Dad walks in

>dad walks in

Attached: Japanese Gangsters.webm (960x540, 1.66M)

Attached: 1551389885583.jpg (900x763, 141K)

>mom walks in

Attached: 1530890596216.webm (640x640, 2.8M)

I don't see the problem

thank god he didn't walk in during this though

Attached: .webm (654x485, 2.08M)

What kind of dad would be ashamed that you're looking at titties?

Every fucking time.

Attached: 1536194594365.png (958x1080, 905K)

I think both of my dads have a problem with it.

Still can't tell if he is joking.

>dad walks out

Attached: 14964646164.jpg (222x251, 17K)

Hi sheep.

>covers eyes in case there is pornographic content
>still streams it

Attached: popkek.png (450x300, 137K)

King mains irl.

it's ok, no doubt everyone averted their eyes from the stream as well

who is that guy?

How do I get a body like that

Dad, what are you doing here? You don't even live in this country anymore.

ah sakurai, was my favourite jav star back in high school. gonna go beat my meat to her and she if she still does new scenes.

Tell your dad it's called Yaoi, faggot.

Some sniveling beta male lefty wh*toid subhuman, they're better known as video game "journalists" in the normiesphere.


Go through the entire Agoge


When i was a little kid i was watching the movie "ghost ship" with my dad and a scene with a topless girl comes around and i decide to cover my eyes (just because my dad was around, i was well versed in the titties even by then) and he told me: "what the fuck are you covering your eyes for?"

How can I unlock such power?

I'd fucking do the same thing
I hate tits and I'm not ashamed to say it
>inb4 faggot
whatever, at least I can clearly see what's attractive without my judgement being clouded by my penis

haha, this is epic AND random!!!

Nice one

>"""""" japanese humor """"""

imagine if a western game did this.Yea Forums would go apeshit

5 scoops a day

>Mom walks in
>Starts masturbating to this


take your ai's boys