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Ok, this is epic. I'm so glad he's siding with our based Valve overlords

Probably the saddest thing I've ever seen. The absolute state of people

Agreed. All they would have to do is segregate the Chinese IPs, fuck bugmen they'll all just be cheating anyway.


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Honestly based. I'm all for this, to let the game die on Epic

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What the frick. I do not want to play with those st***d lamers. Mommy.

do those games even have online lobbies? i remember only being able to join steam friends

OK, this is Steam.

>online games
I haven't played these in a while and enjoy myself much more because of it.

cringe but redpilled

As it turns out people on all platforms are retarded. Imagine my shock.

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Borderlands was only fun if couch co-op just play on console.

>still giving gearbox money after making you wait a year

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What is this, 2006?

Just add TCP/IP direct connection so I can play this shitty game with multiplayer on day one for free. I don't care if normalfags are too retarded to forward ports.

>siding with reddit

cringe and bluepilled

I too like sucking my corporate overlords dicks

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wtf thats racist

It's a good thing I don't even like video games

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>download one program that takes 5 minutes VS. waiting 6 long ass months

The absolute state of fucking Yea Forums.