ITT: flash games II

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I know you faggots played this and the superior sequel.

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The game was like chess, except the pieces had stats maybe? Bishop was a cleric, instead of a horse the knight was a knight. You would prearrange your pieces pregame i think? Please somebody help me.

Anyone want to play some fucking Stick Arena?

Gameplay was average but the humor made up for it

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>Miniclip is now owned by TENCENT
How the times have changed.

i still have my 2011 account

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Try looking up for Battle Chess or something similar. Original was on amiga I think and had nice animations of taking figures down.


i want to fuck that pirate

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Feed & Seed.

what was that classroom game where you had to cheat off people called?

Gretel & Hansel

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whats a game like this, preferably not so grindy or jewy

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>we will never get a sequel

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This one was a lot of fun

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I don't remember the game being this hard.

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Fuckin Zombietron 2 and Plasma Burst 2 were my shit, I spent hours fuckin with their physics and shit.

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My fucking man. Had fucking Lani Minella in it.

wow, i never knew there was a sequel. The first one scared the fuck out of me as a kid. Thanks user, I'll go play it right now.

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I'm surprised this and it's god tier ost hasn't been posted yet

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Hey Mr. Hatcher

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I almost got a week-long suspension for bringing this on a ___CD-RW___ to middle school.

>tfw cornered
>tfw they bring out the burner

Good night sweet prince

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this was the shit back then

to this day i'm still trying to figure out what remix the stage 1 theme is


How did a flash game dev manage to make one of the best turn based RPGs in this generation alongside one of the best turn-based battle systems in the genre as a whole?

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>best RPGs
It's not that great, just uses elements from others and meshes them well.
>On the fly crafting, no need to hunt down a fucking blacksmith or enchanter or anything, just have the ingredients and go
>Difficulty settings actually impact game-flow and even add/remove abilities from some enemies, easy is actually easy and hard is actually hard
>Successful use of both an element system (with permanently on-hand references by mousing over enemies/checking ally nameplates) and an ailment system that isn't useless v. bosses, but not broken strong versus them either
>Doesn't take itself seriously
>Cowgirl outfit
That said, the turn-based battle system is nothing extraordinary at all. You take a turn for each non-incapacitated party member and then the enemies take a turn, with the only notable design choice is that swapping party members does not spend a turn.Also, the Enchanted and Invisible buffs are really fun to cheese the game with.

i feel like those effects are the one reason this game can be fun
to carefully discover a sickass combo that wipes everything in range


I feel like I'm the only one who ever played this game.

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clixsposing kitraandra

15 years ago our shitbox computers ran the game at a slower pace

There is also the very fleshed out summon mechanic and the equipment which gives you dozens of viable options & strategies and doesn't have the "enter town > buy new equip > replace old equip with new equip" loop. The cooldown system also stops the game from being an AoE Heal spam fest. The reason I think it's one of the best turn based battle systems is because nearly everything is perfectly polished and fleshed out.

Now that I'll agree with. Every inch of it is well-thought-out outside of Epic Difficulty.

I only played up to Hard difficulty. What's wrong with Epic Difficulty?

if there is one complaint i have about the game
there isn't enough porn

I fucking loved this game

>links previous thread
>same ten anons circlejerking

Belongs on /vg/. Prove me wrong.

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I have jerked off to this game before.

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basically this and also Matt is a really really really passionate artist/dev

Some enemies get even more extra skills. I don't know the exact differences in that regard, but it adds a few extra "almost always one-shots half your party" scenarios. Plus mob HP is much higher, mob damage is much higher, and you just feel like a soft toy beating on a brick wall. You outright have to abuse every weakness enemies have and stack as much damage boost as possible in most major enemy and boss encounters.

Epic difficulty is basically puzzle mode. You're not supposed to fight trash mobs on epic, just switch it up to bosses.

Does Yea Forums know about the flash game archive?

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Xgen studio was great.
I love their little intro flourish too.

I decided to start the game on Epic difficulty. I still haven't finished it, but I'm up to Poseidon.

alright what was your go to place for flash games bros

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Yeah, the only thing I don't like about the games is that the regular enemies feel more tedious than difficult at higher difficulties. Similar to what said the best way to play the game is to lower the difficulty to Normal or Hard for random enemies and raise it to Epic for bosses.


>What have they been up to lately anyway-
>Released a game about 2 years ago
>Some sort of point and click puzzle adventure thing
>No real info on anything at all since August of last year
Well, good to know they're still around. Shame they never made a sequel to Stick Arena.

>sequel to Stick Arena
They did, it was called Ballistic IIRC, except you had to pay up to get and play with the new weapons and maps. Pretty sure you could only use said new maps and weapons with other people who had them.

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Oh. That explains why I never heard of it.

The spiritual successor of Legend of Krystal is pretty good.

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my nigga

Need for Madness was the shit, even by current indie standards the game has great visuals, music and plays fantastic. Being able to play as a slow ass truck but still being able to win by beating the shit out of everyone else was a fantastic feel.
Samewise playing as a car fast as lightning but that broke if you ever dared to touch other cars was very thrilling.

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It's on Steam even. I think they're still charging $60/yr for it

There was a japanese website my sister and I always went to over a decade ago. Granted we understood absolute jackshit on there but there were a lot of interesting games on there. The only way we actually got onto there was looking up dressupgames. It also exposed me to a lot of pornography and is the reason for my sexual awakening in tentacles

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>Steam Stick Arena
News-fucking-flash to me
>60 bucks a year
Jesus christ

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Good thing it got outclassed by Stick Fight.

Not that guy but Stick Fight is shit. Once the "humor" wear off the game is worthless. I know a game called that has several similarities to Stick Fight except it's actually decent.

Can anyone remember a flash game with this weird gang? They had about a bazillian games for them, I think one of the characters had a really high coat or something

I don't think anyone can pin it down without more detail.


Does anybody know this weird horror point and click game where you play as a tapeworm alien thing and eventually evolve into a face eating killer bug at the end? It was on newgrounds I think.

The Visitor.

That's the one. Thanks bros.

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Fun fact, it got another a few years ago.

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