What's the deal with the west always making unattractive black women in their vidya?

What's the deal with the west always making unattractive black women in their vidya?

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The one on the right is a woman? I thought it was Samuel L. Jackson ffs

Realism.. white women are better, black ones are uglier.


do they keep hiring the same model?

attractive women dont maximize SJW points. the harder a character is to look at, the more progressive it is, or something like that

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This is correct. The goal is to make it as antithetical to the idea of pleasing the male gaze. For that matter, these character shouldn’t have limbs.

what do you mean, these womyn are beautiful

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Ya'll just have the white colonialist mindset, black women have been historically much more powerful and thus more attractive and you white boys are just scared...

>tfw attracted to african women
pls no bully

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Tilly is CUTE

Attached: TillyJacksonBio.jpg (1975x2914, 823K)

>powerful thus attractive
Attraction only has to with perception, not reality.

Whats the deal with Yea Forums posters being such repetitive bores?

get that mixed bitch out of here


Why do you guys like pretending to be racist?


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No way the Star Wars one is a chick.

What we really need is a 6th simultaneous thread about this

Your niggers are ugly as fuck. Jesus christ. Make them at least mixed and attractive like Rihanna. I swear it's just jewish golems trying to piss one off. Give me the nuke codes and I press them on your shit country this very second.

>unattractive black women
Redundant statement

>White developers make black women look ugly in video games
Hey we should push this narrative just saying

Has anybody on this website ever left their fucking bedrooms before? Most people are ugly, especially black women, and especially butch black women, like this one.

That's a swedish game, work it out yourself

He's in hiding. Sith are looking for him.

Why would a videogame character being ugly make you mad? Do you get angry at the ugly monsters you fight in games? You sound mentally unwell dude ',:/

>Most people are ugly
Doesn't have to be the case in a fucking video game.

Jesus fucking christ. California has jungle fever bad...

Videogames are for fun you jewish golem. Making the characters ugly and unappealing is just to piss me off.

It's not racist, almost 70% of the world finds dark skin unappealing

Have you seen that bitch's forehead?


more than 70% of the world are dark skinned though

Your pic looks more attractive than either of those two.

She looks fine.

I think the small population of Africans speaks to their behavior. It's 5.9% African American there. It's 20% in Virginia and the state I am in now, 14% in NY, 18% in Florida, 14% in Texas,

On a scale of 1 to 10 how gay are you?

Even dark skinned people don't want dark skin

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bingo. see the connection?

The dark skin is a gradient, and people get with people they don't find the absolute attractive ideal. Mtumbu can't hold out waiting for some porcelain skinned white girl in South Africa, he has to deal with reality.

Some consider it a curse and want white children

well they also do emasculate black men it is actually kinda funny (sad honestly) i hate this social engineering

Because craving realism.

>What's the deal with the west always making unattractive women in their vidya?


all three of those skanks pissed me off, especially when the fat one started mouthing off to the nice old lady of the camp, they should have been killable


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That is literally the same model.



>the darkest of all

That only shows native population

>That only shows native population
Wouldn't Brazil be completely reddish-brown in this case?

Attractive black women is a fetish. Gamer gurls will get mad if they do that.


>EA shills don't exi-

>new game is announced
>wtf why people talk about it?
first day on Yea Forums?

My god

Yeah, how did you know? I just created my account this morning.

do people post shit like this as some post ironic attempt at trolling?

He's not wrong you know, they are much more active in the bed than white women

what the fuck are you even talking about? How does their activity in bed correlate to having "historical power" especially when the general narrative is that black women are one of the most historically disenfranchised groups out there.

This map needs to be updated with current population distributions

He was talking about sex, you fucking faggot


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here you go, updated

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i was referencing in my original post you fucking autist

Actually I wasn't, I was lampooning black women thinking they're kweens and despite being ugly thinking they're strong and shit. Notice the black twitter lingo.

What the fuck the right chick literally has an ape face. It shouldn't be that hard to find a attractive looking black chick

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This is correct. They hate beauty.

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For the love of god please make them look similar to this. Just stop with the monkeyfaces.

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Ethiopian-somalian are the whitest looking niggers despite pitch black skin. Some of them are pretty based

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The nose knows!

they hate attractive white women or asian women too. basically they hate beauty no matter what. everything must be twisted, perverted, become unpleasant, derived of its qualities.

because they have caucasoid features, dummy

>whitest looking niggers
>because they have caucasoid features, dummy
Do you also call salt sodium chloride?

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70% of humanity is asians.

They want to pander to black guys, because they don't want non-blacks to plow their black women.

They were fucked by Romans

Black women with white features are truly stunning.

none have topped sheva, not that they ever will since you can't beat perfection

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