Imagine how irrelevant Nintendo would be without this one person

Imagine how irrelevant Nintendo would be without this one person.

Attached: miyamoto.jpg (214x317, 9K)

Who dis nigga

literally wouldn't exist as a console maker at this point without him

Imagine how much more relevant Nintendo would be if he had made anything worth a damn over the last decade.

Wonder when he’ll retire. Genuinely curious, he’s getting up there in years.

Hearing the footsteps of assblasted TTYD fags running here now. 10/10 bait OP

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Pikmin 3 was good

if there wasn't a miyamoto there'd be a yamada retard

Nintendo as a game company wouldnt exist without the video game crash of the 80s

Everything in life is just a "right time at the right moment" thing

Japs live to 120, he's only middle aged

He'll be like Iwata and die before retiring

I'm assuming they'll stop making consoles once he's gone. Whatever games they might make for other consoles after that will likely end up being Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 tier shit.

Iwata was relatively young though, cancer is a bitch.

Turns out they would still be pretty damn relevant

Attached: yokoi.jpg (300x200, 19K)

You seriously think he's ever quitting Nintendo? He probably signed away complete freedom at least 20 years ago, since he's considered basically a God figure and an invaluable asset. In Japan you don't really retire, you just don't work as much. He's going to still be giving ideas to to some gardening/cooking game when he's 100, probably.

Not really. There were plenty of competitors and Nintendo beat them all

Yeah, a shame, but cancer wasn't stopping him, maybe slowing him at some points though

Iwata could have maybe survived if he just stopped working and went 100% on treatment
Japs literally work themselves to death to make you video games whitey, so you better stop being a dumb brainwashed /pol/ shit

He's a businessman, not a creator.

Producing a videogame just means you're good with managing a game's budget, nothing more.

Hidetaka Miyazaki has more claim to fame than this guy, at least he directed games and became president of the company. Miyamoto has at best been very successful at building up a brand around his name and getting people to associate games he produces as his games.

Yokoi, unlike Miyamoto, was actually an engineer, and Miyamoto's mentor.

Miyamoto is a game designer, i.e. an ideas guy, a producer.

He is not a game developer, director, or programmer.

>Hidetaka Miyazaki has more claim to fame than this guy
Of course.

Attached: hayao-miyazaki.jpg (480x270, 34K)


You can tell Nintendo is still scraping by on two old '80s IPs that they have been releasing endless sequels to ever since, Mario and Zelda. Everything else is a footnote.

The problem is too that they have never made meaningful attempts at catering to a non-children demographic. Their only legitimate shots at this, Metroid and Star Fox, they manage to screw up time after time again, since they don't give them priority and instead give their kindergarten franchises all the priority and time instead.

Nintendo is living on borrowed time, I'm not convinced at all Mario and Zelda is enough as a portfolio to get people to buy exclusive hardware for.

Everything that we associate with supermario as a brand is the brain child of gunpei yokoi.

Your description of Miyamoto's personality is untrue by available evidence. By all accounts the guy is a recluse who hates the limelight, dreads going on stage, and doesn't like it when fans approach him on the street. I doubt a guy who doesn't want anything to do with his own fame would focus all of his efforts on achieving that fame.

Of course, I am not saying Miyamoto is some sort of god-tier engineer or programmer, of course. I just feel like his fame was more accidental than intentional.

Most people on /pol/ don't hate Japanese people. Don't get me wrong, they'll certainly call them racist stuff and make fun of them, but the Japanese are often used as an example of what white countries need to be like politically/racially. As in, Japan is homogeneous and hates drugs.

Also Japanese video games are awesome, aside from moe-shit.

No shit, those competitors were a joke, look it up

and japs hate whitey and /pol/ and love black people
so listen to miyamoto san

He says after people bought exclusive hardware to play Mario and Zelda.
I don't disagree with what you said but it's like saying that Disney won't survive after Mickey becomes public domain.

no its not since disney hasn't been making only mickey mouse movies for the past 30 years

And there you have it.
For all the praise Miyamoto gets, I doubt the average fan today even knows how crucial Gunpei was to Nintendo. Even Iwata deserves more recognition and I definitely would go far back as to say Nintendo wouldn't have made it to video games if pic related wasn't such a bastard and a half.

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sad the yakuza killed him after the virtual boy flopped

Neither has Nintendo. They obvioulsy focus on those two but Disney also used Mickey daily, specially for the theme park and overall branding.
Two of the most recognizable names in gaming is not "borrowed time". That's several lifetimes worth of profit. Long after you and I are dead, Nintendo will still be pumping out Mario and Zelda. Plus, the good part about these sort of big hitters is that they fund other projects. Yes, they don't give these projects as much love as they could, but at least we did get good Metroid games out of it, or any other Nintendo franchise you can think of.

>Mario and Zelda aren't enough to sell hardware
Nigger what is the Switch

for a guy that hates /pol/ you sure act like one

What is the wii u and gamecube. Both of those consoles had mario and zelda, but performed pretty poorly. Nintendo hardware seems to perform well nowadays if its portable, the only exception is the wii which had a very sought after gimmick at the time.

He's right. Mario and Zelda will sell, but the real endgame is Smash.