SWTOR: Onslaught

New expansion, get hype!
>New Storyline - Republic vs Sith
>New Planet - Onderon
>New Planet - Mek-Sha
>New Flashpoint - Corellia
>New Operation - Dxun
>New Species - Nautolan
>New Level Cap - 75

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People still play this? It was literal shit. I got a level from cap and didnt finish because it was obvious it was going to be a what do I do now kind of mmo.

>Game - Still shit

Glad to hear its still getting new stuff and hope its players are having fun, but I don't think anyone on Yea Forums cares about any MMO that isn't FFXIV and classic WoW.

Kit Fisted


Onderon is the planet where people ride flying beasts


lol what people still play this garbage? the combat was janky and terrible

>companions still missing
>still can't defect despite being asked if you want to at least 5 times

Not even cute Sith girls can keep me playing that.

Tried playing again not long ago, had fun but honestly it feels like I’m playing on a private server because you never know when BioWare is going to get shut down. Also why they decided to use the engine they used baffles me, it ruins the game

The game is still really good and has one of the best characters ever.

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>The game is still really good
>has one of the best characters ever.
not even the best girl in her own game

Is punching people to death as a smuggler still a thing?

>why they decided to use the engine they used
easiest way to rip off WoW

The imperial agent storyline is so fucking good. Probably one of the best written star wars stories ever.

shame it's been reduced to a glorified visual novel

too little too late

People play this shit? lol

I liked Lana, but she's been ruined. They made her too loyal and now she's a generic waifu and exposition bot. She should've gone back to the Empire after Nathema.

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they've reduced the difficulty to a ridiculous degree, and increased leveling experience an equally ridiculous amount. You can breeze through the class stories with zero effort.

Do people really find it janky? Some of the animations like knockbacks are really stupid, but overall I think SWTOR's combat is fine. Certainly better than real jank like ESO

Man, it was already stupid easy to be overleveled for everything in this game, how did they make it worse? I stopped playing before the first expansion with the infinite empire or something appeared, can only wonder how it is now

did you stop playing before the companion changes and the class story XP boost?

I think so since from what I read companions now don't have any equipment while when I played I just put the best of whatever I had that I didn't use on my character

Is Lana still in this and peak sith waifu material? If so I will check out your expansion. I hope the Tortanic players have fun with it at least, poor sods deserve to have fun

yeah, they made companions basically demigods that can make you immortal and basically kill bosses by themselves. Also they massively boosted approval gains, on top of not requiring approval gates to continue their quests

So they essentially ramped up the single player aspect of the game by 200%? Is there even a reason to do dungeons ?

Why hello there

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>They made her too loyal
god forbid you have a loyal love interest, huh cuck

Being a yes-men shouldn't be her defining trait

she literally sleeps with someone else while you're "dead"


>Made her too loyal
How many years in universe have you been together with Lana at this point? Her being loyal is just another sign she's far better adjusted than 90% of sith in game who are evil for shits and giggles

Would you turn against the society you were raised in just because you loved someone? Why did she even fight against Zakuul, if not for the Empire?

Ask Koth

she sleeps with Koth

That isn't proof, cucks

The rest of us choose partners that waited 5 years faithfully, while you chose a whore. I'm sorry you had to find out like this.

Still waiting for that hard evidence there, famalam

There's plenty of scenes where their relationship is brought up.

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>Koth himself says later there was only friendship between him and Lana



projecting awfully hard there, he was jealous, but never did he indicate they did anything but get close, if you took that as sleep together, it's your own insecurities.

kek! this game is still a thing

So they had a relationship but didn't fuck? Is that really what you believe?

kek this game still exists?

Koth wanted a relationship. Lana didn't.

>Fucked up and broke my romance with Lana three years in the making because I wasn't paying attention while returning my old companions
Still seething, almost made me quit my main

Have been asking for Onderon and Dxun since forever. Now if only they could add Beast Master as a new class, and let me train my Boma boys.

>new storyline
>republic vs sith

Hasn’t that been the only storyline?

>a new class

there was the detour where Republic and Empire had to team up to fight Revan, then Bigger Empire

Let me dream, cunt

Wait I thought you rescued Reven and he was on the republics team?

>t. Only played up to the first expace

the Empire kills him because he went crazy and wanted to genocide the Empire, then he comes back again and wants to revive the Emperor so he can kill him for real, which neither the Republic or the Empire want. So they team up to beat him up and take his pants.

Revan "died" and his souls was split in two, the light side become one with the force, and the dark side reincarnated in a new body, and created a virus that would kill anyone with sith DNA, which works out to about 97 percent of the sith empire. Your' goal is to stop him from committing genocide.

I tried playing this game and got so disappointed by how shit it was, I can’t believe this was made instead of kotor 3.
Somewhere there’s a timeline where they made a kotor 3 and our alternate selves got to go find revan in the outer reaches of the universe. I hope they had fun.

It sounds just like one of my japanese anime

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you're confusing Shadow of Revan with the Empire-side Revan flashpoint.

>New expansion, get hype!
nah I'm good bro

Boy they sure love to milk Reven

Boy was jetman just a team of jerks

It's weird if the Spy Master, Dark Side Sith (notorious for backstabbing and power-plays) love interest is always 100% loyal to you and never does anything shady or behind your back or selfish.

This could've been a good single player with massive dlc expansions or sequels but we got the mmojew instead.

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>remember that game we made that people actually liked

What's with all the EA shill threads tonight?

It's best to ignore anything in TOR that deals with any of the KOTOR games, especially Revan and the Exile.

>Senya: Arcann may have started a war and killed billions of people, but I know he can be redeemed!
>Senya: Oh, the daughter I neglected and allowed my husband to abuse? Just get rid of her.

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>Senya: Arcann may have started a war and killed billions of people, but I know he can be redeemed!
I haven't played SWTOR but this is a general trope in the EU

I mean in Rebels or whatever new cartoon the one dude was an imperial guy responsible for genociding another characters race, but they became friends and he was redeemed and they found the races original homeworld with a bunch more of them so it's totally ok

that was not the point user was going for

No, the weird thing is that Senya is basically Ursa: she only cares about her dindu nuffin son but could give less than a flying fuck about her daughter who, due to being more powerful, could do way more damage if she were mentally damaged in any way.

I know bro it’s fucked, I get mad every time I think about it. Fuck life.

You can be close to someone, without romantic attachment, you see it's called a platonic relationship, I get that you have no friends, but it's a thing that adults do all the time.

A few thousand yeah. Its quite empty.
Worth playing through if you skip all the side shit and like story. Thats it.

which shutters first this or anthem?

They'll both be running for at least another two years. Edmonton is the studio that's in danger, not Austin.

Tfw the during TOR hype buildup the devs said that vanilla tor had enough content for a kotor 3-5 but EA whores out the series for mmobux.
Tfw this game is dead as fuck
Tfw this era material is dead as fuck for vidya.
All because of EA being massive kikes

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Edmonton is THE Bioware though. Austin is just a secondary studio.

>We never get to fuck the crazy out of her
It's not fair bros, Jaesa is shit and there's no other batshit crazy sith girls out there to wife

How botched is the free to play? I'm thinking about picking this back up. What's new since the Revan expac?

Why would a dead game get an expansion?

hope so i don't wanna start up another dead game but the new respawn star wars is premade mc

the era's dead for vidya (and everything else) because of Disney

do you like having more than two hotbars

Still playing SWTOR is actually even sadder than still playing retail WoW.

It's been about 3-4 years at this point
First time meeting in Shadow of Revan
Then about a year after that, there's the initial expedition to find the Emperor, after which there is a 2 year gap and then everything with KOTFE and KOTET and the incremental updates which I imagine are another year in total.
4 years with a sith spymaster who jumps ship from a newly reformed and functional empire when you tell her to is a bit weird

Anthem or the whole studio?
former not too long I bet, the actual main studio will be around long enough to push DA3 at least.

There was a DA3, though. Inquisition.

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there wasn't a da2 tho

Yes there was, user. It was silly, but it was there.

>DA2 was so shit that poor user repressed all memory of it

>Even the infamous TORtanic are still up and on with New content
Holy kek Yea Forums cant get Anything right

for how long? i want custom character and fugg big tiddy aliens fucking respawn