>urge to play vidya
>look through steam games
>nothing looks appealing
>look through ps4 games
>nothing looks appealing
>watch videos on youtube for hours and shitpost on Yea Forums
anyone else go through this? what do?
Urge to play vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
Delete your wojak folder, first of all
>wojak not an acceptable meme on Yea Forums
get out redditnigger
if you have no reaction images you'll be less inclined to post and waste time here, genius
You don't like video games anymore but because you played games for your entire life you feel the need to play, go find another hobby.
this. My whole fucking life
Seconding this, life has become much more enjoyable once I've found other things to do.
>browse a site filled with jaded depressed overly cynical faggots
>gets surprised when you become one
just stop browsing Yea Forums retard
>last time I played Skyrim was like 5 years ago
>still watch weekly mod reviews
same page OP.
% years ago I couldn't understand how the fuck anyone could spend hours on end passively watching people playing vidya. And that's my life nao. I have a pretty decent computah, no moral dillema for pirating, so money isn't really an objection for this particular problem, and yet I can't bring myself to even finish games that i started. Not even comfy racing games/city building are doing it anymore.
Stop playing video games and start making money you faggot.
Anything neat, user?
But how do you stop coming back to vidya? That is the question.
>just stop browsing Yea Forums retard
y-you can never leave
god you people are embarrassing
I want to die
This is the wall we all have to get over usually around our 20s. You either face the fact that you've been gaming away your life and find self acceptance, coming to enjoy vidya again like never before or throw it away for another hobby/pursuit. Whatever you do, don't remain the way you are right now which is in the middle or "lukewarm" as Jesus put it. You will be unhappy forever or make everyone around you unhappy like vomit/ a blight on humanity.
I've been contemplating if this is what I have to do. What the fuck should I do then? What other hobbies can take up this much time and not cost a fortune?
Let me fuck you first.
didn't read your post OP. but that reaction image is fascinatingly grotesque
>playing a game
>still make a point to seek out a decent thread to have in my other window that I can glance at
given that you have your life together, a job, a social group, nutrition, hydration, exercise.. the thing to do is to play one from each genre to completion: a fighter, a shooter, adventure, action, and an rpg. switch off between each of them and always save and quit before satisfaction sets in. the variety will be refreshing.
Are you me
Drawing. Pencil and paper
It's because video games have entered the mainstream and are no longer taboo. Gone are the days where people who make video games would make a game THEY wanted to play like Quake, WoW, Team Fortress 2, Star Wars BattleFront and now make mass produced brainlet tier gimmick games that appeal to the mass wave of normie NPC's that die in a week just to make a quota of dollars for their company.
Don't believe me? Go back to an old game like the ones I posted above for example and see for yourself. Then go to a new game or sequel made in the past 4 years and see how it compares.
This is why I got into GunPla great way to burn time. Also you might load up an emulator to play some old forgotten vidya. I'm curently playing Parasite Eve for the first time since there are no games I have an interest in playing till closer to september.
this except i exclusively just play switch games now. I have 200 games in my steam account and haven't touched them for months
Video games are for faggots, trannies and incels.
Do yourself a favor and start becoming a chad.
the last game that I was really hooked on was REmake 2, put 40 hours into that game in the first week it was out
beat it 4 times all on hardcore, routes A and B for leon and claire
but before that the last game that really caught my attention like that was dark souls in 2009 or 2010
I dont know what it is maybe games have gotten way worse but every game in comparison is just shallow and bland
dark souls just hit all the right notes
and I feel like I just played every zombie/dark souls like game that even piques my interest
I have money, I work 50-60 hours weekly
I think my problem is that I work so much I dont know what to do when I dont have to work
everyone is grown up now, they either have a girlfriend, are on their way to getting married or too tired from work to do anything
me too. I feel like I'm not playing by myself.
Now that I think about I can't come up with any mod that I would say "that was amazing" but that is probably because I haven't tried them myself. Armor mods seem to get better and better with each year.
I've been planning to do HUDless playtrough forever now, even huge list of mods I wanted on my old PC(which I lost now).
I started reading, Sports and healthy cooking. Even lost 40 pounds.
> What the fuck should I do then? What other hobbies can take up this much time and not cost a fortune?
Install Linux
Learn any language of your choice
Draw something
Play instruments
Go out and find friends
Lift iron
There's too much to do for one life.
TV. Film. Anime and manga. Music. Fitness.
I've done a bit of writing (I know) throughout my late teens - 20, then the wave of ultra-depression hit even harder and everything got really confusing. Now, I'm right back to the "old depression" and thinking about it again. I'm too self-critical for writing, but maybe I should give it a try again. Fuck.
Do something productive for an hour or two then try again. You know, something like learning how to do proper make up for cross play.
>wojack is for Yea Forums ROFL xD
fuck off redditor.
Have sex
Try to play something from a genre you hate or never played before, or something completely obscure. The other day I started pic related and got hooked, and I usually hate these low budget weebfests. I apologize.
I just watch non-commentary playthroughs on youtube and only play the games I'm really interested in.
a bloo bloo bloo
same. I haven't really played anything for years I just buy more games
The problem is not video games, the problem is you made your entire identity around this doomer wojak shit and even though it sucks, you are too afraid to throw it away because without it you would be literally nothing and had to realize all this time you spent here, all this energy and shitposting went into something that is not even real. Also you would have to accept that browsing an anime imageboard for social outcasts did not make you special and your ego cant take that after years of acting superior on the internet.
I used to spend 12 hours on this site, I used to be sucidial, I looked at these threads like "wow dude so me"
I quit every form of anonymous social media, including Yea Forums, reddit, twitter, everything and my life never been better and I'm happier than ever.
Environment shapes people, when you see fags crying about not having a gf 10 hours a day and being overly dramatic over everything, you will become like that too. It does not matter what you are as a person, eventually you get so much exposure of this bullshit you will become the exact same.
Personally I spent so much time on this shithole that I had to rediscover myself basically, sort of re-wire my brain to the default state that is me, and not some sub-personality I developed for different groups. I'm a completely different person than what I've thought when I was spending too much time here. its pretty scary actually.
Now that E3 is coming I came back for a few hours and I'm already feeling much worse. Yea Forums is a shithole, among with the political parts of twitter and reddit. Remember those pictures /pol/ used to spam that before and after university? When people went in completely normal and came out with colored hair, no eyebrows and changed gender? Yea Forums is like that, just even more dangerous
holy based
What the fuck is this blog post? I barely have the motivation to launch a game let alone read all this
>quit every form of anonymous social media, including Yea Forums
>posted this on Yea Forums
I don’t think this is true despite all the posts agreeing with you
It's ok to reduce the time you spend playing games. Remember, they're just ways to relax and pass the time. You don't need them to feel fulfilled. When you come to understand that, then you'll enjoy the small time you do play them.
In the meantime, you can distract yourself in other ways. Such as playing sports, writing, reading, listening to podcasts/audiobooks, making music, listening to music, learning a new recipe, gardening, learning survival skills, etc.
Also, uninstall all the games you aren't playing. When you get an urge to play a game, install that one, and play it until you're bored. Then when another game catches your fancy, install that one. The reason for this, is that too much choice can make all choices appear unappealing. It's a trick of the brain. The less there is to choose from, the more you appreciate what you have.
Me too
So what are your favourite games OP? Any preference in genre/artstyle? If you don't tell us any of that there's not much we can do besides play armchair psychologist or laugh at you.
Look at this faggot. The world is terrible and dealing with it sucks shit. Especially since fags destroying the world believe they have the moral highground.
But to allow your environment shape you beyond the age of 15? Fucking embarrassing. I look forward to every single shit thread on this site because they don't effect me. Trannies and gays combined make up 5% of the global pop if that. So who cares about them?
Home bros. Your here to stay.
I quit for a pretty long time and only come back to check out the board how it looks before E3 but there are literally no threads about it just the same wojak shit as anytime
I quit in a hour or two again but I have some downtime now
>installing linux is a hobby
thats why ur here
I think theres a human psychological phenomenon with having too many choices. I love games but suffer the same problem and have read a lot of people do too. It has to do with feeling of time wasted. If you have 200 choices from your backlog, you know some are better choices than others, but which? You just spent all day (or maybe not) doing something you dont like and you have limited time and want to make the best of it. Do you want to waste time installing, going through a tutorial, learning the ins and outs, going through dialogue, leveling up, unlocking shit, etc etc. on a game you might not even like? Or maybe you should try this one, or that one, or that one, that one x100. Nah I'll just jerk off.
this is me sometimes, but like other anons said if you go without it for a while it's much more fun coming back.
>The world is terrible and dealing with it sucks shit
Yeah this is the kind of faggot attitude I was talking about. You think the world is terrible then you wonder why you are feeling depressed. it is just extremely retarded
Get a non-crazy wife that will play videogames with you. Make sure NOT to have any children. PROFIT!
this is literally me BUT I liked RE2 Remake and DMC5 so explain that
>hey gais do i fit in yet xD
have sex
get a non-vidya hobby, like get good with a pencil, do exercise or read a fucking book
I get you you. I quit Yea Forums for only a few months, and it was a drastic improvement. I didn't become a normalfag, but I became a lot more productive and happier than before.
I returned and got trapped again. But now I fight a little harder to regulate my time, so I'm not spending 12-16 hours shitposting like I use to. Still, I wish I could get away for good.
one of the few factual posts itt and yet the plebs wont listen
with all the flavors out there, it kind of can be. i know i spent a summer trying them all out.
Shut the fuck up newfag.
Why wouldn't I believe you? Games today have to shoehorn a checklist: open world, diablo loot system (commons, rares, legendaries, etc), crafting, magnetic combat (bamham, god of war), and movie style cutscenes and mocap (every piece of dialog needs to be cool or a zinger, instead of being natural like how normal people speak). Games today are not why I liked video games. They're too trendy and fail to do anything innovative or new. It's all the same boring shit with how homogenized games have become. Games like TW1 wouldn't be made today because the combat turns too many people off, even if it wasn't bad at all. Especially games like Gothic where people take issue with the controls even if they were great once you get used to them. People don't want to learn enemy attack patterns and learn how to position themselves and play the game. They'd rather the game play itself and make them feel like a badass instead of becoming one by getting good at the game. It's why we have shit like regenerating health and an overabundance of resources in games, to make sure the player always feels empowered instead of someone who has to work his way up the ladder, like Gothic 1 and 2.
To add, games today give too many tools for the player to break the game's rules, instead of the player having to adapt to the rules and overcome them. Games aren't rewarding anymore. They're just busy work.
>urge to play vidya
no you "want to" play vidya but the urge is gone.
I can relate to that.
i'm also burned out out of anime.
So my escapism sources are drying.
and thus, i've been shitposting a lot more than usual. I even went back to r9k...
Steam and ps4 have a shitty ui. I always enjoy playing on my xbox one or switch because the way your library is presented to you, feels a lot more welcoming. Try playing some bite sized games. Not indie shit made by nu males. But i mean old short sega dreamcast games or ps3/360 era digital games
You already played all the good games, take a 10 year break.
all these faggots calling me reddit/newfag
I outrank all your niggers
I was here when serial killers were posting dead bodies and people were masturbating to it everyday
I was here long before the plebbit invasion
I bet half you fags dont even know who cockmongler is
>Want to play video game
>Want to talk about it on Yea Forums
>"It's shit"
>Don't touch it again
>posting an oldfag meme that people can easily google and find out what it is
Here: audiobookbay.nl
Sign up to this, and you can torrent free audiobooks. It's a nice way to distract yourself from your own thoughts.
Get game of thrones, and finally become a bookfag. Or start Dune now, before the show is released. Or try a Wheel of Time.
Or maybe fantasy isn't your thing. They have pretty much any popular book you can think of, so long as it was recorded in audio.
If you're not sure you'll like a book, then there's nothing to lose, you got it for free. If you end up liking a book and want to support the author, then buy it after you tried it.
>start up steam game
>2 minutes later starts feeling anxious and immediately alt+tab out and look at social medias and Yea Forums for 30 minutes before going back to steam
>Want to play video game
>Want to talk about it on Yea Forums
>"tranny shit"
>Don't touch it again
Jesus Christ did you just skim the Yea Forums article on ED or something?
>audio books
I can't pay attention and comprehend things as easily when someone is talking. I'm a visual learner, meaning I need to look at and read stuff to really take in the information. Reading books is infinitely better than listening to them.
Being an oldfag on Yea Forums is no badge of honor. It's fucking depressing - you've seen the best and the worst this board had to offer and now you keep returning despite stating that this board turned to shit years ago. Can't kick it, just like your gaming habit which tells a lot about you. Take care of that depression of yours first.
>using (((social media)))
I forgot what a cockmongler was.
I forgot more Yea Forums memes than you ever knew.
>want to play game
>friends are online
>get anxiety attack
>can only play games if I'm in offline mode or if friends aren't on
play offline
>I even went back to r9k
holy shit its that bad for you. I cant stand that board for more than 30 seconds. Its almost unbelievable it used to be my homeboard all these years ago
I hate trannies and normalfags so much
Maybe that's the case. But then again, have you ever tried simply listening, and nothing else? Just relaxing with audio in your ear? Of course, if you try to listen and shitpost at the same time, then your thoughts are divided. Or if you try to listen to the radio and drive at the same time, then your thoughts are divided. Trying to learn something complex, while surrounded by classmates and everyone poised to ask questions, and even thinking of your own questions, that's all distracting.
But the pure nature of just listening to the spoken word without distraction: have you tried that? Honestly.
oh yeah. I didn't even know they were coopted by literal trannies. The threads inbetween still felt like home though.
I find it incredibly hard to focus and pay full attention to things anymore. Used to when I was younger, but as I got older my ADHD got incredibly worse. My meds don't really help the issue completely.
>social media
reddit newfag cancer
>urge to play vidya
>instead of playing something new just go back to the same game you already have 10000 hours on
am I autistic
Forgot to mention that this is why I find reading to be better. I'm basically forced to pay full attention, and when I get into a book, my ADHD hyper-focus goes into maximum overdrive and it's like I'm watching a movie in my head and I'll read whole chapters without being conscious that I'm even reading. That's the feeling I like, and I don't get that listening to someone.
>try drawing
>scribble one shitty anime girl and get bored
>try reading
>cant make past 3 pages
>try working out
>shit is hard and I feel like dying
maybe these queers at WHO were right. Video games do make you retarded
It's called depression. Leave games for a week or a month, go do something else. Come back.
Real depression doesn't go away if you ignore games for months. It'll probably just get worse. Terribly advice from someone who hasn't experienced actual depression from the sounds of it.
>try working out
>shit is hard and I feel like dying
Yea because you never work out and have no muscles faggot
>he fell for the meds meme
I'm so impressed dude, how can I be as cool as you?
Getting into something new will break the monotony of daily life, and when user comes back to games it'll likely have a new and refreshed feeling. As opposed to it becoming a part of the daily trudge of life.
Your depression is not my depression.
Not him but
>people tell me working out will make me happy
>try working out
>get more depressed
>people recommend going for walks
>mood doesn't improve and feels like a distraction
>people recommend a diet
>try it out, lose 100lb, get even more depressed
I think I'm just broken.
Well alright. I can't argue against your special snowflake disability. But I find it easier to listen than read. Reading puts me to sleep, while listening keeps my brain awake. When I read, I find my mind drifting, forced to reread paragraphs more intently. But when I listen, I don't miss much. Except for times when I distract myself by cooking or cleaning. At which case, I just press the rewind button a few times, and relisten.
That's another advantage about audio books. You can read them on your feet. Like, while walking and actually using your hands.
No, I fell for the fapping on adderall meme.
You need to do it for long periods of time. Also none of these things will cure what is fundamentally wrong with you but they will make you more healthy and give you more energy to improve.
It's not really a special snowflake disability, just how my brain's wired and my preferences. I could say the same about your disability for not being able to read, but that'd be stupid. Anyways, I respect the replies and having a civil discussion. You have a blessed day user.
this is actually true
Yeah, and you outrank us in suicidal tendencies lmao
dude you should do whatever makes you happy and interested. you think the screwny guys who spend 8 hours at a math lab every day would be more happy if they worked out?
this generic "go work out" is literally worse than zodiac signs. personally i hated how i looked fucking unhealthy with fat on my face so it worked out for me but i did not care much about the actual working out part. find what makes you feel better instead of listening to genetic advice
same except i dont have a dilationstation 4.
Here is what you have to do to:
>drop vidya, it's a waste of time
>stop eating junk food and sugar
>work out every single goddamn day
>make sure you get all vitamins and nutrients
>try to make as much money as possible
>repeat over and over again until you are an old cripple at which point take a gun and blow your brains out
I got over the when i stopped caring. Stopped being a try hard. Stopped playing on hardest difficulty. Play easy mode and complete the game. Worked through my backlog.
just be happy bro, revel in the cockroach life
what 'other things' lol? if you want to go out of the house you gotta spend money. reading is whatever. you cant do it for hours.
>work out every single goddamn day
>work out every single goddamn day
This is stupid advice. You need to give your body a break to recover. On your off days you should be doing cardio, like going for a walk or a run, not destroying all the work you put into the previous day.
A chad that was raped by a man??? Guts is just an overcompensating beta.
I was only half joking about the snowflake thing. I get preferences, and there's nothing wrong with that. But half of me thinks that often people identify with their inabilities, to the point where they don't try new things, because those things are similar to the disability they identify with.
For example, you never explicitly said you tried to listen to an audio book when pressed. Rather, you restated your inability. A similar inability sure. But not tested under the conditions I laid out.
No, I've tried it which is why I know I don't like it compared to just reading. I thought that was apparent with how well I knew my limits, but I suppose not so I apologize for the confusion.
are you....mad?
Fair enough. I still have my doubts. For all I know, the last thing you listened to was a complex lecture, requiring you to try and comprehend something difficult. Or maybe you were surrounded by noisy family/roommates. But I'll take you at your word.
Why are all multiplayer games dead or complete shit? Why do people play them regardless of them being shit? There are games "Overwhelmingly Negative" on steam yet it has thousands of recent reviews. People are willingly eating shit. The only reason I play multiplayer games now is to grief them.
It's also because exposure on Twitch has become integral to marketing a successful game. So you design games around being as flashy and "epic" as possible, so the gullible zoomers who eat up whatever their favorite "influencers" foist upon them have no qualms about dropping $60 + microtransactions on every uninspired, design-by-numbers cinematic action game that comes their way. Game devs and publishers have learned that this is the most efficient way of designing and marketing games; it doesn't matter if the game ends up not being a "classic". As long as they keep getting those millions of dollars from pre-orders it won't change.
The bottom line is all that matters these days. All the devs that thought differently have either left the industry or were bought out and fell in line with modern trends.
It was The Shadow Over Innsmouth in a quiet setting. Just didn't doing anything for me.
The sonic design is really growing on me. I don't think it needed a redo, truly. He's funny
>t. binge reads ED every day after school
You're just depressed. You need to eat better, get more sleep, masturbate less, get more sunshine/exercise.
>tfw ketamine cured depression
>tfw have motivation to exercise and play vidya again
give it a shot, lads, it's not illegal either
i thought it was a meme, but it actually helped
Getting put on antidepressants basically cured this issue for me. I'd actually give games a chance instead of just avoiding them for arbitrary reasons.
Start speedrunnimg classic resident evil while drunk. It will delay your eventual suicide
>not illegal
Not him but nothing wrong with ED
>non-crazy wife
>doesn't want children
watch movies/tv/anime.
Stop forcing yourself to play any crap just because it's popular/the new hot shit on Yea Forums or whatever shit site you visit besides it. Most new games are trash. Either they're dumbed down versions of older and better games or straight up just exist to exploit you. Accept that AAA is shit and that the hype a lie. Switch to older games, AA and indie. Reduce your gaming time to maximal 3 hours per day and stay with one game until you beat it or until you realize you really don't like it.
Your computer can do more than just play games. Coding, video editing, Blender - there are countless productive things you can learn which are also fun and might even be beneficial for you. You will embrace the gaming aspect more once you realize the full potential of your PC.
this. life gets better when you rid yourself of Yea Forums folders, or any 'funny image' folders for that matter.
>movies/ tv
watched everything stfu
stfu weeb
In Burgerland. You can get a prescription for it from your shrink if they're open-minded about it, or go to a private clinic and pay for infusions.
Main issues are cost and potential long-term effects on the bladder, but I think the benefits outweigh the costs if it saves you from literally committing sudoku.
>watched everything
no you didn't.
>stfu weeb
500+ movies, all good shows ever. Like gaming my 'tolerance' has built up so much I can't enjoy mediocre shit.
As someone who has to go to the bathroom 5 minutes after I drink a sip of water, the benefits don't outweigh the costs.
>500+ movies
that's really not that many.
Yes. It will pass. I get the same feeling with TV shows and movies. its a symptom of too much content on-demand. The more easier it is to acquire the less you value it.
Buy less games. Don't fall for steam sales hype where you buy loads of games just because they're cheap. Only install the games you are playing and complete them.
wojak is more of a reddit meme than a Yea Forums one.
That's a month of movies if you watch them straight. You're spoiled by choice instead of appreciating what you have.
welp for example i looked at the top 100 Yea Forums recommended movies and noticed I've watched 80 or so already.
>Look this up
>Fucking $500 per infusion, not covered by insurance
>Need at LEAST six of them for best chance at receiving any benefit
>Plus additional "booster" infusions down the road
Fuck that shit.
wrong picture
>rich kid uses money to cure depression
>flexes on NEETs
I can dig it.
That's at least 20 more movies you can watch right there.
>That's a month of movies if you watch them straight.
Yeah. Do you know how many movies that exist? a lot more.
This chart just exists to piss me off.
>the only game I want to play right now runs horrifically on a top rig let alone my fucking toaster
the one time, the one fucking time I actually care about a game and it's made by some whacky slavs who are the type of people who would intentionally de-optimize their game as a joke, let alone actually make the damn thing run decently. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Exactly so complaining that isn't a lot is stupid. Stop being a spoiled piece of shit that always looks at the negativity instead of looking at the possibilities.
Are you illiterate? Read the reply chain again.
Seems I'm the retard.
Yeah, the infusions are expensive, can't deny that. I got lucky and had 3 of them for free because I got into a clinical trial for people with treatment-resistant depression.
There's a cheaper alternative in the form of oral lozenges that look like pic related. Like $50 for a month's supply from a compounding pharmacy. You just pop em in your mouth and let them dissolve. The effect isn't quite as intense as the infusions, but it's close.
I've been taking them since the 3rd infusion and they've helped.
I'm having so much fun playing Gothic 2 despite it being a pain to work with windows 10. I honestly emulate a lot of older games and don't play many new ones.
It's the wacky cineaste starter chart. Surprised it hasn't more capeshit though