We fucking won Stadiabros
Baldurs Gate 3 Stadia Exclusive
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Give me sequel Jaheira! I want to HUMILIATE Khalid!
>tfw BG threads are now ruined
>COULD be PRESENTED with Google Stadia
Wow, its fucking nothing
Turn based rpg, the only genre without noticeable streaming lag
its not turn based
How do you know?
BG is one of those "peacked at first game then only went down afterward" Franchise people rememeber vaguely but never enven played. The first game was great, but then the expansion was dumb powercreep and memes. BG2 was even more powercreep and full Edgy Mary more writting. First Dark Alliance was a fun shovelware, but any attempts at sequels were trash copy pasta with no Soul.
The fact D&D itself now evolved to be some garbage "mmo but with paper" leave no hope of a BG3 to be good.
BG1 and BG2 weren't
So they're not just digging up the corpse but also raping the body.
No surprises here really.
It's not bg1 or 2
you are aware there were baldur's gate game before the hack and slash ones, right?
>BG is one of those "peacked at first game then only went down afterward" Franchise people rememeber vaguely but never enven played.
Shut the fuck up zoomer!
Every basic bitch and their grandmother has played BG2 back in the day.
It fed off the short lived isometric renaissance of 2000 which came with Diablo 2's success. And D2 was fucking huge.
It's Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance III, stupid fags
Yeah, and FF before XI weren't online games.
This is a new game by an entire new studio that focuses on turn based and everyone other rtwp that released recently flopped hard.
We have no idea what style this will be.
Not an exclusive, but it will be presented at the google stadia conference this thursday.
Wouldn't surprise me since diablo trash is pretty much the only thing Larian can do
I wish.
The new D&D book is coming in September and is called "Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus"
This is its alternate (limited edition) cover.
That's a weird coincidence
HAHA what now you fucking steam benchods? Google stadia best gaming platform
No it didn't. You are fabricating this from your juvenile memory.
that art style looks soulless as fuck.
Alyth IS cute!
Listen, BG and D&D are pointdexter nerd games par excellence - if even the madden jocks around me played it you know it was well liked.
Is that a Warhammer 40k book?
Cause that's what the cover looks like.
>More than 2 millions units sold
>one of the most beloved rpgs everywhere
>No one played it trust me
Based retard
not really, if the owner of the IP has been shopping it around looking to make some money. unfortunately, since the people reporting on the game don't seem to really grasp the difference between owning an IP and having a license to use it, it's still not clear if larian bought it or not, but i would guess no because if they had, they probably would have made an announcement just for that
Larian has never made a Diablo-like game, the fuck are you talking about?
Os is nothing more than a turn based diablo
How does that even remotely make sense
If it’s an isometric old-school turn-based RPG fuck off.
>Larian has never made a Diablo-like game
>what is literally their first successful game?
>Larian has never made a diablo like
Are you fucking retarded, nigger?
What the fuck do you think their Divinity franchise started as?
Divine Divinity
Divine Divinity 2
are both literal "Diablo likes"
jesus fucking zoomer christ, go back to bandwagoning on their dicks because you like Original Sin
But BG2 is superior to the first in literally every way.
I kinda forgot that it even existed.
Penumbra IS cute! Eleanessa IS cute!
Do you even know what constitute a diablo like?
>Mario Presentation Could Be Drawn with Crayons
Obvious troll is obvious, but I will absolutely never support Google getting into gaming. This shit could have Dark Souls 4 as an exclusive and I still wouldn't get it.
Fuck, I can't read, ignore this post
Boomer here, Larian's best game is Dragon Commander.
My corporate board meeting could be done using Microsoft Powerpointâ„¢
I bet stadia games will be censored to hell and back and the SJW agenda will plague the service.
Also boomer here, I think their best game is probably the third/first person action RPG they did. Divinity 2? It's really good, but its pretty heavily janky and kinda busted. Still a fantastic game.
I couldn't really get into Dragon Commander. Did force myself to play through it all, but didn't really ever grab me; tactical layer and actual levels never really meshed.
Open office is garbage though
>Divine Divinity isn't a Diablo like
>same type of combat system
>same type of class system
>same type of character progression
>same type of character movement
>besides orthographic projection even same visual motives from isometric view to dark fantasy style
>only difference is dialogue system and world layout
It's pure hack&slash trash with zero roleplaying depth or challenge.
The game is casual, imbalanced trash with zero challenge that pretends to be "tactically deep", but in reality every single system in the game is broken, starting with economy and ending with combat mechanics. I guess this shit became popular with normies, because it makes you feel "smart" by masquerading as a game with actual tactical depth while in reality having none, since you become overpowered and begin steamrolling through everything on the hardest difficulty setting a few hours into the game. Apparently, this is what onions-infused brainlets call "fun" nowadays. Though I hear talk that Larian have "fixed" the XP accumulation rate since launch so you might not end up outleveling most encounters nowadays, the game still needs a complete rework of its encounter design to be challenging, since its fundamentally flawed in how it allows literally any boss in the game to be instakilled with zero effort once you leave the tutorial island and acquire some levels and source spells and skills.
The roleplaying is also shallow trash since almost none of your character building decisions matter past the tutorial island due to the availability of free infinite respecs. Even though all story characters get some unique content and at least one personal quest, the only quest worth playing is Lohse's, everything else might as well not exist, so the character building decisions associated with playable story characters barely add anything to the almost nonexistent roleplaying depth.
shit... now I wanna play Divine Divinity again.
>Game no one asked for on """"console"""" no one asked for
It's like poetry
I asked for Baldur's Gate 3! I want more mommy Jaheira!
> Console
Not even kinda. It's literally Onlive.
>this is your brain on zoomer information oversaturation
Games are more fun if you stop reading wiki articles as you play them and researching how to break everything before you install.
Any decently balanced rpg is going to fall over balance-wise if you know the ins and outs of the system and everything about it before you touch it.
Stop ruining games for yourself.
And before you deny it, it's really fucking transparent from your position and argument.
You SHOULD romance Eleanessa!
At best you'll get a skin puppet Jaheira that acts weird because the people that wrote her long since moved on
What's transparent is how retarded you are if you need a wiki to break kiddinity
>It fed off the short lived isometric renaissance of 2000 which came with Diablo 2's success.
What the fuck are you talking about? Diablo 2 and BG2 came out like couple of months apart, they didn't influence each other at all.
Only thing diablo did was ruin rpgs for years. Every fucking company tried to copy their success and because of that we got dark alliance shit instead of bg3 and piece of shit brotherhood of steel instead of fallout 3.
Skin puppet Jaheira IS the best! I love my skin puppet mommy wife!
oh no now they are out to pozz baldurs gate with diversity, sjw and leftist bs.
Larianigger love to pretend Sven you isn't a sjw
>Larian shit
>Stadia exclusive
Irenicus is spinning like a dreidel in his grave at this point
Yeah, that's pretty much BG
>that portrait
That's not Jaheira, it's a man pretending to be Jaheira
Jaheira IS cute!
>its the autistic obsidian fanboy again
had enough of you from the OS2 vs deadfire threads when they were coming out. shoo retard
Two bad news then. Larian isn't able to write good stories and dialogues. It could work if it was Dark Alliance 3 like the other user said.
Original Sin 2 IS good! I have NOT played BUT I love Lohse!
It says nothing about exclusivity anywhere.
>Original Sin 2 IS good!
>I have NOT played
then shut the fuck up retard. the game is incredibly front-loaded. i've started new playthroughts 4 times and i always quit around arx. it just doesn't have much to incentivize you to complete it.
It's going to be shit just like the Enhanced Edition of BG
>Divinity 2
I guess Witcher is a diablo-like too then.
>game is bad i only played 100 hours
Their best game is a Diablo-like and it's called Divine Divinity. It's like Diablo 1 with an actual story and dialogue trees. The second one sucks and is best avoided at all costs.
Why does Yea Forums have a shitload of opinions about games they haven't even played?
Baldurs Gate 2 was the shit when it came out, cleary surpassing its predecessor.
I still remember because I was an awkward young teen running around with the box and happy as can be on the day it came out. Some older guy (probably early 20s, but back then he appeared adult af) pointed at the box and asked "So, is it cool?" and I said "Yeah, probably".
>getting baited this hard
>Divine Divinity 2
Wait what? Is there really a Divine Divinity 2, or are you being retarded and actually talking about Beyond Divinity?
I was also young when I first played Baldur's Gate 2 and I initially thought it was garbage compared to the first game since I couldn't just start exploring while ignoring everyone else. Once I realized that you had to trigger quests in order to explore outside of Athkatla, I started to enjoy it far more. Temporarily being "locked" into the city caused me to rage-quit and play different games (Planescape, Icewind Dale, Nox, etc) for a few years before I returned to it, though.
>Stadia works on PC
Its PC exclusive moron
D&D is only "mmo but with paper" in fourth edition, not fifth.
over 200, brainlet
>this thread
I'm going to say a word that starts with N
the absolute state of games journalism
Ha, I didn't mind it, because Athkatla was itself rather big. And while I always thought it was cool you can just run around the forests in BG1, on replays I realised they were rather empty.
Just to reiterate how big Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 were in their day: CRPGs before Baldurs Gate came out were fucking dead. Dead in the dirt. Never coming back. Doom and Diablo had killed them. But then out of nowhere Baldurs Gate was released and got raving reviews. And clearly people were starving for a good rpg for years.
Singe single-handedly revived the RPG genre, and we know how influential rpgs and rpg mechanics are to this day.
And then Baldurs Gate 2 came out. And it was even bigger and better! Most important game back then for sure.
With Larian making the game it would be a crime to not be turn based.
I just remember playing the first Baldur's Gate when I was 12 and it just blew my mind as far as the freedom to explore and adventure was concerned. Compared to other games that I previously played (Chrono Trigger, FF 4/6, Lufia, etc) they all paled in comparison from an exploration and mature story/theme standpoint. Baldur's Gate 2 initially felt far more constricted to me and seemed to be an infuriating step down until I returned to it a couple years later. By then, I realized that it possessed a far stronger narrative in exchanged for a bit less non-linear exploration.
Legolas in drag
Give me female Legolas wife!
>Female Legolas.jpg
I guess I'll just admit I can't tell the difference and move on with my life.
It IS easy to find out!
IMO, the remix has more weight to it. But that's just me.
>no one has posted any lewd stadia-chans yet
>I realized that it possessed a far stronger narrative in exchanged for a bit less non-linear exploration
Yeah, thats the biggest difference and a tradeoff for sure but I think a good trade that made Baldurs Gate 2 the stronger game overall.
But I also agree that it lost something that you only get when you play Baldurs Gate 1, which is why I return to it from time to time.
The second game also lacked a certain "desperation" that you can only experience as a level one character in a world that doesn't give a single shit about you. And it feels amazing once you can finally level up enough to conquer that random gnoll stronghold or ogre cave. I never got that same feeling from Baldur's Gate 2, but again, I admit that BG2 had a far better narrative. Both games are great, but the first one is still my personal favorite. I know that's not a very popular opinion among crpg fans.
I would fuck that man pretending to be Jaheira
>we get Baldur's Gate 3, murder at Baldur's gate
>while pathetic level wise is not terrible
>5E Baldur's Gate
at least try better next time.
yes that is indeed one.
Her butt IS small BUT she IS cute!
Games that take over a decade+ to release a sequel are always bad. I don't want one of the only good Bioware games rep to get destroyed.
>underpowered zoomer meme shit "console" holding boomer game hostage
Larian you were doing so well, you had TWO big hits under your belt don't flush it all down the toilet and go back to the days when only me and 2 other anons who played DivDiv knew who you were
obsidian, now they could make outer wilds a stadia exclusive, their rep is already gone to shit
Penumbra IS cute IN Divine Divinity!
Baldurs gate 1-2-Throne of Baahl was a perfect trilogy going seamelesly from novice level, kill a few rats, to epic level, fight for the right to become a fucking god.
They could add nothing of value to this aside from missusing the name to get off more hype and sales.
Fuck this shit, make something original instead and promote it as "like the good ol BG/IWD"
2 is power creep garbage. the mixed ruleset unfit for a game is a mess.
I doubt it would be exclusive to it though. Would be a really dumb move on their part.
We literally don't even know it's Baldur's Gate 3.
welcome to 2019 , no sequels are worth playing