Recommend games based on emotions you want to experience.
Recommend games based on emotions you want to experience.
Somber, Nostalgic, Hopeful, Cozy, Uplifting
Persona 5
I want an erection
Hunie Pop
Self loathing
Silent Hill
I want to cry. From my penis.
Drink a full bottle of water mate
Cum on! Bukakke ranch 3
Somberness, solitude amd exploration.
Single player Minecraft
No Mans Sky
I want to be depressed
games for this feel?
Explain this feel
Doki Doki Literature Club
final fantasy 8
Overwhelming depression seeping from all parts of the game or do you want more mundane depression that slowly sets in as the game goes on? For the former, I recommend this one, it's emulatable with Dolphin if you don't have a Wii, but if it's the latter I have another recommendation.
Had this game in mind when I made this post actually.
outward, heroes of the monkey tavern, legend of grimrock 1/2
any silent hill from 1-4, ico/shadow of the colossus,valian hearts the great war,hollow knight,
To the Moon
>valian hearts the great war
To be honest this game was more frustrating than emotional to me because every fucking time someone died they just came back to life until the very end when someone finally actually died, instead of sad I just felt 'Jeez, fucking finally some drama on this drama game.'
Affection, awe, satisfaction, astonishment
I've been interested in this game for ages but never got around to playing it. I'm looking forward to it.
I just finished a FF8 playthrough. It's my favourite one. The space scene is fantastic.
Big dickness, adventurous, whatever the emotion of hitting skeletons with a big hammer is
Melancholy, amazement and serenity.
Talos Principle
Dear Esther
I want to feel loved and cherished.
Like you are hanging around with friends
All I feel now is rage.
melancholy, nostalgia, loneliness, despair
whimsy, awe, friendship, I guess?
something like Paper Mario or Kingdom Hearts?
i want to die
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Do some heroin and shut up
Is there anything worse than being in a "mood"
looking at you're mom
'Erection' isn't an emotion.
euro truck simulator 2 with rain up to max and an 80s station in the background
Arousal, then.
I want to stop feeling pain
Fire Emblem Awakening.
Katawa Shoujo.
Majora´s Mask.
I just wanna be happy
majora's mask
It's spelled "mome" retard
give me a game with the craziest clusterfuck plot that you know of
Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden: Chapter 1 of the Hoopz-Barkley SaGa
shit, i’ve been meaning to get around to this at some point