Hello, I'm the best Phoenix Wright villain

Hello, I'm the best Phoenix Wright villain.

Attached: Redd_White_Portrait.png (300x400, 84K)

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He looks powerful.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Why does it bothers me so much that he's not blonde?

Attached: 033075436fbbe051f5d6a4be68f6ea07.jpg (360x505, 31K)

This was the best asshole. Every time you thought you'd cornered him he upped his game.

There's the real answer.

>break your face that is
what did he mean by this?

OP here, sorry I posted the wrong pic

Attached: Matt_Engarde.jpg (500x500, 60K)

He means that he's going to break his face that is.

Close enough but you all seem to forget the amount of shit one red haired bitch could do.

Either this guy or Von Karma. Both of those were the best cases.
Maybe Kristoph Gavin, because the last case in AJ was great I don't care what anyone says.

I just beat Ace attorney 1. what should i play now?

OP here again. Looks like I did it again. Let me fix that.

Attached: Tiger.jpg (474x266, 22K)

I agree OP. He shows his hand, tells you he's unstoppable, and even demonstrates it on you. Perfect encapsulation of a %1

Justice for All of course.
I'd recomend Investigations aswell

Oops my finger slipped, THIS is the ultimate Villain.

Attached: CHAD.png (200x305, 57K)

is this just as long as the first? because i kinda like how i can nearly beat the games in a day.

>Von "oh, I lost a trial? Better kill the defence lawyer and force his son to study under me... Then frame him for murder just before we close the case for good" Karma

Post yfw the bullet was still on Manfred's shoulder

Attached: 9094070.png (500x500, 193K)

Gavin, Von Karma & Gant all give you the strongest sense of opposition through different, twisted means that make them interesting.
Hawthorne & Engarde are wonderfully hateable in their own ways as well.
These are my Top 5 Favorite, although I haven't played Investigation 1 & 2.

Attached: Huh.png (353x259, 28K)

mfw dhurke ded

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literally pic related

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Justice for All isn't as long as the first one if I remenber correctly, tough I'd say its because of Rise from the Ashes being big as fuck.
Investigations I'd say is between both of them at lenght, but maybe it's because of the running around.


Shit was cash

Attached: CorneredMotherfucker.jpg (413x459, 55K)

It took me somewhere around 13 hours to beat. so lets hope it stays around that length.

>Enters the room without hiding himself
>Announces his presence to Mia
>Has a conversation with her
>Even tells her that he's going to kill her
>Before grabbing something lying around the office to hit her with
>Does not use a gun or even a knife
>Still manages to catch and kill her

He was pretty alpha, or Mia was just a retard.

Everything aside from his dumb motive that feels out of character is perfect about him.

Attached: kristoph.png (320x320, 119K)

von karma is still the best villain hands down

>my friends call me Blanco Nino
>my friends call me white boy

Did Kojima gave him his retarded name?

Let’s try one last time, THIS is the pic I meant to post.

Attached: 7473B382-E046-418B-9AA6-29F8F9F035E0.png (290x380, 46K)

Everyone in these games are retarded

game grumps thread

That's an innocent girl who could do no wrong though.

So why did he murder bruce? Couldnt he have just said no in the evidence room and tell him to fuck off.

>Mia was killed by Redd White
>Godot is pissed off at Phoenix for letting Mia die
>Godot can't see Redd on White

Attached: 1516823368228.jpg (325x247, 63K)

Hard mode: try to re-write Kristoph's motive without adding any new elements. You can remove elements that don't make sense though (like black locks)

Ace Attorney has the most impossible coincidences

>Name Odoroki Housuke Apollo Justice
>Frequented literal space port and bffs with astronauts

Attached: Apollo 13.jpg (467x350, 16K)

I'd fuck her.

Yeah, but it would have looked awfully suspicious. He panicked and did something rash he wouldn't have had he more time to consider the situation.

Of course, he still killed Neil in cold fucking blood.

Kristoph is kinda overrated. Maybe he'd be better if he was part of a better case where you actually corner him, instead of just chasing him around a bit

Ace attorney localization is a gift that keeps on giving