Post video games and companies you have filtered Because of their annoying fanbase, I'll start

Post video games and companies you have filtered Because of their annoying fanbase, I'll start

"Da*k Souls 1 thru 3"
"Fr*m Software"

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Any Capcom game.
Any Fromsoft game.
Any Platinum game.
Any Nintendo game.
Any Konami game.
Any old shitty PC game.

On that logic, everything that Yea Forums likes


Your favorite ones

Anything older then 2010, God i fucking hate boomers

>t. seething
Everyone doesn't have to like what you like bro

It is a sign of weakness and immaturity to write anything off based on their fans. If you hate a game because the fans are cringy, then you are pathetic. If you hate that same game for a different reason that's fine.

add ubisoft and the list is perfect

This. Needs Ubisoft and Blizzardo

>t. Fromfag
There are like 10 fromshit threads right now, pass your ass in one of them and get outta here

I appreciate many games and have had absolutely no interaction with any fanbase bar the occasional screencap
There is no reason whatsoever to hate a game because of its fanbase
Nigga Just Close Your Eyes Nigga HaHa

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No never. Because it's funny to watch retards eat glue

>Yea Forums suddenly only has 3 threads on the catalog


All console games, all multiplayer games, all epic game store games

Toby Fox

based and tastefilled


And all old boomer games, and all PC games.

cringe and zerotastedpilled

Sorry gramos, old games and PC games have shit gameplay.

>proud of being an over-sensitive faggot

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I can tell your an EA nigger nigger


From software overrated shit.You can see this cunt fanbase even on Sims videos telling everybody that souls game have better combat,No One fucking cares

Not playing a game because of a fan base. Imagine letting others have this much power over you. Weak

that vampires masquerade game
age of empires 2
hollow knight
dwarf fortress
any roguelike indie shovelware
Crash bandicoot
Resident Evil
Tribes Ascend
Silent Hill
Yakuza Games
World of warcraft
Any Visual novel anime shit
Gacha games
and most RTS games. If you play RTS in 2020, chances are you are a strange person to be around.

If you didn't notice, everything here is Yea Forums core. whatever Yea Forums likes, it's probably bad.

Fuck everything Nintendo,Ubishit,EA,Bioware,Obsidian and anything with a japshit or anime theme

yeah pretty much this. I avoid anything Yea Forums huddles around.

Why do you think souls fanbase is annoying?

Sounds like they're doing the right thing, filtering obnoxious faggots like you
