Mainly just tech demos, experiments and indie games

>Mainly just tech demos, experiments and indie games
When are we gonna get some actual fucking games?

Attached: valve-index-headset.jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

I hope we never leave this tech demos stage. I love to experiment this new ideas for software and hardware, and it's something we didn't lived for normal video games in the 70's/80's.
Nothing last forever unfortunately.

>When are we getting new games
>Posting with a picture of the headset from the company that's guaranteed to have 1st party launch titles.


>A game
I have 20 hours in it. It's is first and foremost a gun simulator and a game a distance second.
Anton couldn't into decent game play to save his life.

>When are we gonna get some actual fucking games?
every time you post this you get a pic of actual games and every time you discard it

>Caring more about tech and possibility over actual completed games
This is why I hate PCtards.

When will VR become real life? Of course, before 2045, but when? How close are we?

Boneworks and Pavlov, that's it.

>Pack up Vive because the cables and the lighthouse make a mess of my room and I haven't used it in a while+ I only have one HDMI on my graphics card and that creates issues.
>The following day I get the urge to just turn on H3VR and fuck about
I'm so fucking tired.

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Just wait till he puts out the Take and Hold revision before you do.


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VR is never going to have proper games that aren't intrinsically meme, group-based exercises like vrc and maybe eventually things like rockband. Only singleplayer potential it has are gimmicky horror games and niche 'atmospheric' games like Subnautica
biggest market will be 3d porn games where you can fuck around with renders of vidya and irl qts

Anton needs to put the virtual stock from pavlov in.
He won't though.

I just want more devs to port existing AAA games to VR. People like to say that games need to be designed from the bottom up to fit VR, but Skyrim VR was great so they can get fucked.

>Half-life prequal
>two other valve titles

I also like this aspect, It's new and exciting.
Todays games rarely offer something new, unlike movies that can still be fresh and make you think outside the box.
I first started with a DOS computer and it really has been a wild ride but i''m bored as hell these days. Maybe i'm just becoming old.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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flat screen gaming is coming to its end, VR is undoubtedly the next step in gaming, whether Yea Forumstards like it or not. Just you wait.

Clearly a fucking tech demo retard.
It's a combat system and little more.

Pancakes don't taste good salty ;)

>Skyrim VR was great

oh yeah, because spazzing your arm around and calling that great combat is really immersive and perfect for VR.

can you do any of the shit like this in skyrim VR? no, you cant.

I mostly used a crossbow and magic.
Maybe, you know, I enjoyed walking around skyrim seeing the scale of everything, doing quests and shit, nice and relaxing. Which is a completely different fucking thing compared to what B&S is trying to do. Maybe, other people enjoy different things compared to you, user? Imagine that!

There IS a virtual stock.

It was a shit port, just accept it. There were no meaningful virtual reality features and 'seeing the scale of everything' is the lowest common denominator of VR games. In the end you were playing desktop skyrim again with a screen on your face in stereoscopic 3D. Todd found a way to sell you the same game one more time. Todd always finds a way.

It's a different kind.
Pavlov's is much better at helping you snipe
H3VR is more for reducing recoil.
I've tried both.

Speaking of guns, do you guys aim with one eye or two?
After a while of playing I've learnt to aim down sights with both eyes open.

>'seeing the scale of everything' is the lowest common denominator of VR games.
Maybe go fuck yourself.
What part of "People might enjoy things you don't" did you understand?
Or I guess I just had fake fun, huh?

No, user. I believe you had extraordinary fun playing Bethesda Sortworks' 2011 magnum opus, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimâ„¢. I think we can agree that much is a given. What gives me pause is how much of your enjoyment may have come from the limited VR featureset versus the original source material. Yes, seeing things in scale might have added to your experience, but given how that comes along with any VR game it's a little dodgy to make an unqualified remark that SkyrimVR was great when the rest of the port was so half-hearted.

There's not a lot of full blown games available user.
Out of VR Skyrim doesn't interest me that much, but there's not a lot of choice when you like such big ass games.
Back when Bioshock VR was rumored, I was hyperventilating. It was pretty depressing when it was debunked.
The VAST majority of VR games that currently exist I would not even look at twice if they were pancake games.
Pic related would be a rare exception, But I'm planning on maybe buying it on the Quest when more reviews become available.

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I know, I've transplanted my 400+ mod setup into skyrimVR and tried to make the best of it myself but at the moment there's no overlap between decent vr mechanics and games with actual longevity. At least No Man's Sky's VR update is looking promising.

399$ for an all in one VR console

Attached: quest.jpg (1600x2706, 1.08M)

I want one, and will be getting one, even though I don't like facebook, because the standalone nature appeals to me. If sony or nintendo release somthing similar though, I'll abandon oculus in a heartbeat.

>"But graphics"
Go and cum inside your 1080ti.

I'd wait for the index personally

Unless it has a notable FOV increase over my vive, I don't care about it.

>If sony or nintendo release somthing similar though, I'll abandon oculus in a heartbeat.
be careful what you wish for

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