>final boss is a normal-sized guy in an open area
>is the hardest fight in the game
Why is this so kino?
>final boss is a normal-sized guy in an open area
>is the hardest fight in the game
Why is this so kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
Final battles with downplayed grandiosity (human-sized boss, simple envinronment, bonus points for somber music) is the hallmark of "look we're art!" garbage.
shit taste, m8
>Boss is a rough approximation of your abilities
>Can serve as a test for everything you've learned by being a parallel to the player
>Tells can always be seen or heard but due to the smaller frame they need to be distinct from one another
>Open-ness of the area means that more emphasis is put on the opponent as opposed to the opponent + the arena which would otherwise be complimentary to one another. Pressure and movement must then be dictated by either the player or the boss
>Doesn't cover a ridiculous amount of space like some huge monster so his attack patterns don't have to be focused on covering his blind spots or sweeping large areas to eliminate blind spots but can be focused on the tempo and mood of the fight instead which wouldn't be possible on a huge boss since otherwise there would be a safe spot like underneath or behind him
Basically : Soul of Cinder
>final boss starts off as a 1v1 in a weird environment
>then you get your full party back and have a massive full on assault on a castle with buildings and shit flying at you
>you then blow up the castle
>then fight the big bad on his throne
>then becomes a space shooter
>then throne phase 2 but this time in low grav and you have to fly back to him
>then finally a 2v1 with your bro, music slows down as you fight in a aesthetic and simple environment
No other vidya moment will ever come this close to perfection ever again.
Literally watching the credits right now, fuck i love this game
>final boss is also the easiest boss in the game
ruined everything
DMC 3 & 5
fucking kino
you should consider killing yourself
>fly ship into final boss, completely bypassing first stage
>second stage, party gets shit pushed in
>third stage, party gets shit pushed in
>who gets to go first ?
>how about ... Me.
shit was absolutely kino
>normal size
It must be Friede.
>that moment when you decide not to be a pussy and fight her CQC only
That whole game is kino though
That boss blew my mind as a kid, though it's mostly just a spectacle with little challenge.
>final battle starts out as a huge mech battle with over the top scale
>ends in a fist fight
Absolutely kino
final boss is a quick time event
Don't remind me..
t. Marvel onion man
>final boss is a rhythm game
>Pachinko version
Why are we still here ? Just to suffer ?
>That Hunter that almost killed Eileen the Crow in Bloodborne
That was the only fight I cheesed the whole game because it was so goddamned hard.
Becuase the dude you fighting, is a mirror of the player.
So close..
He was piss easy when I first fought him on NG+3. Maybe you just need to git gud, boomer.
The sword a cute.
It only works if the game doesn't have 20 of them
>MGS1 is a shoot missile at thing, then fistfight followed by a railshooting segment
>MGS2 is a fucking swordfight
>MGS3 actually values stealth, and like the rest of the game has multiple ways of approaching it, letting you sneak through the grass and take potshots, or sneak up to engage the Boss with CQC
Man I'm kind of annoyed now, honestly.
Wasn't the hardest fight but Gehrman was pretty kino.
How can you be bad at Chrono Trigger, man? It's peasy.
>final boss doesn't exist
>no bosses at all in this videogame
turns out im not 12 years old