What exactly is the thought process behind refusing to release it on PC? What fucking retard is responsible for it?

What exactly is the thought process behind refusing to release it on PC? What fucking retard is responsible for it?
I got it for the xtoaster because a couple of friends wanted me to play it with them, and while I think it's fun, consoles CANNOT support this game. All I can think while playing it is how god awful it looks and how much better it'd be if it was running on a pc instead of some shitbox that can't even hold 30fps. It runs in a beautiful 25fps and tanks down to like 10fps when you enter bigger towns and cities. The graphics in general look all muddy and jagged. It never should've been released on console, at the very least not this gen.

Attached: rdr2.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:


waiting for the new gen and then re releasing it to make even more cash

But it is coming to the PC as an Epic store exclusive and if you think otherwise you're retarded

Attached: ol goldy.jpg (229x220, 10K)

They'll probably do what they did with GTA5 and release it on PC when next gen comes out. This is the problem with all games near the end of a generation - it becomes all about "pushing the hardware to the limit wow it looks so realistic" meanwhile fucking Crysis 1 still looks better. Because of the emphasis on graphics it completely obliterates fps making the games near unplayable.

How is waiting for next gen gonna make them any more money than if they just released it alongside Xbone/Piss4? By then all the hype will be dead for it.

This, people have already found evidence for RDR remake and possible DLC in the game.

>new adult jack marston voiceover found
>suspiciously detailed and inaccesable mexico.

Its bound to happen, the only reason RDR 1 didn't get ported is because its code barely worked on console, makes sense considering the shitty GTAIV pc port we got that rockstar decided to leave as is.

Attached: 1548802388909.jpg (688x692, 61K)

Look at GTAV on PC shit's still selling like hot bread, and the pc port got delayed a whole 2 years.

Attached: 1547769466443.png (184x184, 53K)

>[Post a Reply]
>Poor fag that can't afford a one X
runs smooth on my huge 4k tv what an absolute peasant

28fps in 864p is not smooth. My pc cost as much as 8 xtoasters, I just choose not to buy a piece of shit like it because I have no use for one.

Retarded double dippers.

To make it seem like a bigger deal and market the release for more sales. Learn business bro.

PC version will be announced this month.

>the shitty GTAIV pc port
Shitty port relative to other ports, but it was always far better than the console versions save for the first couple of weeks when it was nigh unplayable

They are probably just waiting for the PC games market to open up a little bit what with all the great games they have been getting.

Attached: 1553503593296.jpg (960x1280, 486K)

>what with all the great games they have been getting.
Like? It will be biggest launch this year at any moment it lands on store fronts

Is there even a way to get it running on pc nowadays? I know gfwl just completely fucked over a bunch of games when it died GTA4 included.

GFWL was always very easy to get around with xliveless.dll

gfwl has been a non issue for literally a decade, you use xliveless and its removed completely. also the game hasn't needed social club to run for eons. gta 4 runs like shit because the implementation of RAGE is dreadful and woefully limited by dx9's drawcall limitations.

What exactly is the thought process behind PC gamers wanting sequels of games they couldn't play on PC?

It's a prequel though

Well, it has Red Dead Online, and GTA V is on PC and has GTAO, and we all know the shitshow that goes on in there.

>he actually believes RDR2 won't be coming to the PC
Rockstar loves money, m8.

I was kidding PC has no new good games

Personally the thought process, in general, of pc gamers eludes me completely. They are somehow completely incapable of seeing why most people prefer to play games on consoles(well I guess technically phones now, but that’s a whole other subject let’s not get into). They never shut the hell up about fps or assume everyone that uses a console must be poor, and just completely miss the point. I have a pc which judging from Yea Forums threads is better then the average setup here and I play 95 percent of games on a console. This actually applies to all the console war bullshit somewhat as well, but the fact they assume anyone playing console is somehow unable to play on a pc/laptop and feel somehow superior is also just absurd.

>can play games better and cheaper on his PC
Explain your own thought process

We aren't a hivemind and that's not at all how anyone tries to spin it. The bottom line of pc vs console is, if you can get MUCH better price to performance out of a pc, why would you settle for a console? What's your rig? I haven't touched a console in years aside from a few times my friends wanted me to play something on it.

See, i(and it seems like most console gamers) totally get and understand your argument. And get that pc gaming does have that going for it, performance that is. If you can afford it anyway, I have seen many computers in my life that perform far worse then consoles do. You are better off with a console then with a shite pc trying to play modern games. But let’s assume everyone involved can afford a good pc. Let’s go at it this way, I have a gaming laptop that is not as good technically as my pc. I only have a i7 7700 and gtx 1060 in it. However I still play it more then my pc because I can play it in bed, on my dining room table, I can play it on vacation or on a work trip etc. do you guys at least understand that? If you do maybe you can start to understand why many prefer consoles. If you can’t and the only thing you care about is muh fps then we just think nothing alike. I love performance as much as the next guy but it’s not the only factor for my gaming enjoyment.

How is a console more portable than a PC?

You know you can just hook an HDMI cable from your pc into a tv and play in bed or whatever too, right?

He knows

Well it is, but those are the reasons I tend to play on my laptop over my pc, I was trying to get you to realize there are other factors besides just performance man. This is just a few things but here are a couple pros to console over pc imo,
1. My couch in front of my 60” is more comfortable and generally enjoyable gaming then in a computer chair at a desk(for me anyway and I think many agree)
2. Keyboard and mouse were not designed with gaming in mind, they are unsurprisingly for many including me not as comfortable or just as good in general as a controller.
3. Far less cheating in multiplayer
4. Couch co op- it’s becoming less common but still exists and is fun with friends
5. Never have to worry if my hardware is sufficient for the new game coming out, it was literally designed for the console
6. More portable(I would choose my laptop for this, but I’m much more likely to bring my console to a friends or on a trip then my pc, which I would never do)
7. This is a plus to both pc and console I guess since there are exclusives for both I enjoy, but more so for consoles. So, exclusives. There are slightly more of them I like on consoles so it makes me play them more.
Anyway there’s more, and I’m sure you have a retort for some of those reasons(I realize you can use a controller with a pc, but many pc games were made with mouse and keyboard in mind, and I bet you do not use a controller with your pc. ) anyway surely you can see the merit in at least some of those reasons. Again performance is important but it isn’t all there is to gaming

1. You can hook a pc into a tv.
2. You can play with a controller on pc.
3. Anticheat is a thing, it's not as prevalent as consolefags think.
4. You can plug a pc into a tv.
5. And half decent pc is completely fine, if it can run on a piece of shit console it can run on pc. Don't buy low and you won't have to upgrade every couple years.
6. Build in a micro atx case, a lot even have carry handles on them.
7. A handful of exclusives doesn't justify shelling out $300 + $60, not in my eyes at least.


Convenience is a factor, and you also have to face reality sometimes of what actually happens and what you actually do, instead of what you “could” do. I could move my pc to my bedroom, hook it up to my tv, play it in there then move it back to my desk the next day to do work on it. I won’t though, and I doubt you or hardly anyone else does that either. The reality is you and I will most likely play pc games at a desk. So I’d say it’s valid to assume that when considering options.

>evidence for RDR remake
Don't kid yourself it is all DLC for online.

No it's best to have a PC dedicated to couch gaming and another for desk gaming, it sounds like you could do with just one PC dedicated to couch gaming

You are either being intentionally obtuse or as I suspected, you will go through literally anything for performance. Are you really suggesting taking your pc on vacation is a reasonable thing for a person to do? When laptops or consoles exist? You may be willing to do that but I assure you most people wouldn’t, and I doubt that you would either honestly. As I said you can use a controller, but it isn’t practical for many pc games. And how often do you move your pc around the house? I bet it sits at your desk like it does for me and most people. You seem to be willing to go to whatever lengths to have the best performance. That’s fine, but why can’t you see that for most people there are other factors to consider? It doesn’t even seem like you and other pc gamers see the other factors and decide that performance is more important, it’s like you care so much about muh fps that literally anything else might as well not exist at all. Which again, is fine if that’s what you want but I wish you could see that your way of thinking is very odd.

>you can use a controller, but it isn’t practical for many pc games
For anything that isn't a strategy game or a shooter, yes it is. Most if not all multiplatform games have controller support and are cheaper on PC and run better and have free online, and you can also emulate a fuckton of console games

"PC" refers to laptops too, friend. If mobility is a big issue for you just get a laptop then. A desktop is just preferable because you can build one yourself for far less money than prebuilts.

I have all 3. The laptop is great for gaming on the go. The desktop is my go to if I want top tier performance. If I want to sit on the couch and relax with a fps or play an exclusive like bloodborne I go for the ps4. If there were more games I was interested in besides Mario and Zelda I would get a switch too as it has its own benefits(mostly extreme portability). Laptops, desktop pc, console, they all have their own benefits and downsides, depending on a persons needs,personality, mood etc most would play a combination of the 3, some would lean more desktop, i for instance lean console most days. I just don’t get why pc “only” gamers either refuse to acknowledge or somehow don’t understand the upsides of consoles. It’s the damnest thing.

>I have seen many computers in my life that perform far worse then consoles do.
I've seen plenty of consoles in my life that perform far worse than my PC does, what the hell kind of point is this?

>I just CAN'T understand how PC gamers could POSSIBLY just plug their computer into their TV and use a controller if they wanted to it sounds so hard you'll sacrifice so much for just muh fps

>PC is the best version of multiplats
>delay PC release so PC owners with consoles get impatient and buy the inferior version
>release the NEXT-GEN VERSION and the PC version
>console owners buy the next gen version, those with PCs buy the PC version
>Double dippers everywhere

it isn't rocket science, but it is shitty.

Jesus fucking christ, the seethe is real.
PCfags are finally realizing the reality of the situation, and they just can't handle it.

The game looks and runs fantastic on Xbox One X, by the way.

Attached: fra.jpg (350x350, 17K)

It runs in 28fps 864p. If you think that's fantastic I'm so sorry for you.

Like I said, XB1X runs it at a locked 30 frames per second, at native 4K.

it's native 4k on Xbox One X user

Seriously? What is it with you guys. The point is pc doesn’t automatically mean better performance. Not everyone here has that attitude but I have seen it alluded to, so wanted to clear that up. For instance I spent 200 dollars on my ps4, you won’t get much of a pc for that, as an example. Anyway I dropped the point right after as not particularly important, as I said I own a pc, I totally understand the benefits of them. Ok to be clear, are you saying that yes consoles to have some upsides but they are outweighed by pc performance, or is it your opinion that consoles have literally 0 benefits or upsides at all, and you as a superior member of the pc gaming master race are the only ones with the intelligence to see this, or something like that? I’m really trying to understand you guys because I don’t want to believe you are the way you come across here.

Even stable 30fps isn't fantastic. 60fps is where frames start getting tolerable. If it ran at 144fps 1440p that'd be different story, resolution doesn't mean shit when the game has a bad framerate and input lag to the point it's near unplayable. They should've just gone for 60fps 1080.

>The point is pc doesn’t automatically mean better performance
PC has better price to performance compared to consoles by default. You can build a decent pc for the same price as a console and get much better performance. 1050ti, a cheap cpu, 8gb ram and it'll play any game a console can with much better fps and graphical settings. Consoles don't have any upside because
>$60 a year for internet access you already pay for
>$60 for every game
>majority of games aren't backwards compatible
>much worse price:performance ratio
>no more portable than m-atx case or laptop
>strongarm you into buying them for exclusives which is an absolutely dogshit marketing tactic and needs to end
etc etc

I don’t have the frame rate autism many of you have, however I do wonder why they don’t slow down on the resolution a bit and focus on getting a good frame rate for a bit, then once that’s stable work on resolution again, keeping the good frame rate. Like if it took a few extra years to get to 4K games being the norm but it meant that all games and platforms ran at 100fps plus or whatever wouldn’t that be a better experience for everyone? I never hear about people complaining about how modern games look(in general) we seem to have reached a spot most feel comfortable with. It’s time to work on things like fps. I wonder why game/console companies don’t seem to feel the same way.

Rockstar always double-dips you fucking inbred fuckface. They'll re-release it on next-gen and PC, just like always.

I knew a guy who bought GTAV three times.


You realize conceding a small point doesn’t mean you lose the argument right? It doesn’t look good for you to ignore much of what I said and argue a mostly different point. You also can’t build the computer you just layed out for 200$. I also already conceded the point that pc has better performance for what you buy generally, and said that this point, “just being a pc doesn’t automatically mean better performance” wasn’t even important. It’s better to either ignore that, since I stated it’s irrelevence, or just admit that it’s true.

What are the upsides of consoles?
>it just werks
That's it. And one is down to companies being jews, and the other is down to you being lazy and/or dumb. You could build your own pc-in-a-box "console" stick it under your tv and play all the same games better for less money

The lowest card most people building a pc go for is the 1050ti. It's objectively more powerful than the Xbone/PS4.
When the Xbone first came out it was $500. The rig I just mentioned is almost exactly $500, maybe $550 if you buy slightly better parts. And that's exactly the thing with pc, of price to performance: the 1050ti averages around $160-$200, while a 1060 6gb goes for $230 and completely fucking obliterates anything a shitbox console can put out.

It's clear pc shitposters are poorfags but we humor them anyway as Yea Forums tradition

And yet my pc costs 10x as much as a console. I don't buy a console because I'm not shelling out $300 + $60 for a few exclusives that aren't even all that great.

>my pc costs 10x as much as a console
>i'm not spending less than that for more games

sounds logical i guess

I do 3d modeling so I need the hardware. You can build a pc that holds stable 60fps at 1080p for $500 if you want. The "pcfags are poor" is a retarded statement.

What games do consoles have?

I have a lot of money. And I'd like to keep that money. Ergo if I don't have to spend $500 on something I'm not going to. If you actually spend your money needlessly you aren't nor will you ever actually be rich.

Who are you arguing with man? For some reason you are trying to convince me of something I already clearly stated I agree with, that pc is more powerful and you generally get more for your money. Whilst ignoring the point I made completely(that just being a pc doesn’t automatically make it more powerful) while I even said multiple times it doesn’t even matter, you’d have to get pretty cheap to get there. You are also needlessly moving goalposts, talking about 500 dollar xbox when I said I paid 200 for my ps4, again to prove a point I already conceded and agree with.

I'm not buying a $400 plastic box with shitty hardware and literally no other games just for playing one game that could easily be on a better platform.