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Video Games #4584
Video Games
Why do you still play WRPGs?
ITT: Scenes where it's justifiable to cry
Why aren't you playing Roguelikes, user?
AAA game
Why is God Eater 3 already dead?
Post video games and companies you have filtered Because of their annoying fanbase, I'll start
Build myself a gaming pc
What was your main car in GT3?
Just finished 1, what am I in for with this?
Are video games art?
Bros, I need your help. I pirated a game, got it running, but I don't know how I install these updates. Please help
Is Death Stranding going to be good?
We're going home Yea Forumsros
New direct on monday right bros?
WoW - World of Warcraft
Waifu thread, I don't give a fuck what time it is. Post your one and only
Do you still get excited when opening new games?
2 more weeks
Really makes you think
Talk me out of it
"Competitive" mode was an even bigger mistake than allowing niggers on the forums to lobby for rebalancing in their...
Thought Crush was referencing "Crush 40"
Was this unironically the last great RTS release? What happened?
Arena thread
Skyrim Mods
Play wolfenstein enemy territory Yea Forums
Why did Rockstar mistreat GTA V? It had the potential to be the best GTA ever...
I think there's a Risk of Rain today
How the fuck do I beat this boss?
Open inventory
So if Valve flops do we just lose everything or what?
I can't get past the tutorial
This is what i call SOUL
Best girl in the game dies
Why aren't the Yakuza games as popular in the West as they are in Japan?
Samurai Shodown
Who will win? Who's in the wrong?
White male protagonist
Hon hon hon oui oui baguette
Is losing two hours of game time because you forgot to save a bug or a feature?
Can anyone recommend me a good magic the gathering game that isn't arena?
What are some cute and funny video games?
Is Witcher 1 the biggest pleb filter in vidya?
Time to rise up once again
Does she have a boyfriend?
Just tried out VR and I already feel queasy after 15 min of playing
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Nioh was the better game?
Is it good?
I really want to pre-order for him, bros. Should I?
This is Aoko's game. Why didn't you play it yet? Check out the comfy late 80's Japan atmosphere
How are you enjoying your Switch?
How do i connect this shit on windows 7
What's the verdict on Ion Maiden?
Is anyone even safe at this point? you are 1 bad day away from being me btw
Best character dies
Can videogames really have soul? Or is it really just "old thing good"?
Hire this man
Stop fucking your Sims family
What's your opinion about the "the town was making him stupid" theory?
Glad I didn't waste my time on this flop. You come at the king, you best not miss
What do you think Animal Crossing Switch will look like?
When did you realize Bloodborne is From Software magnus opus?
Please...let me...go back
Why is this allowed
Why wasn't he in Sekiro?
You cheated not only the game, but yourself
ITT: Scenes in Vidya that made you feel sad
It was all a dream
Witcher Netflix
Seething thread
Game have hard choices
The man that turned video games into art
Download Xcom 2 with all DLC
This is Baba
Control for Xbox One loses mission, mods, and more to PlayStation 4 edition
Is Tales from Borderlands canon?
Sekiro Help Thread
Western game
Memes aside, why exactly can't Nintendo hire this man?
Which one?
The Soulsborne series is such a cut above anything other video game series
Project x Zone 3: what characters you want?
What's the best Dragon Ball game?
Dave is leaving Game Sack
Friendly reminder that COPE, SEETHING and have sex are all Yea Forums memes...
I hope so
Jedi: Fallen Order
World of Warcraft Classic/Vanilla this summer
Describe your sex life using a vidya quote
Nintendo's "system seller" franchise
Please stop catering to the gays
This series was shit since day 1 and you zoom zooms only liked it because it was babbies first vidya romance
Gardevoir is a refined lady
Sengoku Rance fucking when? WTF is wrong with Mangaymer...
My empire of dirt
What the fuck was his problem?
Which self-limitations can I put on my next dark souls1/3/bloodborne run to make it actually interesting?
Why does Yea Forums hate video game journalists so much?
Name one thing that feels better than fucking pussy
Is there a videogame character that can defeat the supreme champion?
Why this game bombed so hard?
Had a dream that I finally got a gf
Nintendo Direct Screen Capture #2
You did pick me... right, user...?
ITT: butchered ports
You can't make this shit up
This KILLS the Days Gone trash!
Duck in gamestop
This is WA2000, say something nice about her!
Any PSP hidden gems?
So some guys disassembled Metroid Prime and are now making a source port for PC
Why doesn't Nintendo release any games on PC?
What is the best Touhou game? I really like 88. I mean 8
What kind of class do you go for in video games
Outer Worlds
*destroys your gaming community*
People who upload gaming videos with no views, why?
This game is phenomenal
Why is this game so frustrating?
Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
The smug marketing of Fallen Jedi Order is bizarre. They're hiding something
Has vidya marketing gone too far?
One week please
Tetrisfags are asleep. Post about Puyo Puyo
Is the remake officially vapourware?
GPU thread
Releasing soon
Lara is the only attractive female character designed by a western developer in the past decade
Kerrigan looks like a cheerleader now
What if Epic will get Bloodborne on PC?
God Hand
Mainly just tech demos, experiments and indie games
Smash main? Also who should be in smash?
Just found out Subverse is made by StudioFOW
Do you think you'll still be playing video games when you're 30 and on the verge of death?
So what vidya did you play today?
How do you respond?
Blood elves shouldn't be able to be warriors
Would you suck a girl's dick, Yea Forums?
I’ll admit it bros, we lost
Why doesn't Sekiro just add an easy mode?
Solid Snake just named the jew
God I wish I had a Renamon of my own
This is Joker, he's going to be in Smash soon
"Steam was killing PC gaming."-Former Valve employee
How do you feel about Yea Forums overwhelmingly voting these as the most overrated games ever?
Try to check up on a friend
Why aren't there any good biblical vidya?
Virtual Piano
Steam gays are asleep
Are Western devs secretly racist?Why do they make every black woman ugly
Meanwhile.. on the USC Yea Forumsshimura
Which hotas is the best?
Death Stranding
What game is he watching?
Normal game has horror elements
One week please
Howe 2 morp ball??
Religious character
What's the best way to play this game?
Motion blur
Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread
Disney and EA shills are overruning the board right now...
In 1 hour and 17 minutes, 4am EST, GSL Code S finals will take place...
Tfw the raise a child genre is dead apart from the pedophile games
Oh shit guys which one do I pick?
*makes every boss fight irrelevant in your path*
Mega Man thread?
Dark Souls has good comba-
866 hours into Fallout: New Vegas
Wouldn't they form an amazing team?
Gomenasai, my name is Mirin-Sama
Solid Snake just named the jew
Star Wars
Yea Forums's best games ever after about 30,000 votes
Made in abyss will never be made into a video game
Why am I just about the only person I've ever met who uses a trackball to game...
Wtf were they thinking?
What exactly is the thought process behind refusing to release it on PC? What fucking retard is responsible for it?
What games let me feel in charge?
What is the The Room of vidya?
Play terraria
What was Jack's character designer thinking about as they were drawing her?
Thoughts on Plants Vs Zombies?
Fix your posture user
Heeeey plumber boy, mustache man, upsetti spaghetti, did you forget we're already less than two months away...
Where the fuck is Recettear 2?
That one MMO you used to love is dead forever
The fuck why are they so cute?
He's in bros
Bored of me yet? come crawling back to Mario Kart Wii?
What the fuck were they thinking
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines 2
Start playing flying games
You beat him on critical right? You cant say you completed KH2FM until you do
Never played Warcraft 1 or 2. Are they still worth playing?
Somewhere out there, some nip thought they were going to revolitionize the vidya with this
What's its legacy?
Why did Dance games die out?
Glad I didn't waste my time on this flop. You come at the king, you best not miss
Guys, I need help bad. I work at a game studio and they're trying to make a moba. Yes, a Moba. I don't even understand...
Do Skyrim mods make the game worth playing again?
This game is absolutely hot fucking garbage
Cool animations in video games
Was this the most kino moment in souls history?
Do you guys turn off your gaming pcs at night...
What went wrong?
Why did she receive so much backlash from fans?
Comes up to you
ANNO 1800
Which one are you Yea Forums?
Mom said it's my turn to play
What's the Greatest Game Of All Time?
Are you fine with fan interpretations of certain character that vastly differ from the original concept?
VR Thread
It's Saturday night. Are you /chill/ right now?
This kills the steam drone
See Zoomy? Halo CE the best FPS, haha that means first person shooter
So how bad will it be? is it too much to hope for another Jedi Knight?
Why are we so against people making their own games when that's exactly what we told them to do half a decade ago...
Beat boss
Ding dong bannu
You wouldn’t mind us watching you play right Yea Forums?
I cannot coherently express just how fucking BULLSHIT this fight is
Why is Dark Souls 3 considered to be too much derivative from the previous games when every Souls game is derivative?
Please buy Ajna's game!!!!!!
Does Yea Forums like puzzle games?
Where the fuck is he
What are your expectations?
Why does Yea Forums hate Red Dead Redemption 2?
ITT: flash games II
Okay, possibly the most difficult question you've ever had to answer: Which one is goofier-looking?
Are there any games with black holes in them?
"I am sworn to carry your burdens"
DIO meme thread
Remember when dragon ball got good games?
Gives up multiple white women in their sexual primes who are salivating over him to pursue some used up asian roastie
Is Borderlands 3 the new Half-Life 3
What difficulty do you choose in games Yea Forums?
Finally build a "gaming PC"
How much is he paying them?
Explain to me why you are not an e-athlete yet?
How accurate is this?
They must be desperate to get rid of these things. I was just at Wal-mart and they were being sold for $39.99...
3x3 thread
Who is the best gaming character of all time Yea Forums?
Sakura Wars gets people form the previous games
Looking for new stream to watch
Risk of Rain thread
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order — Official Reveal Trailer
It's a video of someone talking insanely fast and making jokes every 4 seconds "reviewing" a game
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC
Piece of shit 5: the phantom game
It was a different time
"haha I swear, I'm not good at this game at all"
What's the best one in the series? I haven't played one
Steam friend messages you
What will happen once they start making video games? Will Japan and the West be fucked?
Any videogames that express this feel?
he smacks the fan because he is responding to the FANboys
We all had fun at the expense of Halo when it was big, but why didn't the genre ever top it...
Metal Gear Solid 4
Trannies are mad. This game is based already
Geno Thread?
Borderlands 3
Are certain game genres objectively better than others?
Blasphemous murderers... Blood-crazed fiends... Atonement for the wretches... By the wrath of Mother Kos
Are any of the gacha games actually worth playing?
We're going home bros... after 10 long years
Alright Yea Forums, recommend me a Switch game that isn't:
Sweet Jesus
Hard mode: Do NOT just post a recently released game or a game that is generally considered to be good just to appear...
Xplay on now
It's that time again
Why do Japenese artists design their villainesses to look like this? Evil is not suppose to be attractive
Only the most kino moments in vidya are allowed to be posted in this thread
The Surge
What happened?
How accurate is this?
White Male
Has the most engaging combat out of any souls game
Games that are impossible to discuss due to circumstances beyond their control
I like Dark Souls 2
Is this a good platform to discuss video games?
How do you feel about Yea Forums overwhelmingly voting this the most overrated game ever?
What do you think about female villains in games?
I've picked up an early copy of World War Z, that will be released next week. Played it for a few hours, ask me anything
Why is it that games that I treat games dealing with mental illness with such rancor and others put them on a pedestal...
Which video game character have the most sniffable ass?
Daggerfall comfy thread
Gives you dozens of tools and abilities
Remember to fix your posture while gaming
Backlog Thread
Post some hard to swallow vidya pills
Am i missing something...
From 1 to 10 how stupid is the idea of building a Sleeper PC with a CRT to play modern vidya but also emulating old...
This is still the best in the series and the best fighting game of all time
What's your all-time favorite game mod?
Easy shallow braindead puzzle game
Entire point of the game is that it goes for realism and has a ton of features to help immersion
Is anyone actually retarded enough on this board to enjoy a game like Borderlands?
The feminist character is likeable and the cutest in the whole game
You got 10 seconds to post a better soundtrack, protip you can't
Favorite location in the Resident Evil series? For me it's the Spencer Mansion
Touhou puppet dance performance
Did you know?
It's Saturday fight night!
Remake is one of the worst selling Mario titles in the franchise's history
Bald, african?, woman as the main loading screen in a "historical" world war 1 first person shooter
Video games with this feel?
Did you buy Nintendo’s take on the VR trend?
I'm seeing lots of people claiming to have canceled their preorder for MK 11 over Kitana being in and not Mileena...
You ever get high and play video games?
What is the relationship between Yea Forums and twitch?
Do we like Franziska?
Give me 37 reasons why your favorite game is good
MC acquires a weapon of legends
The find to end all finds
*triggers the entire fanbase*
Game has ojou-samas
Dude morrowind is the best elder scrolls game even though it has the worst gameplay and the worst graphics because it...
How would you reinvent the turn based combat system to fit with modern standards?
What would HP and MP potions taste like?
SWTOR: Onslaught
Movies: “Let the past di-”
I really hope you guys won't fall for this
Sekiro Support Thread
These are the announced Switch-exclusive titles and their American release dates for 2019
What do you think of The World Ends With You?
Can we all agree that brown waifus in vidya are the best?
Where were you when one of the cancers of gaming finally died?
Would anyone buy a text game today?
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines two
Is this the greatest game of all time?
Played pic related for the first time. I'm kicking myself for not playing it sooner. What did they do so right?
We’re fucked
ITT: Games that will never get a sequel
Funee screem
I hope it is a big piece of smelly caca
My wife Deedlit is getting her own game
When you give a blank check:
What's the most overrated video game Ever?
What do you think of Super Paper Mario Yea Forums?
Fromsoftware is disrespecting its players with these grab hitboxes
What is the message of Breath of the Wild?
Imagine how irrelevant Nintendo would be without this one person
How do females in Fallout 4 avoid getting raped?
About to start this game, what to expect? It is really the last good rare game?
Gettin’ real tired of this fucking asshole
ITT: Vidya cringe scenes
L4D2 thread
What games are so addicting it's bad
A Shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory
Good user, what do you desire?
Playing pic related for the first time. Any advice ?
Other devs vs Rockstar
Nintendo Games vs Nintendo Online
Ring ring
Western gaming
Fuck this minigame. It's so fucking retarded
Can we discuss this game? Because I just got around to finishing it. Holy shit, what a shift in tone...
Has anyone else here played this? I got it off PS+ for free last night and I'm actually kind of enjoying it...
Labo VR
Will the Stadia be successful?
Risk of Rain thread
No sjw shit
Not a very good screenshot of the two, but they're both played by Debra Wilson and it's more obvious in motion...
Can you really choose a starter that's not one of the actual three starters?
Party Van
Visual Novel thread
What's the rarest game you own? Pic related. Was in a large box of games i bought at a yard sale. Kind of useless...
Rips off portal concept from Narbacular Drop and Prey
*makes u immortal*
I've pirated a lot of games and haven't felt bad but after downloading Hollow knight I've felt guilt almost immediately...
Is this game worth playing unironically?
What emotion is this Star Wars: Fallen Order character trying to convey?
Why do women in western video games look so.... peculiar
Well Yea Forums?
Tf2 thread
Game has a bee level
What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Anne Takamaki from the critically acclaimed game Persona 5?
Recently ive been feeling the itch to replay some GBA games but looking around it seems there was some kind of mass...
Who actually likes this kid type of character?
Is this any good?
When you send more time on Yea Forums than playing games
ITT: post how old you are and a picture of one of your favorite vidya
Still no game with native american main character
Seethe the scaleless
Can we have a Splatoon 2 thread? Finally got a Switch and bought the game...
Strong female protagonist
I'm so bored that i pirated Photoshop and made this
God damn
That shit flopped hard
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Tim Pool owns the Trademark. The Subverse Porn Game is Over
2 weeks
These games sucked. Why are they held in such high regard?
Yea Forums's best gaming characters Ever
*triggers the collectfags*
Click to win
Were the early 90's the best time to be a game developer?
Enjoys playing as a girl in video games and dressing them in cute outfits
When was the last time you were excited for a video game?
Deathcam thread
New balance patch out of nowhere on the anniversary
You're in charge of ES VI - what changes do you make from Skyrim?
Hypothetically speaking, would you marry and impregnate a female(female) Draenei?
A franchise with literal thousands of interesting races to choose from
What's next for the Resident Evil?
Fallen order info
Ohhh nonononoooohoho
Don't mind me, just posting a superior western character design
Mii Fighters thread!
Cool kirby
ITT: Remakes that have more soul than the original
Tfw I don't enjoy video games anymore
How i feel browsing Yea Forums at 23 yo
Soviet Republic Workers and Resources
Night city
Yea Forums watches Cinematech
Return to Castle Wolfenstein thread
Let me compare Nocture "the best JRPG" to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex
Alright, Yea Forums, pick one
Are you embarrassed over playing certain videogames?
Game gets localized
GTA has only one game where you play as a mafioso and its a handheld spin off
Why are normalfags so stupid?
This is CJ he lives in Los Santos and his mother passed away recently
The people who say "epic bad" to any criticism to the Epic Store are the same people who whine about Trump and get the...
Why is this game such cheap shit?
I'm finally downloading it, what am I in for? Also, keyboard and mouse or controller?
ITT: Vidya moments where men were allowed to cry
Why do boomers suck at video games?
Super Neptunia RPG Will Be Censored
Why can't we just all be friends?
She's legal now
We Did it Switchbros!!!
Is it dead?
Dad walks in
So in the end, did he really do anything wrong?
What update killed it?
Are you hyped for this game?
Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012)...
What’s the best way to play this game?
Games where I can drink a 40oz Steel Reserve before work?
3x3 thread
Hi I'm the single greatest 1v1 dragon boss battle of all time
Which design do you prefer, Yea Forums?
Fishing lvl?
Games with this feel?
Kairi was at her best during KH1
What's the best FPS game ever?
Generic gruff white guy
Game review
Indie games
*Makes PC irrelevant*
Why do classicfags like this game so much?
What does Yea Forums think of this game?
What game are they playing?
So I don't normally like Ubisoft open world games and i'm not a massive fan of Zelda...
This is Skyrim, a game which has sold over 30 million copies
"Trust no one"
Yfw you enter THE ZONE
Are these nips fucking serious
Damn, how do I beat the sculptor?
Thoughts on this?
We still haven't surpassed Toy Story 1 graphics in videogames
Why is this game obsessed with putting a time limit on everything?
I can't believe Nakoruru is dead
Play Thief
Did Witcher 3 really deserve a 10/10 Yea Forums?
Why the fuck are they doing this shit again? Persona 3 was bad enough because of it
Why do people think they're entitled to finish a game if they're not willing to put in the effort?
When someone asks me what my favourite game is, I just tell them it's this
Sverigetråden - malcomupplagan
Everyone already forgot Dai Gyakuten Saiban and its english fanpatch
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes...
Im am dropping this game for good
2B from Nier Automata
ITT: Games that are impossible to discuss on Yea Forums
Your job, Yea Forums, is to not get upset in this thread. Can you manage that?
One down. Two to go
Here's your Soldier for tonight
What happened to Sonic?
Break law in game
Which games allow you to go crazy?
BB players will either just stay on CF or begrudgingly move to DBFZ
Whats the best starter frame to get?
Name ONE western developer that isn't afraid of making sexually appealing characters (not just female) in video games
Any games where you can play as psychopath?
Risk of Rain
Fuck Ceasar and fuck the legion
Officer Asuka, reporting for duty!
Sekiro is fai-
Which is the best puzzle-VN anons?
Why people do this?
Risky rain
What the fuck is she talking about???
Thoughts on pic related?
Why does this game just feel so soulless compared to 3 and 4?
This will be the first EA game lm buying in a long time...
Why is battle royale dead now?
Has there ever been a game series that brought back a popular villain to save the franchise?
Spent youth writing instead of doing art or coding
Classic WoW
What video game did you get your mom today for her mother's day gift?
What are they playin?
I've never really been into JRPG's but I'd like to explore the genre more...
Has never once had a single bad game
Steve is deconfirmed, also has underage discordfags and redditors backing him
Hey guys, with the upcoming release of 8.2, Rise of Azshara...
Literally impossible
ITT: flash games
When will cam whores take over vidya?
Where is she taking you, Yea Forums?
Now that the dust has settled
I HAD TO use cheats to get past Genichiro
Let's have sex
She's coming for you
Who is your most wanted DLC fighter for Smash Bros Ultimate?
Let me in
Why is this so hard for some people
Which vidya character wears the prettiest panties?
FACT: Never ever do this
Used goods
Cutest Persona girl
USA vs Europe SNES
We will never get another space Chad simulator
Titanfall 2 tanks
Don't mind me bro just pirating your car
Why Russians are so obsessed with this homo shitfest?
Where should FromSoftwares next game take place, and why should it be in Mesoamerica during Mayan collapse?
We need games where it lets you play as a spider
IMEI number and Serial Number
ITT: Games only you've played
Is this the softest, most sensitive community of all-time?
Black heroine
Nintendo literally can't run out of money
Whats the best digimon game and why?
What's the deal with the west always making unattractive black women in their vidya?
Is this the best paid looter shooter right now?
Name one (1) attack more satisfying than this
Filthy zoomer who wants to get into gamedev as a hobby here...
Good looking white male az MC
Game is a parody of it's genre
What would his tinder profile say?
Skyrim belongs to the nor-
This midget claims you as her property 2 minutes after she meets you
Be 10/10 ps4 game
What does the last panel say?
Damn.. Now I really got to buy a PS4 pro
Buy on PC for nostalgia
Why can't japan design good boss fight?
The last hero you've played as has to take on Thanos. How fucked are you?
Imagine unironically believing that a bottom of the barrel character like Dixie should be in Smash
What do you think of the Argonian race from the video game series The Elder Scrolls?
Buyers remorse thread
Haru is cutest vidya girl ever prove me wrong
Days Gone
One copy of persona 5 please
Pyra or Mythra, Yea Forums?
>dad starts talking about videogames
Re-release classic JRPG on PS4, Xbone and Switch
Official Jedi: Fallen Order Reveal Thread
Why didn't you protect her smile?
Yeah, literally every game on this console has aged like shit and is nearly unplayable
What do you guys (newfags and oldfags) think about Halo CE (2001) ?
What are the chances that this won't be just a worse version of the first one?
ITT: amazing tracks in otherwise unsuspecting games
Just added up all the hours played on my Steam library... 7899 hours, or 329 days...
Prime Saga
Help me out here Yea Forums
Do you play video games with your female relatives anymore? If so, is it usually shit like Mario Kart/Tetris...
Comfy Switch Thread
What would you consider to be the best Yugioh experience in vidya form? Ygopro? Duel Link? Forbidden Memories...
What the fuck was the dev (or devs, who even knows) thinking?
Hey Yea Forums, what are some must play gamecube games?
Thoughts on this?
Blaster Master zero 2 thread
Lets settle this once and for all
What are your favourite Nintendo DS games?
Why did Paladins die?
People shilling Resident Evil 2 and Sekiro
I'll set this,now its your turn
Name one game that ever game should've played
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @