to "strand" on Earth from another place. Accompanying these beings was a weather phenomenon known as Timefall, a kind of rain that rapidly grows and decays organic matter.
>Something else that came with these entities was a bridge to "the other side", a place where the dead seemingly go and may be the origin of the death stranding. Individuals killed by BTs can cause explosions of varying size called Voidouts, leaving behind large craters in the landscape where they died. This may only be the case when these individuals are killed by phenomena related to the death stranding. This other world is described to be like an "upside-down realm" submerged in water, with otherwordly creatures and ocean life from Earth swimming through it. There appears to be black tendrils that connect the two worlds, seen vanishing into the sky on both sides.
BTs are being stuck on Earth, you know, beached here and can't get back into their world.
Into the shitter.
Does snow have the same effects as rain?
The woman in the red dress is Amelie.
The bedridden old woman is called Bridget in the recent trailer.
Read the fucking thread you retard. Goddamn. Christ, what a bunch of fucking idiots.
You got fucking owned and now you’re in cope mode.
I was talking about the guy who was on the ground with the gold material on his face. He seems to become a B.T. after getting dragged and things just continue to go to shit once that happened, it almost got Sam and a ton of them showed up like a shark feeding frenzy
Origin of this video
You can google put that 20 years quote into google to see the whole wiki page
Okay I get why BTs kill people.
They're dead, that's why they were in the "other side" right?
Well they're stuck here again, but they're already dead and can't die again. But if they kill people they can ride your death back into the afterlife.
Sam just needs to let them all eat him again and again, resisting it is the mistake! Let them eat you a ton and eventually you'll clear the place up. But you or Sam won't know that, defying death and resisting them is a mistake.
By simply living you are a villain.
not exactly... look in the background
That’s what I do when you it’s that time of the month for ur mum ;^)
>Drebin, tell me what the fuck is going on with Death Stranding
Well, you know what they say, Snake.
From "Konami", two ghosts were born.
"Hideo" and "Kojima."
>I thought that was just a shitty internet meme
Yeah, well you know what they say Snake, every joke has a grain of truth in it.
Hideo and Kojima are twin brothers. They entered the game dev scene at a time where video games were truly beginning to take off. Where the name and image of the developer meant as much as the game itself
>Like Miyamoto, huh?
Close. See, Hideo and Kojima shared a passion for video games. And they both had the same level of pragmatism to know that by combining their work they could create a man who would stand out more alone than both of them combined.
>Hideo. Kojima. Hideo Kojima
That's precisely it, Snake. Heh, but life ain't always that easy. Sure, the creation known as "Hideo Kojima" rose in rank and because a brand icon, but as is often the case, the legend eclipsed the man. Or men, so to speak.
>So that's why there was trouble with Konami
Oh, I wouldn't be too sure, Snake. From what I hear, Hideo was content just making fun games, while Kojima wanted to keep pushing the boundaries and the meta like he did with MGS2. Predictive Programming, he called
>Predictive Programming?
Don't play coy Snake. Haven't you seen it in fiction already? The eyepatch signifying strength, wisdom, and suffering. A character being "punished" and having a "redemption" arc. Most of what pulp fiction goes for today was set up by either Hideo or Kojima in 2002.
>So I got to take them out
Ah, if only it were that easy. All we really know is that Hideo wanted fun gameplay for its own sake, while Kojima wanted to send some kind of message.
Ever hear the saying "The method is the message?"
Well, if you're discontent with Death Stranding or TPP's story, or message, think about Hideo. Think about all the cool stuff you can do. Hideo's message might be more subtle, but it certainly has more love.
>its real
so is heartman actually the bad guy?
And yet I bet Kojima was one of the people who bullied Caramel.
Kojima should learn about "entrapment"
are they joking with us or is this for real?
Perspective implies those are statues, he probably studies them. Some people are augmented and can see them it seems according to Fragile. So even if he can't see them himself people could have described what they look like.
For our sanity perhaps we should just view antagonists in wacky fetus world as "obstacles."
I had the drebin theme playing in my head as I read that.
you've gotta be fucking kidding me, it's real
It’s for real check reedus instagram.
I don’t get this one
They did the same with Detroit and Shenmue III. None of which are PS exclusives.
imagine if in silent hills we played as sam trying to escape of the world of the dead
>Cancelled SH game with Norman Reedus, Kojima, and Del Toro shares elements with new Spoogie Game with Norman Reedus, Kojima, and Del Toro
The conclusion by itself is nothing spectacular. The fact that you guys all bullied a tripfag with a literal candy for a name for making such an obvious conclusion is pretty spectacular, in its own way.
But then again, you make a theory on Yea Forums with a tripcode, you're inviting that pain.
Norman Reedus has an “art” house thing going. He posted “art” of himself puppeteering a silent hill nurse a few days ago
Fuck bros, are there any narrative heavy action games to play while I wait for this? How is Metal Gear Rising? I need a new game to play, FUCK
This taste is the taste of a liar!
Join us.
Plenty of room for more PS brothers.
I was thinking of invoking that, yeah. Creepy man licked creepy woman in creepy world that runs on creepy logic.
Our only real conclusion is "damn that's creepy."
>narrative heavy action
Be more specific. MGR is far from narrative heavy.
can you imagine if caramel killed himself and in the end he was right all along? ;_;
>hasn't played MGR yet
You're doing yourself a disservice my man, play it right this instant
Try out Yakuza and Max Payne. But why the fuck do you care about "narrative heavy"? Disgusting.
Left are images from photographs in PT. Right are images from Death Stranding trailers. (Notice the camps in the winding stream photo?)
come ON... not this shit again
Yakuza is both action heavy and narrative heavy. Play 0
Now look at the camps at the end of the winding water in this shot from the ds trailer...
MGR is a few hours of action romp. It spews philosophy and stuff at you as it speeds along though.
Shame we never got a sequel.
In the real world whales beach themselves because they're dying or injured. Many times they beach themselves thanks to sonar activity, which can get deafeningly loud underwater. What if the BTs are "beaching" themselves because of something we do?
>It just needs the bases and infiltration,
Nigga I'm sorry to disappoint but Kojima has confirmed time after time this isn't a stealth game. It's literally an Uncharted game, that's what he calls it.
Katana Zero is pretty fuckin good
As insane as PT or MGS being connected to DS, isn't the obvious answer that DS just draws heavy inspiration from both of them, moreso PT as it was cancelled and this just features themes/settings that were brought over from that?
probably the tech expert
>every character is white
None of it means anything.
My theory is that Sony is licensing the game from Konami after seeing the reaction from the PT demo (which broke download records) but your explanation seems much more likely. We’ll see anyway
Factually incorrect bait
LOL if this shit derives into too much social media has connected too much of the world and too much CONNECTIONS has stranded the death here I'm just gonna stand up and turn off the console.
CEO of bridges
PS? I already got a PS4 Pro if that's what you mean, brother.
I mean MGR from what I can tell is a sort of cinematic game right? Like it's not deep or anything, but it's kind of like an over the top action movie with cuhrayzee characters
Can I play it fine with mouse and keyboard? If not I'll go buy a controller at gamestop right now. I'm drunk enough to go to FUCKING gamestop cause I need a new game with a good story.
I have Yakuza 0, does it get less grindy? I'm at the part right after you beat the first real estate boss, and have to do that time trial where everyone in the city is looking for you and you have to fight waves of guards. Lost interest around that point. Planning to pick it up soon though.
I just want an interesting world to get immersed in. People talk a lot about DS because it's so weird and unique, at least in my opinion. I've played MP3, guess I need to play the fist two.
Sounds like a good time.
Already played it, my man. Fantastic game, excited for the DLC and hopefully a sequel. Pic related is my wallpaper right now.
yes but the drama and attention that comes from shouting that DS is MGSV: Silent Hills, is too good to not spam.
Revolution 60
>Also has a sick name and baller skull mask
As a black user, I approve. But why does he wear that shit seemingly all the time? We see him with it while talking to Sam and some other guy who have no masks. I'm guessing it's grafted to his face, but why? Honestly if he was some black Char Aznable clone wearing the mask until an oath is completed, that would be legit. But I don't think that's the case. Is it possible it's not grafted and he just hides his identity?
What I don't get is, they say it's in America, but there is no landscape in America that looks like that, with all that moss and no trees.
In one of the trailers its mentioned while he survives from being eaten it creates a crater of some sort. so there's consequences that effect the world despite him being fine.
Alan Wake! Play it
>del toro retweeted
It’s happening
Timefall/BTs probably fucked up the natural cycle of everything. But also yeah Iceland=!USA
kek. you can never escape it. Jesus.
His name might imply he had some near death experiences. Maybe his face is all kinds of fucked up?
What game is that in the pic?
>Yakuza 0
You're just not used to the actual game and want to fast forward to the story parts. Here's my recommendation for you.
Go emulate Snatcher or Policenauts. That's what you want.
Have you played MGS? I assume you have
Truth is... The game was rigged from the start.
Executioner's mask
Yeah we all know about the craters, don't matter. Just keep baiting them to the same spot again and again or start building a reusable network to force the voidouts up in the air.
Dying is winning.
Normandy was already confirmed.
They used Iceland as inspiration for the natural level design but the game is set in North America.
My guess is that America is actually Iceland now. Whole world is deserted except for this island.
No. Look at the second trailer with the tunnel. That’s literally Normandy. USA is confirmed but who fucking know what else is in store
It's the entire world, even the moon.
Yes. Except Rising.
I've heard good things, but the setting/characters turn me off. I don't really like the whole investigator angle or whatever I thought it went with. If you could try to sell me on it more, I'd appreciate it.
Katana Zero. It's an indie pixel game sort of like Hotline Miami, in that it's fast paced with an emphasis on combos, but it's a sidescroller. Really cool story (although a bit barebones, hope the DLC/sequel that should come considering the game's success will expand)
Also, I guess I didn't mean Yakuza is grindy. But I'm sort of OCD in that I feel like I have to do side content. Like I don't want to progress until I do all the fucking minigames.
Remember when everybody thought Kojima was location scouting Normandy for mgs? Instead it turns out it was actually for Silent Hills I’m 2014 ....This is all starting to make sense
Also notice how he spells Normandy. NORMAN (Reedus) - DIE
This was before MGSV?
Holly shit, trees are actually drowning in black goo too
if there's a direct PT link in this game its going to be the most kino thing in existence, just imagine dying in death stranding and waking up in the PT hallway or something
That would be nuts but I think it's just that he reuses ideas and references past works. Kojima loves to just be ambiguous.
Kojima really needs to stop fetishing suicide with Death Stranding.
based drebinposter
MGSV was wrapping up. He was location scouting for silent hills. Here’s more proof...Kojima was or is using the same exact locations and ideas from silent hills in ds
I’ll riot if there isn’t Shinkawa reversible cover
>they're both pregnant
>theres a line in the trailer that the rain can't erase your past
holy shit I wonder if sam really is linked to PT
In the latest trailer Sam scans them and they appear more visible to him than they ever have before.
Assuming Death Stranding is about connecting things, perhaps it's Silent Hills, Spoogie Walking Simulator, MGS, and some other games. "Connecting them together"
Kojima does mention how the "ladder" was a hallmark in video game development.
>being excited for an upcoming release in 2019
god fuck new Yea Forums
Or maybe you're just retarded? Normandie is French for Normandy.
Here’s some more proof from 5 years ago.
>infant island
>that blackish water
>Wanting muh PT link
Fuck that, I want a metal gear link. That's Kojima's claim to fame. That's his fucking story. If he could somehow pull MGS back within his ownership, that would be one of the greatest events in gaming. You can try to prove me wrong, but you simply can't. I'm not even an MGS fag, I played V and was disappointed that it had next to no narrative like the other games.
All these connections formed a web and caught the bts. I want whatever kojima is on.
He blue it
>P.T. or something familiar is a playable sequence in Death Stranding as easter egg
Wouldn't it be great?
>30 shekels
Is any of this going to Kojimbo?
And another from location scouting for silent hills in 2014
Probably the health of the bridge baby
Homo Ludens essentially means gamers. War games are a way for people to connect but they're constantly killing each other. Kojima wants to make a game where we're connected through helping each other.
This seems right. I think this is what the one eye beong open means - living people have their eyes open, and the dead have their eyes closed, so having one open and one closed represents being somewhere between the land of the loving and the land of the dead. The thumbs-up might be similar, as a thumbs-up is in between an open hand and a closed fist. Maybe it means that the sort of person the baby will grow up to be is undecided? Or that the baby isn't capable of fighting or forming connections, but can only support you (by giving a thumbs-up)?
>infant island
holy shit I just realized the hair colors match. the picture is faded but you can still tell
Is it because moss lives a really long fucking time so timefall doesn't affect it Kojima?
Probably, you should wait for a sale though. It gets cheap as fuck.
So according to all of this Kojima was location scouting in 2014 for silent hills in
He also mentioned
>black waters
All of these are heavily featured in death Stranding trailers.
of course not
Hand signs literally can change all the time Kojima is obsessed with this concept. Thumbs up can mean "You go dawg" or "Kill this motherfucker." From his actual work...
It's even worse than that
>excited for a fucking kojima game ft. le epic zombie man and friends
>people actually care about the most pretentious faggot in video games
Why do normies fucking love the cock-sucking hipster hollywood director trope?
EXACTLY but fucking brainlets on Yea Forums whine about how death stranding couldn’t possibly be silent hills because it looks nothing like silent hill. He was planning this all along for the reboot of the series regardless if he’s just reusing ideas to put into DS or if it’s really SH
What's it like being literally obsessed?
>he knows reedus because of walking dead
Leave zoomer
>tfw the cutscenes shown in the trailer are all we're gonna get in the final game, just like MGSV
It's like Robert Pattinson hate, because people only knows about Twilight
Norman reedus was in silent hill 3
I know him from Boondock Saints. That still doesn't change the fact that he's now le ebin zombie man. You're zooming with shit taste.
stop user, I won't survive another MGSV fiasco
My god are we gonna hammer this point home some more? We had the PT trailer already we know Norman Reedus is associated with SH
But until we get something more concrete it's just interesting fanfiction.
BTs steal souls and places them in Hades
Please don’t hype me up, I beg you
I’m not going to stop hammering this until everyone in these threads is a rusechad and sees the light that death stranding is silent hills
More like depressed, and it's awful
The walking dead was meh but you're also probably a pretentious hipster faggot if you think ANYONE knew who he was before that show.
I fucking loved boondock saints long ago but didn't even realize that was him until that user mentioned it.
What is Mads' power?
>I fucking loved boondock saints long ago but didn't even realize that was him until that user mentioned it.
That’s because you’re a drooling retard. Boondocks saints wasn’t even the only movie he was in before Twd.
Then I say, if you want the game to secretly be Silent Hills, just wait for it or wait until you get something more concrete than a twitter feed.
But tell ya what, if you find any links to Yu-Gi-Oh let me know. Hey! YGO is Konami related too!
he's unhumanly handsome
Spirit medium who browses /k/
Being hot
>calls others drooling retard
>can't even name one single thing he was in with out being provoked so he has time to google it
They're probably a very limited resource
It already has connections to Egyptian mythology so doesn't look like we're too far from that
Off the bat I can tell you he was in Blade and 8mm with Cage. Unless you’re projecting and you’re the one googling like the little faggot zoomer you are
you can datamine the PS4 version aswell it's just different take on it.
Also I don't think it only takes one month if it's timed exclusive - more like 6 months - 1 year depends how deep their pockets are.
I literally told you that i forgot he was in other movies until a different user said it, you absolute troglodyte.
It doesn't change that he is best and most well known for playing an asshole zombie slayer, not even sure what you're upset about here
Does this fit Death Stranding? youtu.be
Hades ain't Egyptian, unfortunately. So it's more "After-life mythology."
But I love YGO and its ability to make a children's card game seem like the most serious shit ever. There's an odd sort of story telling purity in it.
Hell is often translated to Hades in certain Japanese games.
Is this what Kojima meant about gameplay change from TPS to something else in midgame? There will be a section in Hades where the player has to escape the dead wife in a horror segment? Holy fuck.
not him but are you retarded? Can you not follow an argument
There's more Egyptian stuff than Greek, but I can't be arsed to look it up right now so have this instead
Kojima can't be this stupid to realize how ridiculous that sound right? It have to be connected to the lore or some right?
>ladders are just bridges that go up and down
How many layers of Kojima are we on?
he turns straight men gay
from the looks of it I just know this game is going to be unresponsive and clunky like The Witcher 3 and have loading screens like FFVI. Calling it now, screencap this.
Isn't Higgs' outfit inspired by pharaohs, namely the golden stripes on the cape?
Greeks did rule Egypt for a good while. But they probably just wanted to avoid the evil Christian connotations attached to hell and nobody knows the proper noun name for Egypt afterlife.
>listening to MGSV tapes
>when they talk about Skull Face's death they refer to him having "burned out"
>parasite infected flesh isn't truly dead until it is cremated
>Codetalker explicitly states he wants his remains burned as well
No one knows where he’s from
captcha: ladders
>Gun have level
So there's some crafting or upgrading in the game?
Definitely not him
And that brings us to right about now.
Not sure why you love the reedus so much, kojima
Likely. Less likely level refers to his gun skill level. Also possible you just find various levels of weapons without making them.
that paz tape is sad it gives me feels everytime.
Oh I'm not denying Egyptian stuff I'm just saying Hades ain't Egyptian. Yeah Higgs is Egypt as fuck, no doubt.
>evil Christian connotations attached to hell
Well fill me in. From what I've heard of Hades it pretty much sucks unless you were a hero, in which case you go to the Elysium Fields which was pretty much like Heaven.
I know the Gods gave punishments to wiseasses like that one guy who was hungry and thirsty but the water would recede when he went to drink and the fruit tree would rise up when he went to eat, but what would be the normal Hades experience for, say, your Greek Olive farmer?
Jesus, that would be terrifying and great
>Bridge Baby
>Big Boss
>Sam straps in to a baby Big Boss clone to super charge his combat senses.
>One of the Bridge Baby's eye is closed in the Guillermo/Madds trailer, same for the doll. Big Boss lost an eye. Wrong eye though, but eh.
I know it's stupid guys, but just humor the idea, what if it's all CONNECTED BECAUSE STRANDS BROH OH MY GOD
Hades is also from the trailer text drop and not an in game term we've seen. Though Kojima himself made the trailer so who knows.
>Wrong eye though
can you show me where he said that?
Hades isn't bad. It's just a place mostly the dead sit around bored in.
>Game releases
>End of campaign
>Sam about to be killed by Higgs
>Higgs reveling in his victory
>Suddenly a shot rings out
>Higgs falls dead
>Solid Snake walks out of the darkness, pistol in hand
>"Kept you waiting, huh?"
How would you react?
Pretty gay since it doesn't involve a cyborg ninja and Higgs losing an arm.
I'm really curious to see how well Kojima uses the open world. MGSV was "open world", but it might as well have been set in small isolated levels. There was nothing in the way of exploration and discovery, outside of traveling from one mission to the next. I hope DS is different.
Stranded. [s]On the edge. Of the crater.[/s]
Solid Snake would be pretty old by then, if not dead. It could be raiden slashing Higgs' arm tho.
>Solid Snake would be pretty old by then, if not dead
Solid Snake is very dead because of his adult progeria.
the world map is going to be the entire planet, split between a handful of maps, coming out to roughly 92,547mi2. then you throw in the other world, mars, and the moon, and you're looking at like 120,000mi2
So you losers finally figured it out.
Yes, Sam is a Yu-Gi-Oh player. It's why combat is pointless. All the major bosses have to be DUELED. Look back on Kojima's OST.
We're going all the way back to Metal Gear Solid 1 here.
Remember, in Metal Gear Solid 1, fighting is almost NEVER the right option.
But when is fighting the ONLY option?
Simple, when this track plays.
And what is the name of this track?
But it's not going to be easy for Sam. In the Post Apocalpystic Wasteland, jobs pay very little, cards are rare, and expensive
And you can't play a game of Yu-Gi-Oh without at least 40 cards...
Oh, and on that note, count the number of States in Bridges.
I wonder if you can use those spears, in terms of both hand to hand and the ability to throw them javelin style
Odin did it first, though. Eyepatch works as meme because it both makes sense on a literal and mythological level.
Mythological: "Odin sacrificed an eye for wisdom."
Literal: "Yo this nigga fought so many dudes he got his eye torn out but he's still fighting dawg he must know so much shit."
>that hellish war, with soldiers and tanks phasing in and out of reality
What does this all mean?
online FPS games
But they didn't teabag a single person
Polar was ok for what it was. Pretty much Mads Wick: the movie
i dont want to be a retard that ends up paying $60 for a game worth about $20 but i also dont want to wait too long. this is the type of game that is best experienced during the first 2 weeks of hype. since i havent bought a game at launch in like 6 years i guess i can do it this once, then again for cyberpunk
cyberpunk will be at E3 save yourself from the autist who hype Death Stranding and instead wait for full reveal.
Trust me RDR2 had more hype going after that game was forgotten after 2 weeks. Literally nobody talks or creates a RDR2 thread anymore and same will be with DS.
First time playing Kojima games I see
That's why he uses the BB pod, it helps him see but fucks him up, so its something you can't use all the time?
What would Sam's Persona be?
That’s the scene which follows up till the first scene
I think it's disorienting to use a BB with the way Sam and that other guy talk about it. I don't think we've seen someone use one and survive that wasn't a Homo Demens.
Mads scar glows gold just like those BT beasts and squid glows gold
Ch-Childrens card games?
In that case just watch Children of Men
Most likely and Sam is probably related to those special people. The babies are also involved since they have the power to sense. Could this mean Sam and the rest might be linked to the babies. Mads does say something about the moon and you do see a man in a Luden suit on the moon in KP trailer
It’s most definitely the president. You hear die hard man tell Sam to finish what Amelie started and you see the president on the bed who seems like she’s going to die.
You will probably get a chance to use them since that are related to BRIDGES
So in the other trailer, the guy just throws it at Sam and chooses to kill himself instead? Thinking about it, it doesn't really matter at that point, they were surrounded by them
>Yes Snake, a CHILDREN'S card game. But don't be fooled! The shadow game you're about to play against Cowboy Keith is the last thing from kid friendly! If you lose the duel... I don't even want to think about it! Anyways, be careful Snake. Keith runs a GaGaGa deck - I heard his ace monster can cause you to take damage even outside of the battle phase!
Beached things are related to cetacean stranding, which means the death stranding (it’s an event) are the dead humans who you see as BT’s after being consumed by another BT causing a voidout which what creates the craters
So it’s not like Bridget can be a last name of a president then could it.
Anyone who needs to have an analysis of the Japanese trailer
>Death Stranding reads your PS4 history and makes the cast and plot in accordance to that
>tfw I only have Spiderman and Kingdom Hearts on my PS4
Oddly enough Spiderman visuals and villains work very well with Death Stranding. All those webs and that Doc Ock mother fucker
Same with Kingdom Hearts if we just call the BTs heartless.
Amélie is a young woman who discretely orchestrates the lives of the people around her, creating a world exclusively of her own making.
Puppet Master, got it. Question is, will we like the puppets more once their strings get cut? Or less?
>Skull Face in MGS V got his black mask late in development, Koji was definitely halfway out the door at this point.
>The design change was never talked about much.
>Die-Hardman has a black mask that looks like a skull.
Is Death Stranding going to be Yea Forums's NGE?
It seems like it's really trying to.
But I tried to be social beforehand and got railroaded back into NEETdom so when the Giant Rei comes to goo me I'll give her the finger
Bridget and amelie are the same person. Who amelie is is supposed to be a mystery but they're clearly the same person, amelie being bridgets spirit after she's passed on into the afterlife.
BTs are essentially anti-matter from a mirror dimension. When they come into contact with a human from this dimension they cause a reaction annihilating everything in a large radius, the voidout.