Spent youth writing instead of doing art or coding

>Spent youth writing instead of doing art or coding
>Could've been making money from patreon and commissions and be ahead of the curve when it comes to game development by the time I left HS
>Writers are less valuable than QA when it comes to gamedev


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how do you get good at writing

Your writing is probably still pretty bad too. Damn that sucks bro

Start now faggot

[john carmack's quote about video games, story and porn]

If you spent so much time writing instead of doing something else I assume it's because you enjoy writing.
That's good

are you any good at writing, user? because if you can't even do that properly then you're just an ideas guy

>want to make an yume nikki fangame
>realize i can't draw
>only picked up writing because it has the lowest barrier of entry compared to other artistic pursuits
i hate myself

so write a book nigger
oh what's that? it didn't sell
probably cause you're shit at writing

>how do you get good at writing
By writing and reading.
That is really "all" it takes. Thousands of hours of practice. Bit of talent also helps.