This kills the steam drone

>this kills the steam drone

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Other urls found in this thread:

>dude wants more money for his game
Uh ok? I don't see an issue.

Comparing a game that isn't out yet with one that released quite some time ago seems a little egotistical.

>steam is a "monopoly"
>Chinese funded company takes the console route to drain the swamp
>retarded companies like gearbox and deep silver think this is the best way to go about it
>claim valve is greedy and has a monopoly but they're being even greedier forcing people to use spyware
the current state of the triple a industry is fucking great

I don't get his point. Everyone is going to buy BL3 on Steam anyway

>Randy Pitchford
Oh no! What are we gonna do?
Notice how all the people jumping on to the Epic train are special snowflakes and want attention?

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Why do people use the "monopoly" argument against Steam when Epic Games is literally making games exclusive to their platform. Isn't that the definition of a monopoly?

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based randy

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Swallow his game. Do it, user.

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He is right in the first tweet but he is a fucking faggot if he thinks Borderland 3 will move people from Steam to Epic launcher

>comparing Borderlands to Half-Life

why the fuck does he lie so much.

I would genuinely love to see him get sliced open and have his guts fall out

>Buys exclusives

Because they aren't using the monopoly argument, they're using the lines given to them along with their epic games paycheck.

I kinda get where he's coming from people don't want games on GOG or any other platform besides steam and steam only

So what happens if steam actually does die, and Epic becomes the biggest PC store? will they stop pushing for exclusivity deals? Will they help smaller stores like Gog, Discord and Oh wait, they won't. They actually want a monopoly, and are just angry that steam has such a giant marketshare. If they ever become big and successful in the storefront business, they'll be horribly greedy tyrants just like how people claim steam to be. If you think otherwise, you're a retarded corporate drone who can't see an obvious grab for power.

>b-but you're a steam drone
Cry me some more tears. You clearly have no arguments.

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>my new game is on the same level as half life fucking 2

randy please

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When it was first announced:
>it was not our choice

>alright it was our choice

More like he's desperate, Gearbox and Randy are blacklisted by just about everyone after the Colonial Marines thing in addition to Randy being a living breathing PR nightmare. If not for the free payout from EGS exclusivity, BL3 could have literally been the game that the company either lived or died from.

this kills the chink.

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Randy moves to the new stores while they’re young

He's right when he says we fucking hated steam back in the day and the only reason we put up with it is because we had to to play a game we wanted to play. Anyone who denies this is full of shit and probably wasn't even there.

>literally creating an epic games monopoly thanks to all these exclusives

swallow this pitchfuck
*unzips dick*

why not post the other 97 tweets he shit out going in circles on why epic is the savoir we need for some reason.

And that’s a good thing !

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He can shove his Borderlands pill right up his ass.

Wow, I can't believe Randy Pitchford would make a clear alt-right dog whistle with that "Epic Game Store pill" statement. He's clearly making a reference to "the red pill" which is a common phrase among misogynists, gamergaters, and incels. Somebody needs to tell him to fuck off. We don't need anymore rich white men spouting racist white supremacist shit on Twitter. It's already toxic enough as it is.

Epic is doing its best to kill GOG as well

When, in late 00s?

>mr cp on my usb stick for research killing anything

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>"steam is a bad because it's a monopoly"
>but you use windows, that's a monopoly
>"uhhh.. umm.. shut the fuck up steamdrone!"

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>our industry
you invited yourself to the industry, so your aren't entitled to demand anything
>steam pill
probably gets told all the time that he is blue pilled. not an argument
>Epic Game Store pill
again he is still triggered that people call him blue pilled
>some of you guys
this is the most retarded way of saying nothing. He doesn't know how many hate it, so he just uses this empty phrase
>you can
>my shit
Wasn't he the guy who was against "bullies"? He used one third of his sentence to bully other with insults. He is literally retarded and doesn't understand what he is saying.
>fucking intellectual property
and he doesn't understand economics and IP laws at all

Why is he this retarded to not just say that the EGS is more profitable than Steam and because of the Unreal Engine 4 they get more support on the EGS than on Steam? He is a PR disaster. But he is also a perfect example how the worst manager can still survive if the game is just good.

Personally I'm not happy with the EGS or Steam and wished that GOG would be the go to store.
>you can download your game so no one can "steal" them from you if you insult someone in an online game
>you still have a launcher with log in to have the same comfort as with Steam

But I know that GOG games are literally begging to get pirated. Pretty sad that you have to force people onto a one sided contract where your game can get stolen from you any time they want with drm which is so intrusive that a huge chunk of your performance has to suffer. But that's how capitalism works. If it sells it's the right way even if in theory it's the wrong way.

If he cares so much about "muh monopoly" then why doesn't he make it a permanent Epic exclusive to make a point?

I fully accept he's right about that. Steam was a piece of shit with no features and could only get people to use it by having a game on it that people wanted.
It's almost like the people mad at Epic don't want to put up with that shit a second time.

no he isn't. Steam aka VALVE owns HL2 it's their game. does epic own BL3? the way he makes it sound wht didnt they just make the game exclusive on a console for 6 months as well. all i need to hear is. "MONEY!" and i would repesct that but they jump through these moral hoops.

>we're going to swollow the Epic Game Store pill with Borderlands 3

How fucking conceited. I'm not buying that piece of shit lmao

It was annoying but I didn't really have strong feelings about it because I cared more about playing the videogames than the hurdles to get to them.
Now, however, I have more games than I can play so service is actually more important to me.

That's "2K threatens to break your kneecaps" effect in action.

Yeah, those niggers who treat steam like a "gamer" facebook, they want their "collection" in a single place
And guess what, those people aren't going to jump ship precisely because their collection's already on Steam anyway and steam is still their best option for e-rep circlejerking

>comparing Shitterlands 3 to Half-Life 2 and fucking Half-Life 3

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He thinks BL3 is the next Half-Life 2, dude.

>He is right in the first tweet
All "Valve exclusive" games were made by Valve. Same with shit like Origin and uPlay, they don't force 3rd party exclusivity, the games they made themselves are the exclusives.

>mr cp on my usb stick
How come nothing never came up about that, he wasn't in trouble at all?

why is Randy such a weirdo

>Borderlands 3 is the Half Life 2 of today!

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The thing is that the Borderlands games are well liked and sell a lot, what is he even worried about? All he's doing is spiting a fraction of fans into not buying the game.


so why is he going with a launcher that has less features and epic knows this!, it;s like putting grade AAA meat in a roach infested warehouse

it wasn't actually CP, supposedly. Just very young.

Anybody know where he lives? It'd be cool to go sight-see his house, same state afterall.

If he wanted to demonopolise Steam, why the fuck didn't he put his games on every other PC client (Origin, uPlay, GoG, Desura, so on) and not Steam?

>steam is working on making games functional on linux
>epic explicitly makes it so their launcher won't work on linux period, to "combat piracy"

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No, Tencent will be 200x worse than whatever is in place now. They are literally the Chinese EA

Because he's a disingenuous prick

Im talking about how the original steam launcher was a piece of shit and took a while to fix it but people forgot about it.

But yeah you guys are right, still Randy is a stupid idiot thinking BL3 is as strong as HL3 hype. I hope this is the final nail for Gearbox, Duke needs to be in better hands

It was some 16 year old thot that lied to get onto some cam site.
The weird part is that he felt like he had to defend owning recordings of her stream after being found out.

he knew people wouldn't like it, but his autism kicked in when people started criticizing him, then he started lashing out when he learned it might affect his bottom line.

wow it's almost like china has been trying to do that in every facet of existence ever since the mongols took over

Because Randy is paranoid. I remember visiting there one time and Randy's desk faced the hallway windows because he said "he had nothing to hide". After Colonial Marines and Battleborn and that card game, he moved his office to the corner.

So why doesn't he just say that instead of being an offensive cunt

They are being purposefully retarded because they would rather blindly jerk off Epic than admit they are a blight on PC gaming

Anthony Burch exists. Fuck off newfag.

Because he only cares about the chink bribe money.

Steam was a piece of shit when HL2 came out and people were right not to want to use it. It took a lot of work for it to get where it is today.
>muh monopoly meme
Funny how literally nobody gave a shit about Steam being a """monopoly""" before they started their content-neutral anti-censorship policy. Or before their refund policy destroyed meme tumblr VN """games""".

I didn't Borderlands was that big of a deal, Randy.

>I know we literally wouldn't exist without Valve but just kidding we actually hate them, we never wanted to do business with them haha
Just say you went to Epic because they gave you a good deal you kiddie diddler.
It would be so much easier.

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>steam is working on making games functional on linux
didn't they stop that years back because it wasn't going anywhere

It's a real shame, Borderlands 3 could have been their comeback, instead it's a circus being fueled by another company and their desperate attempt to force people to give them money.

It's not even the best exclusive Epic snagged, Outer Worlds looks a million times more interesting than Borderlands 2.5

>"This is the moment, gamers! We're doing it all for you! We're on the right side of history!"
>- Man with pockets full of Tencent cash

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wtf, are you Brad Shoemaker?

>compares Borderlands to Half-Life
>talks about fighting against monopoly while taking bribes to stay exclusive

Randy is an insufferable moron, just admit you took the most profitable option and stop trying to pretend like it's a bjg moral stand.

will the "Steam is a monopoly" line be looked on by future generations as the "John Romero's about to make you his bitch" of our time?

they're still doing it and making pretty significant strides

why did he spam this? was he trying to be clever or snarky? what is the actual meaning of this

i see
desu i'd rather have this monopoly than letting the chinks have one

Valve realized that developers are lazy fucks who won't bother to use their porting tools, so they decided to back wine and dvxk development instead.

Proton is actually getting somewhere

His game is already full of microtransactions and other garbage. Epic and Gearbox is a match made in heaven

i wouldn't say it took a while to fix, PC gaming back then wasn't even really that big , in 2017 till now japan is just now exploring PC gaming as a viable platform to port their games. steam is at a point where every day theries game you may never touch is on sale that could get you to try. it's like going to a eb games and going through that been of used games. Epic has a vision on what they want but don't want to put in the work. so they just throw money. think dc cinematic universe.

he's literally autistic and doesn't understand the concept of viral marketing

How the fuck does Randy keep getting away?
>Steals money from SEGA
>Watches underage porn
>Steals art from artists

Randy finally lost the last of his sanity

>comparing modern Valve and Steam to 2004 Valve and Steam

>this moment we'll realize that this was the moment where the digital stores on PC became unmonopolized
>Nerd who received millions of dollars from his chinese overlords to make his game Epic exclusive (for a while)

This is like rich spoiled zoomers unironically larping as commies.

Randy Pitchford is literally insane, do not try to understand him.

Pol cucks everybody, literal domestic terrorists

>Denuvo is good

Most of the people that hyped BL2 originally was steamards to begin with, kinda funny he just nonchalantly toss them aside

Can someone explain how having digital stores unmonopolized is a GOOD thing? Games will still cost the same right? Also what is GoG?

>CP lover randy also loves chinese little cock