>has integrity
>good taste in women
Why isn't he your favourite developer?
Because i understand that making games is the collective effort of many years of work from an entire team and a director, while an important figure, doesn't do everything by himself and is nothing without a good team supporting him, and i think that rockstar developer worship hurts both the industry and consumers as a whole and brings us one step closer to the corruption and superficiality that are commonplace in the hollywood film industry culture.
He is tho
Japan Studios are the real geniuses here.
Because Kamiya exists. He's definitely up there though.
What's your favorite DMC?
Also take a timestamped picture of your copy of W101.
literally who
The creator of anime.
Found the retard
If you want to worship a developer, find an Indie developer that made a game 100% by themselves.
the time traveler from heroes,
Well, he is japs. The moment he got ahead of himself he will be kicked out by the board.
>game shouldn’t have auteurs! They should be soulless mass produced products with no one taking control or responsibility for how it turns out!
And on the other end you have soulless design by committee. A healthy balance is the best which From seems to have struck because Miyazaki seems to be humble enough to hand over creative control when necessary.
There's nothing wrong with auteurs. The problem is attributing all the good (or misgivings) to a single person. By the way people talked about Miyazaki, you'd think he'd painted every single texture by hand.
If only his games didn't create broken as fuck cameras. Sekiro's camera is even worse than the shit we got in soulsborne.
>Games are art!
>All forms of capitalism are bad!
Is your image supposed to depict you?
He pretty much pulled FromSoftware out of obscurity into world renown. Its safe to say he's an auteur.
Is he the western equivalent to a gunjan? Kojima is the same way.
Because his games are amateurish trash (I still enjoy but definitely not for the gameplay).
Kojima is a narcissist who really wants to make movies. Miyazaki is literally the anti-kojima.
Like the obra din guy
Except the vast majority of the best games had a strong directorial vision behind them. And good directors surround themselves with talented people and know how to guide them in the right direction. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Stardew Valley man seems like a cool dude.
I didn't think it was possible but you managed to strawman a wojakposter.
>killed tenchu
>killed armored core
>killed souls series despite tanimura's best efforts to save it
>magnum opus is 14fps console exclusive
>sekiro is mediocre
A creative vision is more important than the intricacies of making it come alive. That's the very essence of any form of art, and what sets it apart from things like engineering and computer science.
How could you not love a man who put an end to superfluous sequels only to make something completely new? He sounds very based to me.
That's Trunks, he came back in time to save Vidya
the faggot still has his name on those dogshit games
It's a shockwave that hits for nothing and the only reason he died was because he purposefully gave himself 0 health to die just to this shockwave to shitpost on Yea Forums
Genius doesn't crutch on references to other works though.
>game does well
>game does bad
>turns out he worked full time on it
Games don't need auteurs because the vast majority of games aren't the artistic integrity of a single mind, pushing forth a vision. Games, by definition are a collective effort. Even games designed and made by a single person, because they require someone to play them. A film or book can be meticulously crafted to convey a specific message, because the consumer has no input on the outcome of it.
Attributing the effort it takes to create something to a single person just because they're the only name you know out of the developers is both borderline autistic but also incredibly unfair to the thousands of hours of effort put in by the dozens or hundreds of other people.
he's BASED for resolving the eternal shota vs loli debate, just have the shota in the loli
He's the opposite of Kojima.
>good taste in women
>makes games with great gameplay
>know solely because of how good his games are and not because he plasters his name all over every product he's ever worked on
But miyazaki hasnt released a bad game so your point is bullshit?
Kojima has to be the most overrated game designer of all time
the game's actual answer to the debate is that shota are better. kuro; cute, pure, has integrity and would die for wolf. rice loli; disgusting centipede ridden parasite.
Has there been any footage of this man? I feel like he doesn't even exist.
That doesn’t contradict a single point in that guy’s post though
>phone filename
like fucking clockwork
Only one I could find is the Bloodborne announcement.
Upon learning about what later became Demon's Souls, Miyazaki became excited at the prospect of a fantasy action role-playing game and offered to help.[1] The project, up until Miyazaki was assigned to it, was considered a failure by the company, with Miyazaki stating "I figured if I could find a way to take control of the game, I could turn it into anything I wanted. Best of all, if my ideas failed, nobody would care – it was already a failure."[1] Although the game was received negatively at the 2009 Tokyo Game Show and sold far under expectations upon release, it began to pick up after a few months and soon found publishers willing to release the title outside of Japan.[1] After the release and success of the game's spiritual successor Dark Souls in 2011, Miyazaki was promoted to the position of company president in May 2014.
Fuck you, nigger. Some people are creative and some people are codemonkeys.
>miyazaki works on game
>game is good
>miyazaki doesn't work on game
>game is shit
Filthy DS2nigger.
it contradicts his baseless assumption that "rockstar developer worship hurts both the industry and consumers" because some of the greatest games have been made and are still being made by rockstar developers. It turns out there is a very simple reason why certain developers are worshiped - they are extremely good at their job. Nigga is just a contrarian, you seem them all the time around here. You'll get used to it eventually.
His post is simply saying it’s silly to deify a guy who had a lot of control over a good video game, as it leads to unnceseary levels of devotion and blind praise in online discussions. People do the same with Yoko Taro. I love his games, and can see the consistency of his influence, but that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy Drakengard 3. Nor does it invalidate the efforts of his team -- none of his ideas would have been fulfilled if not for the talented people who trust in his vision. It’s fun to meme and say “based developer” but when people start treating them like solitary pillars of quality in the industry it becomes unnecessary and undeserved. And everyone on this site is contrarian.