>Spent youth writing instead of doing art or coding >Could've been making money from patreon and commissions and be ahead of the curve when it comes to game development by the time I left HS >Writers are less valuable than QA when it comes to gamedev
Your writing is probably still pretty bad too. Damn that sucks bro
Nolan Gray
Start now faggot
Gabriel Harris
[john carmack's quote about video games, story and porn]
Adam Rivera
If you spent so much time writing instead of doing something else I assume it's because you enjoy writing. That's good
Isaiah Carter
are you any good at writing, user? because if you can't even do that properly then you're just an ideas guy
Brody Stewart
>want to make an yume nikki fangame >realize i can't draw >only picked up writing because it has the lowest barrier of entry compared to other artistic pursuits i hate myself
Gavin Peterson
so write a book nigger oh what's that? it didn't sell probably cause you're shit at writing
Jaxon Adams
>how do you get good at writing By writing and reading. That is really "all" it takes. Thousands of hours of practice. Bit of talent also helps.