Overwatch was the greatest game ever made for the FPS genre, so how come shit like Fortnite and Apex became so popular?

Overwatch was the greatest game ever made for the FPS genre, so how come shit like Fortnite and Apex became so popular?

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because my favourite streamer said its better

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>TF2 Ripoff but for 2000's kids
Yeah no thank you


I don't know how fortnite and apex surpassed overwatch when all 3 are a trinity of pure garbage

>a teamwork game for fucking nerds that requires you to learn how to play characters that don't even use guns and be a team player to win
>a pure clown fiesta deathmatch where you don't have to coordinate as a team to capture objectives and instead can just focus only on killing people
battle royales appeal to the lowest common denominator. doesn't surprise me in the slightest why overwatch is less popular even if it's a better game

>Overwatch was the greatest game ever made for the FPS genre


Kill yourself

>Overwatch was the greatest game ever made for the FPS genre

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As if using a pre existing structure to build off of is not how humans literally do everything

>Greatest game ever made

That's beyond science

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they did lots of Social Engineering to make sure EVERYONE is a Winner, either with Sweet Loot or Ranking Value.

also overwatch sdafosdfjaw9ejfoawsdfjoakwefoawkegoadfkgasdkl ok

don't forget about all the porn, SJW crap and controversies surrounding it

Overwatch is meant for thirsty virgins and people who want gender equality

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>Apex became so popular?
Apex is irrelevant now it has died down.

But seriously what's worse.. Fortnite or Overwatch? The hatred should calm down now that we know Overwatch is not that important. Fortnite is the king crown of shooters.

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>Lootbox game
Fuck off

Blizzard refused to let the community make their own maps, took months to introduce a single map or a single new character.

The game is mindless capture control point of push payload, people did that for a decade with TF2 they wanted something more.

What's up with people wanting FPS games to create their own maps and make private servers? The only FPS games that let you do this is Valve but the rest of the AAA competitive shooter games have none of this.

>Blizzard refused to let the community make their own maps, took months to introduce a single map or a single new character.
>The game is mindless capture control point of push payload, people did that for a decade with TF2 they wanted something more.

This video basically summerizes everything about what you're trying to say

I was actually describing fortnite, but blizzard is also expert at that but they did it by taking advantage of Sweet Outplay Footsies for the League crowd and weird sex stuff like you described.

fortnite just made a game where you die if you want to have fun playing a game but you can instantly re-queue while the entire match takes 15-20 minutes meaning there's a huge pool of people that need to not die. the people left counter counts down to let you know you are Winning as people commit suicide on each other. also you get items quicker if you die and re-queue quickly. also makes sense that ppl that hide are more willing to spend money on items and ppl that want fights wouldn't wanna do that but they are necessary for feeding ranking score to the buyers.

Because it adds alot of replay value. Like you don't need to play official maps all the time and enjoy something weird and creative, and some actually good community maps. Like tf2 has limitations, but not as big as Overwatch or Fortnite. People made like 100+ game modes and over 6k+ maps, that it's actually ridiculous.

Community involvement in a game is crucial to the game, as it offers better experience for the players, because the players know what they want and Devs think if it's possible with balance and the current engine

No one cares about custom servers/maps anymore. They just want competitive matchmaking. Asking for things that people don't want is not why it failed. Overwatch has a plethora of problems under their belt. Stop asking for shit people don't want.

ya i mean i dont know why ur so interested in being a leashed dog. if you enjoy it so much go ask someone to put a leash on you and start yapping away!

>No one cares about custom servers/maps anymore

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A little obvious but here (You) go anyways

I respect the attempt at making an OW thread without having it immediately degenerate into porn spam

Battle royales are really popular. People really like the game mode and now a fair amount of them are free to play. You can play against so many people at once including friends or "famous" streamers. I think younger gamers at schools make it more social. If someone is the last one standing and close to victory others can watch and hope that they win. Games that also become social activities and give people social recognition for doing well seem to appeal more strongly to some people.