We’re fucked

We’re fucked.

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>being a phoneposter
>using twitter

Yes, yes you are.

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>blue check mark

how long until it bitches about white males and drumpf

largest cell phone provider in the US
3rd largest social media site in the world
literally 97% of all US adults 18 years old and older have smartphones

eschewing common products and services isn't a substitute for a personality, kiddos

>eschewing common products and services isn't a substitute for a personality,
So isn't being a normalfag. Go back.

Why is it that despite being 13% of users in this site, phoneposters account for 50% of all shitposts?

And nothing you listed is vidya either so fuck off

Stupid iToddler. Go back there.

Kill yourself phoneposter piece of shit

I just made the haHAA face

Dont lie to yourself, it was just as bad before the creation of Clover

Drumpf is a blue checkmark, retard

everything about twitter pisses me off
nuke that site

Actually phoneposters are well over the majority of users at this point

>can't tell if they don't understand the meme or they understand and are rubbing in the faces of those who do

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99.99999% of those 97% of adults aren't posting on Yea Forums. You are, fucked phoneshitter.

Posting the superior version.

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does anyone have the steve edit of this image please i'm fucking begging i haven't been able to stop thinking about it for hours and it's really bugging me

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+Retweet, liked, favorited


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>blue checkmark outrage machine

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>this kills the incel

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>K. Ringe Kuck talking about outrage

have sex


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I don't understand what the tweet is trying to say

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Yes, it does