Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012)...

Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012). What were your favorite games from this era?

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We boomers did the same thing with the 90s. Pretty cringe all around.

But the 90s actually had good things with soul. Late 00s-early 10s had much less soul.

The DS was great

>good things with soul
"Soul" is literally just nostalgia.

pong is the only video game with soul, everything else is a soulless cash in aping off of pong's soul

>time moves forward
OMG wtf Bros people who are adults now like different things than people who were adults before!!!

nostalgiafags will always be the worst kind of fags
no its like a musician who plays with their mind vs their heart obviously not literally but you know what i mean, it can be much more enjoyable even if they have less skill objectively

2000s baby here, i don't see the issue.

any bros remember THESE things? zoomers will never understand LOL

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Any of you here born after the mid 1990's show yourself so I can end your fucking life.

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2007: Super Mario Galaxy
2008: Devil May Cry 4
2009: Bayonetta
2010: Red Dead Redemption
2011: Dark Souls
2012: Dishonored
Overall not a bad time for gaming, even if it wasn't as good as 1995-2005, which I would consider gaming's peak.

>Gen X mocking Gen Y for the things they enjoyed as a kid.
>Gen Y is now mocking Gen Z for the things they enjoyed as a kid.
And thus the cycle continues.

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by 2000s baby i mean the year itself

>born 1993 but poor so grew up with the last generation of consoles every generation, and VHS tapes of disney afternoon stuff and teenage mutant ninja turtles instead of getting cable

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2013-2016 was much worse. Almost nothing but Bloodborne came out in that time frame.

>played a video for mario galaxy music
>Top comments were about nostalgia for it

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It was pretty nice being a generation behind as a kid. You could find classics in bargain bins and feel like you hot a treasure.

TWEWY is one of my absolute faves.

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bros... im 35 this year
send help

I personally hated it because I couldn't relate to fucking anyone in elementary or middle school because of it.

>All these asshurt zoomers
The true reason why zoomers hate the soul meme is because the main part of their childhoods literally started when everything went to shit and lost most of it's soul.
>cartoons went to shit and never recovered completely
>mainstream music turned into shitty hip hop, rap, and dance music
>capeshit movies began to dominate theaters
>death of tv
>youtubers replaced tv shows
>investors started putting large amounts of money into gaming and removed most of the fun (at least for the west)
>cinematic shit
>universal casualization of gaming
>rise of shitty mobile gaming

I couldn't, until the Gamecube era. It was so fucking cheap near the end of it's life that I was able to get one.

I know exactly what you mean, we may have been a generation behind but we had a shitload of cheap games.

idk seems like a hard one to guess. Is it a gramophone?

Just accept the fact you're getting old.

1995-2005 Nostalgiachads

Too bad the most popular examples of gaming in that era is Cawwa Dooty

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That's when everything STARTED to go to shit, there was still good stuff then.

I worry more about people who are going to idolize right now and the nothing going on.

FPS games, Skyrim, RDR, Fallout New Vegas

>10 in 2011
That kid is old enough to post here now.

He's the majority of this site now

You're feeling bad now but in a couple of years you'll have kids posting childhood nostalgia for Fortnite and 8th gen AAA titles.

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Stop posting this dumb fucking thread.
>inb4 lol i bet ur just a zooomer

>>cartoons went to shit and never recovered completely
>>mainstream music turned into shitty hip hop, rap, and dance music
>>capeshit movies began to dominate theaters
>>death of tv
>>youtubers replaced tv shows
>>investors started putting large amounts of money into gaming and removed most of the fun (at least for the west)
>>cinematic shit
>>universal casualization of gaming
>>rise of shitty mobile gaming
all of that is very soulful though

A quote from the History of Rome podcast about Augustus comes to mind, that Augustus ruled for so long that by the time of his death, most people had known only him as their ruler and very few people survived who had actually seen the Republic, so naturally they asked for a new emperor and not a return to democracy. I feel this is where we're heading with children growing up in the 'soulless' era, having never personally seen great or even good things, they will never even strive to rise above mediocrity.

>having never personally seen great or even good things

How many children growing up these days are playing games you would consider good or great?

It doesn't help that the republic sucked dick.

>comparing your childhood to Rome

I already feel weird seeing 7th gen nostalgia

I don't understand a single thing in that image. I really am old now, Yea Forums.

agreed DS was great.

you might feel old now with minecraft kids getting nostalgia but the true boomer(clown)pill is laughing at the fornite kids complaining about newer games, as you realize each generation just keeps changing and its just a part of time moving on.

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>growing up with needing to grind out unlocks
I fear what cancer this generation of devs will come up with.

"pushing 40" is a good bit


Hang on bro! I'll be 33...


1996 here
gamecube was my first home console. sa2b and melee were my favorite games. In 5thgrade the wii came out, playing it with the family was fun but sometime around middleschool my friends and I got the xbox360. We were too young to get into Halo3 during its prime but we played alot modernwarfare.

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Dark Souls

Honestly it’s astounding how good it was
Most DS models had backwards compatibility
It had an astonishing number of games that made competent use of the touch screen
Pictochat was cute and fun